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Test Coverage

declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace LibraryMarket\msadiag;

use Composer\CaBundle\CaBundle;

use LibraryMarket\msadiag\Attribute\ValidationTest;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\Auth\CRAMMD5;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\Auth\LOGIN;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\Auth\PLAIN;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\AuthenticationInterface;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\Connection;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\ConnectionFactory;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\ConnectionFactoryInterface;
use LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\ConnectionType;

 * Validation test cases for message submission agent suitability.
class ValidationTests {


   * The IP address or hostname of the message submission agent.
   * @var string
  protected $address;

   * The SMTP connection factory.
   * @var \LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\ConnectionFactoryInterface
  public ConnectionFactoryInterface $connectionFactory;

   * The type of connection to establish to the message submission agent.
   * @var \LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\ConnectionType
  protected ConnectionType $connectionType = ConnectionType::STARTTLS;

   * The password to use for authentication.
   * @var string
  protected $password;

   * The port used by the message submission agent.
   * @var int
  protected $port;

   * TRUE if strict tests should be ran, FALSE otherwise (default: FALSE).
   * @var bool
  protected $runStrictTests;

   * The sender address to use for checking authentication (default: '').
   * @var string
  protected $sender;

   * The username to use for authentication.
   * @var string
  protected $username;

   * Constructs a ValidationTests object.
   * @param string $address
   *   The IP address or hostname of the message submission agent.
   * @param int $port
   *   The port used by the message submission agent.
   * @param bool $use_tls
   *   Whether to use TLS instead of STARTTLS for testing.
   * @param string $username
   *   The username to use for authentication.
   * @param string $password
   *   The password to use for authentication.
   * @param bool $run_strict_tests
   *   TRUE if strict tests should be ran, FALSE otherwise (default: FALSE).
   * @param string $sender
   *   The sender address to use for checking authentication (default: '').
   * @param \LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\ConnectionFactoryInterface $connection_factory
   *   The SMTP connection factory (optional).
  public function __construct(string $address, int $port, bool $use_tls, string $username, string $password, bool $run_strict_tests = FALSE, string $sender = '', ?ConnectionFactoryInterface $connection_factory = NULL) {
    $this->connectionFactory = $connection_factory ??= new ConnectionFactory();

    $this->address = $address;
    $this->port = $port;
    $this->username = $username;
    $this->password = $password;
    $this->runStrictTests = $run_strict_tests;
    $this->sender = $sender;

    if ($use_tls) {
      $this->connectionType = ConnectionType::TLS;

   * Get a compatible authentication mechanism using the supplied credentials.
   * @param string[] $mechanisms
   *   A list of SASL mechanisms supported by the remote server.
   * @param string $username
   *   The username to use for authentication.
   * @param string $password
   *   The password to use for authentication.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\Exception\AuthenticationException
   *   If unable to find a matching SASL mechanism for authentication.
   * @return \LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\AuthenticationInterface
   *   A compatible authentication mechanism using the supplied credentials.
  protected function getAuthenticationMechanism(array $mechanisms, string $username, string $password): AuthenticationInterface {
    try {
      return match (\current(\array_intersect(self::SUPPORTED_SASL_MECHANISMS, $mechanisms))) {
        'CRAM-MD5' => new CRAMMD5($username, $password),
        'LOGIN' => new LOGIN($username, $password),
        'PLAIN' => new PLAIN($username, $password),
    catch (\UnhandledMatchError) {
      throw new AuthenticationException('Unable to find a matching SASL mechanism for authentication');

   * Get a new connection to the remote server.
   * @param \LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\ConnectionType|null $connection_type
   *   An optional connection type override, or NULL (default: NULL).
   * @return \LibraryMarket\msadiag\SMTP\Connection
   *   A connection to the remote server.
  protected function getConnection(?ConnectionType $connection_type = NULL): Connection {
    $address = $this->address;
    $connection_type ??= $this->connectionType;
    $port = $this->port;

    $connection = $this->connectionFactory->create($address, $port, $connection_type, \stream_context_get_default([
      'ssl' => [
        'SNI_enabled' => TRUE,
        'allow_self_signed' => FALSE,
        'cafile' => CaBundle::getBundledCaBundlePath(),
        'capath' => \dirname(CaBundle::getBundledCaBundlePath()),
        'crypto_method' => \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT,
        'disable_compression' => TRUE,
        'verify_peer' => TRUE,
        'verify_peer_name' => TRUE,


    return $connection;

