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Test Coverage
## 1.35

#### Features
* Generic discovery and poller tests ([#7873](
* FreeRADIUS application monitoring ([#7818](
* Save application metrics to db for alerting ([#7828](
* Added Entity State polling ([#7625](
* Added manage_bills.php script to scripts directory ([#7633](
* Added Host dependencies support for alerting ([#7332](

#### Bugfixes
* Agent tries to insert processes data that is too long ([#7891](
* Remove faulty memcached code (not related to distributed polling) ([#7881](
* Re-added peeringdb back into ([#7884](
* Don't work around bad implementations in snmpwalk_group ([#7876](
* Some graphs broke due to stacked graphs, remove that change ([#7848](
* Fixed UPS time remaining in Mikrotik RouterOs ([#7803](
* Fixed get_all_ports() for api not returning ports on admin tokens ([#7829](
* Validate ifHighSpeed is > 0 in selected port polling ([#7885](
* Added user level to getUser for LDAP authentication ([#7896](
* ipmi sensors sending the wrong tags to influxdb ([#7906](

#### Documentation
* Minor fix to device sensors doc ([#7874](
* Create device sensor help doc. ([#7868](
* Updated sensor state doc ([#7822](
* Build new Cleanup Options doc ([#7798](

#### Refactoring
* Stop sending emails to "NOC" for default_email target ([#7917](
* Refactor alert transports to classes ([#7844](
* Update all applications to store metrics ([#7853](

#### Devices
* Added state sensor support for HPE MSA devices ([#7808](
* Added temp and humidity sesors + serial for websensor (renamed from cometsystem-p85xx) ([#7854](
* Added Mikrotik POE sensors ([#7883](
* Added Mikrotik LLDP discovery ([#7901](
* Update wireless sensors for Ray and Alcoma devices ([#7820](
* Added support EdgeCore ECS4120-28T ([#7880](
* Added Junos dwdm interface sensor support ([#7714](
* Added detection for Cisco FTD devices ([#7887](

#### WebUI
* Timezone support for graylog ([#7799](
* Added support for stacked graphs ([#7725](
* Added ability to mark all notifications as read ([#7489](
* Disabled page refresh on Add services page ([#7804](
* Added diskusage to top devices widget ([#7903](

#### API
* Added Retrieve BGP sessions by ID ([#7825](
* Fixed disabling tokens ([#7833](
* Added support for wireless sensors ([#7846](
* Added API method to rename devices ([#7895](

#### Alerting
* Validate email addresses used in alerting ([#7830](
* Added generic alerting for state sensors ([#7812](


## 1.34

#### Features
* Added additional sensors for ups-nut
* Track rrdtool time for poller ([#7706](
* Implement snmp_getnext() ([#7678](
* LDAP auth update: alerts, api, remember me ([#7335](
* Support a wider range of link speeds in network maps ([#7533](
* Allow snmpget in os discovery yaml ([#7587](
* Check cli timezone from the validation webpage ([#7648](
* Selected ports polling per OS ([#7674](
* Added purge-port scipt to allow deleting of ports from the CLI. ([#7528](
* Extra fping checks in validation ([#7651](
* Added support for setting php memory_limit in config.php ([#7704](
* Script to collect port polling data and compare full walk vs selective port polling ([#7626](
* Allow discovery to check if devices are down before skipping ([#7780](

#### Bugfixes
* Fixed precache data ([#7782](
* Authentication on CentOS6 ([#7771](
* Fixed empty group query for devices ([#7760](
* Notification read count doesn't decrement in menu bar ([#7750](
* Do not add invalid Cisco senors seen in IOS 15.6(3)M1 ([#7629](
* Revert to two gets for sysDescr and sysObjectID ([#7741](
* Fixed Brocade ironware processor precision ([#7730](
* Basic input validation for screen width and height ([#7713](
* Better sanity checks of fping options.
* Devices detected as ibmtl or generic ([#7618](
* Added primary key to perf_times to improve DELETE performance on replicas using ROW based replication ([#7493](
* Fail isPingable() if fping fails, take 2 ([#7585](
* Update ifIndex update on polling when ifIndex is not the port association mode ([#7574]( ([#7575](
* Fix Services container alignment ([#7583](
* Availability-map showed ping devices as warning ([#7592](
* discovery.php -h all stops working after ping only device ([#7593](
* Improve poller validation ([#7586](
* Only show the neighbour tab if there are neighbors to show ([#7591](
* Updated hpe iPdu to remove power and fix load values ([#7596](
* Function snmp_get delete quotes in snmp query ([#7467](
* Better sanity check of hostname when adding device. ([#7582](
* github-apply sometimes fails on PRs with lots of commits ([#7604](
* PING fails on servers that don't set PATH in cron ([#7603](
* Correct sensor ID when removing device. ([#7611](
* Fixed status services up/down inverse values ([#7657](
* Better validation on callback url for Pagerduty integration ([#7658](
* Fixed number comparisons in alerts and device groups ([#7695](
* Fallback to snmpgetnext if db is unavailable ([#7698](
* Errors with missing posix extension ([#7666](
* Fixed component status log ([#7723](
* Fixed bgpPeers_cbgp discovery for junos ([#7743](
* Fixed incorrect mail validation if ([#7755](
* Fixed discovery.nodes can sometimes be None when not master ([#7747](
* Fixed bgp-peers fails when ip parsing fails ([#7773](
* Fixed keeps running when a poller takes too long ([#7722](
* Use correct entity columns for sensors ([#7775](
* Discovery os changes weren't properly reflected if os changed ([#7779](

#### Documentation
* Minor changes and fixes to Alert Rules ([#7789](
* Added Web UI rename device. ([#7769](
* SNMP config for Mac OSX ([#7767](
* Continue to reorganize docs ([#7762](
* Fix for rule mapping ([#7751](
* Added sudo guidelines for Proxmox ([#7739](
* Added sudo suggestion for SMART monitoring ([#7738](
* VM images recommended user update ([#7737](
* Install Docs Update for min PHP ver ([#7630](
* Added video link showing how to add ping only device ([#7711](
* Fix layout changes to dashboard. ([#7693](
* Create new docs on using dashboards ([#7688](
* Added Ping Only Device ([#7687](
* Added allow graphs without login ([#7675](
* Added device-troubleshooting page ([#7638](
* Added WebUI to Validate docs ([#7635](
* Minor spelling fix for device-troubleshooting ([#7689](
* Fix for VM images doc. ([#7740](
* Added syslog cleanup option ([#7581](
* How to add Weathermaps to Dashboards ([#7636](
* Added command to fetch shell script for DHCP Stats ([#7736](
* Added ports template to alert rules doc ([#7763](

#### Refactoring
* Better default temperature sensor limits ([#7754](
* Switch to using by default ([#7661](
* Rewrite a bit of the irc bot ([#7667](
* Added the Nvidia SM average as app_status ([#7671](
* Refactored authorizers to classes ([#7497](
* Only update sensor/bgp tables when values are changed ([#7707](

#### Devices
* Updated Checkpoint Gaia detection and added storage ([#7656](
* Added additional APC rPDU2 Sensors ([#7490](
* Initial detection for Arris Cable Modem devices ([#7677](
* Removed unused poller/discovery modules for Arista EOS ([#7709](
* Update hwg-ste and add hwg-ste-plus support ([#7610](
* Added state sensors for Palo Alto Networks firewall ([#7482](
* Added additional sensors for logmaster Os
* Added Temp and Humidity support for ServersCheck devices ([#7588](
* Added support for Avtech RoomAlert 32E/W and RoomAlert 11E ([#7614](
* Added support for Eltek enexus ([#7552](
* Added support for Stormshield devices ([#7646](
* Added support for Asentria SiteBoss ([#7655](
* Added humidity sensors for hwg-ste ([#7728](
* Addedd sensor support for UPS NUT devices ([#7622](

#### WebUI
* Don't disable the applications check boxes in settings if the discovery module is disabled. ([#7615](
* Added toner support in health metrics list ([#7595](
* Hide rediscover button for ping only devices ([#7594](
* Added Health/sensor view for specific device/ports/port ([#7684](
* Updated poll-log page to honour force_ip_to_sysname ([#7712](
* Expose pollers link to show total poll time for all devices per poller ([#7699](
* Updated sensors overview header to be consistent with others ([#7761](
* Allow deletion of dead poller nodes ([#7721](

