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if (!function_exists('active_class')) {
     * Get the active class if the condition is not falsy
     * @param        $condition
     * @param string $activeClass
     * @param string $inactiveClass
     * @return string
    function active_class($condition, $activeClass = 'active', $inactiveClass = '')
        return app('active')->getClassIf($condition, $activeClass, $inactiveClass);

if (!function_exists('if_uri')) {
     * Check if the URI of the current request matches one of the specific URIs
     * @param array|string $uris
     * @return bool
    function if_uri($uris)
        return app('active')->checkUri($uris);

if (!function_exists('if_uri_pattern')) {
     * Check if the current URI matches one of specific patterns (using `Str::is`)
     * @param array|string $patterns
     * @return bool
    function if_uri_pattern($patterns)
        return app('active')->checkUriPattern($patterns);

if (!function_exists('if_query')) {
     * Check if one of the following condition is true:
     * + the value of $value is `false` and the current querystring contain the key $key
     * + the value of $value is not `false` and the current value of the $key key in the querystring equals to $value
     * + the value of $value is not `false` and the current value of the $key key in the querystring is an array that
     * contains the $value
     * @param string $key
     * @param mixed  $value
     * @return bool
    function if_query($key, $value)
        return app('active')->checkQuery($key, $value);

if (!function_exists('if_route')) {
     * Check if the name of the current route matches one of specific values
     * @param array|string $routeNames
     * @return bool
    function if_route($routeNames)
        return app('active')->checkRoute($routeNames);

if (!function_exists('if_route_pattern')) {
     * Check the current route name with one or some patterns
     * @param array|string $patterns
     * @return bool
    function if_route_pattern($patterns)
        return app('active')->checkRoutePattern($patterns);

if (!function_exists('if_route_param')) {
     * Check if the parameter of the current route has the correct value
     * @param $param
     * @param $value
     * @return bool
    function if_route_param($param, $value)
        return app('active')->checkRouteParam($param, $value);

if (!function_exists('if_action')) {
     * Return 'active' class if current route action match one of provided action names
     * @param array|string $actions
     * @return bool
    function if_action($actions)
        return app('active')->checkAction($actions);

if (!function_exists('if_controller')) {
     * Check if the current controller class matches one of specific values
     * @param array|string $controllers
     * @return bool
    function if_controller($controllers)
        return app('active')->checkController($controllers);

if (!function_exists('current_controller')) {
     * Get the current controller class
     * @return string
    function current_controller()
        return app('active')->getController();

if (!function_exists('current_method')) {
     * Get the current controller method
     * @return string
    function current_method()
        return app('active')->getMethod();

if (!function_exists('current_action')) {
     * Get the current action string
     * @return string
    function current_action()
        return app('active')->getAction();