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Test Coverage
--  OrgName
--    Fortinet, Inc.
--  ContactInfo
--     Technical Support
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            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
        DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            FROM SNMPv2-TC
            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
            FROM IF-MIB
        FnBoolState, FnIndex, fortinet

    LAST-UPDATED "201401010000Z"
        "Fortinet Technologies, Inc."
        "Technical Support
        "Initial version of FORTINET-ADC-MIB."
    ::= { fortinet 112 }

    -- Text conventions --

        STATUS      current
            "Enumerated type for HA mode."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER { standalone    (1),
                  activePassive    (2),
                  activeActive    (3),
                  activeActiveVrrp (4)
        DISPLAY-HINT    "d"
        STATUS    current
        "Data type for virtual domain indexes."
        SYNTAX    Integer32 (1..2147483647)

        STATUS    current
        "Enumerated type for HA cluster member state."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {
            master        (1),
            backup        (2),
            standalone    (3),
            unknown        (4)
    fadcTraps                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 0}
    fadcSystem                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 1}
    fadcSysOptions            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcSystem 101}
    fadcSysHA                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcSystem 200}
    fadcSysAlert                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcSystem 300}
    fadcSysCert                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcSystem 400}
    fadcMIBConformance        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=     {fnFortiADCMib 600}
    fadcVirtualDomain        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 2}
    fadcVirtualServer        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 3}
    fadcIntf                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 4}
    fadcAdmin                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 5}
    fadcModel                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 100}
    fadcHardware            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 6}
    fadcCPUInfo                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=     {fadcHardware 1}
    fadcPSUInfo                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=     {fadcHardware 2}
    fadcNetworkInfo            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=     {fadcHardware 3}
    fadcDeviceInfo            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=     {fadcHardware 4}
    fadcHA                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcHardware 5}
    fadcSyncStats            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcHA 20}
    fadcDeviceErrCount        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcHA 21}
    fadcHAPeerInfo            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcHA 22}
    fadcSecurity            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 7}
    fadcApplication            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fnFortiADCMib 8}
    fadcRS                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcApplication 1}
    fadcVS                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcApplication 2}
    fadcLinkLoadBalance        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcApplication 3}
    fadcGlobalLoadBalance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcApplication 4}
    fadcServerLoadBalance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcApplication 5}

    -- fortinet.fnFortiADCMib.fadcModel
    -- fadcModel start
    fadc60F                        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 63}
    fadc100F            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 103}
    fadc200D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 201}
    fadc200F                        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 203}
    fadc300D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 301}
    fadc300E            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 302}
    fadc300F                        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 303}
    fadc400D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 401}
    fadc400F                        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 403}
    fadc700D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 701}
    fadc1500D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 1501}
    fadc2000D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 2001}
    fadc2000F                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 2003}
    fadc2200F                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 2203}
    fadc4000D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 4001}
    fadc4000F                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 4003}
    fadc4200F                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 4203}
    fadc5000F                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 5003}
    fadc100D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 101}
    fadc1000D            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 1001}
    fadc1000F                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 1003}
    fadc1200F                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 1203}
    fadcVM                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 30}
    fadcDEV                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 10}
    fadcKVM                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=   {fadcModel 20}
    fadcUnknown            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=    {fadcModel 1}

    -- fadcModel end

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem

    fadcSysModel          OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          DisplayString  ( SIZE ( 0 .. 64  ) ) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "System model string."
        ::= { fadcSystem    1 }

    fadcSysSerial         OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          DisplayString  ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32  ) ) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Device serial number."
        ::= { fadcSystem    2 }

    fadcSysVersion        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          DisplayString  ( SIZE ( 0 .. 128 ) ) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Device firmware version."
        ::= { fadcSystem    3 }

    fadcSysCpuUsage       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Instantaneous CPU usage."
        ::= { fadcSystem    4 }

    fadcSysMemUsage       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Instantaneous memory utilization."
        ::= { fadcSystem    5 }

    fadcSysLogDiskUsage   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Instantaneous log disk usage."
        ::= { fadcSystem    6 }

    fadcSysLoad       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Instantaneous system load."
        ::= { fadcSystem    30 }

        fadcSysCpuUsageTable OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcSysCpuUsageEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "A table of CPU usage status."
                ::= { fadcSystem 40 }

        fadcSysCpuUsageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FadcSysCpuUsageEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "An entry containing information applicable to a CPU"
                INDEX       { fadcCpuIndex }
                ::= { fadcSysCpuUsageTable 1 }

        FadcSysCpuUsageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                fadcCpuIndex                            FnIndex,
                fadcCpuName                             DisplayString,
                fadcCpu2secAvgUsage                     Gauge32,
                fadcCpu1minAvgUsage                     Gauge32,
                fadcCpu5minAvgUsage                     Gauge32

        fadcCpuIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FnIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "CPU index used to uniquely identify rows in this table."
                ::= { fadcSysCpuUsageEntry 1 }

        fadcCpuName OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The name of the CPU"
                ::= { fadcSysCpuUsageEntry 2 }

        fadcCpu2secAvgUsage OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The average of cpu usage in 2 sec"
                ::= { fadcSysCpuUsageEntry 3 }

        fadcCpu1minAvgUsage OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The average of cpu usage in 1 min"
                ::= { fadcSysCpuUsageEntry 4 }

        fadcCpu5minAvgUsage OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The average of cpu usage in 5 min"
                ::= { fadcSysCpuUsageEntry 5 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem.fadcSysOptions

    fadcSysOptIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Idle period after which the administrator
                         is automatically logged out off the system."
        ::= { fadcSysOptions  1 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem.fadcSysHA

    fadcHAMode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          FadcHAModeVal
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION    "[Discard] High-availability mode (Standalone, Active-Active, Active-Active-Vrrp or Active-Passive)."
        ::= { fadcSysHA 1 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem.fadcSysAlert

    fadcSysAlertTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcSysAlertEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of alerts infortion"
        ::= { fadcSysAlert 1 }

    fadcSysAlertEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcSysAlertEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to alert"
        INDEX       { fadcAlertIndex }
        ::= { fadcSysAlertTable 1 }

    FadcSysAlertEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcAlertIndex                            FnIndex,
        fadcAlertName                             DisplayString,
        fadcAlertSourceType              INTEGER,
        fadcAlertPriority              INTEGER,
        fadcAlertComments              DisplayString,
        fadcAlertVdomName              DisplayString

    fadcAlertIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Index of alert config."
        ::= { fadcSysAlertEntry 1 }

    fadcAlertName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The name of the alert config"
        ::= { fadcSysAlertEntry 2 }

    fadcAlertSourceType OBJECT-TYPE
            event    (1),
            metric   (2)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The source type of alert"
        ::= { fadcSysAlertEntry 3 }

    fadcAlertPriority OBJECT-TYPE
            high    (1),
            middle    (2),
            low    (3)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The priority of alert"
        ::= { fadcSysAlertEntry 4 }

    fadcAlertComments OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The comments of alert"
        ::= { fadcSysAlertEntry 5 }

    fadcAlertVdomName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The vdom of alert"
        ::= { fadcSysAlertEntry 6 }

        -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem.fadcSysCert.fadcLocalCertTables

        fadcLocalCertTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
            ::= { fadcSysCert 1 }

        fadcLocalCertTable OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcLocalCertEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "A table of Local Cert"
                ::= { fadcLocalCertTables 1 }

        fadcLocalCertEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FadcLocalCertEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "An entry containing information applicable to Local Cert"
                INDEX       { fadcLocalCertIndex }
                ::= { fadcLocalCertTable 1 }

        FadcLocalCertEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                fadcLocalCertIndex                FnIndex,
                fadcLocalCertName                DisplayString,
                fadcLocalCertValidFrom                DisplayString,
                fadcLocalCertValidTo                DisplayString,
        fadcLocalCertVdom                DisplayString

        fadcLocalCertIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FnIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "Index of LocalCert config."
                ::= { fadcLocalCertEntry 1 }

        fadcLocalCertName OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The name of the LocalCert config"
                ::= { fadcLocalCertEntry 2 }

    fadcLocalCertValidFrom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date From of the LocalCert"
                ::= { fadcLocalCertEntry 3 }

    fadcLocalCertValidTo OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date To of the LocalCert"
                ::= { fadcLocalCertEntry 4 }

    fadcLocalCertVdom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Vdom of the LocalCert"
                ::= { fadcLocalCertEntry 5 }

        -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem.fadcSysCert.fadcIntermediateCATables

        fadcIntermediateCATables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
            ::= { fadcSysCert 2 }

        fadcIntermediateCATable OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcIntermediateCAEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "A table of IntermediateCA"
                ::= { fadcIntermediateCATables 1 }

        fadcIntermediateCAEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FadcIntermediateCAEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "An entry containing information applicable to IntermediateCA"
                INDEX       { fadcIntermediateCAIndex }
                ::= { fadcIntermediateCATable 1 }

        FadcIntermediateCAEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                fadcIntermediateCAIndex                FnIndex,
                fadcIntermediateCAName                DisplayString,
                fadcIntermediateCAValidFrom            DisplayString,
                fadcIntermediateCAValidTo            DisplayString,
        fadcIntermediateCAVdom                DisplayString

        fadcIntermediateCAIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FnIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "Index of IntermediateCA config."
                ::= { fadcIntermediateCAEntry 1 }

        fadcIntermediateCAName OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The name of the IntermediateCA config"
                ::= { fadcIntermediateCAEntry 2 }

    fadcIntermediateCAValidFrom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date From of the IntermediateCA"
                ::= { fadcIntermediateCAEntry 3 }

    fadcIntermediateCAValidTo OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date To of the IntermediateCA"
                ::= { fadcIntermediateCAEntry 4 }

    fadcIntermediateCAVdom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Vdom of the IntermediateCA"
                ::= { fadcIntermediateCAEntry 5 }

        -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem.fadcSysCert.fadcCACertTables

        fadcCACertTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
            ::= { fadcSysCert 3 }

        fadcCACertTable OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcCACertEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "A table of CACert"
                ::= { fadcCACertTables 1 }

        fadcCACertEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FadcCACertEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "An entry containing information applicable to CACert"
                INDEX       { fadcCACertIndex }
                ::= { fadcCACertTable 1 }

        FadcCACertEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                fadcCACertIndex            FnIndex,
                fadcCACertName            DisplayString,
                fadcCACertValidFrom        DisplayString,
                fadcCACertValidTo        DisplayString,
        fadcCACertVdom            DisplayString

        fadcCACertIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FnIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "Index of CACert config."
                ::= { fadcCACertEntry 1 }

        fadcCACertName OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The name of the CACert config"
                ::= { fadcCACertEntry 2 }

    fadcCACertValidFrom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date From of the CACert"
                ::= { fadcCACertEntry 3 }

    fadcCACertValidTo OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date To of the CACert"
                ::= { fadcCACertEntry 4 }

    fadcCACertVdom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Vdom of the CACert"
                ::= { fadcCACertEntry 5 }

        -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSystem.fadcSysCert.fadcRemoteCertTables

        fadcRemoteCertTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
            ::= { fadcSysCert 4 }

        fadcRemoteCertTable OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcRemoteCertEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "A table of RemoteCert"
                ::= { fadcRemoteCertTables 1 }

        fadcRemoteCertEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FadcRemoteCertEntry
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "An entry containing information applicable to RemoteCert"
                INDEX       { fadcRemoteCertIndex }
                ::= { fadcRemoteCertTable 1 }

        FadcRemoteCertEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                fadcRemoteCertIndex            FnIndex,
                fadcRemoteCertName            DisplayString,
                fadcRemoteCertValidFrom            DisplayString,
                fadcRemoteCertValidTo            DisplayString,
        fadcRemoteCertVdom            DisplayString

        fadcRemoteCertIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      FnIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
                STATUS      current
                        "Index of RemoteCert config."
                ::= { fadcRemoteCertEntry 1 }

        fadcRemoteCertName OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The name of the RemoteCert config"
                ::= { fadcRemoteCertEntry 2 }

    fadcRemoteCertValidFrom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date From of the RemoteCert"
                ::= { fadcRemoteCertEntry 3 }

    fadcRemoteCertValidTo OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Valid Date To of the RemoteCert"
                ::= { fadcRemoteCertEntry 4 }

    fadcRemoteCertVdom OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The Vdom of the RemoteCert"
                ::= { fadcRemoteCertEntry 5 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcTraps

    fadcTrapCpuHighThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if CPU usage becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  101  }

    fadcTrapMemLowThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if memory usage becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  102  }

    fadcTrapLogDiskHighThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Log disk usage becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  103  }

    fadcTrapDosAttackStart  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if DOS attack start."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  401  }

    fadcTrapDosAttackStop  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if DOS attack stop."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  402  }

    fadcTrapFwConnectionLimit  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if FW connectionhas exceeded the allowed connections."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  403  }

    fadcTrapFwSnatLimit  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if FW snat pool has exhausted."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  404  }

    fadcTrapRequestBlocked  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the HTTP request was blocked."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  405  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if XSS attack detected by Signature."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  406  }

    fadcTrapSQLInjectionAttack  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if SQL Injection attack detected by Signature."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  407  }

    fadcTrapGenericAttack  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Generic attack detected by Signature."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  408  }

    fadcTrapExploitsAttack  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Know Exploits attack detected by Signature."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  409  }

    fadcTrapTrojansAttack  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Trojans attack detected by Signature."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  410  }

    fadcTrapInfoDisclosureAttack  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Information Disclosure attack detected by Signature."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  411  }

    fadcTrapURLPattenViolate  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if URL Patten violate detected."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  412  }

    fadcTrapProtocolConstraint  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if HTTP Protocol Constraint violate detected."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  413  }

    fadcTrapGeoViolateDetected  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Geo violate detected."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  414  }

    fadcTrapReputaionViolateDetected  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if IP Reputation violate detected."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  415  }

    fadcTrapBotDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Bot detected"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  416  }

    fadcTrapFwConnectionDeny NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Connection denied by FW_Policy"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  417  }

    fadcTrapXmlDetected    NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if XML violate detected"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  418  }

    fadcTrapJsonDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if JSON violate detected"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  419  }

    fadcTrapSoapDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if SOAP violate detected"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  420  }

    fadcTrapDlpDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if WAF DLP is detected from client IP on virtual server"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  421  }

    fadcTrapHtmlDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if WAF Html validation is detected from client IP on virtual server"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  422  }

    fadcTrapWpdDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if web page defacement detected"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  423  }

    fadcTrapCsrfDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if CSRF is detected from client IP on virtual server"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  424  }

    fadcTrapDdosIpFragmentation NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "DDoS IP Fragmentation attack detecked"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  425  }

    fadcTrapDdosTcpSlowDataAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "DDoS TCP slow data attack detecked"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  426  }

    fadcTrapDdosTcpAccessFlood NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "DDoS TCP access flood attack detecked"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  427  }

    fadcTrapDdosHttpConnectionFlood NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "DDoS HTTP connection flood attack detecked"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  428  }

    fadcTrapDdosHttpRequestFlood NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "DDoS HTTP request flood attack detecked"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  429  }

    fadcTrapDdosHttpAccessLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "DDoS HTTP access limit attack detecked"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  430  }

    fadcTrapPeriodBlockIP NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Period Block IP"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  431  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial}
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if CPU temperature becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  501  }

    fadcTrapCPUTempNormal  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial}
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if CPU temperature becomes normal."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  502  }

    fadcTrapDeviceTempHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if device temperature becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  503  }

    fadcTrapDeviceTempNormal  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if device temperature becomes normal."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  504  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU temperature becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  505  }

    fadcTrapPSUTempNormal  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU temperature becomes normal."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  506  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU fan speed becomes too slow."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  507  }