#### API
* Added support for Oxidized asking for a single host ([#7705](
* Validate columns parameter against fields in table ([#7717](
* Stop list_logs skipping first row ([#7772](

#### Alerting
* Added in dell server sensors alert rules to the collection ([#7647](


## 1.33

#### Features
* Support for up/down detection of ping only devices.
* Improve Device Neighbour WebUI ([#7487](
* Configurable 95th percentile ([#7442](
* Added AD support nested groups (resubmit #7175) ([#7259](
* Added configurable 95th percentile for graphs ([#7442](
* Added  sysname as filtering group for oxidized ([#7485](
* CDP matching incorrect ports ([#7491](
* Issue warning notification if php version is less than 5.6.4 ([#7418](
* Added Web validation support ([#7474](
* Support for up/down detection of ping only devices ([#7323](

#### Bugfixes
* rfc1628 state sensor translations ([#7416](
* snmpwalk_group tables not using entries ([#7427](
* Improve accuracy of is_valid_hostname() ([#7435](
* snmp_get_multi returns no data if the oid doesn't contain a period ([#7456](
* Fixed clickatell alert transport ([#7446](
* Escape sql credentials during install ([#7494](
* Fixed OEM ipmi sensors that returns unreadable values ([#7518](
* Fixed ospf polling not removing stale data ([#7503](
* LLDP discovery change local port resolution ([#7443](

#### Documentation
* Include Freeswitch in applications doc ([#7556](
* Added more example hardware ([#7542](
* Update syslog docs to prevent dates in the future/past ([#7519](
* Alerts glues ([#7480](
* Improve CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16 rrdcached installation instructions ([#7473](
* Re-organize install docs ([#7424](
* Added HipChat V2 WebUI Config Example ([#7486](
* Alert rules, added in the alert rules videos ([#7512](
* Updated references for ##librenms to discord ([#7523](
* Document discovery and poller module enable/disable support ([#7505](
* OpenManage including info for windows ([#7534](
* Added SSL config for CentOS 7 with Apache ([#7529](
* Added Dynamic Configuration UI for ([#7540](
* New doc for weathermap ([#7536](

#### Devices
* Always allow empty ifDescr on fortigate ([#7547](
* Added temperature sensor to datacom switches. ([#7522](
* Added more Procera interfaces ([#7422](
* Added firewall graphs for Palo Alto Networks firewall ([#7483](
* Added support for Alcoma wireless devices ([#7476](
* Added detection for SmartOptics T-Series devices ([#7433](
* Added more support for Avocent devices ([#7444](
* Added Dlink dap2660 add processors and mempools ([#7428](
* Added additional zywall-usg support ([#7405](
* Added Dlink dap2660 processors and mempools ([#7428](
* Added technicolor TG650S and TG670S ([#7420](
* Added support for alternate Equallogic SNMP sysObjectId ([#7394](
* Added zyxelnwa storage, mempools and wireless metrics ([#7441](
* Added Storage, Memory pools, new status (Array Controller, Logical Drive) for HP ILO4 ([#7436](
* Added Support for ApsoluteOS / Defense Pro Hw ([#7440](
* Added support for Huawei OceanStor devices ([#7445](
* Added detection for Racom OS RAy (#[7466](
* Improved Zhone MXK Discovery ([#7488](
* Added support for EATON-ATS devices ([#7448](
* Added support for Alcoma devices ([#7476](
* Added support for zywall usg vpn state and flash usage ([#7500](
* Added Brocade IronWare interface dBm sensor support ([#7434](
* Added Unifi AC HD detection ([#7516](
* Added initial detection for netmodule NB1600 ([#7514](
* Added support for new Fiberhome OLT Models ([#7499](
* Added support for logmaster(ups vendors) os/devices ([#7524](
* Added poller modules to ceraos ([#7470](
* Added more detection for IgniteNet FusionSwitch ([#7384](
* Added Mitel Standard Linux OS Support ([#7513](
* Updated Cisco WAP detection and merged in ciscosmblinux OS ([#7447](
* Added detection for Proxmox ([#7543](

#### Alerting
* Added alert rules for RFC1628 UPS to the collection ([#7415](
* Added HP iLo and OS-updates rules to the collection ([#7423](
* Added more simple rules for the alert collection ([#7430](

#### Refactor
* Discovery protocols re-write ([#7380](

#### WebUI
* Show only authorized services in availability map ([#7498](
* Allow user to display ok/warning/critical alerts only ([#7484](

#### Security
* Stop accepting other variables in install that we do not use ([#7511](


## 1.32

#### Features
* Added more rules to the collection of alert rules ([#7363](
* Allow ignore_mount, ignore_mount_string, ignore_mount_regex per OS ([#7304](
* Added script to generate config for new OS ([#7161](
* Added Syslog hook for ASA support ([#7268](

#### Bugfixes
* If session save path is "", php will use /tmp ([#7359](
* rfc1628 runtime - allow os quirks ([#7340](
* Small error when checking ios for wireless rssi ([#7300](
* Use Netscaler vserver full names ([#7279](
* Slower hardware can hit the schema update response timeout ([#7296](
* Do not issue non-master warning if on the release update channel ([#7297](
* Fixed quotes breaking powerdns app data ([#7111](
* Updated graph_types table so graph_subtype has no default value ([#7285](
* Fixed IPv6 host renaming ([#7275](
* Fixed Comware Processor Discovery && Hardware Info ([#7206](
* Added Extreme OS mapping to 'gen_rancid' ([#7261](
* Reverted previous active directory changes [#7254]( ([#7257](
* Fixed Avtech sensor discovery ([#7244](
* Corrected variable for timeout messages in ([#7246](
* Update notification for users with updates disabled ([#7253](
* Fixed the empty() vlan detection check ([#7241](
* Re-added changes for [#6959]( removed by accident in [#7128]( ([#7240](
* Issues with Geist Watchdog sensors
* Issues with Geist Watchdog miss-named variable in sensor pre-caching internal humidity and temperature was discovered twice humidity was mis-spelled in yaml discovery temperature and current had incorrect divisor in yaml

#### Documentation
* Added new faq Why would alert un-mute itself? ([#7403](
* Added performance suggestion for 1min polling documentation
* Updated Distributed poller doc as rrdcached needs -R to work properly ([#7393](
* Updated docs to include installing xml php modules + updated validate ([#7349](
* Reorganize authentication documentation ([#7329](
* Update to clarify version for client/server ([#7320](
* Elaborated on permission issues with dmidecode for snmp ([#7288](
* Update to remove distributed_poller_host
* Added debug to ([#7238](
* Fixed API-Docs Link in webui ([#7242](
* Updated include chmod +x ([#7230](

#### Refactoring
* Rewrite is_valid_port() ([#7360](
* rfc1628 sensor tidy up ([#7341](
* Added detection of vlan name changes ([#7348](
* Rewrite is_valid_port() ([#7337](
* Use the Config class includes/discovery ([#7299](
* Updated ldap auth to allow configurable uidnumber field ([#7302](
* Improve yaml state discovery ([#7221](
* Added IOS-XR Bundle-Ether shortened/corrected forms ([#7283](

#### Devices
* Added basic detection for  hanwha techwin devices ([#7397](
* Added sensor detection for APC In Row RD devices ([#7385](
* Added better hardware and version identification for SAF ([#7378](
* Added basic os for EricssonLG ES switches ([#7289](
* Updated Engenius OS detection ([#7365](
* Added detection for DPS Telecom NetGuardian ([#7326](
* Added support for Alpha FXM UPS devices ([#7324](
* Added detection for IgniteNet FusionSwitch devices
* Added support for A10 ACOS devices ([#7327](
* Added more detection for Cisco SB devices
* Added support for routeros to pull UPS info
* Added additional detection for Cisco small business switches ([#7317](
* Added sensor support for Himoinsa Gensets ([#7315](
* Added support for SmartOptics M-Series ([#7314](
* Added DHCP Leases Graph for Mikrotik ([#7333](
* Added support for Toshiba RemotEye4 devices ([#7312](
* Added additional Quanta detection ([#7316](
* Added additional detection for Calix devices ([#7325](
* Added detection for Himoinsa Gensets ([#7295](
* Added detection for ServerChecks ([#7308](
* Added support for Saf Integra Access points ([#7292](
* Added basic Open-E detection ([#7301](
* Updated Arista entity-physical support to use high/low values from device ([#7156](
* Added support for Mimosa A5 ([#7287](
* Updated state sensor code for Netonix
* Added support for Radware / AlteonOS OS/Mem/Proc ([#7220](
* Added support for DragonWave Horizon ([#7264](

