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Test Coverage

        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        FROM SNMPv2-TC
        FROM NBS-MIB

    LAST-UPDATED "201705240000Z" -- May 24, 2017
       "For technical support, please contact your service channel"
       "This MIB module defines some frequently updated lists for

       ::= { nbs 225 }

-- *******************************************************************
-- NbsCmmcChassisType
-- *******************************************************************
NbsCmmcEnumChassisType  ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
       "The type of Chassis."
        other       (1),
        bu16        (2),
        bu4         (3),
        bu1         (4),
        bu5         (5),
        bu3         (6),
        bu2         (7),
        fCpe        (8),
        bmc         (9),
        virtual16  (10),
        bu21       (11),
        bu42       (12),
        virtual1   (13),
        virtual2   (14),
        virtual3   (15),
        virtual4   (16),
        bu22       (17),
        bu82       (18),
        bu3v       (19),
        virtual3v  (20),
        bu12       (21), -- 1U high PMC - 1 blade in front, two NM slots in back
        occ48      (22), -- optical cross connect supporting up to  3 * 16
        occ96      (23), -- optical cross connect supporting up to  6 * 16
        occ128     (24), -- optical cross connect supporting up to  8 * 16
        occ320     (25), -- optical cross connect supporting up to 20 * 16
        od48       (26),
        virtod48   (27),
        od12       (28),
        virtod12   (29),
        od16       (30),
        virtod16   (31),
        od32       (32),
        virtod32   (33),
        od16lc     (34),
        virtod16lc (35),
        od6        (36),
        virtod6    (37),
        od4        (38),
        virtod4    (39)

-- *******************************************************************
-- NbsCmmcSlotOperationType
-- *******************************************************************

NbsCmmcEnumSlotOperationType  ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
       "Mode, or primary function, of card in slot"
        other              (1),
        management         (2),
        converter          (3),
        repeater           (4),
        switch             (5),
        splitterCombiner   (6),
        fastRepeater       (7),
        gigabitRepeater    (8),
        monitor            (9),
        opticSwitch        (10),
        remote             (11),
        redundant          (12),
        centralOffice      (13),
        customerPremise    (14),
        multiplexer        (15),
        deprecated16       (16), -- was opticalAmplifierBooster
        deprecated17       (17), -- was opticalAmplifierInline
        deprecated18       (18), -- was opticalAmplifierPreamp
        optAmpBoosterAGC   (19),
        optAmpBoosterAPC   (20),
        optAmpInlineAGC    (21),
        optAmpInlineAPC    (22),
        optAmpPreampAGC    (23),
        optAmpPreampAPC    (24),
        coDualActive       (25), -- for dual-homed CO
        coDualInactive     (26), -- for dual-homed CO
        physLayerSwitch    (27),
        packetMux          (28),
        optAmpVariableGain (29),
        optAmpMidstageAGC  (30),
        optAmpMidstageAPC  (31),
        multiCO1g          (32),
        multiCO10g         (33),
        addDropMux         (34),
        multicast          (35),
        optAttenuator      (36),
        repeater40G        (37),
        multiplexer4x10G   (38),
        optAmpPreampAPPC   (39), -- Automatic Pump Power Control
        optPassive         (40), -- for passive modules
        transponder        (41),
        muxponder          (42),
        addWssDropSplitter (43),
        dropWssAddCombiner (44),
        dualAddWssDropSplitter     (45),
        opticalServiceChannel      (46),
        optAmpMidstageVariableGain (50),
        optAmpVariableGainMidstageInlinePreamp (51),
        optAmpVariableGainMidstageInline       (52),
        optAmpVariableGainMidstageBooster      (53),
        optAmpRaman        (54),  -- Raman
        optAmpPreampRaman  (55),  -- Backward Raman
        optAmpBoosterRaman (56),  -- Forward Raman
        optVariableDispersionCompensation      (57),
        midPointRepeater   (58)

-- *******************************************************************
-- NbsCmmcSlotType
-- *******************************************************************