    fadcTrapDeviceFanSlow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if device fan speed becomes too slow."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  508  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU fan becomes bad."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  509  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU fan becomes good."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  510  }

    fadcTrapDeviceFanBad  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if device fan becomes bad."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  511  }

    fadcTrapDeviceFanGood  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if device fan becomes good."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  512  }

    fadcTrapVoltageHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if voltage becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  513  }

    fadcTrapPowerSupplyHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if power supply voltage becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  514  }

    fadcTrapPSUVoltageHigh  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU voltage becomes too high."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  515  }

    fadcTrapVoltageLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if voltage becomes too low."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  516  }

    fadcTrapPowerSupplyLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if power supply voltage becomes too low."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  517  }

    fadcTrapPSUVoltageLow  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU voltage becomes too low."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  518  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if PSU becomes failure."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  519  }

    fadcTrapARPConflict  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if getting ARP conflict."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  520  }

    fadcTrapExternalLinkChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if an external interface link status changes.
            For a fixed port, this is an occurrence when network cables are 
            connected or removed, and the network is reconfigured; for a pluggable 
            port (such as a SFP or XFP port), this happens when the pluggable unit 
            is plugged in or unplugged, or when a cable is connected or removed 
            from a plugged port. The possible values are UP, DOWN, DISABLED, 
            or UNPOPULATED."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  521  }

    fadcTrapLogDiskCloseThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the disk partition free space is very limited,
            which is less than a specified limit. By default, the limit is set to 
            30% of total disk space."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  522  }

    fadcTrapLogDiskLost  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the log disk cannot mount."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  523  }

    fadcTrapSsdMwiNearThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the SSD disk wear-out indicator is near its threshold."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  524  }

    fadcTrapSsdMwiReachedThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the SSD disk wear-out indicator has reached its threshold."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  525  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if it detect peers lost in HA mode."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  526  }

    fadcTrapHAMasterFailover  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the HA-Master failover to HA-Slave in HA mode."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  527  }

    fadcTrapPortStatusChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the device got monitor port status changing event 
            include up/down in HA mode."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  528  }

    fadcTrapDiskStatusChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if the device got disk status changing event include
            bad/fine in HA mode."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  529  }

    fadcTrapInetPortExhaustion  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if The device has run out of source ports and cannot 
            open new communications channels with other machines."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  530  }

    fadcTrapCertExpire  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if One of the SSL certificates configured on the
            device will expire soon."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  531  }

    fadcTrapLogicalInterfaceUp  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial, fadcIntfName }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Logical interfaces (system interfaces) going UP."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  532  }

    fadcTrapLogicalInterfaceDown  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial, fadcIntfName }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Logical interfaces (system interfaces) going DOWN."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  533  }

    fadcTrapLogicalInterfaceDisabled  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial, fadcIntfName }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if Logical interfaces (system interfaces) going DISABLED."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  534  }

    fadcTrapAlertTrigger NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial, fadcAlertName }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a system alert be trigged"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  535  }

    fadcTrapSysConnMemHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Connection memory usage over Threshold"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  536  }

    fadcTrapSysLincenseExpiryNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if License expired"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  537  }

    fadcTrapSysDeviceRebooted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if System rebooted"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  538  }

    fadcTrapSysDeviceStarted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Device started"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  539  }

    fadcTrapSysUpgeadeComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if System upgrade complete"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  540  }

    fadcTrapSysUserLogin NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if User login"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  541  }

    fadcTrapSysUserLogout NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if User logout"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  542  }

    fadcTrapSysDhcpIpAllocFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if IP address allocation failure"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  543  }

    fadcTrapSysMetricsDbDiskFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Metrics DB Disk full"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  544  }

    fadcTrapSysStatisticsDbDiskFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Statistics DB Disk usage full"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  545  }

    fadcTrapSysLogFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Log disk full"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  546  }

    fadcTrapSysFwBandwidthLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if traffic dropped due to FW QoS"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  547  }

    fadcTrapConfigExecute NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Config executed"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  548  }

    fadcTrapConfigCreate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Config create"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  549  }

    fadcTrapConfigDelete NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Config delete"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  550  }

    fadcTrapConfigUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION    "Trap sent if Config update"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  551  }

    fadcTrapSysOcspResponseExpires NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if OCSP response expires"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  552  }

    fadcTrapSysSslCertificateRevoked NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if SSL certificate revoked"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  553  }

    fadcTrapSysCrlExpires NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if SYS CRL expires"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  554  }

    fadcTrapMemberConnRateStart  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a pool member has exceeded the allowed connection rate."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  600  }

    fadcTrapVSConnRateStart  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has exceeded the allowed connection rate."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  601  }

    fadcTrapMemberConnLimitStart  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a pool member has exceeded the allowed connections."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  602  }

    fadcTrapVSConnLimitStart  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has exceeded the allowed connections."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  603  }

    fadcTrapMemberConnRateStop  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a pool member has dropping the allowed connection rate."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  604  }

    fadcTrapVSConnRateStop  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has dropping the allowed connection rate."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  605  }

    fadcTrapMemberConnLimitStop  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a pool member has dropping the allowed connections."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  606  }

    fadcTrapVSConnLimitStop  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has dropping the allowed connections."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  607  }

    fadcTrapVSTransactionRateStart  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has exceeded the allowed transaction rate."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  608  }

    fadcTrapVSTransactionRateStop  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has dropping the allowed transaction rate."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  609  }

    fadcTrapMemberHCDown  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if A pool member has occurring health check down."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  610  }

    fadcTrapVSHealthChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has occurring health status change."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  611  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a pool member has occurring health check up."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  612  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a virtual server has occurring authentication failure."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  613  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if VS ip pool has exhausted."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  614  }

    adcTrapGatewayHCDown  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group member has occurring health check down."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  615  }

    fadcTrapLinkGroupHCDown  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group has occurring health check down."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  616  }

    fadcTrapGatewayHCUp  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group member has occurring health check up."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  617  }

    fadcTrapLinkGroupHCUp  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group has occurring health check up."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  618  }

    fadcTrapGatewayInboundBandwidth  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group member has exceeded the 
            allowed inbound bandwidth."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  619  }

    fadcTrapGatewayOutboundBandwidth  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group member has exceeded the 
            allowed outbound bandwidth."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  620  }

    fadcTrapGatewayInboundSpillover  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group member has exceeded the 
            allowed inbound Spillover."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  621  }

    fadcTrapGatewayOutboundSpillover  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group member has exceeded the 
            allowed outbound Spillover."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  622  }

    fadcTrapGatewayTotalSpillover  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a link group member has exceeded the 
            allowed total Spillover"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  623  }

    fadcTrapGlbServerNotAvail  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a Server is becoming unavailable in global 
            traffic management module include SLB and generic."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  624  }

    fadcTrapGlbServerAvail  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a Server is becoming available in global 
            traffic management module."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  625  }

    fadcTrapGlbVSNotAvail  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if A Virtual Server is becoming unavailable in global 
            traffic management module."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  626  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a Virtual Server is becoming available in global 
            traffic management module."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  627  }

--    fadcTrapGlbPoolNotAvail  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
--        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
--        STATUS        current
--        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a pool is becoming unavailable in global
--            traffic management module."
--        ::=  {  fadcTraps  628  }

--    fadcTrapGlbPoolAvail  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
--        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
--        STATUS        current
--        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a pool is becoming available in global
--            traffic management module."
--        ::=  {  fadcTraps  629  }

--    fadcTrapUnsolicitedRepliesExceededThreshold  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
--        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
--        STATUS        current
--        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if The DNS cache object received unsolicited query
--            replies exceeding a configured threshold."
--        ::=  {  fadcTraps  630  }

--    fadcTrapGlbKeyGenerationRollover  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
--        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
--        STATUS        current
--        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if DNSSEC Key generation has rolled over."
--        ::=  {  fadcTraps  631  }