#### WebUI
* Updated alert rule collection to be table ([#7371](
* Show how long a device has been down if it is down ([#7336](
* Makes the .availability-label border-radius fit in with the border a bit better
* Added device description to overview page ([#7328](
* Greatly reduces application memory leak for dashboard ([#7215](

#### API
* Added ability to supports CORS for API ([#7357](
* Added simple OSPF API route ([#7298](


## 1.31

#### Features
* Notify about failed updates, block detectable bad updates ([#7188](
* Improve install process ([#7223](
* Active Directory user in nested groups ([#7175](
* sysV init script for the IRC bot ([#7170](
* Create librenms-irc.service ([#7087](
* Forced OS Cache rebuild for unit tests ([#7163](
* New IP parsing classes.  Removes usage of Pear Net_IPv4 and Net_IPv6. ([#7106](
* Added support to cisco sensors to link them to ports + macro/docs for alerting ([#6959](
* snmp exec support ([#7126](

#### Bugfixes
* Updated dump_db_schema() to use default 0 if available ([#7225](
* Comware dBm Limits && Comware Sensor Descr ([#7216](
* Update gen_rancid.php to the correct arista os name ([#7214](
* Use Correct Comware dBm Limits ([#7207](
* Correct memory calculation for screenos ([#7191](
* Cambium ePMP CPU reporting fix ([#7182](
* Send zero for fields without values for graphite ([#7176](
* Sanitize metric name before sending via graphite ([#7173](
* Fixed dump_db_schema / validate to work with newer versions of MariaDB ([#7162](
* Escape sensor_descr_fixed in dBm sensors graph ([#7146](
* Fixed issue with column size of ifTrunk ([#7125](
* Bug in ipv62snmp function ([#7135](
* Fixed Raspberry Pi sensors ([#7131](
* Check session directory is writable before install.php ([#7103](
* Raritan CPU temperature discovery ([#7130](
* Strip " and / from snmpwalk_cache_oid() ([#7063](
* Fixed Raspberry Pi sensors support ([#7068](
* Added missing get_group_list() to ldap-authorization auth method ([#7102](
* Service warning/critical alert rules ([#7105](
* Added device status reason to up messages. ([#7085](
* Fix string quoting in snmp trim ([#7120](
* Fix missed call to removed is_ip function ([#7132](
* fix bugs introduced to address-search ([#7138](
* Update ([#7139](
* Fix RPI frequency/voltage sensors ([#7144](
* Attempt to fix repeated sql issue we come across ([#7123](
* multiple fixes under agentStpSwitchConfigGroup in EdgeSwitch-SWITCHIN ([#7180](
* Fixed typo Predicated -> Predicted (2 instances) ([#7222](

#### Documentation
* Updated index page for new alerting structure ([#7226](
* Updated some old links for alerting ([#7211](
* Updated CentOS 7 + Nginx install docs ([#7209](
* Update CentOS 7 + Nginx install docs to set SCRIPT_FILENAME ([#7200](
* Update  ([#7196](
* Update Two-Factor-Auth formatting ([#7194](
* Update IRC-Bot for systemd use  ([#7084](
* Updated API docs formatting ([#7187](
* Updated alerting docs / formatting ([#7185](
* Swap mdx_del_ins with pymdownx.tilde ([#7186](
* Centralised the Metric storage docs ([#7109](
* Allow host renames with selinux enforcing for CentOS installs ([#7136](
* Update ([#7178](

#### Refactoring
* Use anonymous functions for debug error_handler and shutdown_function in index.php ([#7219](
* Updated validate.php to only warn users the install is out of date if > 24 hours ([#7208](
* Udated edgecos OS polling ([#7149](
* Ability to edit default alert template ([#7121](
* Replace escapeshellcmd with Purifier in service checks ([#7118](
* Use ifName if ifDescr is blank [#7079](

#### Devices
* Stop discoverying frequencies on Raritan devices that do not exist + added voltage ([#7195](
* Added FDB and ARP support for edgeswitch devices ([#7199](
* Added additional sensor support for Sentry4 devices ([#7198](
* Added additional vlan support for Juniper devices ([#7203](
* Added Kemp LoadMaster Version Info ([#7205](
* Updated fans/temp detection for Brocade VDX devices([#7183](
* Added further sensor support for Geist Watchdog ([#7143](
* Added detection for Hitachi Data Systems SAN ([#7160](
* Udated edgecos OS polling to include more models
* Updated AKCP sensorProbe detection ([#7152](
* Added additional sensor support for Cisco ONS ([#7096](
* Added RSSI Support for Cisco IOS wireless devices ([#7147](
* Added support for Gude ETS devices ([#7145](
* Added support for Trango Apex Lynx OS ([#7142](
* Added dry contact state support for AKCP devices ([#7124](
* Added fan and temp sensor state discovery Avaya ERS ([#7134](
* Added support for Emerson energy systems ([#7128](
* Added detection for Alteon OS ([#7088](
* Added additional sensors for Microsemi PowerDsine PoE Switches ([#7114](
* Added detection for NEC Univerge devices ([#7108](
* Added VLAN discovery support for Avaya ERS devices ([#7098](
* Added ROS support for state sensors and system temps
* Removed check for switch model or firmware version for Avaya ERS switches
* Updated QNAP to include CPU temps ([#7110](
* Added basic VLAN disco support for Avaya-ERS switches ([#7098](
* Update ees.yaml to use correct overview graphs ([#7137](
* Update edgecos OS polling to include more models ([#7153](
* Added Raspbian Logo ([#7201](

#### WebUI
* Added ability for users to configure selectable times for graphs  ([#7193](
* Updated pi-hole graphs for better grouping ([#7179](
* Removed ability to use OR for generating rules ([#7150](
* Update avaya-ers to use ifName for displaying ([#7113](

#### Security
* Security Patch to deal with reported vulnerabilties ([#7164](


## 1.30

#### Features
* Added script to test alerts ([#7050](
* Config helper to simplify config access ([#7066](
* Add timeout to AD auth, default is 5s ([#6967](
* Ignore web server log files ownership in validate ([#6943](
* Added new parallel to replace snmp-scan.php ([#6889](
* Add a new locking framework that uses flock. ([#6858](
* Support fdb table on generic devices ([#6902](
* Added support for sensors to be discovered from yaml ([#6859](
* Improved install experience ([#6915](
* Updated validate to detect lower case tables + added support for checking mariadb 10.2 timestamps ([#6928](
* Added support for sending metrics to OpenTSDB ([#7022](
* Further improvements and detection added to validate ([#6973](
* Added JIRA transport for alerts ([#7040](
* Log event if device polling takes too long ([#7065](

#### Bugfixes
* Allow discovery of IAP radios on Aruba Virtual Controller
* Netbotz state sensors using wrong value ([#7027](
* Fixed Rittal LCP sensor divisors ([#7014](
* Set event type alert for alert log entries ([#7013](
* Fixed netman voltage and load divisor values ([#6905](
* Fixed the index for sentry3 current + updated mibs ([#6911](
* Fixed checks for $entPhysicalIndex/$hrDeviceIndex being numeric ([#6907](
* Fixed perf_times cleanup so it actually runs ([#6908](
* Updated sed commands to allow rrdstep.php to be used to increase and decrease values ([#6941](
* Fixed FabOS state sensors ([#6947](
* Fixed FDB tables multiple IPs and IPs from other devices adding extra rows ([#6930](
* Fixed bug get_graph_by_port_hostname() only searching hostnames ([#6936](
* Include state descriptions in eventlog ([#6977](
* Eltek Valere initial detection ([#6979](
* Fixed all mib errors in base mib directory ([#7002](
* Show fatal config.php errors on the web page. ([#7023](
* Define standard ups-mib divisors properly ([#6942](
* When force adding, use the provided snmp details rather than from $config ([#7004](
* Change .htaccess to compensate for Apache bug ([#6971](
* Use the correct high/high warn thresholds for junos dbm sensors ([#7056](
* Stop loading all oses when we have no db connection ([#7003](
* Restore old junos version code as a fallback ([#6945](

#### Documentation
* Updated SNMP configuration Documentation  ([#7017](
* A couple of small fixes to the dynamic sensor docs ([#6922](
* Update Rancid Integration

