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Test Coverage

      OBJECT-TYPE     FROM RFC-1212
      TRAP-TYPE       FROM RFC-1215
      DisplayString   FROM RFC1213-MIB
      TimeTicks       FROM RFC1155-SMI
      InternationalDisplayString FROM HOST-RESOURCES-MIB
      enterprises     FROM SNMPv2-SMI;

exagrid              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 14941 }
exagridTraps         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagrid 1 }
egEventParams        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagrid 2 }

-- ExaGrid product lines, series, and device identifiers
exagridProductLines  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagrid 3 }
exagridExX000Series  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridProductLines 1 }
exagridExX000        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 0 }
exagridEx1000        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 1 }
exagridEx2000        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 2 }
exagridEx3000        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 3 }
exagridEx4000        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 4 }
exagridEx5000        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 5 }
exagridExGW          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 6 }
exagridEx10000E      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 10 }
exagridEx1T          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 11 }
exagridEx2T          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 12 }
exagridEx3T          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 13 }
exagridEx4T          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 14 }
exagridEx5T          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 15 }
exagridEx7T          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 16 }
exagridEx9T          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 19 }
exagridEx7S          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 26 }
exagridEx9S          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 29 }
exagridEx1T2012A     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 31 }
exagridEx2T2012A     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 32 }
exagridEx3T2012A     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 33 }
exagridEx4T2012A     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 34 }
exagridEx5T2012A     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 35 }
exagridEx7T2012A     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 36 }
exagridEx7S2012A     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 46 }
exagridEx10T         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 110 }
exagridEx13T         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 113 }
exagridEx10S         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 210 }
exagridEx13S         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 213 }
exagridEx10T2012A    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 310 }
exagridEx13T2012A    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 313 }
exagridEx21T2012A    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 321 }
exagridEx10S2012A    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 410 }
exagridEx13S2012A    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 413 }
exagridEx21S2012A    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridExX000Series 421 }

-- ExaGrid server data
exagridServerData           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagrid 4 }
exagridLandingSpace         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridServerData 1 }
exagridRetentionSpace       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridServerData 2 }
exagridDeduplicationRatio   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridServerData 3 }
exagridPendingDeduplication OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridServerData 4 }
exagridPendingReplication   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridServerData 5 }
exagridServerStatus         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exagridServerData 6 }

egLandingSpaceConfiguredWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of configured landing space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridLandingSpace 1 }

egLandingSpaceConfiguredFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of configured landing space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridLandingSpace 2 }

egLandingSpaceAvailableWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of available landing space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridLandingSpace 3 }

egLandingSpaceAvailableFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of available landing space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridLandingSpace 4 }

egRetentionSpaceConfiguredWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of configured retention space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridRetentionSpace 1 }

egRetentionSpaceConfiguredFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of configured retention space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridRetentionSpace 2 }

egRetentionSpaceAvailableWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of available retention space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridRetentionSpace 3 }

egRetentionSpaceAvailableFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of available retention space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridRetentionSpace 4 }

egBackupDataAvailableWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of data available for restore by a backup application scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridDeduplicationRatio 1 }

egBackupDataAvailableFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of data available for restore by a backup application below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridDeduplicationRatio 2 }

egBackupDataSpaceConsumedWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of consumed retention space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridDeduplicationRatio 3 }

egBackupDataSpaceConsumedFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of consumed retention space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridDeduplicationRatio 4 }

egPendingDeduplicationWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of data not yet deduplicated scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridPendingDeduplication 1 }

egPendingDeduplicationFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of data not yet deduplicated below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridPendingDeduplication 2 }

egPendingDeduplicationAge OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TimeTicks
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of time that data has been available for deduplication, but has not yet been deduplicated"
   ::= { exagridPendingDeduplication 3 }

egPendingReplicationWholeGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of data that has not yet completed replication scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes"
   ::= { exagridPendingReplication 1 }

egPendingReplicationFractionalGigabytes OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Gauge
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of data that has not yet completed replication below 1 Gigabyte in bytes"
   ::= { exagridPendingReplication 2 }

egPendingReplicationAge OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TimeTicks
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "The amount of time that data has been available for replication, but has not yet been replicated"
   ::= { exagridPendingReplication 3 }

egServerAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE
   ACCESS      read-only
   STATUS      mandatory
   DESCRIPTION "Current alarm state of the server.
                1 Server has no alarms
                2 Server is in a Warning Alarm State
                3 Server is in an Error Alarm State"
   ::= { exagridServerStatus 1 }

-- egEventParams
egEventParamsName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Event Name"
   ::= { egEventParams 1 }

egEventParamsId OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Event Id"
   ::= { egEventParams 2 }

egEventParamsCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Event Creation Time"
   ::= { egEventParams 3 }

egEventParamsCreateTimeRaw OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Event Creation Time (milliseconds)"
   ::= { egEventParams 4 }

egEventParamsGridName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Name of the Grid for the device originating the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 5 }

egEventParamsSiteName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Name of the Site for the device originating the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 6 }

egEventParamsSiteId OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Id of the Site for the device originating the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 7 }

egEventParamsSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Event Severity"
   ::= { egEventParams 8 }

egEventParamsDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Name of the device originating the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 9 }

egEventParamsDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Id of the device originating the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 10 }

egEventParamsDeviceSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The Name of the device originating the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 11 }

egEventParamsDeviceIp OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The IP address of the device originating the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 12 }

egEventParamsDupCount OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The count of recently generated duplicates of this event"
   ::= { egEventParams 13 }

egEventParamsText OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The short description for the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 14 }

egEventParamsDetail OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..999))
   ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS  mandatory
      "The long description for the event"
   ::= { egEventParams 15 }

-- Trap Definitions

   ENTERPRISE exagridTraps
      "An event of note has been posted"
   ::= 1