   * Generate a list of callable test methods keyed by description.
   * @return \Generator
   *   A list of callable test methods keyed by description.
  public function getTests(): \Generator {
    $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this);

    foreach ($reflection->getMethods() as $method) {
      $attributes = $method->getAttributes(ValidationTest::class);

      foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
        $test = $attribute->newInstance();

        if (!$test->strict || $this->runStrictTests) {
          yield $test->description => $this->{$method->getName()}(...);

   * Test if authentication is not allowed via plain-text.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException
   *   If the test does not succeed.
  #[ValidationTest('Test if authentication is not allowed via plain-text', TRUE)]
  protected function testPlainTextAuthenticationIsNotAllowed(): void {
    if ($this->connectionType !== ConnectionType::TLS) {
      $connection = $this->getConnection(ConnectionType::PlainText);

      if (\array_key_exists('AUTH', $connection->extensions ?? [])) {
        throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());

   * Test if TLSv1.2 or greater is being used.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException
   *   If the test does not succeed.
  #[ValidationTest('Test if TLSv1.2 or greater is being used')]
  protected function testEncryptionProtocolVersion(): void {
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    // Ensure that the server supports a modern encryption protocol.
    $protocol = $connection->getMetadata()['crypto']['protocol'] ?? NULL;
    if (!\is_string($protocol) || \in_array($protocol, ['TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1'])) {
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());

   * Test if the SMTP AUTH extension is supported.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException
   *   If the test does not succeed.
  #[ValidationTest('Test if the SMTP AUTH extension is supported')]
  protected function testAuthenticationSupport(): void {
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    // Ensure that the server supports the SMTP AUTH extension.
    if (!\array_key_exists('AUTH', $connection->extensions ?? [])) {
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());

   * Test if one of CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, or PLAIN are supported.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException
   *   If the test does not succeed.
  #[ValidationTest('Test if one of CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, or PLAIN are supported')]
  protected function testAuthenticationMechanismSupport(): void {
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    // Ensure that the server has at least one of the supported SASL mechanisms.
    $mechanism = \current(\array_intersect($connection->extensions['AUTH'] ?? [], self::SUPPORTED_SASL_MECHANISMS));
    if (!\is_string($mechanism)) {
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());

   * Test if authentication is required to submit messages.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException
   *   If the test does not succeed.
  #[ValidationTest('Test if authentication is required to submit messages')]
  protected function testAuthenticationIsRequiredForSubmission(): void {
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    // Ensure that the server requires authentication to submit messages.
    if (!$connection->isAuthenticationRequired($this->sender)) {
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());

   * Test if authentication fails with invalid credentials.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException
   *   If the test does not succeed.
  #[ValidationTest('Test if authentication fails with invalid credentials')]
  protected function testAuthenticationWithInvalidCredentials(): void {
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    try {
      // Retrieve an authentication mechanism with invalid credentials.
      $mechanism = $this->getAuthenticationMechanism($connection->extensions['AUTH'] ?? [], \bin2hex(\random_bytes(8)), \bin2hex(\random_bytes(8)));
    catch (AuthenticationException) {
      // If we reach this point, there are no compatible SASL mechanisms.
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());

    try {
      // Attempt to authenticate using invalid credentials.

      // If we reach this point, the server accepted random credentials.
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());
    catch (AuthenticationException) {

   * Test if message submission is allowed after successful authentication.
   * @throws \LibraryMarket\msadiag\Exception\TestFailureException
   *   If the test does not succeed.
  #[ValidationTest('Test if message submission is allowed after successful authentication')]
  protected function testSubmissionAfterSuccessfulAuthentication(): void {
    $connection = $this->getConnection();

    try {
      // Attempt to authenticate using the supplied credentials.
      $connection->authenticate($this->getAuthenticationMechanism($connection->extensions['AUTH'] ?? [], $this->username, $this->password));
    catch (AuthenticationException) {
      // If we reach this point, the server did not accept our credentials.
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());

    // Ensure that the server no longer requires authentication.
    if ($connection->isAuthenticationRequired($this->sender)) {
      throw new TestFailureException($connection->debug());