#### Refactoring
* Use the new locks for schema updates ([#6931](
* Finish logic and definition separation for auth ([#6883](
* Added ability specify options for sensors yaml discovery ([#6985](
* Return more descriptive error when adding duplicate devices on sysName ([#7019](

#### Devices
* Added additional PBN detection
* Added more support for APC sensors ([#7039](
* Added sensors for Mikrotik using mtxrOpticalTable + updated MIB ([#7037](
* Added additional sensors support for HP ILO4 ([#7053](
* Added wireless sensors for SAF Tehnika ([#6975](
* Added Calix AXOS/E5-16F Detection ([#6926](
* Added more sensor support for raritan devices ([#6929](
* Added ExtremeWireless support ([#6819](
* Added Rittal LCP Liquid Cooling Package ([#6626](
* Added Detect for Toshiba Tec e-Studio printers ([#6984](
* Added Valere system sensors and os detection ([#6981](
* Added Savin printer support ([#6982](
* Added sensor support for APC IRRP 100/500 devices ([#7024](
* Added additional sensors for APC IRRP100 Air Conditionner series ([#7006](
* Added detection for Gestetner printers ([#7038](
* Added FDB support for IOS-XE devices ([#7044](
* Added detection for Siemens Ruggedcom Switches ([#7052](
* Added CiscoSB Port Suspended Status Info ([#7064](
* Added CiscoSB DOM Support ([#7072](
* Added support for temp and processor discovery on Avaya ERS3500 ([#7070](
* Added detection for TSC Barcode printer ([#7074](
* Added state sensor for HPE MSL ([#7058](
* Added PBN AIMA3000 detection ([#7083](
* Updated UBNT Airos type to wireless ([#6867](
* Updated IOS-XE detection for 3000 series devices (like 3850) ([#6983](
* Updated JunOS os polling to detect version correctly ([#6904](
* Updated Radwin detection ([#6918](
* Updated Gamatronic ups use sysObjectID for os discovery ([#6940](
* Updated HPE MSM Support ([#7026](
* Updated powerwalker sensor discovery to use custom mib ([#7020](
* Updated Cisco IOS XE Version Parsing ([#7073](

#### WebUI
* Facelift for alert templates, also added bootgrid ([#7041](
* Set correct button text when editing an alert template ([#6916](
* Minor visual changes in schedule maintenance window and its modal ([#6934](
* Fixed issues with http-auth when the guest user is created before the intended user ([#7000](
* Delhost: Added an empty option for device selection, and a minor db performance fix ([#7018](
* Loading speed improvement when viewing syslogs for specific device ([#7062](

#### Security
* Enable support for secure cookies ([#6868](

#### API
* Added api routes for eventlog, syslog, alertlog, authlog ([#7071](


## 1.29

#### Features
* New snmpwalk_group() function ([#6865](
* Added support for passing state to alert templates test
* Added option to specify transport when testing a template ([#6755](
* Added support to use IP addresses for NfSen filenames ([#6824](
* Added pi-hole application support ([#6782](
* Added some more coloring and make it easier to colorize messages for irc bot ([#6759](
* Added syslog auth failure to alert_rules.json ([#6847](
* Added support to use IP addresses for NfSen filenames ([#6824](
* Added Irc host authentication ([#6757](
* Added Syslog hooks for Oxidized integration (and more) ([#6785](

#### Bugfixes
* config_to_json.php does not pull in database configuration settings ([#6884](
* Updated sysObjectId column in devices table to varchar(128) ([#6832](
* Strip " from rPi temp sensor discovery ([#6815](
* Check for ifHCInOctets and ifHighSpeed before falling back to if… ([#6777](
* Updated Raspberry Pi Temp sensor discovery ([#6804](
* Fix bad Cisco dBm discovery on some IOS versions ([#6789](
* Ircbot - reformatted strikethrough for recovered alerts ([#6756](
* Ensure rrdtool web settings aren't overwrote by defaults ([#6698](
* Add column title under device bgp tab ([#6747](
* Custom config.php os settings ([#6850](
* Fix for syslog-messages from zywall (USG series) ([#6838](

#### Documentation
* Reorganised alerting docs + added some clarifications ([#6869](
* Update Ubuntu and CentOS nginx install doc with a better nginx config ([#6836](
* Added note to configure mod_status for Apache application ([#6810](
* Updated ask people to contribute documentation ([#6739](
* Reorganize auto-discovery docs and add a little info ([#6875](

#### Devices
* Added support for Radwin 5000 Series ([#6876](
* Added support for Chatsworth PDU (legacy old pdus not sure model number) ([#6833](
* Added detection for Microsemi PowerDsine PoE Midspans ([#6843](
* Added additional sensors to Axis camera ([#6827](
* Added Quanta lb6m device support ([#6816](
* Added hardware and version from AirOS 8.x ([#6802](
* Added support for processor and memory for 3com devices ([#6823](
* Added state sensors to HP Procurve ([#6814](
* Added detection for Atal Ethernetprobe ([#6778](
* Updated vmware vcsa hardware/version detection  ([#6783](
* Added C.H.I.P. power monitor ([#6763](
* Updated cisco-iospri to check for numeric + named ifType and included new cisco mibs ([#6776](
* Added detection for Arris C4c ([#6662](
* Added Current Connections Graph for Cisco WSA ([#6734](
* Added detection for AXIS Audio Appliances ([#6830](
* Added basic support for CradlePoint WiPipe Cellular Broadband Routers ([#6695](
* Added Avaya VSP Temperature Support ([#6692](
* Added support for ADVA FSP150CC and FSP3000R7 Series ([#6696](
* Updated Oracle ILOM detection ([#6779](
* Added Cisco ASR, Nexus, etc. PSU State sensor ([#6790](
* Updated Cisco NX-OS detection ([#6796](
* Added more detection for Bintec smart devices ([#6780](
* Added support for Schneider PowerLogic ([#6809](
* Updated Cisco Unified CM detection and renamed to ucos ([#6813](
* Added basic Support for Benu OS ([#6857](

#### WebUI
* Added "system name" for the "Services list" ([#6873](
* Allow editing and deleting of lapsed alert schedules ([#6878](
* Add bootgrid for authlog page, and fix poll-log searchbar layout on smaller screens ([#6805](
* Updated all tables to have the same set number of items showing ([#6798](
* Allow iframe in notes widget ([#6773](
* Load google maps js library only if globe map widget is used
* Added service alert rules ([#6772](
* Added syslog auth failure to alert_rules.json ([#6847](
* Fixed dashboard slowness with offline browser ([#6718](
* Update graphs to use safer RRD check ([#6781](
* Populate a sorted device list ([#6781](

#### Alerts
* Added elasticsearch transport and docs ([#6797](
* Update irc transport to use templates ([#6758](

#### API
* Added search by os to list_devices ([#6861](

#### Refactor
* Discovery code cleanups ([#6856](


## 1.28

#### Features
* Update Juniper MSS Support ([#6565](
* Added ability to whitelist ifDescr values from being ignored with good_if ([#6584](
* Added additional Unbound chart for query cache info ([#6574](
* Wireless Sensors Overhaul ([#6471](
* Updated BIND application ([#6218](
* Added script (scripts/test-template.php) to test alert templates ([#6631](
* Improve Juniper MSS Support ([#6565](

#### Bugfixes
* Added dell to mib_dir for windows / linux ([#6726](
* Fix marking invalid ports as deleted in discovery ([#6665](
* Improve authentication load time and security ([#6615](
* Page/graph load speed: part 1 ([#6611](
* Fixed radius debug mode ([#6623](
* Actives PRI calls on Cisco can be an array ([#6607](
* MySQL app graphs with rrdcached ([#6608](
* Fix issue with wireless sensors when there are too many oids ([#6578](
* Fix GE UPS voltage factor ([#6558](
* Try to fix load for eaton-mgeups ([#6566](
* Validate prefer capabilities over suid for fping ([#6644](
* When force adding devices with v3, actually store the details ([#6691](
* Fixed uptime detection ([#6705](

#### Documentation
* Create code of conduct page ([#6640](
* Add all current wireless types. ([#6603](
* Added seconds is the time unit. ([#6589](