--    fadcTrapGlbKeyGenerationExpiration  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
--        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
--        STATUS        current
--        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if DNSSEC Key generation has expired."
--        ::=  {  fadcTraps  632  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a Gateway is becoming unavailable in global traffic management module."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  633  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Trap sent if a Gateway is becoming available in global traffic management module."
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  634  }

    fadcTrapSlbPoolDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Pool is down"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  635  }

        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Pool is up"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  636  }

    fadcTrapSlbPoolHealthChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Pool health check is chnage"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  637  }

    fadcTrapSlbServerHealthChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Server health check is chnage"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  638  }

    fadcTrapSlbServerEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Server enabled"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  639  }

    fadcTrapSlbServerDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Server disabled"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  640  }

    fadcTrapSlbServerMaintain NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Server maintain"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  641  }

    fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Virtual server is down"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  642  }

    fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Virtual server is up"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  643  }

    fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Virtual server is enabled"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  644  }

    fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Virtual server is disabled"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  645  }

    fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerMaintain NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if a Virtual server is maintain"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  646  }

    fadcTrapSlbFlowTblHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if Flow table usage over Threshold"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  647  }

    fadcTrapSlbPersistTblHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if Persistence table usage over Threshold"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  648  }

    fadcTrapSlbPktBuffHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if Packet buffer usage over Threshold"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  649  }

    fadcTrapSlbSynCacheUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if SYN cache usage over Threshold"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  650  }

    fadcTrapSlbSynTblHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if SYN table usage over Threshold"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  651  }

    fadcTrapSlbConnDropMaxFlowTbl NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if connection(s) dropped due to flow table limit"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  652  }

    fadcTrapSlbConnDropMaxPersistTbl NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if connection(s) dropped due to persistence table limit"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  653  }

    fadcTrapSlbConnDropMaxSysTbl NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if connection(s) dropped due to SYN table limit"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  654  }

    fadcTrapSlbConnDropNoConnMem NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if connection(s) dropped due to SYN table limit"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  655  }

    fadcTrapSlbConnDropNoPktBuff NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if connection(s) dropped due to low packet buffer"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  656  }

    fadcTrapSlbConnDropPoolLBFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if pool load balancing decision(s) failed"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  657  }

    fadcTrapSlbPktDropNoPktBuff NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if packet(s) dropped due to low packet buffer"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  658  }

    fadcTrapSlbPktBuffAllocFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if packet buffer allocation failure(s)"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  659  }

    fadcTrapSlbCertExpire NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if SSL certificate expires in"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  660  }

    fadcTrapSlbCacheOBJAllocFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if HTTP cacheable objects dropped due to memory allocation failure"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  661  }

    fadcTrapLlbVSThroughputLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS       { fadcSysSerial }
        STATUS      current
        DESCRIPTION     "Trap sent if packet(s) dropped due to virtual service bandwidth limit"
        ::=  {  fadcTraps  662  }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcVirtualServer

    fadcVSNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of virtual servers in fadcVirtualServer."
        ::= { fadcVirtualServer 1 }

    fadcVSTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcVSEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of virtual servers on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcVirtualServer 2 }

    fadcVSEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcVSEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular virtual server."
        INDEX       { fadcVSIndex }
        ::= { fadcVSTable 1 }

    FadcVSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcVSIndex                FnIndex,
        fadcVSName                DisplayString,
        fadcVSStatus            DisplayString,
        fadcVSHealth            DisplayString,
        fadcVSNewConnections    Integer32,
        fadcVSConcurrent        Integer32,
        fadcVSThroughputKbps    Integer32,
        fadcVSVdom                DisplayString

    fadcVSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a virtual server within the fadcVSTable."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 1 }

    fadcVSName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The server name of the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 2 }

    fadcVSStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The configuration status of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 3 }

    fadcVSHealth OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The health of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 4 }

    fadcVSNewConnections OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "New Connections persecond rate for the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 5 }

    fadcVSConcurrent OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Concurrent connection rate for the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 6 }

    fadcVSThroughputKbps OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Throughput bps rate for the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 7 }

    fadcVSVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVSEntry 8 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcVirtualDomain.fadcVdInfo

        ::= { fadcVirtualDomain 1 }

    fadcVdNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of virtual domains in vdTable."
        ::= { fadcVdInfo 1 }

    fadcVdMaxVdoms OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The maximum number of virtual domains allowed on the device as allowed by hardware and/or licensing."
        ::= { fadcVdInfo 2 }

    fadcVdEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnBoolState
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Whether virtual domains are enabled on this device."
        ::= { fadcVdInfo 3 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcVirtualDomain.fadcVdTables

        ::= { fadcVirtualDomain 2 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcVirtualDomain.fadcVdTables.fadcVdTable

    fadcVdTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcVdEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of virtual domains configured on the device."
        ::= { fadcVdTables 1 }

    fadcVdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcVdEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable
             to a particular virtual domain."
        INDEX       { fadcVdEntIndex }
        ::= { fadcVdTable 1 }

    FadcVdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcVdEntIndex    FadcVdIndex,
        fadcVdEntName     DisplayString,
        fadcVdEntHaState  FadcHaState

    fadcVdEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcVdIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Internal virtual domain index used to uniquely identify rows in this table. This index is also used by other tables referencing a virtual domain."
        ::= { fadcVdEntry 1 }

    fadcVdEntName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The name of the virtual domain."
        ::= { fadcVdEntry 2 }

    fadcVdEntHaState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcHaState
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "HA cluster member state of the virtual domain on this device
             (master, backup or standalone)."
        ::= { fadcVdEntry 3 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcIntf

    fadcIntfTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcIntfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Fortinet specific extensions to MIB-2 ifTable."
        ::= { fadcIntf 1 }

    fadcIntfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcIntfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Fortinet specific information about an ifEntry. This table augments the standard ifTable, so the same indexing is used."
        INDEX       { fadcIntfIndex }
        ::= { fadcIntfTable 1 }

    FadcIntfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcIntfIndex    FnIndex,
        fadcIntfName   DisplayString,
        fadcIntfVdom   DisplayString

    fadcIntfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Interface index used to uniquely identify rows in this table. This index is also used by other tables referencing a virtual domain."
        ::= { fadcIntfEntry 1 }

    fadcIntfName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The name of interface."
        ::= { fadcIntfEntry 2 }

    fadcIntfVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domain the interface belongs to. This index corresponds to the index used by fadcVdTable."
        ::= { fadcIntfEntry 3 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcAdmin
    fadcAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcAdminEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of administrator accounts on the device."
        ::= { fadcAdmin 1 }

    fadcAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcAdminEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable
            to a particular admin account."
        INDEX       { fadcAdminIndex }
        ::= { fadcAdminTable 1 }

    FadcAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcAdminIndex    FnIndex,
        fadcAdminName     DisplayString,
        fadcAdminVdom     DisplayString

    fadcAdminIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Admin index used to uniquely identify rows in this table. This index is also used by other tables referencing a virtual domain."
        ::= { fadcAdminEntry 1 }

    fadcAdminName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The name of administrator."
        ::= { fadcAdminEntry 2 }

    fadcAdminVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domain the administrator belongs to."
        ::= { fadcAdminEntry 3 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcCPUInfo.fadcCPUTable
    fadcCPUTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcCPUEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of system related Hardware information on the device."
        ::= { fadcCPUInfo 1 }

    fadcCPUEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcCPUEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable
            to a particular CPU."
        INDEX       { fadcCPUIndex }
        ::= { fadcCPUTable 1 }

    FadcCPUEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcCPUIndex    FnIndex,
        fadcCPUName        DisplayString,
        fadcCPUTemp        Integer32        

    fadcCPUIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "CPU index used to uniquely identify rows in this table."
        ::= { fadcCPUEntry 1 }

    fadcCPUName        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The name of the CPU."
        ::= { fadcCPUEntry 2 }
    fadcCPUTemp        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The air temperature of the host CPU."
        ::= { fadcCPUEntry 3 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcPSUInfo.fadcPSUTable
    fadcPSUTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcPSUEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of system related Hardware information on the device."
        ::= { fadcPSUInfo 1 }

    fadcPSUEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcPSUEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable
            to a particular PSU."
        INDEX       { fadcPSUIndex }
        ::= { fadcPSUTable 1 }

    FadcPSUEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcPSUIndex        FnIndex,
        fadcPSUName            DisplayString,
        fadcPSUTemp            Integer32,
        fadcPSUFanSpeed        Integer32, 
        fadcPSUFanStatus    DisplayString, 
        fadcPSUVoltage        Integer32,
        fadcPSUStatus        DisplayString                
    fadcPSUIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "PSU index used to uniquely identify rows in this table."
        ::= { fadcPSUEntry 1 }

    fadcPSUName    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The PSU Name."
        ::= { fadcPSUEntry 2 }
    fadcPSUTemp        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The PSU temperature."
        ::= { fadcPSUEntry 3 }

    fadcPSUFanSpeed    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The PSU Fan speed."
        ::= { fadcPSUEntry 4 }

    fadcPSUFanStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The PSU Fan speed status. (Good or N/A)"
        ::= { fadcPSUEntry 5 }

    fadcPSUVoltage    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The PSU voltage value."
        ::= { fadcPSUEntry 6 }

    fadcPSUStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
        "The PSU status. (Good or Error)"
        ::= { fadcPSUEntry 7 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcNetworkInfo.fadcNetworkTable
    fadcNetworkTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcNetworkEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of system related Hardware information on the device."
        ::= { fadcNetworkInfo 1 }

    fadcNetworkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcNetworkEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable
            to a particular Network."
        INDEX       { fadcNetworkIndex }
        ::= { fadcNetworkTable 1 }

    FadcNetworkEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcNetworkIndex    FnIndex,
        fadcPortLinkName    DisplayString,
        fadcPortLinkStatus    DisplayString
    fadcNetworkIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Port Link index used to uniquely identify rows in this table."
        ::= { fadcNetworkEntry 1 }

    fadcPortLinkName    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only       
         STATUS      current
            "The port link name."
        ::= { fadcNetworkEntry 2 }           

    fadcPortLinkStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only       
         STATUS      current
            "The port link status."
        ::= { fadcNetworkEntry 3 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcDeviceInfo.fadcDeviceTempTables
    fadcDeviceTempTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
        ::= { fadcDeviceInfo 1 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcDeviceInfo.fadcDeviceTempTables.fadcDeviceTempTable
    fadcDeviceTempTable    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcDeviceTempEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The Device temperature information."
        ::= { fadcDeviceTempTables 1 }
    fadcDeviceTempEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcDeviceTempEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable
            to a particular device."
        INDEX       { fadcDeviceTempIndex }
        ::= { fadcDeviceTempTable 1 }
    FadcDeviceTempEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcDeviceTempIndex        FnIndex,
        fadcDeviceTempName        DisplayString,
        fadcDeviceTempValue        Integer32        

    fadcDeviceTempIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Device temperature index used to uniquely identify rows in this table."
        ::= { fadcDeviceTempEntry 1 }

    fadcDeviceTempName        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The name of the device."
        ::= { fadcDeviceTempEntry 2 }
    fadcDeviceTempValue        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The air temperature of the device."
        ::= { fadcDeviceTempEntry 3 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcDeviceInfo.fadcDeviceFanTables
    fadcDeviceFanTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
        ::= { fadcDeviceInfo 2 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcDeviceInfo.fadcDeviceFanTables.fadcDeviceFanTable
    fadcDeviceFanTable    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF FadcDeviceFanEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The Device temperature information."
        ::= { fadcDeviceFanTables 1 }
    fadcDeviceFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcDeviceFanEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable
            to a particular device fan."
        INDEX       { fadcDeviceFanIndex }
        ::= { fadcDeviceFanTable 1 }
    FadcDeviceFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcDeviceFanIndex    FnIndex,
        fadcDeviceFanName    DisplayString,
        fadcDeviceFanSpeed    Integer32,
        fadcDeviceFanStatus    DisplayString        

    fadcDeviceFanIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Device temperature index used to uniquely identify rows in this table."
        ::= { fadcDeviceFanEntry 1 }
    fadcDeviceFanName    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The Devcice fan name."
        ::= { fadcDeviceFanEntry 2 }
        fadcDeviceFanSpeed    OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The Device Fan speed."
        ::= { fadcDeviceFanEntry 3 }
    fadcDeviceFanStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The Devcice fan tray status. (0 for good, 1 for bad or removed)"
        ::= { fadcDeviceFanEntry 4 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcHA
    fadcHACurMode    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        FadcHAModeVal
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "High-availability mode (Standalone, Active-Active, Active-Active-Vrrp or Active-Passive)."
        ::= { fadcHA 1 }

    fadcHACurState    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The state of HA."
        ::= { fadcHA 2 }

    fadcHAPeerCount    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The count of Peer."
        ::= { fadcHA 3 }

    fadcMoniterIntfCount    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The count of Moniter Interface"
        ::= { fadcHA 4 }   

    fadcDiskState    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The state of disk. (0 for good, 1 for bad)"
        ::= { fadcHA 5 }

    fadcHALastChangedTime  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Last changed status time of HA."
            ::= { fadcHA 6 }

    fadcHALastChangedReason  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Last changed status reason of HA."
        ::= { fadcHA 7 }   

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcHA.fadcSyncStats

    fadcHASyncStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcHASyncStatsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of HA peers status"
        ::= { fadcSyncStats 1 }
    fadcHASyncStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcHASyncStatsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a HA peer"
        INDEX       { fadcSyncTypeIndex }
        ::= { fadcHASyncStatsTable 1 }

    FadcHASyncStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcSyncTypeIndex            FnIndex,
        fadcSyncType                DisplayString,
        fadcSyncSent            Integer32,
        fadcSyncReceived            Integer32

    fadcSyncTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a sync type within the fadcHASyncStatsTable."
        ::= { fadcHASyncStatsEntry 1 }

    fadcSyncType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The name of sync type."
        ::= { fadcHASyncStatsEntry 2 }

    fadcSyncSent OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of sync pkts sent."
        ::= { fadcHASyncStatsEntry 3 }

    fadcSyncReceived OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of sync pkts received."
        ::= { fadcHASyncStatsEntry 4 }            

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcHA.fadcDeviceErrCount
    fadcDuplicateNodeID OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of duplicate node id error."
        ::= { fadcDeviceErrCount 1 }
    fadcVersionMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of version mismatch error."
        ::= { fadcDeviceErrCount 2 }     
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcHardware.fadcHA.fadcHAPeerInfo
        fadcHAPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcHAPeerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of HA peers status"
        ::= { fadcHAPeerInfo 1 }

    fadcHAPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcHAPeerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a HA peer"
        INDEX       { fadcPeerIndex }
        ::= { fadcHAPeerTable 1 }

    FadcHAPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcPeerIndex        FnIndex,
        fadcPeerSerialNumber        DisplayString,
        fadcPeerStatus        DisplayString,
        fadcNodeID            Integer32,
        fadcIPAddress        DisplayString

    fadcPeerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a peer within the fadcHAPeerTable."
            ::= { fadcHAPeerEntry 1 }

    fadcPeerSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The serial number of peer."
        ::= { fadcHAPeerEntry 2 }

    fadcPeerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The status of peer."
        ::= { fadcHAPeerEntry 3 }

    fadcNodeID OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The node id of peer."
        ::= { fadcHAPeerEntry 4 }

    fadcIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The ip address of peer."
        ::= { fadcHAPeerEntry 5 }

    fadcVoltage        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The Milli-Voltage value."
        ::= { fadcHardware 6 }

    fadcPowerSupplyVoltage    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The system voltage value."
        ::= { fadcHardware 7 }

    fadcLogDiskStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The status of mounting log disk. ( 0: healthy, 1: not healthy, -1: Can't get status)"
        ::= { fadcHardware 8 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcSecurity.fadcDDoSAttackStatus
    fadcDDoSAttackStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Current DOS attack status. (1 for attacking, 0 for no attack)"
        ::= { fadcSecurity 1 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcRealServer
      fadcPoolNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of pools in fadcRealServer."
        ::= { fadcRS 1 }

    fadcRSNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of real servers(pool members) in fadcRealServer."
        ::= { fadcRS 2 }

    fadcRSTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcRSEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of real servers(pool members) on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcRS 3 }

    fadcRSEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcRSEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular real server(pool member)."
        INDEX       { fadcRSIndex }
        ::= { fadcRSTable 1 }

    FadcRSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcRSIndex                FnIndex,
        fadcPoolName            DisplayString,
        fadcRSStatus            DisplayString,
        fadcRSHealth            DisplayString,
        fadcRSVdom                DisplayString,
        fadcRSName            DisplayString,
        fadcRSObjStatus            DisplayString

    fadcRSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a real server(pool member) within the fadcRSTable."
        ::= { fadcRSEntry 1 }

    fadcPoolName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The server pool name of the specified real server(pool member)."
        ::= { fadcRSEntry 2 }

    fadcRSStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The configuration status of specified real server(pool member)."
        ::= { fadcRSEntry 3 }
    fadcRSHealth OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The health of specified real server(pool member)."
        ::= { fadcRSEntry 4 }
    fadcRSVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified real server(pool member)."
        ::= { fadcRSEntry 5 }

        fadcRSName OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                        "The server name of the specified real server(pool member)."
                ::= { fadcRSEntry 6 }

    fadcRSObjStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The configuration status of specified real server object."
        ::= { fadcRSEntry 7 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcVirtualServer
    fadcVirturalServerNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of virtual servers in fadcVirtualServer."
        ::= { fadcVS 1 }

    fadcVirturalServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcVirturalServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of virtual servers on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcVS 2 }

    fadcVirturalServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcVirturalServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular virtual server."
        INDEX       { fadcVirturalServerIndex }
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerTable 1 }

    FadcVirturalServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcVirturalServerIndex                FnIndex,
        fadcVirturalServerName                DisplayString,
        fadcVirturalServerStatus            DisplayString,
        fadcVirturalServerHealth            DisplayString,
        fadcVirturalServerNewConnections    Integer32,
        fadcVirturalServerConcurrent        Integer32,
        fadcVirturalServerThroughputKbps    Integer32,
        fadcVirturalServerVdom                DisplayString,
        fadcVirturalServerWAF                Integer32

    fadcVirturalServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a virtual server within the fadcVSTable."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 1 }

    fadcVirturalServerName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The server name of the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 2 }

    fadcVirturalServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The configuration status of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 3 }

    fadcVirturalServerHealth OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The health of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 4 }

    fadcVirturalServerNewConnections OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "New Connections persecond rate for the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 5 }

    fadcVirturalServerConcurrent OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Concurrent connection rate for the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 6 }

    fadcVirturalServerThroughputKbps OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Throughput bps rate for the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 7 }

    fadcVirturalServerVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 8 }

    fadcVirturalServerWAF    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of HTTP request blocked times. (The HTTP request was 
            blocked because it issued (at least one) violation(s) which is 
            marked as blocking at the current active policy in Application 
            Security Module.)"
        ::= { fadcVirturalServerEntry 9 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcLinkLoadBalance.fadcGatewayTables
    fadcGatewayTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
        ::= { fadcLinkLoadBalance 1 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcLinkLoadBalance.fadcGatewayTables.fadcGatewayTable
    fadcGatewayTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcGatewayEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of gateways on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcGatewayTables 1 }

    fadcGatewayEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcGatewayEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular gateway."
        INDEX       { fadcGatewayIndex }
        ::= { fadcGatewayTable 1 }

    FadcGatewayEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcGatewayIndex                FnIndex,
        fadcGatewayName                    DisplayString,
        fadcGatewayHCStatus                DisplayString,
        fadcGatewayInboundBandWidth        DisplayString,
        fadcGatewayOutboundBandWidth    DisplayString,
        fadcGatewayVdom        DisplayString

    fadcGatewayIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a gateway within the fadcGatewayTable."
        ::= { fadcGatewayEntry 1 }

    fadcGatewayName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The gateway name of the specified Gateway."
        ::= { fadcGatewayEntry 2 }

    fadcGatewayHCStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The health check status of specified Gateway."
        ::= { fadcGatewayEntry 3 }
    fadcGatewayInboundBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The current inbound bandwidth of specified Gateway."
        ::= { fadcGatewayEntry 4 }

    fadcGatewayOutboundBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The current outbound bandwidth of specified Gateway."
        ::= { fadcGatewayEntry 5 }
    fadcGatewayVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified Gateway."
        ::= { fadcGatewayEntry 6 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcLinkLoadBalance.fadcLinkGroupTables

    fadcLinkGroupTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
        ::= { fadcLinkLoadBalance 2 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcLinkLoadBalance.fadcLinkGroupTables.fadcLinkGroupTable
    fadcLinkGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcLinkGroupEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of gateway groups on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcLinkGroupTables 1 }

    fadcLinkGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcLinkGroupEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular link group."
        INDEX       { fadcLinkGroupIndex }
        ::= { fadcLinkGroupTable 1 }

    FadcLinkGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcLinkGroupIndex        FnIndex,
        fadcLinkGroupName        DisplayString,
        fadcLinkGroupHCStatus    DisplayString,
        fadcLinkGroupMode        DisplayString,
        fadcLinkGroupVdom        DisplayString

    fadcLinkGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a real server within the fadcLinkGroupTable."
        ::= { fadcLinkGroupEntry 1 }

    fadcLinkGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The server name of the specified Link Group."
        ::= { fadcLinkGroupEntry 2 }

    fadcLinkGroupHCStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The health of specified Link Group."
        ::= { fadcLinkGroupEntry 3 }
    fadcLinkGroupMode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The configuration status of specified Link Group."
        ::= { fadcLinkGroupEntry 4 }
    fadcLinkGroupVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified Link Group."
        ::= { fadcLinkGroupEntry 5 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcGlobalLoadBalance.fadcGLBVSTables
        ::= { fadcGlobalLoadBalance 1 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcLinkLoadBalance.fadcGLBVSTables.fadcGLBVSTable
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcGLBVSEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of GLB virtual server on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcGLBVSTables 1 }

        SYNTAX      FadcGLBVSEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular GLB vs."
        INDEX       { fadcGLBVSIndex }
        ::= { fadcGLBVSTable 1 }

    FadcGLBVSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcGLBVSIndex        FnIndex,
        fadcGLBVSName        DisplayString,
        fadcGLBVSStatus        DisplayString,
        fadcGLBVSServerName    DisplayString,
        fadcGLBVSVdom        DisplayString

        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a GLB vs within the fadcGLBVSTable."
        ::= { fadcGLBVSEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The vs name of the specified GLB vs."
        ::= { fadcGLBVSEntry 2 }

        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The status of specified GLB vs."
        ::= { fadcGLBVSEntry 3 }

    fadcGLBVSServerName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The vs server name of the specified GLB vs in."
        ::= { fadcGLBVSEntry 4 }        

        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified GLB vs."
        ::= { fadcGLBVSEntry 5 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcServerLoadBalance

    fadcClientSideCPS OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Client-side connecyions per second"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 1 }

    fadcClientSideRPS OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Client-side requests per second"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 2 }

    fadcClientSideSSLCPS OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Client-side SSL-only connecyions per second"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 3 }

    fadcClientSideSSLRPS OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Client-side SSL-only requests per second"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 4 }

    fadcClientSideThroughput OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Client-side throughputingress and egress"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 5 }

    fadcClientSideSSLThroughput OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Client-side SSL-only (encrypted) throughput"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 6 }

    fadcConcurrentClientConnections OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Concurrent client-side connections"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 7 }

    fadcConcurrentClientSSLSessions OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Concurrent client-side SSL sessions"
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 8 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcServerLoadBalance.fadcClientSideSSLCacheUtilizationTables

    fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
        ::= { fadcServerLoadBalance 20 }

    fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Client-side SSL cache utilization table"
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizTables 1 }

    fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular virtual server."
        INDEX       { fadcSLBVSIndex }
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizTable 1 }

    FadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcSLBVSIndex              FnIndex,
        fadcSLBVSName               DisplayString,
        fadcSLBTotalCacheItems             Integer32,
        fadcSLBTotalCacheSize               Integer32,
        fadcSLBCacheHitCount               Integer32,
        fadcSLBCacheHitBytes               Integer32,
        fadcSLBTotalCertCacheItems    Integer32,
        fadcSLBTotalCertCacheSize    Integer32,
        fadcSLBHitCertCacheCount    Integer32,
        fadcSLBHitCertTotalCheck    Integer32,
        fadcSLBHitCertPercentage    Integer32

        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a virtual server within the fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizationTable."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The server name of the specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 2 }

    fadcSLBTotalCacheItems OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total cache items of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 3 }

    fadcSLBTotalCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total cache size of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 4 }

    fadcSLBCacheHitCount OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The cache hit count of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 5 }

    fadcSLBCacheHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The cache hit bytes of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 6 }

    fadcSLBTotalCertCacheItems OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total certificate cache items of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 7 }

    fadcSLBTotalCertCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total certificate cache size of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 8 }

    fadcSLBHitCertCacheCount OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The certificate cache hit count of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 9 }

    fadcSLBHitCertTotalCheck OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The certificate cache hit total check of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 10 }

    fadcSLBHitCertPercentage OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The certificate cache hit percentage of specified virtual server."
        ::= { fadcClientSSLCacheUtilizEntry 11 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcGlobalLoadBalance.fadcGLBServerTables
        ::= { fadcGlobalLoadBalance 2 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcLinkLoadBalance.fadcGLBServerTables.fadcGLBServerTable
    fadcGLBServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcGLBServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of GLB server on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcGLBServerTables 1 }

    fadcGLBServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcGLBServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular GLB server."
        INDEX       { fadcGLBServerIndex }
        ::= { fadcGLBServerTable 1 }

    FadcGLBServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcGLBServerIndex        FnIndex,
        fadcGLBServerName        DisplayString,
        fadcGLBServerStatus        DisplayString,
        fadcGLBServerVdom        DisplayString

    fadcGLBServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a GLB server within the fadcGLBServerTable."
        ::= { fadcGLBServerEntry 1 }

    fadcGLBServerName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The server name of the specified GLB server."
        ::= { fadcGLBServerEntry 2 }

    fadcGLBServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The status of specified GLB server."
        ::= { fadcGLBServerEntry 3 }    

    fadcGLBServerVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified GLB server."
        ::= { fadcGLBServerEntry 4 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcGlobalLoadBalance.fadcGLBGatewayTables
    fadcGLBGatewayTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER
        ::= { fadcGlobalLoadBalance 3 }
    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcApplication.fadcLinkLoadBalance.fadcGLBGatewayTables.fadcGLBGatewayTable
    fadcGLBGatewayTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FadcGLBGatewayEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table of GLB gateway on the device. This table is
            intended to be extended with platform specific information."
        ::= { fadcGLBGatewayTables 1 }

    fadcGLBGatewayEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FadcGLBGatewayEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry containing information applicable to a particular gateway."
        INDEX       { fadcGLBGatewayIndex }
        ::= { fadcGLBGatewayTable 1 }

    FadcGLBGatewayEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        fadcGLBGatewayIndex            FnIndex,
        fadcGLBGatewayName            DisplayString,
        fadcGLBGatewayStatus        DisplayString,
        fadcGLBGatewayServerName    DisplayString,
        fadcGLBGatewayVdom            DisplayString

    fadcGLBGatewayIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      FnIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index uniquely defining a GLB gateway within the fadcGLBGatewayTable."
        ::= { fadcGLBGatewayEntry 1 }

    fadcGLBGatewayName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The gateway name of the specified GLB gateway."
        ::= { fadcGLBGatewayEntry 2 }

    fadcGLBGatewayStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The status of specified GLB gateway."
        ::= { fadcGLBGatewayEntry 3 }

    fadcGLBGatewayServerName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The gateway server name of the specified GLB gateway in."
        ::= { fadcGLBGatewayEntry 4 }        

    fadcGLBGatewayVdom OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The virtual domian of the specified GLB gateway."
        ::= { fadcGLBGatewayEntry 5 }

    -- fnFortiADCMib.fadcMIBConformance
    fadcSystemConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcSysModel, fadcSysSerial, fadcSysVersion, fadcSysCpuUsage,
                    fadcSysMemUsage, fadcSysLogDiskUsage, fadcSysLoad,
                    fadcCpuName, fadcCpu2secAvgUsage, fadcCpu1minAvgUsage,
                    fadcCpu5minAvgUsage }
        STATUS         current
                "Object related to FortiADC system."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 1 }

    fadcSysOptionsConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcSysOptIdleTimeout }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC system option."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 2 }

    fadcTrapsConformanceGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
        NOTIFICATIONS    { fadcTrapCpuHighThreshold, fadcTrapMemLowThreshold, fadcTrapLogDiskHighThreshold,
                    fadcTrapDosAttackStart, fadcTrapDosAttackStop, fadcTrapFwConnectionLimit,
                    fadcTrapFwSnatLimit, fadcTrapRequestBlocked, fadcTrapXSSAttack,
                    fadcTrapSQLInjectionAttack, fadcTrapGenericAttack,
                    fadcTrapExploitsAttack, fadcTrapTrojansAttack,
                    fadcTrapInfoDisclosureAttack, fadcTrapURLPattenViolate,
                    fadcTrapProtocolConstraint, fadcTrapGeoViolateDetected,
                    fadcTrapReputaionViolateDetected, fadcTrapBotDetected, fadcTrapFwConnectionDeny,
                    fadcTrapXmlDetected, fadcTrapJsonDetected, fadcTrapSoapDetected,
                    fadcTrapCPUTempHigh, fadcTrapCPUTempNormal, fadcTrapDeviceTempHigh,
                    fadcTrapDeviceTempNormal, fadcTrapPSUTempHigh, fadcTrapPSUTempNormal,
                    fadcTrapPSUFanSlow, fadcTrapDeviceFanSlow, fadcTrapPSUFanBad, fadcTrapPSUFanGood,
                    fadcTrapDeviceFanBad, fadcTrapDeviceFanGood, fadcTrapVoltageHigh, fadcTrapPowerSupplyHigh,
                    fadcTrapPSUVoltageHigh, fadcTrapVoltageLow, fadcTrapPowerSupplyLow, fadcTrapPSUVoltageLow,
                    fadcTrapPSUFailure, fadcTrapARPConflict, fadcTrapExternalLinkChange, fadcTrapLogDiskCloseThreshold,
                    fadcTrapLogDiskLost, fadcTrapSsdMwiNearThreshold, fadcTrapSsdMwiReachedThreshold,
                    fadcTrapHAPeerLost, fadcTrapHAMasterFailover, fadcTrapPortStatusChange, fadcTrapDiskStatusChange,
                    fadcTrapInetPortExhaustion, fadcTrapCertExpire, fadcTrapLogicalInterfaceUp,
                    fadcTrapLogicalInterfaceDown, fadcTrapLogicalInterfaceDisabled, fadcTrapAlertTrigger,
                    fadcTrapSysConnMemHigh, fadcTrapSysLincenseExpiryNotif, fadcTrapSysDeviceRebooted,
                    fadcTrapSysDeviceStarted, fadcTrapSysUpgeadeComplete, fadcTrapSysUserLogin,
                    fadcTrapSysUserLogout, fadcTrapSysDhcpIpAllocFailure, fadcTrapSysMetricsDbDiskFull,
                    fadcTrapSysStatisticsDbDiskFull, fadcTrapSysLogFull, fadcTrapSysFwBandwidthLimit,
                    fadcTrapConfigExecute, fadcTrapConfigCreate, fadcTrapConfigDelete, fadcTrapConfigUpdate,
                    fadcTrapSysOcspResponseExpires, fadcTrapSysSslCertificateRevoked, fadcTrapSysCrlExpires,
                    fadcTrapMemberConnRateStart, fadcTrapVSConnRateStart, fadcTrapMemberConnLimitStart,
                    fadcTrapVSConnLimitStart, fadcTrapMemberConnRateStop, fadcTrapVSConnRateStop,
                    fadcTrapMemberConnLimitStop, fadcTrapVSConnLimitStop, fadcTrapVSTransactionRateStart,
                    fadcTrapVSTransactionRateStop, fadcTrapMemberHCDown, fadcTrapVSHealthChange, fadcTrapMemberHCUp,
                    fadcTrapVSAuthFail, fadcTrapVSIPPoolLimit, adcTrapGatewayHCDown,
                    fadcTrapLinkGroupHCDown, fadcTrapGatewayHCUp, fadcTrapLinkGroupHCUp, fadcTrapGatewayInboundBandwidth,
                    fadcTrapGatewayOutboundBandwidth, fadcTrapGatewayInboundSpillover, fadcTrapGatewayOutboundSpillover,
                    fadcTrapGatewayTotalSpillover, fadcTrapGlbServerNotAvail, fadcTrapGlbServerAvail, fadcTrapGlbVSNotAvail,
                    fadcTrapGlbVSAvail, fadcTrapGlbGWNotAvail, fadcTrapGlbGWAvail, fadcTrapSlbPoolDown,
                    fadcTrapSlbPoolUp, fadcTrapSlbPoolHealthChange, fadcTrapSlbServerHealthChange, fadcTrapSlbServerEnabled,
                    fadcTrapSlbServerDisabled, fadcTrapSlbServerMaintain, fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerDown, fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerUp,
                    fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerEnabled, fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerDisabled, fadcTrapSlbVirtualServerMaintain,
                    fadcTrapSlbFlowTblHigh, fadcTrapSlbPersistTblHigh, fadcTrapSlbPktBuffHigh, fadcTrapSlbSynCacheUsageHigh,
                    fadcTrapSlbSynTblHigh, fadcTrapSlbConnDropMaxFlowTbl, fadcTrapSlbConnDropMaxPersistTbl, fadcTrapSlbConnDropMaxSysTbl,
                    fadcTrapSlbConnDropNoConnMem, fadcTrapSlbConnDropNoPktBuff, fadcTrapSlbConnDropPoolLBFailure, fadcTrapSlbPktDropNoPktBuff,
                    fadcTrapSlbPktBuffAllocFail, fadcTrapSlbCertExpire, fadcTrapSlbCacheOBJAllocFail, fadcTrapLlbVSThroughputLimit }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Traps."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 3 }
    fadcHAModeConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcHAMode }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC HA mode."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 6 }

    fadcAlertConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcAlertName, fadcAlertSourceType, fadcAlertPriority,
                    fadcAlertComments, fadcAlertVdomName }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Alert."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 7 }

    fadcCertConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcLocalCertName, fadcLocalCertValidFrom, fadcLocalCertValidTo, fadcLocalCertVdom,
                    fadcIntermediateCAName, fadcIntermediateCAValidFrom, fadcIntermediateCAValidTo, fadcIntermediateCAVdom,
                    fadcCACertName, fadcCACertValidFrom, fadcCACertValidTo, fadcCACertVdom,
                    fadcRemoteCertName, fadcRemoteCertValidFrom, fadcRemoteCertValidTo, fadcRemoteCertVdom }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Cert."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 8 }

    fadcVdomConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcVdNumber, fadcVdMaxVdoms, fadcVdEnabled,
                    fadcVdEntName, fadcVdEntHaState }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Virtual Domain."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 9 }

    fadcVSConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcVSNumber, fadcVSName, fadcVSStatus, fadcVSHealth,
                    fadcVSNewConnections, fadcVSConcurrent,
                    fadcVSThroughputKbps, fadcVSVdom }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Virtual Server."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 10 }

    fadcIntfConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcIntfName, fadcIntfVdom }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Interface."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 11 }

    fadcAdminConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcAdminName, fadcAdminVdom }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Admin."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 12 }

    fadcHardwareConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcCPUName, fadcCPUTemp,
                    fadcPSUName, fadcPSUTemp, fadcPSUFanSpeed,
                    fadcPSUFanStatus, fadcPSUVoltage, fadcPSUStatus,
                    fadcPortLinkName, fadcPortLinkStatus,
                    fadcDeviceTempName, fadcDeviceTempValue,
                    fadcDeviceFanName, fadcDeviceFanSpeed, fadcDeviceFanStatus,
                    fadcHACurMode, fadcHACurState, fadcHAPeerCount,    fadcMoniterIntfCount,
                    fadcDiskState, fadcHALastChangedTime, fadcHALastChangedReason,
                    fadcSyncType, fadcSyncSent, fadcSyncReceived,
                    fadcDuplicateNodeID, fadcVersionMismatch,
                    fadcPeerSerialNumber, fadcPeerStatus, fadcNodeID, fadcIPAddress,
                    fadcVoltage, fadcPowerSupplyVoltage, fadcLogDiskStatus }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Hardware."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 13 }

    fadcSecurityConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcDDoSAttackStatus }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Security."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 14 }

    fadcApplicationConformanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS     { fadcPoolNumber, fadcRSNumber, fadcPoolName, fadcRSStatus,
                    fadcRSHealth, fadcRSVdom, fadcRSName,
                    fadcVirturalServerNumber, fadcVirturalServerName,
                    fadcVirturalServerStatus, fadcVirturalServerHealth,
                    fadcVirturalServerNewConnections, fadcVirturalServerConcurrent,
                    fadcVirturalServerThroughputKbps, fadcVirturalServerVdom,
                    fadcGatewayName, fadcGatewayHCStatus, fadcGatewayInboundBandWidth,
                    fadcGatewayOutboundBandWidth, fadcGatewayVdom,
                    fadcLinkGroupName, fadcLinkGroupHCStatus, fadcLinkGroupMode, fadcLinkGroupVdom,
                    fadcGLBVSName, fadcGLBVSStatus, fadcGLBVSServerName, fadcGLBVSVdom,
                    fadcGLBServerName, fadcGLBServerStatus, fadcGLBServerVdom,
                    fadcGLBGatewayName, fadcGLBGatewayStatus, fadcGLBGatewayServerName, fadcGLBGatewayVdom,
                    fadcClientSideCPS, fadcClientSideRPS, fadcClientSideSSLCPS,
                    fadcClientSideSSLRPS, fadcClientSideThroughput, fadcClientSideSSLThroughput,
                    fadcConcurrentClientConnections, fadcConcurrentClientSSLSessions,
                    fadcSLBVSName, fadcSLBTotalCacheItems, fadcSLBTotalCacheSize, fadcSLBCacheHitCount,
                    fadcSLBCacheHitBytes, fadcSLBTotalCertCacheItems, fadcSLBTotalCertCacheSize,
                    fadcSLBHitCertCacheCount, fadcSLBHitCertTotalCheck, fadcSLBHitCertPercentage }
        STATUS        current
                "Object related to FortiADC Application."
        ::= { fadcMIBConformance 15 }

        STATUS         current
            "The compliance statement for the application MIB."
        MODULE        -- this module
            GROUP    fadcSystemConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."
            GROUP    fadcSysOptionsConformanceGroup    
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcTrapsConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."
            GROUP     fadcHAModeConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcAlertConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcCertConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcVdomConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcVSConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcIntfConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcAdminConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcHardwareConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcSecurityConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            GROUP    fadcApplicationConformanceGroup
                "This group is mandatory for all FortiADC appliances supporting this MIB."

            ::= { fadcMIBConformance 100 }