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# eve-sdeloader

`eve-sdeloader` is a tool for importing an EVE static data export from [EVE
Developer Resources](https://developers.eveonline.com/resource/resources) to a
Postgresql database. 

# Installing

`go get github.com/lflux/eve-sdeloader` should install the tool. If this fails,
check out the repository under your `$GOPATH` and use
[dep](https://github.com/golang/dep) to fetch the dependencies:

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/lflux
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lflux
$ git clone https://github.com/lflux/eve-sdeloader.git
$ cd eve-sdeloader
$ dep ensure
$ go install .

The tool will be in `$GOPATH/bin/eve-sdeloader` (by default `GOPATH` is `~/go` as of Go 1.8)

# Database preparation

Easiest way to create a database for this tool is to connect to the database as
a superuser and create a role that can log in, along with a database owned by
that user:


# Usage

$ cd /tmp
$ unzip ~/Downloads/sde-20171024-TRANQUILITY.zip
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fuzzysteve/yamlloader/master/invVolumes1.csv # or copy from this repo
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fuzzysteve/yamlloader/master/invVolumes2.csv # or copy from this repo
# One entry needs fixing due to YAML vagaries
$ gsed -i -e 's/radius: 0.0059e18/radius: 0.0059e\+18/' sde/fsd/universe/wormhole/G-R00031/G-C00311/constellation.static
$ eve-sdeloader

By default `eve-sdeloader` will try to import SDE files from under `./sde` and
`./invVolumes{1,2}.csv` to the database `sdetest` on `localhost` with the user
`sdetest`. This is all overridable with CLI flags:

Usage of ./eve-sdeloader:
  -cpuprofile string
        File to write cpu profile to
  -dbhost string
        Database host (default "localhost")
  -dbname string
        Database name (default "sdetest")
  -dbpassword string
        Database password
  -dbport int
        Database port (default 5432)
  -dbuser string
        Database username (default "sdetest")
  -invvoldirectory string
        Directory containing invVolumes{1,2}.csv (default ".")
  -memprofile string
        File to write memory profile to
        Disable importing of BSD directory
        Disable importing of universe data
  -sdedirectory string
        Directory containing an unzipped EVE SDE YAML dump (default "./sde")
  -single-file string
        Import only a single FSD file

# Current status

Import works with Postgres and is 99% compatible with the importer from
@fuzzysteve. A full import currently takes about 4 minutes on a Macbook Pro (to
contrast with 48 minutes for the python importer). The [TODO](TODO.md)
file attempts to keep track of project status.

Currently tested on Go 1.9 with Postgres 9.6 on OSX 10.12 (Sierra), but it
probably works all the way back to Postgres 8.4 and should work fine on Linux.

# Differences from the Python importer
- Negative 0 floats are imported as `-0`, whereas the python importer treats
  both as 0
- `invtraits` has different traitids due to insertion order. We attempt to keep
  these mostly the same by sorting types and skills, but the python importer
  doesn't sort at all and uses whatever order python map iteration gives you.

# Profiling

`eve-sdeloader` accepts `-cpuprofile` and `-memprofile` flags to dump profiling
output from `runtime/pprof` into pprof files that can be consumed by other

# Issues

Please raise issues on [Github](https://github.com/lflux/eve-sdeloader/issues).

# License

`eve-sdeloader` is copyright (c) 2017 Ian Delahorne and licensed under the MIT
license, which can be found in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.