#### Refactoring
* Added lock support to ./discovery.php -h new to prevent overlap ([#6568](
* OS discovery tests are now dynamic ([#6555](
* DB Updates will now file level lock to stop duplicate updates ([#6469](
* Increased speed of loading syslog pages ([#6433](
* Moved default alert rules into the collection ([#6621](
* Modest speedup to database config population ([#6636](
* Pretty mysql for alerts breaks regex rules ([#6614](
* Updated vlan discovery to support JunOS ([#6597](

#### Devices
* Added Wireless Support For Cisco IOS-XE([#6724](
* Improve Aerohive Support ([#6721](
* Added support for Halon Gateway ([#6716](
* Added basic HPE OpenVMS detection ([#6706](
* Added additional sensor state sysCmSyncStatusId for F5
* Added more health information for APC units ([#6619](
* Updated Lancom LCOS detection ([#6651](
* Added 3 Phase APC UPS Support [#2733]( & [#5504]( ([#5558](
* Added FWSM recognition to PIX OS ([#6569](
* Aruba Instant AP wireless sensor support (Freq, NoiseFloor, Power, Util) ([#6564](
* Added CPU and Memory pool for BDCom Switchs ([#6523](
* Added support for Aruba ClearPass devices ([#6528](
* Added support for Cisco's AsyncOS ([#6545](
* Added support for AKCP SecurityProbe ([#6550](
* Added support for GE UPS (#6549) ([#6553](
* Improve Extremeware and XOS detection ([#6554](
* Added more sensors for Exalt ExtendAir devices ([#6531](
* Added support for Terra sti410C ([#6598](
* Make TiMOS detection more generic, rebrand to Nokia ([#6645](
* Added HPE RT3000 UPS support ([#6638](
* Added Enhance Barracuda NG Firewall Detection ([#6658](
* Added support for Geist PDU ([#6646](
* Improved Lancom LCOS detection, added LCOS-MIB ([#6651](
* Added Basic Cisco SCE Support ([#6666](
* Added support for MRV OptiDriver Optical Transport Platform ([#6656](
* Update comware version and serial number polling ([#6686](
* Added TiMOS temperature and power supply state sensors ([#6657](
* Added state support FAN and Power Supply for Avaya VSP ([#6693](
* Added detection for Cisco EPC devices ([#6690](
* Added Wireless Support For Cisco IOS-XE ([#6724](

#### WebUI
* Make login form more mobile-friendly ([#6707](
* Updated link to peeringdb to use asn ([#6625](
* Disabled settings button for Shared (read) dashboards if you are not the owner ([#6596](
* Split apart max and min sensor limits, allows sorting ([#6592](
* Load device list for dropdowns using Ajax ([#6557](
* Updated remaining display options where we do not show sysName if hostname is IP ([#6585](

#### Security
* Remove possibility of xss in Oxidized and RIPE searches ([#6595](

#### Alerting
* Added option to enable/disable option for sending alerts to normal users ([#6590](
* Added HipChat v2 API + Color Changes ([#6669](


## 1.27

#### Features
* Added sdfsinfo application support ([#6494](
* Allow _except suffix in yaml os discovery ([#6444](
* Added for service checks ([#6415](
* Added rrdtool version check to compare installed version with defined version ([#6381](
* Added ability to validate database schema ([#6303](
* Support powerdns-recursor SNMP extend ([#6290](
* Added cisco-vpdn to poller modules ([#6300](
* Support non-standard unix socket ([#5724](
* Added multi DB support to the Postgres app ([#6222](
* Added opengridscheduler job tracker ([#6419](
* Added location map regex replace pattern only ([#6485](
* Added nfs-server application ([#6320](
* Added support for Active Directory bind user ([#6255](

#### Bugfixes
* Actually reload oxidized when we should not when we think we should ([#6515](
* Don't run ipmitool without knowing a type  ([#6504](
* Updated ipv4/ipv6 discovery to exclude IPs with invalid port_ids ([#6495](
* Updated enterasys mempools disco/polling to support multiple ram devices ([#6458](
* Service filenames are snipped when longer than 16 characters ([#6459](
* Updated use of ifNameDescr() to cleanPort() ([#6454](
* Allow line returns in snmprec files with the 4x data type ([#6443](
* Update Shebangs and for FreeBSD compatibility ([#6413](
* Cisco Entity Sensor Threshold's returns 0 ([#6440](
* Updated enterasys proc discovery by setting correct index ([#6422](
* Allow unit tests without a sql server ([#6398](
* Fix broken mysql application polling ([#6317](
* Move user preferences dashboard and twofactor out of users table ([#6286](
* Fixed CPU/Mem polling for Cyberoam-UTM devices ([#6315](
* Fixed F5 ports not using hc counters ([#6294](
* Added semicolons in build.sql schema file ([#6284](
* Fixed height of widget boxes ([#6282](
* Update applications poller to use numeric oid instead of nsExtendOutputFull ([#6277](
* Compare existing device ip to host lookup like for like ([#6316](
* Fix whitespace display on RRDTool Command ([#6345](
* Vlan port mappings not removed ([#6423](
* Fix alerts not honouring interval over 5m ([#6438](
* Improve CiscoSB polling time ([#6447](
* Updated cisco and juniper component macros to exclude disabled sensors ([#6493](
* Added more safety checking into create_state_index() ([#6516](
* Fixed inconsistent device discovery ([#6518](
* Fixed notifications by email to Active Directory admins ([#6134](
* Fixed API token for Active Directory admins ([#6255](

#### Documentation
* Added FAQ on what disabled/ignored means for devices
* Updated install docs + perf to support compressing file types and using http/2 ([#6466](
* Update install docs to remove deprecated GRANT usage
* Update to remove the old method of signing the CLA ([#6479](
* Updated Support-New-OS doc to provide clearer information ([#6492](

#### Refactoring
* Use sysDescr to simplify the vyatta detection ([#6455](
* Move siklu os detection to yaml ([#6431](
* Move rfc1628_compat into os yaml ([#6424](
* Move Engenius discovery to yaml ([#6428](
* Move cometsystem-p85xx ([#6427](
* Update some snmpwalks for ports polling to improve speed ([#6341](
* Moved ifLabel -> cleanPort and updated the usage ([#6288](
* Update ucd-diskio discovery to use index + descr as unique identifies [#4670]( ([#6270](
* Changed MGE UPS to APC UPS (mgeups -> apc) ([#6260](
* Change Cisco UCM category from tele to collaboration ([#6297](
* Move aos discovery to yaml ([#6425](
* Move the rest of avaya os detection to yaml ([#6426](
* Move cometsystem-p85xx to yaml ([#6427](
* Move Engenius discovery to yaml ([#6428](
* Added 'Video' device group and moved Axis cameras to this group' ([#6397](
* Remove unecessary OS checks in proc / mem polling ([#6414](
* Only run pre-cache for the current OS ([#6453](
* Move ios detection to yaml using new sysDescr_except ([#6460](
* Eaton/MGE UPS reorganization ([#6388](

#### Devices
* Added more health sensors for c&c power commanders ([#6517](
* Added support for Tycon Systems TPDIN units ([#6506](
* Added basic detection for Packetflux SiteMonitor ([#6498](
* Added detection for Ericsson UPC devices ([#6472](
* Added basic detection for Geist Watchdog ([#6467](
* Added support for enLogic PDUs ([#6464](
* Added support for Eltex OLT devices ([#6457](
* Added Etherwan managed switches ([#6488](
* Added signal sensor for opengear devices ([#6401](
* Added support for Teradici PCoIP card ([#6347](
* Added basic support for Omnitron iConverters ([#6336](
* Added support for AvediaStream Encoder ([#6306](
* Added ArubaOS PowerConnect detection ([#6463](
* Added HPE iPDU detection ([#6334](
* Moved dnos health disco to powerconnect ([#6331](
* Added Nokia (Alcatel-Lucent) SAS-Sx 7210 support ([#6344](
* Added Opengear ACM7008 detection ([#6349](
* Added detection fro Juniper MSS ([#6335](
* Added sensors + additional info for HPE iPDU ([#6382](
* Added Basic Ciena (Cyan) Z-Series detection ([#6385](
* Added Coriant Network Hardware Page. ([#6187](
* Added support for Vanguard ApplicationsWare ([#6387](
* Added ICT Digital Power Supply support ([#6369](
* Added ICT DC Distribution Panel support ([#6379](
* Added more detection for Comware ([#6386](
* Added Multi-lane optics on Juniper equipment ([#6377](
* Added detection and sensor support for EMC OneFS v8 ([#6416](
* Added detection for IgniteNet HeliOS ([#6417](
* Added basic detection for Tandberg Magnum tape units ([#6421](
* Added detection for Ciena packet switches ([#6462](
* Added Cisco SG355-10P support ([#6477](
* Added mem/cpu support for TiMOS ([#6483](
* Added support for C&C Commander Plus units ([#6478](
* Added Equallogic add disk status ([#6497](

