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Test Coverage

               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
           MacAddress, DisplayString, RowStatus, TimeStamp
               FROM SNMPv2-TC
               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
           hpicfObjectModules, hpicfGenericRepeater, icfHub,
               FROM HP-ICF-OID;

       hpicfGenRptrMib MODULE-IDENTITY
            LAST-UPDATED "200306092237Z"  -- June 9, 2003
            ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
                          Network Infrastructure Solutions"
                    "Hewlett Packard Company
                     8000 Foothills Blvd.
                     Roseville, CA 95747"
                    "This MIB module contains object definitions that
                    are common to all repeater devices in the HP 
                    Integrated Communication Facility product 

            REVISION     "200306092237Z"  -- June 9, 2003
            DESCRIPTION  "Added learnLimitedContinuous mode to 

            REVISION     "200011030717Z"  -- November 3, 2000
            DESCRIPTION  "Deprecate hpSecPtPreventEavesdrop.  Update
                         division name."

            REVISION     "9807230103Z"  -- July 23, 1998
                    "Added the hpicfGenRptrBridgeGroup.  Updated
            REVISION     "9703060337Z"  -- March 6, 1997
                    "Added the hpicfGenRptrSwitchConfigGroup.  Added
                    NOTIFICATION-GROUP information."
            REVISION     "9609100228Z"  -- September 10, 1996
                    "Split this MIB module from the former monolithic
                    hp-icf MIB.  Added the hpicfGenRptrInfoGroup, the
                    hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkGroup, and the
            REVISION     "9510232347Z"  -- October 23, 1995
                    "Version of MIB module that added support for
                    the HPJ2413A and HPJ2415A 100VG hubs, and the
                    HPJ2414B agent module.  Added the
            REVISION     "9501180000Z"  -- January 18, 1995
                   "Version of MIB module that added support for
                   the HPJ2410A 100VG repeater and the HPJ2414A
                   agent module.  Added the hpicfGenRptrBasicGroup."
            REVISION     "9307090000Z"  -- July 9, 1993
                    "Initial version of this MIB module.  Released
                    with the HPJ2355A hub."
           ::= { hpicfObjectModules 8 }

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenericRepeater 1 }

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpGRpBasic 1 }

       hpGRpSelfHealEnable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "This flag controls whether or not the device will
                   send self healing packets.  Self healing packets are
                   normally sent once per second by the agent when no
                   other traffic is present.  When there is no traffic
                   present on a network, there is no way to detect
                   cabling problems (or the repair of cabling problems)
                   and status LEDs are not always correct.

                   Enabling this flag allows the agent to detect cabling
                   problems on an idle network.  This flag can be
                   disabled if self healing packets are not wanted.

                   On the 100BaseVG-AnyLAN SNMP/Bridge card, these
                   packets are addressed to a unique unused unicast
                   station address which has been reserved by HP for
                   this purpose.  On 802.3 repeaters, these packets are
                   self addressed.

                   On an 802.3 repeater, this flag MUST be enabled when
                   using the Robust Port Healing feature.  Without
                   Robust Port Healing either a good transmit or a good
                   receive will reconnect an autopartitioned port.  With
                   Robust Port Healing the criteria is more restrictive
                   and only a good transmit will heal a segmented port.
                   If all ports are segmented, the repeater will not
                   repeat anything until the agent transmits a self
                   healing packet and reconnects the autopartitioned
           ::= { hpGRpBasicGlobal 1 }

       hpGRpRepeaterTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpGRpRepeaterEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A table containing generic information about the
                   current logical repeaters in this managed system."
           ::= { hpGRpBasicGlobal 2 }

       hpGRpRepeaterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpGRpRepeaterEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the table, containing information about
                   a single logical repeater."
           INDEX      { hpGRpRepeaterIndex }
           ::= { hpGRpRepeaterTable 1 }

       HpGRpRepeaterEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpGRpRepeaterIndex              Integer32,
               hpGRpRepeaterIfIndex            Integer32,
               hpGRpRepeaterName               DisplayString,
               hpGRpRepeaterVlanIndex          Integer32

       hpGRpRepeaterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This object uniquely identifies the logical repeater
                   in the managed system for which this entry contains
                   information.  This object will have the same value
                   as the corresponding 'repeater index' object in the
                   media-specific repeater MIB for this repeater.  Note
                   that it will also have the same value as the
                   instance of the Entity MIB's entLogicalIndex for
                   the entry in the entLogicalTable that represents
                   this repeater."
           ::= { hpGRpRepeaterEntry 1 }

       hpGRpRepeaterIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The interface on the agent that is used to transmit
                   and receive packets through this repeater.  The
                   ifEntry identified by this value is the same entry
                   identified by the same value of the ifIndex object.
                   The value zero indicates that the agent has no
                   interface through which it can send and receive
                   packets on this repeater."
           ::= { hpGRpRepeaterEntry 2 }

       hpGRpRepeaterName OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..16))
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "A friendly name for this repeater.  Management
                   applications can use this to configure a user
                   friendly name for this logical repeater."
           ::= { hpGRpRepeaterEntry 3 }

       hpGRpRepeaterVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "The virtual LAN that this repeater is on.  Note that
                   setting this object does not affect the operation of
                   the repeater in any way.  It is a 'notepad' for
                   management applications to allow them to record
                   which VLAN on a connected switch this logical
                   repeater is connected to."
           ::= { hpGRpRepeaterEntry 4 }

       -- The Generic Repeater Security group.

       hubSecurity           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { icfHub 10 }

       hubSecurePortTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HubSecurePortEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "Table containing security configuration for each
           ::= { hubSecurity 1 }

       hubSecurePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HubSecurePortEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the hubSecurePortTable, containing
                   the security configuration for a single port."
           INDEX      { hubSecPtGroupIndex, hubSecPtPortIndex }
           ::= { hubSecurePortTable 1 }

       HubSecurePortEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hubSecPtGroupIndex              Integer32,
               hubSecPtPortIndex               Integer32,
               hubSecPtSecurityAddress         MacAddress,
               hubSecPtAuthorizedAddress       MacAddress,
               hubSecPtPreventEavesdrop        INTEGER,
               hubSecPtAlarmEnable             INTEGER,
               hubSecPtIntrusionFlag           INTEGER

       hubSecPtGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the group containing the
                   port for which this entry contains security
                   configuration information."
           ::= { hubSecurePortEntry 1 }

       hubSecPtPortIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the port within the group
                   for which this entry contains security
                   configuration information."
           ::= { hubSecurePortEntry 2 }

       hubSecPtSecurityAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     MacAddress
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "The desired authorized MAC address for this port.
                   This can be either a regular station address to
                   configure a specific address, or it can be one of
                   the following special values to specify the
                   address learning method:
                       FFFF-FFFF-FFFE: learnOnce.  First source MAC
                           address heard on this port becomes the
                           authorized address.  Setting this value
                           initiates learning of a new authorized
                           address.  When a new authorized address is
                           learned, it will be stored in nonvolatile
                           memory.  This variable will return
                           learnOnceConditionally to a GET operation
                           after it has been set to this value.
                       FFFF-FFFF-FFFD: learnOnceConditionally.  This
                           option will initiate learning of a new
                           authorized address only if the previous
                           hubSecPtSecurityAddress was set to a
                           specific address or learnContinuous.  No
                           action will be performed if the previous
                           value was already learnOnceConditionally.
                       FFFF-FFFF-FFFC: learnContinuous.  Any address
                           heard becomes the new authorized address.
                           When a new address is learned, it may
                           cause an alarm, but it does not store
                           anything in nonvolatile memory."
           ::= { hubSecurePortEntry 3 }

       hubSecPtAuthorizedAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     MacAddress
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The MAC address of the station authorized to be
                   on this port.  This address could either have been
                   configured by specifying a regular station address
                   for hubSecPtSecurityAddress, or it could have been
                   learned by the agent if hubSecPtSecurityAddress
                   was set to one of the special values listed above.
                   Once the agent has learned an authorized address,
                   it will be saved across powerfails, unless the
                   agent was configured for learnContinuous mode."
           ::= { hubSecurePortEntry 4 }

       hubSecPtPreventEavesdrop OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "If enabled, unicast packets not addressed to the
                   authorized address for this port will be
           ::= { hubSecurePortEntry 5 }

       hubSecPtAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "If enabled, the agent will generate an
                   intrusionTrap if a packet is received on this port
                   with a source MAC address that is different from
                   the hubSecPtAuthorizedAddress for this port."
           ::= { hubSecurePortEntry 6 }

       hubSecPtIntrusionFlag OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "This flag indicates if an intrusion has occurred
                   on this port.  The Security LED on the hub will
                   blink if any instance of this flag has the value
                   intrusion.  Setting this flag to noIntrusion will
                   turn off the Security LED if no other ports have
                   this flag set to intrusion.  An intrusion will
                   only cause an alarm and an intrusion log entry if
                   this flag is equal to noIntrusion."
           ::= { hubSecurePortEntry 7 }

       hubIntruderLogTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HubIntruderLogEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This table contains a record of the twenty most
                   recent port security violations.  The first entry
                   in the table is the oldest."
           ::= { hubSecurity 2 }

       hubIntruderLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HubIntruderLogEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A row in the hubIntruderLogTable containing
                   information about a single port security
           INDEX     { hubIntruderIndex }
           ::= { hubIntruderLogTable 1 }

       HubIntruderLogEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hubIntruderIndex                Integer32,
               hubIntruderGroup                Integer32,
               hubIntruderPort                 Integer32,
               hubIntruderAddress              MacAddress,
               hubIntruderTime                 TimeStamp,
               hubIntruderType                 INTEGER,
               hubIntruderTrainingViolation    INTEGER

       hubIntruderIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..20)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The index of this entry in the intruder log
                   table.  Index 1 will always contain the oldest
                   entry.  If the table is full when a new intrusion
                   occurs, the new entry becomes index 20, and all
                   earlier entries are shifted down by one entry,
                   removing the old index 1."
           ::= { hubIntruderLogEntry 1 }

       hubIntruderGroup OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the group containing the
                   port on which this intrusion occurred."
           ::= { hubIntruderLogEntry 2 }

       hubIntruderPort  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the port within the group
                   on which this intrusion occurred.  A port number
                   of zero indicates that this entry is unused and
                   the values for the other variables in this entry
                   are undefined."
           ::= { hubIntruderLogEntry 3 }

       hubIntruderAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     MacAddress
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object contains the source MAC address of
                   the intruder."
           ::= { hubIntruderLogEntry 4 }

       hubIntruderTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     TimeStamp
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The value of sysUpTime when the intrusion
                   occurred.  This will be zero if the agent has been
                   reset since the intruder was detected, since
                   sysUpTime could be misinterpreted in that case."
           ::= { hubIntruderLogEntry 5 }

       hubIntruderType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the type of violation that
                   occured: address, training, or both.  The
                   hubIntruderTrainingViolation object will indicate
                   additional information, if any, on the type of
                   training violation.  This object will be equal to
                   'none' if this log entry is unused.  Note that
                   the values 'training' and 'both' are only valid
                   for 802.12 ports."
           ::= { hubIntruderLogEntry  6 }

       hubIntruderTrainingViolation  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object indicates the type of training
                   violation.  Note that for 802.3 ports,
                   this object will always be equal to 'noViolation'.
                   This object will be equal to 'noViolation' if this
                   log entry is unused."
           ::= { hubIntruderLogEntry  7 }

       hpSecurePortTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpSecurePortEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "Table containing security configuration
                   for each port, where security for multiple
                   MAC addresses per port is desired (e.g.,
                   switch systems)."
           ::= { hubSecurity 3 }

       hpSecurePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpSecurePortEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the hpSecurePortTable, containing
                   the security configuration for a single port."
           INDEX      { hpSecPtGroupIndex, hpSecPtPortIndex }
           ::= { hpSecurePortTable 1 }

       HpSecurePortEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpSecPtGroupIndex              Integer32,
               hpSecPtPortIndex               Integer32,
               hpSecPtAddressLimit            Integer32,
               hpSecPtLearnMode               INTEGER,
               hpSecPtPreventEavesdrop        INTEGER,
               hpSecPtAlarmEnable             INTEGER,
               hpSecPtIntrusionFlag           INTEGER

       hpSecPtGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the group containing the
                   port for which this entry contains security
                   configuration information.  On repeater systems,
                   this can be used to identify a specific repeater
                   within a managed stack of repeaters.  On switch
                   systems, stacked or unstacked, this value is
                   always one."
           ::= { hpSecurePortEntry 1 }

       hpSecPtPortIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the port within the group
                   for which this entry contains security
                   configuration information.  On a switch system,
                   this index corresponds to the ifIndex of the port."
           ::= { hpSecurePortEntry 2 }

       hpSecPtAddressLimit OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..32)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the maximum number of
                   MAC addresses learned on this port when the
                   hpSecPtLearnMode is set to learnFirstN or
                   learnFirstNConditionally.  Changing the limit
                   while in these modes clears any addresses for
                   this port in the hpSecureAuthAddrTable.
                   This limit does not apply when the learn mode
                   is set to configureSpecific."
           ::= { hpSecurePortEntry 3 }

       hpSecPtLearnMode OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the learning mode of the port.
                   The modes are as follows:
                       LearnContinuous.  The port can learn all new MAC
                           addresses.  When a new address is learned,
                           it is stored in a manner such that it can
                           be retrieved from the hpSecureAuthAddrTable.
                           Changing the mode to this value clears any
                           existing addresses for this port in the
                       learnFirstN.  First N source MAC addresses heard
                           on this port become the authorized addresses.
                           N is configured in hpSecPtAddressLimit.
                           Setting this value initiates learning of up
                           to N new authorized addresses.  When a new
                           authorized address is learned, it will be
                           stored in the hpSecureAuthAddrTable.  When
                           the table has reached its limit N for this
                           port, any new source MAC addresses received
                           on the port constitutes an intrusion.  See
                           hpSecPtAlarmEnable for possible responses
                           to the intrusion.  This variable will return
                           learnFirstNConditionally to a GET operation
                           after it has been set to this value.
                       learnFirstNConditionally.  This option will
                           initiate learning of up to N new authorized  
                           addresses only if the previous hpSecPtLearnMode
                           was not set to learnFirstN or learnFirstN-
                           Conditionally.  N is configured in
                       configureSpecific.  The port will not learn any
                           addresses.  Rather, specific authorized
                           MAC addresses for this port are explicitly
                           configured via the hpSecureCfgAddrTable.
                           These addresses are also stored in the
                           hpSecureAuthAddrTable.  Any source MAC
                           address received on this port other than
                           those configured, constitutes an intrusion.
                           See hpSecPtAlarmEnable for possible responses.
                       learn8021xAuthorized.  The port will learn only MAC
                           address of a client authorized by 802.1X 
                       learnLimitedContinuous.  First N source MAC addresses
                           heard on this port become the authorized addresses.
                           N is specified by the hpSecPtAddressLimit
                           object.  When a new authorized address is learned, it
                           will be stored in the hpSecureAuthAddrTable.  When
                           the table has reached its limit N for this port, any
                           new source MAC addresses received on the port
                           constitutes an intrusion.   See hpSecPtAlarmEnable
                           for possible responses.  The authorized addresses in
                           this mode will age out of the system, therefore the
                           list of authorized addresses can be dynamic over 
           ::= { hpSecurePortEntry 4 }

       hpSecPtPreventEavesdrop OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "If enabled on a switch, outbound unknown unicast
                   packets will not be forwarded out this port.  If
                   enabled on a repeater, outbound unknown unicast
                   packets for this port will be scrambled."
           ::= { hpSecurePortEntry 5 }

       hpSecPtAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the action taken when an
                   intrusion occurs.  See hpSecPtLearnMode for what
                   constitutes an intrusion.
                       disable.  No trap is sent and the port
                           remains enabled.
                       SendTrap.  If the hpSecPtIntrusionFlag is
                           set to noIntrusion, the agent will generate
                           an intrusionTrap.
                       SendTrapAndDisablePort.  If the hpSecPtIntru-
                           sionFlag is set to noIntrusion, the agent
                           generate an intrusionTrap and disable
                           the port.  This value does not apply to
           ::= { hpSecurePortEntry 6 }

       hpSecPtIntrusionFlag OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "This flag indicates if an intrusion has occured
                   on this port.  Security-related LED(s) on the
                   device will blink if any instance of this flag
                   has the value intrusion.  Setting this flag to
                   noIntrusion will turn off the appropriate LED(s).
                   An intrusion will only cause an alarm and an
                   intrusion log entry if this flag is equal to
                   noIntrusion.  On a switch, packets causing
                   intrusions will be not be forwarded."
           ::= { hpSecurePortEntry 7 }

       hpSecureCfgAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpSecureCfgAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "Table containing multiple configured authorized
                   addresses per port.  Facilitates security
                   for ports whose hpSecPtLearnMode is set to
           ::= { hubSecurity 4 }

       hpSecureCfgAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpSecureCfgAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the hpSecureCfgAddrTable, containing
                   the configured authorized address for a single
                   port.  Entries are stored in nonvolatile memory
                   when either the hpSecPtrLearnMode for the port
                   is changed to configureSpecific, or a new entry
                   is configured while hpSecPtrLearnMode for the
                   port is currently set to configureSpecific."
           INDEX      { hpSecCfgAddrGroupIndex,
           ::= { hpSecureCfgAddrTable 1 }

       HpSecureCfgAddrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpSecCfgAddrGroupIndex       Integer32,
               hpSecCfgAddrPortIndex        Integer32,
               hpSecCfgAddress              MacAddress,
               hpSecCfgStatus               RowStatus

       hpSecCfgAddrGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the group containing the
                   port for which this entry contains the configured
                   authorized address.  On repeater systems,
                   this can be used to identify a specific repeater
                   within a managed stack of repeaters.  On switch
                   systems, stacked or unstacked, this value is
                   always one."
           ::= { hpSecureCfgAddrEntry 1 }

       hpSecCfgAddrPortIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the port within the group
                   for which this entry contains the configured
                   authorized address.  On a switch, this index
                   corresponds to the ifIndex of the port."
           ::= { hpSecureCfgAddrEntry 2 }

       hpSecCfgAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     MacAddress
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A specific authorized MAC address for this port
                   configured by a management station."
           ::= { hpSecureCfgAddrEntry 3 }

       hpSecCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX       RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS   read-create
           STATUS       current
                   "The row status of a hpSecureCfgAddrEntry."
           ::= { hpSecureCfgAddrEntry 4 }

       hpSecureAuthAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpSecureAuthAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "Table containing the authorized addresses for
                   each port.  An authorized address is an address
                   learned while the hpSecPtLearnMode for the port
                   is set to learnContinuous, learnFirstN, 
                   learnLimitedContinuous, or learnFirstNConditionally;  
                   or an address in the hpSecureCfgAddrTable when the 
                   hpSecPtLearnMode for the port is set to configureSpecific.
                   On a switch, for ports whose hpSecPtLearnMode
                   is set to learnContinuous or learnLimitedContinuous, 
                   this table may return MAC address information based 
                   on the switch's 802.1d forwarding database."
           ::= { hubSecurity 5 }

       hpSecureAuthAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpSecureAuthAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the hpSecureAuthAddrTable,
                   containing the authorized address for a single
                   port.  Entries are stored in nonvolatile memory
                   except when the port's hpSecPtLearnMode is set
                   to learnContinuous or learnLimitedContinuous."

           INDEX      { hpSecAuthAddrGroupIndex,
                        hpSecAuthAddress }
           ::= { hpSecureAuthAddrTable 1 }

       HpSecureAuthAddrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpSecAuthAddrGroupIndex       Integer32,
               hpSecAuthAddrPortIndex        Integer32,
               hpSecAuthAddress              MacAddress

       hpSecAuthAddrGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the group containing the
                   port for which this entry contains authorized
                   address information.  On repeater systems,
                   this can be used to identify a specific repeater
                   within a managed stack of repeaters.  On switch
                   systems, stacked or unstacked, this value is
                   always one."
           ::= { hpSecureAuthAddrEntry 1 }

       hpSecAuthAddrPortIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This object identifies the port within the group
                   for which this entry contains authorized
                   address information.  On a switch, this index
                   corresponds to ifIndex of the port."
           ::= { hpSecureAuthAddrEntry 2 }

       hpSecAuthAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     MacAddress
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The MAC address of the station authorized to be
                   on this port.  See hpSecureAuthAddrTable for
                   the definition of 'authorized address'."
           ::= { hpSecureAuthAddrEntry 3 }

       -- The Generic Repeater backup links group

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenericRepeater 2 }

       hpicfBackupLinkNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "A currently unassigned value of
                   hpicfBackupLinkIndex.  The value 0 indicates that no
                   unassigned values are available.

                   In order to cause a non-zero value of this object to
                   be assigned for use as the hpicfBackupLinkIndex of a
                   future backup link configuration, it must be
                   successfully modified by a set operation.  When
                   modified by a set operation, the new value must
                   precisely match the value presently held by the
                   object.  If not, the management protocol set
                   operation will fail.

                   Immediately after the completion of a successful set
                   operation, the agent must modify the value of this
                   object.  The algorithm for modifying the value is
                   implementation-dependent, and may use a subset of
                   values within the legal range.  However, the agent
                   must guarantee that the new value is not assigned to
                   any in-use value of hpicfBackupLinkIndex.

                   A management station creates a new backup link using
                   this algorithm:

                      - issue a management protocol retrieval operation
                        to obtain the value of hpicfBackupLinkNextIndex;
                        if the retrieved value is zero, a new backup
                        link cannot be created at this time;

                      - issue a management protocol set operation for
                        hpicfBackupLinkNextIndex, supplying the same
                        value as obtained in the previous step;

                      - if the set operation succeeds, use the supplied
                        value as the hpicfBackupLinkIndex of the new
                        backup link; if the set operation fails, go back
                        to the first step and obtain a new value for

                      - issue a management protocol set operation to
                        create an instance of the hpicfBackupLinkStatus
                        object setting its value to 'createAndGo' or
                        'createAndWait' (as specified in the description
                        of the RowStatus textual convention).

                    Note that the set of hpicfBackupLinkNextIndex and
                    the instance of hpicfBackupLinkStatus may occur in
                    the same set operation if desired."
           ::= { hpicfGRpBackupLinks 1 }

       hpicfBackupLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfBackupLinkEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A table of backup link configuration entries.  For
                   a given backup link, the agent will periodically send
                   a test packet to the device at the specified address.
                   If no response is received after a configured number
                   of test packets are sent, the agent will enable the
                   backup port and disable the primary port, and will
                   stop sending periodic test packets.  After the agent
                   has switched to the backup link, the primary port
                   will need to explicitly be re-enabled via management
                   action in order to return to using the primary port.

                   At any time, a management station can examine the
                   associated instance of the hpicfBackupLinkState
                   object to determine if the backup port is currently
                   in use.

                   The backup link algorithm enables and disables the
                   backup port by modifying the instance of the
                   rptrPortAdminStatus object corresponding to that
                   port.  After the backup port has been enabled by the
                   backup link algorithm, if the primary port is
                   subsequently enabled via management action, the
                   backup port will be turned off and the periodic
                   test packets will resume.

                   When a row of this table is activated, the backup
                   port will be disabled, the primary port will be
                   enabled, and the periodic test packets will be sent.
                   The time between test packets is configurable using
                   the associated instance of the
                   hpicfBackupLinkTestTime object.  The number of
                   failures needed to switch to the backup port is
                   configurable using the associated instance of the
                   hpicfBackupLinkConsecFailures object.  The backup
                   link function can be disabled by setting the relevant
                   instance of the hpicfBackupLinkStatus object to
                   either 'notInService' or 'destroy'.

