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declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP;

 * Describes a SASL authentication mechanism.
interface AuthenticationInterface {

   * Get the name of this authentication mechanism.
   * @return string
   *   The name of this authentication mechanism.
  public function name(): string;

   * Process a response from the remote server for authentication purposes.
   * This method is responsible for driving the authentication process with the
   * remote server. This method may be called multiple successive times (e.g.,
   * in the case of a challenge-response flow).
   * Internal state may need to be kept between successive calls.
   * @param string[] $response
   *   The response lines from the remote server.
   * @see ::reset()
   *   This method will be called when the authentication flow terminates to
   *   allow the mechanism to reset its internal state (if any).
   * @return string
   *   A reply to send to the remote server after processing.
  public function process(array $response): string;

   * Reset the internal state of this authentication mechanism (if any).
  public function reset(): void;