#### WebUI
* Updated bgp table to use bootstrap properly ([#6406](
* Update poller_modules_perf to not show OS disabled module graphs ([#6276](
* Select the correct dashboard when there are no defaults. ([#6339](
* Fix redirect on login for instances behind reverse proxies ([#6371](
* Fixed the display date for the current version ([#6474](

#### API
* Allow cidr network searches of the ARP table ([#6378](


## 1.26

#### Features
* Added syslog alert transport ([#6246](
* Send collected data to graphite server ([#6201](
* Added SMART application support ([#6181](
* Peeringdb integration to show the Exchanges and peers for your AS' ([#6178](
* Added support for sending alerts to Telegram [#2114]( ([#6202](
* Added to upload text to ([#6175](
* Added better BGP support for Arista ([#6046](
* Added rrd step conversion script ([#6081](
* Store the username in eventlog for any entries created through the Webui ([#6032](
* Added Nvidia GPU  application support ([#6024](
* Added Squid application support ([#6011](
* Added FreeBSD NFS Client/Server application support ([#6008](
* Added get_disks function ([#6058](
* Updated Nfsen integration support ([#6003](
* Added Basic Oxidized Node List ([#6017](
* Added support for dynamic interfaces in ifAlias script ([#6005](
* Added support Postfix application ([#6002](
* Added Postgres application support ([#6004](
* Added ability to show links to fixes for validate ([#6054](
* Added FreeBSD NFS Client/Server application support ([#6008](
* Added Squid application support ([#6011](
* Added Nvidia GPU application support ([#6024](
* Added app_state support for applications #5068 ([#6061](
* Send default mail when no email destinations found ([#6165](
* Added new alert rules to collection ([#6166](
* Added SMART app support ([#6181](
* Added Application discovery ([#6143](
* Added syslog alert transport and docs ([#6246](

#### Bugfixes
* Clear out stale alerts ([#6268](
* Remove min value for ntp* graphs [#6240](
* Alerts that worsen or get better will now record updated info [#4323]( ([#6203](
* Do not show overview graphs when user only has port permissions for device ([#6230](
* Yaml files for edgeos and edgeswitch ([#6208](
* Fix Liebert humidity and temp sensors [#6196]( ([#6198](
* Graphs $auth check was too strict ([#6195](
* Alter the database to set the proper character set and collation ([#6189](
* Wrong NetBotz file location ([#6188](
* Change rfc1628 'state' (est. runtime and on battery) to runtime ([#6158](
* Fix the displaying of alert info for historical alerts [#6092]( ([#6107](
* Record actual sensor value for unix-agent hddtemp [#5904]( ([#6089](
* Ping perf is in milliseconds, not seconds ([#6140](
* SVG scaling issues in Internet Explorer ([#6021](
* Old / duplicate sensors would never be removed, this is fixed by setting the $type correctly [#6044]( ([#6079](
* Refactor ipoman cache code to use pre-cache in sensors [#5881]( ([#5983](
* Fixed the previous graphs for diskio/bits [#6077]( ([#6083](
* Update OSTicket transport to use the from email address [#5739]( ([#5927](
* Do not try and only include files once when they are needed again! ([#5881](
* Correct the use of GetContacts() #5012 ([#6059](
* Netonix: properly set default fanspeed limits ([#6144](
* Fix Generex load sensor divisor ([#6155](
* Sensors not being removed from database ([#6169](
* Updated http-auth to work with nginx http auth #6102 ([#6174](
* Change rfc1628 'state' (est. runtime and on battery) to runtime ([#6158](

#### Documentation
* Renamed the mysql extend script to just mysql ([#6126](

#### Refactoring
* Move some DNOS detection to PowerConnect [#6150]( ([#6206](
* Rename to ([#6238](
* Further speed improvements to port poller ([#6037](

#### Devices
* Added Rx levels on Ubiquiti Airfibre ([#6160](
* Added detection for Hirschmann Railswitch [#6161]( ([#6207](
* Support for Netscaler SDX appliances ([#6249](
* Added discovery of Cyclades ACS ([#6234](
* Added additional sensors for Liebert / Vertiv [#5369]( ([#6123](
* Added state detection for Dell TL4k [#2752](
* Added support for Cyberpower PDU ([#6013](
* Added support for Digipower PDU ([#6014](
* Basic Lantronix UDS support ([#6042](
* Added detection for more Dell switches ([#6048](
* Added HPE Comware Processor Discovery ([#6029](
* Added Basic FortiWLC Support ([#6016](
* Added support for F5 Traffic Management Module mempool ([#6076](
* Added new Planet switch ([#6085](
* Added state detection for Dell TL4k ([#6094](
* Added extrahop detection ([#6097](
* Updated 3com switch detection ([#6114](
* Improved APC NetBotz Support ([#6157](
* Added state support for HP servers #5113 ([#6124](
* Added Coriant support ([#6026](
* Basic Zebra Print Server detection ([#6162](
* Added state sensor support for RFC1628 UPS ([#6153](
* Added APC NetBotz State Sensor Support ([#6167](
* Updated Sonus SBC os detection #6241 ([#6243](
* Added discovery of Cyclades ACS 6000 ([#6234](

#### WebUI
* Do not show disabled devices in alerts list as they stale [#6213]( ([#6263](
* Create correct link for BGP peers [#5958](
* Update device overview to not show hostname when certain conditions match [#5984]( ([#6091](
* Display sysnames/hostnames instead of ip addresses [#4155](
* Fix BGP Icon for global search [#6031](
* Generex: more helpful overview graphs ([#6154](
* Added ability to set warning percentage for CPU and mempools ([#5901](
* Stop autorefresh on bill edit page #6182 ([#6193](
* Allow remember_token to be null ([#6231](
* Set the from / to for graphs in the devices list #6262 ([#6264](

#### Security
* Stop multiport_bits_separate graphs for showing regardless of auth [#6101]( ([#6109](

#### API
* Expose ports in API requests for bills ([#6069](
* Added new route for multiport bit graphs + asn list_bgp filter ([#6129](


## 1.25

#### Features
* Add fail2ban application support ([#5924](
* Add additional service checks ([#5941](
* Added phpunit db setup tests ([#5594](
* Updated rrdcached stats app to support Fedora/Centos ([#5768](
* Added Cisco Spark Transport [#3182](
* Rancid config file generator ([#5689](
* Added Rocket.Chat transport [#5427](
* Added SMSEagle transport [#5989](
* Added generic hardware rewrite function
* Collect sysDescr and sysObjectID for stats to improve os detection ([#5510](
* Update Debian's guestId for VMware ([#5669](
* Allow customisation of rrd step/heartbeat when creating new rrd files ([#5947](
* Added ability to output graphs as svg ([#5959](
* Improve ports polling when ports are still down or marked deleted ([#5805](

#### Bugfixes
* Syslog, pull out pam program source ([#5942](
* Load wifi module for sub10 OS ([#5963](
* Show sysName on network map when ip_to_sysname enabled ([#5962](
* Exim queue graph ([#5945](
* Updated qnap sensor code to be more generic [#5910]( ([#5925](
* Remove the non-functional buttons for non-admins in devices/services ([#5856](
* Various variables will all be updated if they are blank [#5811]( ([#5836](
* Patch generic_multi graph to fix legend overflow [#5766](
* Update lmsensors temp sensors to support 0c values so they do not get removed [#5363]( ([#5823](
* Update macros with / in to have spaces ([#5741](
* Added the service parameter to checks that were missing it ([#5753](
* Ignore ports where we only have two entries in the array, this signals bad data [#1366]( ([#5722](
* Fixed system temperature from ipmi descr including a space at the end
* Incorrect hostname in the mouse-over of the services in the availability-map [#5734](
* Mono theme panel headers black ([#5705](
* Make about page toggle look better for zoomed in browsers [#5219]( ([#5680](
* Ignore toners with values -2 which is unknown [#5637]( ([#5654](
* Check lat/lng are numeric rather than !empty [#5585]( ([#5657](
* Fix device edit health update icons ([#5996](
* Service module has conflicted configuration files ([#5903](
* addhost.php throw proper exception when database add fails ([#5972](
* Fix snmpbulkwalk in ifAlias script ([#5547](
* Arista watts to dbm conversion ([#5773](
* Poll DCN stats using OIDS ([#5785](
* Updated qnap sensor code to be more generic ([#5229](

