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namespace App\Console\Commands;

use App\Console\Commands\Traits\CompletesConfigArgument;
use App\Console\LnmsCommand;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use JsonSchema\Constraints\Constraint;
use JsonSchema\Exception\ValidationException;
use JsonSchema\Validator;
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\DB\Eloquent;
use LibreNMS\Util\DynamicConfig;
use LibreNMS\Util\OS;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;

class SetConfigCommand extends LnmsCommand
    use CompletesConfigArgument;

    protected $name = 'config:set';

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

        $this->addArgument('setting', InputArgument::REQUIRED);
        $this->addArgument('value', InputArgument::OPTIONAL);

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle(DynamicConfig $definition)
        $setting = $this->argument('setting');
        $value = $this->argument('value');
        $force = $this->option('ignore-checks');
        $parent = null;

        if (preg_match('/^os\.(?<os>[a-z_\-]+)\.(?<setting>.*)$/', $setting, $matches)) {
            $os = $matches['os'];
            try {
                $this->validateOsSetting($os, $matches['setting'], $value);
            } catch (ValidationException $e) {

                return 2;
        } elseif (! $definition->isValidSetting($setting)) {
            $parent = $this->findParentSetting($definition, $setting);
            if (! $force && ! $parent) {

                return 2;

        if (! Eloquent::isConnected()) {

            return 1;

        if (! $force && $value === null) {
            $message = $parent
                ? trans('commands.config:set.forget_from', ['path' => $this->getChildPath($setting, $parent), 'parent' => $parent])
                : trans('commands.config:set.confirm', ['setting' => $setting]);

            if ($this->confirm($message)) {
                return $this->erase($setting, $parent) ? 0 : 1;

            return 3;

        $value = $this->juggleType($value);

        // handle appending to arrays
        if (Str::endsWith($setting, '.+')) {
            $setting = substr($setting, 0, -2);
            $sub_data = Config::get($setting, []);
            if (! is_array($sub_data)) {

                return 2;

            array_push($sub_data, $value);
            $value = $sub_data;

        // handle setting value inside multi-dimensional array
        if ($parent && $parent !== $setting) {
            $parent_data = Config::get($parent);
            Arr::set($parent_data, $this->getChildPath($setting, $parent), $value);
            $value = $parent_data;
            $setting = $parent;

        $configItem = $definition->get($setting);
        if (! $force
            && empty($os) // if os is set, value was already validated against os config
            && ! $configItem->checkValue($value)
        ) {
            $message = ($configItem->type || $configItem->validate)
                ? $configItem->getValidationMessage($value)
                : trans('', ['setting' => $setting]);

            return 2;

        if (Config::persist($setting, $value)) {
            return 0;

        $this->error(trans('commands.config:set.errors.failed', ['setting' => $setting]));

        return 1;

     * Convert the string input into the appropriate PHP native type
     * @return mixed
    private function juggleType(?string $value)
        $json = json_decode($value, true);

        return json_last_error() ? $value : $json;

    private function findParentSetting(DynamicConfig $definition, $setting): ?string
        $parts = explode('.', $setting);
        array_pop($parts); // looking for parent, not this setting

        while (! empty($parts)) {
            $name = implode('.', $parts);
            if ($definition->isValidSetting($name)) {
                return $name;

        return null;

    private function erase($setting, $parent = null)
        if ($parent) {
            $data = Config::get($parent);

            if (preg_match("/^$parent\.?(?<sub>.+)\\.(?<index>\\d+)\$/", $setting, $matches)) {
                // nested inside the parent setting, update just the required part
                $sub_data = Arr::get($data, $matches['sub']);
                $this->forgetWithIndex($sub_data, $matches['index']);
                Arr::set($data, $matches['sub'], $sub_data);
            } else {
                // not nested, just forget the setting
                $this->forgetWithIndex($data, $this->getChildPath($setting, $parent));

            return Config::persist($parent, $data);

        return Config::erase($setting);

    private function getChildPath($setting, $parent = null): string
        return ltrim(Str::after($setting, $parent), '.');

    private function hasSequentialIndex($array): bool
        if (! is_array($array) || $array === []) {
            return false;

        return array_keys($array) === range(0, count($array) - 1);

    private function forgetWithIndex(&$data, $matches)
        // detect sequentially numeric indexed array so we can re-index the array
        if ($this->hasSequentialIndex($data)) {
            array_splice($data, (int) $matches, 1);
        } else {
            Arr::forget($data, $matches);

     * @param  string  $os
     * @param  string  $setting
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @throws \JsonSchema\Exception\ValidationException
    private function validateOsSetting(string $os, string $setting, $value)
        // prep data to be validated
        $os_data = \LibreNMS\Config::get("os.$os");
        if ($os_data === null) {
            throw new ValidationException(trans('commands.config:set.errors.invalid_os', ['os' => $os]));
        $value = $this->juggleType($value);

        // append value if requested
        if (Str::endsWith($setting, '.+')) {
            $setting = substr($setting, 0, -2);
            $container = Arr::get($os_data, $setting, []);
            $container[] = $value;
            $value = $container;

        Arr::set($os_data, $setting, $value);

        $validator = new Validator;
            (object) ['$ref' => 'file://' . base_path('/misc/os_schema.json')],

        $code = 0;

        $errors = collect($validator->getErrors())->filter(function ($error) use ($value, &$code) {
            if ($error['constraint'] == 'additionalProp') {
                $code = 1;

                return true;

            // only check type if value is set (otherwise we are unsetting it)
            if (! empty($value) && $error['constraint'] == 'type') {
                if ($code === 0) {
                    $code = 2; // wrong path takes precedence over wrong type

                return true;

            return false;

        if ($errors->isNotEmpty()) {
            throw new ValidationException($errors->pluck('message')->implode(PHP_EOL), $code);