                   Note that the primary port for a backup link must
                   be mapped to a repeater segment that the agent is
                   capable of transmitting through.  In addition, a
                   given port cannot be used in more than one active
                   backup link at the same time."
           ::= { hpicfGRpBackupLinks 2 }

       hpicfBackupLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpicfBackupLinkEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A row in the table, containing information about a
                   single backup link."
           INDEX      { hpicfBackupLinkIndex }
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkTable 1 }

       HpicfBackupLinkEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpicfBackupLinkIndex            Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkPrimaryGroup     Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkPrimaryPort      Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkBackupGroup      Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkBackupPort       Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkAddress          MacAddress,
               hpicfBackupLinkTestTime         Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkConsecFailures   Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkState            INTEGER,
               hpicfBackupLinkFailEventIndex   Integer32,
               hpicfBackupLinkStatus           RowStatus

       hpicfBackupLinkIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "The value of this object uniquely identifies this
                   backup link."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 1 }

       hpicfBackupLinkPrimaryGroup OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The group containing the primary port for this
                   backup link."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 2 }

       hpicfBackupLinkPrimaryPort OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The port number within the group of the primary port
                   for this backup link."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 3 }

       hpicfBackupLinkBackupGroup OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The group containing the backup port for this
                   backup link."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 4 }

       hpicfBackupLinkBackupPort OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The port number within the group of the backup port
                   for this backup link."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 5 }

       hpicfBackupLinkAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     MacAddress
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The MAC address of the device to which periodic
                   test packets are sent in order to determine if the
                   primary link is operational."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 6 }

       hpicfBackupLinkTestTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..15)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The frequency, in seconds, between sending periodic
                   test packets.  The test packet response timeout is
                   fixed at 500ms."
           DEFVAL     { 1 }
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 7 }

       hpicfBackupLinkConsecFailures OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..16)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The number of consecutive test packet failures which
                   will cause the agent to switch to the backup port
                   (i.e., backup port turned on, primary port turned
                   off).  A value of one is generally not recommended
                   and will cause the backup link to be enabled upon
                   the first failure."
           DEFVAL     { 2 } 
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 8 }

       hpicfBackupLinkState OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The current state of this backup link.  One of the
                   following values:

                       notActive    - backup link not running because
                                      this row has not yet been made
                       usingPrimary - backup link is running and using
                                      the primary port
                       usingBackup  - backup link test has failed; the
                                      primary port has been disabled 
                                      and the backup port has been
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 9 }

       hpicfBackupLinkFailEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The index of the eventEntry in the RMON MIB that
                   will be triggered whenever the value of
                   hpicfBackupLinkState changes from 'usingPrimary' to
                   'usingBackup'.  The eventEntry identified by a
                   particular value of this index is the same as
                   identified by the same value of the eventIndex
                   object.  If there is no corresponding entry in the
                   eventTable, then no association exists.  In
                   particular, if this value is zero, no associated
                   event will be generated, as zero is not a valid
                   event index."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 10 }

       hpicfBackupLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The status of this entry.  This object may not be
                   set to 'active' unless the corresponding instance of
                   hpicfBackupLinkAddress has been set to a valid
                   unicast address, the corresponding instances of
                   hpicfBackupLinkBackupGroup, and
                   hpicfBackupLinkBackupPort have been configured to
                   refer to two existing ports and that those ports are
                   not used in any other active backup link
                   configuration, and the primary port is mapped to a
                   repeater segment which the agent is capable of
                   transmitting through."
           ::= { hpicfBackupLinkEntry 11 }

       -- The generic repeater port mapping group

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenericRepeater 3 }

       hpGRpPMSegmentTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpGRpPMSegmentEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A table for configuring segment-to-repeater mapping
                   for repeater segments in this managed system."
           ::= { hpGRpPortMapping 1 }

       hpGRpPMSegmentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpGRpPMSegmentEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the table, containing mapping
                   information about a single repeater segment."
           INDEX      { hpGRpPMSegmentIndex }
           ::= { hpGRpPMSegmentTable 1 }

       HpGRpPMSegmentEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpGRpPMSegmentIndex             Integer32,
               hpGRpPMCurrentRptrIndex         Integer32

       hpGRpPMSegmentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "The value of an instance of this object uniquely
                   identifies a physical repeater segment in this
                   managed system.  The value of an instance of this
                   object will be equal to the instance of the Entity
                   MIB's entPhysicalIndex for the entry in the
                   entPhysicalTable that represents this segment."
           ::= { hpGRpPMSegmentEntry 1 }

       hpGRpPMCurrentRptrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "The index of the repeater that this segment is
                   currently connected to.  Changing this value has the
                   effect of moving all ports on this segment to a
                   different repeater.  The hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrTable
                   should be consulted to determine which repeaters
                   this segment can be connected to."
           ::= { hpGRpPMSegmentEntry 3 }

       hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This table is used to inform a management
                   application about which repeaters a physical segment
                   is able to be connected to.  There is one row in this
                   table for each allowable segment-to-repeater
           ::= { hpGRpPortMapping 2 }

       hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A row in the table, containing a single allowable
                   segment-to-repeater connection.  The presence of a
                   row indicates that the segment identified by
                   hpGRpPMSegmentIndex can be mapped to the repeater
                   identified by hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrIndex."
           INDEX      { hpGRpPMSegmentIndex,
                        hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrIndex }
           ::= { hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrTable 1 }

       HpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrIndex      Integer32

       hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The repeater index that identifies a repeater that
                   this segment is able to be connected to."
           ::= { hpGRpPMSegAllowedRptrEntry 1 }

       hpGRpPMPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpGRpPMPortEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A table for configuring port-to-repeater mapping
                   for repeater ports in this managed system."
           ::= { hpGRpPortMapping 3 }

       hpGRpPMPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpGRpPMPortEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the table, containing mapping
                   information about a single repeater port."
           INDEX      { hpGRpPMPortGroupIndex, hpGRpPMPortIndex }
           ::= { hpGRpPMPortTable 1 }

       HpGRpPMPortEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpGRpPMPortGroupIndex           Integer32,
               hpGRpPMPortIndex                Integer32,
               hpGRpPMPortEntPhysicalIndex     Integer32,
               hpGRpPMPortCurrentRptrIndex     Integer32

       hpGRpPMPortGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "The group containing the port for which this entry
                   contains mapping information."
           ::= { hpGRpPMPortEntry 1 }

       hpGRpPMPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "The port within the group for which this entry
                   contains mapping information."
           ::= { hpGRpPMPortEntry 2 }

       hpGRpPMPortEntPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object indicates which entry in the Entity
                   MIB's entPhysicalTable represents this port.  The
                   entPhysicalEntry identified by this value is the
                   same entry identified by the same value of the
                   entPhysicalIndex object."
           ::= { hpGRpPMPortEntry 3 }

       hpGRpPMPortCurrentRptrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "The index of the repeater that this port is
                   currently mapped to.  Changing this value has the
                   effect of moving this port to a different repeater.
                   The hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrTable should be consulted
                   to determine which repeaters this port can be mapped
                   to.  A value of zero indicates that this port is
                   currently not a member of any repeater."
           ::= { hpGRpPMPortEntry 4 }

       hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "This table is used to inform a management
                   application about which repeaters a logical port is
                   able to be mapped to.  There is one row in this table
                   for each allowable port to repeater mapping."
           ::= { hpGRpPortMapping 4 }

       hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A row in the table, containing a single allowable
                   port to repeater mapping.  The presence of a row
                   indicates that the port identified by
                   hpGRpPMPortGroupIndex, hpGRpPMPortIndex can be
                   mapped to the repeater identified by
           INDEX      { hpGRpPMPortGroupIndex, hpGRpPMPortIndex,
                        hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrIndex }
           ::= { hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrTable 1 }

       HpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrIndex     Integer32

       hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "The repeater index that identifies a repeater that
                   this port is able to be mapped to."
           ::= { hpGRpPMPortAllowedRptrEntry 1 }

       -- The generic repeater load balancing group

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenericRepeater 4 }

       hpGRpPortMapAutoConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "If this object has the value 'enabled', when a
                   switch is discovered in the stack, the repeater
                   ports will be evenly distributed across the repeater
                   segments if they had not previously been assigned
                   to segments (in other words, if they are in their
                   default state).  If this object has the value
                   'disabled', this automatic distribution of ports
                   will not occur."
           ::= { hpGRpLoadBalancing 1 }

       hpGRpLoadBalanceNow OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "Setting this object to 'balancing' will cause the
                   agent to distribute ports in the stack across the
                   repeater segments, attempting to balance the
                   traffic load on each segment.  When the agent has
                   finished the load balancing, it will set the value
                   of this object to 'completed'.  Setting this object
                   to 'undoLast' will cause the agent to return all of
                   the ports to the segment they were on before the
                   last load balancing.  This object will have the
                   value of 'cantUndo' if there has been no load
                   balancing since the last agent reset or if the last
                   load balancing has already been undone.  This object
                   can only be set to 'undoLast' when its current value
                   is 'completed'."
           ::= { hpGRpLoadBalancing 2 }

       hpGRpLastLoadBalanceTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     TimeStamp
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object contains the value of sysUpTime for
                   the last time the hpGRPLoadBalanceNow object was
                   set to 'balancing'.  If load balancing has not been
                   performed since the last agent reset, this object
                   will have the value 0."
           ::= { hpGRpLoadBalancing 3 }

       -- Objects for configuring internal and external switches
       -- for switching between repeater segments in a repeater
       -- system.

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenericRepeater 5 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfGRpSwitchEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A table of switches, both internal and external,
                   connected to ports in this repeater system.
                   Typically, internal switches are added by the agent
                   and cannot be removed by a management operation.
                   External switches may be added or removed by
                   management operations using the hpicfGRpSwitchStatus
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchConfig 1 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpicfGRpSwitchEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the table, representing a single
                   attached switch."
           INDEX      { hpicfGRpSwitchIndex }
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchTable 1 }

       HpicfGRpSwitchEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpicfGRpSwitchIndex             Integer32,
               hpicfGRpSwitchType              INTEGER,
               hpicfGRpSwitchEntPhysicalIndex  Integer32,
               hpicfGRpSwitchLinkCount         Integer32,
               hpicfGRpSwitchStatus            RowStatus

       hpicfGRpSwitchIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..31)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An index used to uniquely identify this switch."
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchEntry 1 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "This object indicates whether this switch is an
                   internal switch card or a switch external to the
                   repeater system.  This object will always be equal
                   to 'external' for rows that are created using
                   hpicfGRpSwitchStatus.  For internal switches, the
                   type of internal switch can be determined by
                   examining the relevant instance of the
                   entPhysicalType object."
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchEntry 2 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchEntPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                   "For an internal switch, this object is the index
                   in the entPhysicalTable for the internal switch
                   card.  For an external switch, the value of this
                   object will be zero."
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchEntry 3 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchLinkCount OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..255)
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The number of links from this switch's ports to
                   repeater ports in this repeater system.  For internal
                   switches, this object cannot be modified by a network
                   management operation.  For an external switch, when
                   this object is set, a number of rows will be added to
                   the hpicfGRpSwitchLinkTable equal to the value of
                   this object.  The values of hpicfGRpSwitchLinkIndex
                   will be numbered from 1 to the value of this object.

                   An instance of this object may not be modified if
                   the corresponding instance of the
                   hpicfGRpSwitchStatus object would be equal to
                   'active' both before and after the modification
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchEntry 4 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS read-create
           STATUS     current
                   "The status of this hpicfGRpSwitchEntry.

                   An entry may not exist in the active state unless
                   the associated instance of the
                   hpicfGRpSwitchLinkCount has been set to a non-zero
                   value, and all associated instances of the
                   hpicfGRpSwitchLinkRptrGroup and
                   hpicfGRpSwitchLinkRptrPort objects have been set to
                   non-zero values.