#### Documentation
* Update Applications to use correct link for exim-stats ([#5876](
* Added info on using munin scripts [#2916]( ([#5871](
* Configuring  SNMPv3 on Linux
* Updated example for using bad_if_regexp [#1878]( ([#5825](
* Update Oxidized integration to show example of SELinux setup
* Update Graylog docs to clarify ssl and hostname use

#### Refactoring
* Centralise device up/down check and use in disco [#5862]( ([#5897](
* Convert Hikvision discovery to yaml ([#5781](
* Various Code Cleanup ([#5777](
* Updated storing of sensors data to be used in unix-agent [#5904](
* Refactor sensor discovery ([#5550](

#### Devices
* Add Eaton UPS Charge Sensor ([#6001](
* Added CPU and memory for Entera devices [#5974](
* Added SEOS CPU discovery [#5917](
* Added further detection for CiscoSB (ex Linksys) devices ([#5922](
* Updated ibmnos support for Lenovo branded devices [#5894]( ([#5920](
* Initial discovery for Vubiq Haulpass V60s[#5745](
* Added further QNAP Turbo NAS detection [#5229]( ([#5804](
* Added support for Fujitsu NAS devices [#5309]( ([#5816](
* Added proc, mem and sensor support for FabricOS [#5295]( ([#5815](
* Added further support for Zynos / Zyxell devices [#5292]( ([#5814](
* Added more Netgear detection [#5789](
* Updated DCN serial/hardware/version detection [#5785](
* Add F5 Hardware and S/N detection ([#5797](
* Improved Xerox discovery ([#5780](
* Improved Mikrotik RouterOS and SwOS detection ([#5772](
* Improved Pulse Secure detection ([#5770](
* Improved Lancom device detection ([#5758](
* improved Brocade Network OS detection ([#5756](
* improved Dell PowerConnect discovery ([#5761](
* Improved HPE Procurve/OfficeConnect discovery ([#5763](
* Improved Zyxel IES detection ([#5751](
* Improved Fortinet Fortiswitch detection ([#5747](
* Improved Brocade Fabric OS detection ([#5746](
* Added support for HPE ILO 4 ([#5726](
* Added serial, model and version support for HPE MSL ([#5667](
* Added support for Kemp Loadbalancers ([#5668](
* Additional TPLink JetStream support ([#5909](
* Additional detection for Dasan devices ([#5711](
* Added initial support for Meinberg LANTIME OS v6 ([#5719](
* Added support for Zyxel XS ([#5730](
* Added support for Exterity AvediaPlayer ([#5732](
* Added detection for OpenGear ([#5744](
* Improved support for TiMOS (Alcatel-Lucent) switches ([#5533](
* Improved Raritan detection ([#5771](
* Added Kyocera Mita support ([#5782](
* Added detection for Toshiba TEC printer's ([#5792](
* Added support for Cyberoam UTM devices ([#5542](
* Improved hardware detection for Xerox ([#5831](
* Added further sensor support for APC units ([#2732](
* Added detction for Mellanox i5035 infiniband switch ([#5887](
* Added detection for Powerconnect M8024-k ([#5905](
* Added detection for HPE MSA storage ([#5907](

#### WebUI
* Update services pages
* New Cumulus Logo ([#5954](
* Added link to APs for alert details [#5878]( ([#5898](
* Set the device logo and cell to have a max width ([#5700](
* New eventlog severity classification ([#5830](
* Update Zyxel image (os/logos to .svg) ([#5855](
* Remove the non-functional buttons for non-admins in services ([#5833](
* Remove the ability to activate statistics for non-admins ([#5829](
* Add SVG logo/os icon for Generex UPS ([#5827](
* urldecode device notes [#5110]( ([#5824](
* Replace Ntp with NTP in Apps menu ([#5791](
* Adding text logo to HPE logo ([#5728](
* Only show sysName once if force_ip_to_sysname is enabled [#5600]( ([#5656](
* Add $config['title_image'] in doc and use it also for login screen ([#5683](
* Update create bill link to list bill or list bills depending on if port exists in bills [#5616]( ([#5653](
* Remove ifIndex for ports list but add debug button to show port info ([#5679](

#### API
* Added the ability to list devices by location in the api ([#5693](
* IP and Port API additions ([#5784](
* Limit get_graph_by_port_hostname() to one port and exclude deleted ([#5936](

## 1.24

#### Features
* Basic Draytek Support ([#5625](
* Added additional information to Radwin discovery. ([#5591](
* Added Serial number support for Mikrotik Devices ([#5590](
* Support large vendor logos ([#5573](
* Added pre-commit git script to support failing fast
* Added basic recurring maintenance for alerts [#4480](
* Added check for if git executable ([#5444](
* Oxidized basic config search ([#5333](
* Add support for SVG images ([#5275](
* Add mysql failed query logging + fixed queries that break ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY ([#5327](

#### Bugfixes
* Logo scalling to support squarish logos ([#5647](
* top-devices widget now will honour for ip to sysName config [#5388]( ([#5643](
* Remove duplicate hostnames in arp search box [#5631]( ([#5641](
* Alert templates designer now fixed [#5636]( ([#5638](
* Update ifAlias script to deal with GRE interfaces ([#5546](
* Allow invalid hostnames during discovery when discovery_by_ip enabled [#5525](
* Stop creating dashboards when user has a default that no longer exists [#5610]( ([#5613](
* Fix Riverbed optimization polling ([#5622](
* Html purify init wasn't done always when it was used ([#5626](
* Fixed FreeNAS detection [#5518]( ([#5608](
* Add extra check to Junos DOM discovery ([#5582](
* HTML Purifier would create tmp caches within the vendor folder, moved to users tmp dir [#5561]( ([#5596](
* PHP 7.1 function usages with too few parameters ([#5588](
* Fixed graphs for services not working ([#5569](
* Fix broken netstats ip forward polling ([#5575](
* Support hosts added by ipv6 without DNS [#5567](
* Changing device type now is persistant ([#5529](
* Fixed JunOS bgpPeers_cbgp mistakenly removed + better support for mysql strict mode [#5531]( ([#5536](
* Allow overlib_link to accept a null class [#5522](
* Stop flattening config options added in config.php  ([#5493](
* Stop flattening config options added in config.php ([#5491](
* ospf polling, revert set_numeric use ([#5480](
* Updated prestiage detection [#5453]( ([#5470](
* Validate suid is set for fping ([#5474](
* Add missing ups-apcups application poller [#5428](
* Linux detect by oid too ([#5439](
* APC -1 Humidity Sensor Value [#5325]( ([#5375](
* Fix sql errors due to incorrect cef table name [#5362](
* Detection blank or unknown device types and update [#5412]( ([#5414](
* Unifi switch detection ([#5407](
* Detect device type changes and update [#5271]( ([#5390](
* Typo in IBM icon definition ([#5395](
* Don't support unifi clients that don't report data ([#5383](
* Fix Oxidized Config Search Output ([#5382](
* Added support for autotls in mail transport [#5314](
* validate mysql queries ([#5365](
* OS type and group not being set ([#5357](
* Stop logging when a vm no longer is on the host being polled ([#5346](
* Dark/mono logo was incorrect ([#5342](
* Specify specific mkdocs version ([#5339](
* Correct icon for ciscosb ([#5331](
* Correction on addHost function to handle the force_add parameter in api ([#5329](
* Mikrotik cpu detection ([#5306](
* Do not use generic icon by default ([#5303](
* Update jpgraph source file to remove check for imageantialias() [#5282]( ([#5284](
* APC PDU2 Voltage Discovery ([#5276](
* Empty mac adds an entry to the arp table ([#5270](
* Restrict inventory api calls to the device requested ([#5267](

