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# Enabling support for InfluxDB

Before we get started it is important that you know and understand
that InfluxDB support is currently alpha at best. All it provides is
the sending of data to a InfluxDB install. Due to the current changes
that are constantly being made to InfluxDB itself then we cannot
guarantee that your data will be ok so enabling this support is at
your own risk!

## Requirements

- InfluxDB >= 0.94 < 2.0
- Grafana

The setup of the above is completely out of scope here and we aren't
really able to provide any help with this side of things.

## What you don't get

- Pretty graphs, this is why at present you need Grafana. You need to
  build your own graphs within Grafana.
- Support for InfluxDB or Grafana, we would highly recommend that you
  have some level of experience with these.

RRD will continue to function as normal so LibreNMS itself should
continue to function as normal.

## Configuration

!!! setting "poller/influxdb"
    lnms config:set influxdb.enable true
    lnms config:set influxdb.transport http
    lnms config:set ''
    lnms config:set influxdb.port 8086
    lnms config:set influxdb.db 'librenms'
    lnms config:set influxdb.username 'admin'
    lnms config:set influxdb.password 'admin'
    lnms config:set influxdb.timeout 0
    lnms config:set influxdb.verifySSL false

No credentials are needed if you don't use InfluxDB authentication.

The same data then stored within rrd will be sent to InfluxDB and
recorded. You can then create graphs within Grafana to display the
information you need.