                   If this object is set to 'destroy', all associated
                   entries in the hpicfGRpSwitchLinkTable shall be
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchEntry 5 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "A table of links to switch ports for both internal
                   and external switches that are connected to repeater
                   ports in this repeater system."
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchConfig 2 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     HpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the table, representing a single link
                   to a switch port."
           INDEX      { hpicfGRpSwitchIndex,
                        hpicfGRpSwitchLinkIndex }
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchLinkTable 1 }

       HpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
               hpicfGRpSwitchLinkIndex         Integer32,
               hpicfGRpSwitchLinkRptrGroup     Integer32,
               hpicfGRpSwitchLinkRptrPort      Integer32,
               hpicfGRpSwitchLinkState         INTEGER

       hpicfGRpSwitchLinkIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..255)
           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
           STATUS     current
                   "An identifier that uniquely identifies this switch
                   link among all of the links associated with this
                   switch.  The values of this object are numbered
                   consecutively from 1 to the value of the instance
                   of the hpicfGRpSwitchLinkCount associated with this
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry 1 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchLinkRptrGroup OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "The group containing the repeater port to which this
                   switch link is attached.  For internal switches, this
                   object may not be modified by a network management
                   operation.  For external switches, an instance of
                   this object will be created with the value of zero.
                   It must be modified to a non-zero value corresponding
                   to a known repeater group index before the instance
                   of the hpicfGRpSwitchStatus object associated with
                   this switch can be set to 'active'.

                   An instance of this object may not be modified if
                   the instance of the hpicfGRpSwitchStatus object
                   associated with this switch would be equal to
                   'active' both before and after the modification
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry 2 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchLinkRptrPort OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "The repeater port within the group to which this
                   switch link is attached.  For internal switches, this
                   object may not be modified by a network management
                   operation.  For external switches, an instance of
                   this object will be created with the value of zero.
                   It must be modified to a non-zero value corresponding
                   to a known repeater port index before the instance
                   of the hpicfGRpSwitchStatus object associated with
                   this switch can be set to 'active'.

                   An instance of this object may not be modified if
                   the instance of the hpicfGRpSwitchStatus object
                   associated with this switch would be equal to
                   'active' both before and after the modification
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry 3 }

       hpicfGRpSwitchLinkState OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                   "This object indicates whether this switch link is
                   enabled ('active') or disabled ('redundant') due to
                   one of the following:

                       - There are more links to this switch than there
                         are repeater segments.
                       - The agent detected a switching loop.
                       - The link is intended as a backup connection for
                         other links on this switch.

                   There can only be one active link to the switch from
                   each repeater segment, otherwise you will have a
                   switching loop.  Therefore, if more than one switch
                   link is connected to repeater ports on the same
                   repeater segment, only one of them may have the value
                   'active'.  All of the others must have the value
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchLinkEntry 4 }

       hpicfGRpCurrentPrimarySwitch OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..31)
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS     current
                  "The hpicfGRpSwitchIndex of the switch that is
                  currently the primary switch for this stack.  The
                  automatic port-to-segment distribution feature will
                  make decisions based on which switch is the primary
                  switch.  A value of 0 indicates that there are no
                  internal switches in the system, and no external
                  switches have been configured."
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchConfig 3 }

       hpicfGRpDesiredPrimarySwitch OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..31)
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
                  "The hpicfGRpSwitchIndex of the switch that the
                  network administrator wants to be the primary switch
                  for this stack.  If the value of this object is zero,
                  the agent will select the primary switch.  Note that
                  the agent may choose to use a different switch as the
                  primary switch if it is unable to locate the switch
                  identified by this object."
           ::= { hpicfGRpSwitchConfig 4 }

       -- Objects for configuring an internal bridge for
       -- bridging between repeater segments in a repeater
       -- system.

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenericRepeater 6 }

       hpGRpBridgeAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS read-write
           STATUS     current
           ::= { hpicfGRpBridge 1 }

       -- Generic repeater notifications

       hpicfIntrusionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
           OBJECTS    { hubIntruderGroup, hubIntruderPort,
                        hubIntruderAddress, hubIntruderType,
                        hubIntruderTrainingViolation  }
           STATUS     current
                   "The hpicfIntrusionTrap signifies that a port
                   security violation has been detected on a port which
                   has the hubSecPtAlarmEnable flag set to 'enabled'.
                   or hpSecPtrIntrusionResponse set to 'SendTrap' 
                   or 'SendTrapAndDisablePort'.
                   hubIntruderGroup identifies the group containing the
                   port on which this intrusion occurred.
                   hubIntruderPort identifies the port within the group
                   on which this intrusion occurred.  hubIntruderAddress
                   contains the souce MAC address of the intruder.
                   hubIntruderType identifies the type of violation that
                   occured: address, training, or both.  If the
                   violation is of type 'training', the
                   hubIntruderTrainingViolation object will indicate
                   additional information on the type of violation."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrTrapsPrefix 1 }

       hpicfBackupLinkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
           OBJECTS    { hpicfBackupLinkState }
           STATUS     current
                   "The hpicfBackupLinkTrap signifies that the primary
                   link for a backup link configuration has failed, and
                   the agent has switched over to using the backup link.
                   The instance of the hpicfBackupLinkState for the
                   backup link configuration that experienced the
                   primary link failure is included in the trap."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrTrapsPrefix 2 }

       -- conformance information

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenRptrMib 1 }

           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenRptrConformance 1 }
           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfGenRptrConformance 2 }

       -- compliance statements

       hpicfHubSecurityCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********

                   The compliance statement for agents implementing
                   per-port security in a single-repeater 802.3
                   repeater system."
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfHubSecurityGroup }

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 1 }

       hpicfGenRptrBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********

                   The compliance statement for agents implementing
                   management for a single repeater."
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfGenRptrBasicGroup }

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecPtGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecNotifyGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               OBJECT     hubSecPtPreventEavesdrop
               MIN-ACCESS read-only
                       "100VG hubs implement this object as read-only,
                       since eavesdrop prevention is controlled by
                       whether or not a port is allowed to train as

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 2 }

       hpicfGenRptrSecurityCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********

                   The compliance statement for AdvanceStack 100VG
                   slaves implementing security."
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfGenRptrSecPtGroup,
                                  hpicfGenRptrSecNotifyGroup }

               OBJECT     hubSecPtPreventEavesdrop
               MIN-ACCESS read-only
                       "100VG hubs implement this object as read-only,
                       since eavesdrop prevention is controlled by
                       whether or not a port is allowed to train as

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 3 }

       hpicfGenRptrCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS COMPLIANCE IS DEPRECATED *********

                   The compliance statement for HP managed repeater
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfGenRptrBasicGroup,
                                  hpicfGenRptrInfoGroup }

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecPtGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecNotifyGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support backup link functionality."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkNotifyGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support backup link functionality."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrPortMappingGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support moving segments or ports between
                       logical repeaters."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrLoadBalanceGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that have multiple repeater segments and an
                       internal switch card and that support load
                       balancing between segments."

               OBJECT     hubSecPtPreventEavesdrop
               MIN-ACCESS read-only
                       "100VG hubs implement this object as read-only,
                       since eavesdrop prevention is controlled by
                       whether or not a port is allowed to train as

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 4 }

       hpicfGenRptrCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     current
                   "The compliance statement for HP managed repeater
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfGenRptrBasicGroup,
                                  hpicfGenRptrInfoGroup }

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecPtGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecNotifyGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support backup link functionality."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkNotifyGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support backup link functionality."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrPortMappingGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support moving segments or ports between
                       logical repeaters."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrLoadBalanceGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that have multiple repeater segments, that can
                       support internal switch cards and/or
                       configuration of external switch links, and that
                       support load balancing between segments."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSwitchConfigGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for repeaters
                       that have multiple repeater segments and support
                       internal switch cards and/or configuration of
                       external switch links."

               OBJECT     hubSecPtPreventEavesdrop
               MIN-ACCESS read-only
                       "100VG hubs implement this object as read-only,
                       since eavesdrop prevention is controlled by
                       whether or not a port is allowed to train as

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 5 }

       hpicfGenRptrCompliance3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS     current
                   "The compliance statement for HP managed repeater
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfGenRptrBasicGroup }

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrInfoGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support multiple repeater segments 
                       running at the same speed."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecPtGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               GROUP      hpicfSecPtGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security with multiple
                       authorized addresses per port."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSecNotifyGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support per-port security."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support backup link functionality."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkNotifyGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support backup link functionality."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrPortMappingGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that support moving segments or ports between
                       logical repeaters."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrLoadBalanceGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for devices
                       that have multiple repeater segments, that can
                       support internal switch cards and/or
                       configuration of external switch links, and that
                       support load balancing between segments."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrSwitchConfigGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for repeaters
                       that have multiple repeater segments and support
                       internal switch cards and/or configuration of
                       external switch links."

               GROUP      hpicfGenRptrBridgeGroup
                       "This group should be implemented for repeater
                       systems that have an internal unmanaged bridge."

               OBJECT     hubSecPtPreventEavesdrop
               MIN-ACCESS read-only
                       "100VG hubs implement this object as read-only,
                       since eavesdrop prevention is controlled by
                       whether or not a port is allowed to train as

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 6 }

       hpicfGenRptrMultiSecOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS      deprecated

                       The compliance statement for non-repeater devices
                       that implement per-port security with multiple
                       authorized address per port."
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfSecPtGroup }

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 7 }

       hpicfGenRptrMultiSecOnlyCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS      current
                   "The updated compliance statement for non-repeater
                   devices that implement per-port security with multiple
                   authorized address per port."
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfSecPtGroup2 }

           ::= { hpicfGenRptrCompliances 8 }

       -- units of conformance

       hpicfHubSecurityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hubSecPtGroupIndex,
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********

                   A collection of objects for managing per-port
                   security violations for a managed 802.3 repeater
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 1 }

       hpicfGenRptrBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpGRpSelfHealEnable }
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for basic configuration
                   of a system containing repeaters."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 2 }

       hpicfGenRptrSecPtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hubSecPtGroupIndex,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for managing per-port
                   security in a managed repeater system."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 3 }

       hpicfGenRptrInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpGRpRepeaterIfIndex,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects providing information
                   about logical repeaters in a system."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 4 }

       hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpicfBackupLinkNextIndex,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for configuring backup
                   links in a managed repeater system."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 5 }

       hpicfGenRptrPortMappingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpGRpPMCurrentRptrIndex,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for mapping repeater
                   segments and repeater ports to logical repeaters."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 6 }

       hpicfGenRptrLoadBalanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpGRpLoadBalanceNow,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for managing segment
                   load balancing on multisegment repeaters with
                   internal switches."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 7 }

       hpicfGenRptrSwitchConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpicfGRpSwitchType,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of Objects for configuring internal and
                   external switches for switching between repeater
                   segments in a repeater system."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 8 }

       hpicfGenRptrSecNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
           NOTIFICATIONS { hpicfIntrusionTrap }
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of notifications used to indicate
                   per-port security violations."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 9 }

       hpicfGenRptrBkpLinkNotifyGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
           NOTIFICATIONS { hpicfBackupLinkTrap }
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of notifications used to indicate
                   state changes on a backup link."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 10 }

       hpicfSecPtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpSecPtAddressLimit,
           STATUS     deprecated
                   "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED *********

                   A collection of objects for managing per-port
                   security in a managed repeater or switch system."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 11 }

       hpicfGenRptrBridgeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpGRpBridgeAdminStatus }
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for basic configuration
                   of repeater system containing internal bridging."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 12 }

       hpicfSecPtGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
           OBJECTS    { hpSecPtAddressLimit,
           STATUS     current
                   "A collection of objects for managing per-port
                   security in a managed repeater or switch system."
           ::= { hpicfGenRptrGroups 13 }