#### Documentation
* Mikrotik SNMP configuration example ([#5628](
* Add logrotate config and update install docs ([#5520](
* Added an example hardware doc for people to show what they have ([#5532](
* Added faq info on realStorageUnits ([#5513](
* Update to remove default nginx site config
* Updated RRDCached doc for Debain Jessie installation ([#5380](
* Updated os update application
* Added more info in to the github issue template ([#5370](
* Update to correct snmpd.conf location
* Update installation documentation on Ubuntu 16.x and CentOS 7 to use systemd ([#5324](
* Update Centos 7 nginx install steps ([#5316](
* Added section on smokeping and rrdcached use

#### Refactoring
* Update collectd functions.php to use non-conflict rrd_info function [#5478]( ([#5642](
* Updated some default disco/poller modules to be disabled/enabled ([#5564](
* Added config option for database port ([#5517](
* Move HTMLPurifier init to init.php so we only create one object. ([#5601](
* Disable unused Cisco WAAS modules ([#5574](
* Some more os definition changes ([#5527](
* Changed Redback to SEOS, and added logo and temperature discovery [#5181](
* Move some os from linux and freebsd discovery files to yaml ([#5429](
* MySQL strict and query fixes ([#5338](
* Sophos discovery to yaml ([#5416](
* Move include based discovery after yaml discovery ([#5401](
* Moved simple os discovery into yaml config ([#5313](
* Move mib based polling into yaml config files ([#5234](
* Use Composer to manage php dependencies ([#5216](

#### Devices
* Added further support for Canon printers [#5637]( ([#5650](
* Updated generex ups support [#5634]( ([#5640](
* Added detection for Exinda [#5297]( ([#5605](
* Added additional sensor support for PowerWalker devices [#5080]( ([#5552](
* Added support for Brocade 200E ([#5617](
* Improve CiscoSB detection [#5511](
* Added further detection for DCN devices [#5519]( ([#5609](
* Added support for Zhone MXK devices [#5554]( ([#5611](
* Added more detection for Procurve devices [#5422]( ([#5607](
* Updated detection for Dasan NOS devices [#5359]( ([#5606](
* Added support MGEUPS EX2200 [#3364]( ([#5602](
* Improve Cisco ISE detection ([#5578](
* Updated akcp discovery definition [#5396]( ([#5501](
* Add detection for radwin devices
* Update zywall and zyxelnwa detection [#5343](
* Added support for Ericsson ES devices [#5195]( ([#5479](
* Add support for DocuPrint M225 ([#5484](
* Added Dell B5460dn and B3460dn printer support ([#5482](
* Added signal support for RouterOS ([#5498](
* Added additional sensor support for Huawei VRP [#4279](
* Added loadbalancer information from F5 LTM ([#5205](
* APC Environmental monitoring units [#5140](
* Add support for KTI switches ([#5413](
* Detect all CTC Union devices ([#5489](
* Add addition riverbed information [#5170](
* Added support for CTC Union devices ([#5402](
* Add wifi clients for Deliberant DLB APC Button, DLB APC Button AF and DLB APC 2mi [#5456](
* Added Tomato and AsusWRT-Merlin OS [#5254]( ([#5398](
* Detect Fiberhome AN5516-04B
* Improve Checkpoint Discovery ([#5334](
* APC in-row coolers
* Added additional detection for Dell UPS ([#5322](
* added more support for dasan-nos ([#5298](
* Added support for Dasan NOS [#5179]( + disco change ([#5255](
* Edge core OS ECS3510-52T ([#5286](
* Basic Dell UPS Support [#5258](
* Basic Fujitsu DX Support [#5260](

#### WebUI
* Final Font Awesome conversion ([#5652](
* Added ?ver=X to LibreNMS style sheets so we can force refreshes in future ([#5651](
* New generic os SVG icon ([#5645](
* New LibreNMS logo assets ([#5629](
* Center device icons.  Keep device actions at two rows ([#5627](
* Additional Font Awesome icons ([#5572](
* Allows one to view a map of the SNMP location set for a device ([#5495](
* Update health menu icons
* Updated icons to use Font Awesome ([#5468](
* Allow billing to use un-auth graphs ([#5449](
* Update Font Awesome to 4.7.0 ([#5476](
* Update add/edit user page to use their instead of his [#5457]( ([#5460](
* Fix Ports Table AdminDown Search ([#5426](
* Disabled editing device notes for non-admin users ([#5341](
* Small Best Practice Fixes


## 1.23

#### Features
* Add nagios check_procs support ([#5214](
* Added support for sending email notifications to default_contact if updating fails ([#5026](
* Enable override of $config values set in includes/ ([#5096](
* Add APC UPS battery replacement status [#5088](

#### Bugfixes
* APC PDU2 Voltage Discovery ([#5276](
* Empty mac adds an entry to the arp table ([#5270](
* Restrict inventory api calls to the device requested ([#5267](
* Update any IP fields using inet6_ntop()  [#5207](
* Fixed passing of data to load_all_os() function ([#5235](
* Support columns filter in get_port_stats_by_port_hostname api call ([#5230](
* Restore usage of -i -n in polling ([#5228](
* Empty routing menu where only CEF is present ([#5225](
* Added service params for check_smtp ([#5223](
* Misc warning fixes in mib polling ([#5222](
* Added service params for check_imap ([#5213](
* Execute commands using the numeric conventions of the C locale. ([#5192](
* Remove usage of -CI, it is not allowed for snmpbulkwalk [#5164](
* Update F5 fanspeed discovery ([#5200](
* Fix state_indexes for state overview sensors ([#5191](
* Better Cisco hardware formatting ([#5184](
* Cisco hardware name detection ([#5167](
* Changed sql query for state sensors on device overview page to ignore null sensor_id ([#5180](
* install path ([#5152](
* Cleanup printing ifAlias ([#4874](
* Fixed broken http-auth auth module [#5053]( ([#5146](
* Fix get_port_stats_by_port_hostname() to only return non-deleted ports [#5131](
* Stop openbsd using snmpEngineTime ([#5111](
* Update raspberrypi sensor discover to check for sensor data ([#5114](
* Add check for differently named Cisco Power sensor ([#5119](
* Ability to detect Cisco ASA version when polling a security context ([#5098](
* Fixed setting userlevel for  LDAP auth [#5090](
* Arp-table uses array_column() breaking discovery on php <=5.4 ([#5099](
* Allow html but not script, head and html tags in notes widget [#4898]( ([#5006](

#### Documentation
* Updated rrdcached docs to include Ubuntu 16.x ([#5263](
* Updated ([#5224](
* Removed mailing list in various places + small improvements to docs ([#5154](
* Added Remote monitoring using tinc VPN ([#5122](
* Added documentation on securing rrdcached. ([#5093](
* Adding how to configure HPE 3PAR to documentation ([#5087](
* Fixed example timezones ([#5083](

#### Refactoring
* Removed and moved more mibs ([#5232](
* Move OS definitions into yaml files ([#5189](
* Updated Ups nut support
* Mibs E-G ([#5190](
* Moved / deleted mibs A-D ([#5173](
* Updated location of mibs starting with S ([#5142](
* Update some devices to disable poller/disco modules by default ([#5010](
* More Cisco ASA Polling Performance Improvements ([#5104](
* Moved mibs T-U (or removed) where possible ([#5013](

#### Devices
* Lancom wireless devices ([#5237](
* Added additional detection for Cisco WAP 321 [#5172]( ([#5248](
* Added support for TPLink JetStream [#5194]( ([#5249](
* Added HPE MSL support [#5072]( ([#5239](
* Added support for DCN switches [#5031]( ([#5238](
* Added support for Cisco APIC devices ([#5236](
* Zyxel ZyWALL Improvement [#5185](
* Added CPU detection for Zyxel GS2200-24 ([#5218](
* removed all references to 'multimatics' and instead added generex OS
* Added additional support for F5 BigIP LTM objects
* Added additional support for Synology dsm ([#5145](
* Add OS Detection support for Alcatel-Lucent/Nokia ESS 7450 Ethernet service switch [#5187](
* Added Bluecoat ProxySG Support ([#5165](
* Added support for Arris CMTS ([#5143](
* Added os Discovery for Brocade NOS V4.X and below. ([#5158](
* Added support for Mirth OS [#2639](
* Juniper SA support [#4328](
* Added support for Zyxel MES3528 ([#5120](
* Add more Edge core switches
* Add support for Ubiquiti EdgePoint Switch models ([#5079](

#### WebUI
* Standardised all rowCount parameters for tables ([#5067](

#### Security
* Update PHPMailer to version 5.2.19 ([#5253](