    STATUS       current
       "This data type is used as the syntax of the nbsCmmcSlotType
        object in the definition of NBS-CMMC-MIB's nbsCmmcSlotTable.
        This object is used internally by Manager, and is not useful
        to most end-users."
        empty0            (0),  -- black panel
        empty1            (1),  -- black panel
        empty2            (2),  -- beige panel
        empty3            (3),  -- unrecognized by Agent
        em316gs1          (4),
        em316gs2          (5),
        em316gs3          (6),
        em316fms1         (7),
        em316fms2         (8),
        em316fms3         (9),
        em316as1         (10),
        em316as2         (11),
        em316as3         (12),
        em316fds1        (13),
        em316fds2        (14),
        em316fds3        (15),
        em316o3s1        (16),
        em316o3s2        (17),
        em316o3s3        (18),
        em316o12s1       (19),
        em316o12s2       (20),
        em316o12s3       (21),
        em316gsfs1       (22),
        em316gsfs2       (23),
        em316gsfs3       (24),
        em316fsfs1       (25),
        em316fsfs2       (26),
        em316fsfsx       (27),
        em316fsfsz       (28),
        em316fmsfs1      (29),
        em316fmsfs2      (30),
        em316fmsfs3      (31),
        em316asfs2       (32),
        em316asfs3       (33),
        em316fdsfs2      (34),
        em316fdsfs3      (35),
        em316o3sfs2      (36),
        em316o3sfs3      (37),
        em316o12sfs2     (38),
        em316o12sfs3     (39),
        em316em          (40),
        em316emx         (41),
        em316es          (42),
        em316esx         (43),
        em315esz         (44),
        em316fm          (45),
        em316fs1         (46),
        em316fs2         (47),
        em316fsx         (48),
        em315fsz         (49),
        em3162swm        (50),
        em3162sws1       (51),
        em3162sws2       (52),
        em3162sws3a      (53),
        em3162sws3b      (54),
        em3164wdm        (55),
        em316nm          (56),
        em3164sw         (57),
        em3164hub        (58),
        em316sc3m        (59),
        em316sc8m        (60),
        em316sc3s        (61),
        em316sc5s        (62),
        em316fr1         (63),
        em316fr2         (64),
        em316fr3         (65),
        em316gr1         (66),
        em316gr2         (67),
        em316gr3         (68),
        em316f21         (69),
        em316f22         (70),
        em316wdm4        (71),
        em316g           (72),
        em316gsf         (73),
        em316fn          (74),
        em316fsfn        (75),
        em316fmsn        (76),
        em316fmsfn       (77),
        em316asn         (78),
        em316asfsn       (79),
        em316fdsn        (80),
        em316fdsfsn      (81),
        em316o3sn        (82),
        em316o3sfsn      (83),
        em316o12sn       (84),
        em316o12sfsn     (85),
        em316emsn        (86),
        em316emsfsn      (87),
        em316ssn         (88),
        em316ssfsn       (89),
        em316tr          (90),
        em316t1          (91),
        em316t1sf        (92),
        nc3162bu         (93),
        em316wdm4o12     (94),
        em316wdm4o3      (95),
        em316grg         (96),
        em316mso12       (97),
        em316mso3        (98),
        em316e1          (99),
        em316e1sf       (100),
        wdmtrnk         (101),
        em316wdm43      (102),
        em316wdm44      (103),
        em104           (104),
        em105           (105),
        em106           (106),
        em316ds31       (107),
        em316ds32       (108),
        em3164sw1       (109),
        em3166sw1       (110),
        em3166sw2       (111),
        em316wfcs       (112),
        em316wfts       (113),
        em316e11        (114),
        em316e12        (115),
        nc316bu31       (116),
        nc316bu32       (117),
        em316od3        (118),
        nc316nw41       (119),
        nc316nw42       (120),
        em316em1        (121),
        em316e2         (122),
        em316fc         (123),
        em316fcsf       (124),
        nc316nw43       (125),
        nc316nw44       (126),
        em316o48        (127),
        em316o48sf      (128),
        ns129           (129),
        ns130           (130),
        ns131           (131),
        em3163sw        (132),
        em3163swsf      (133),
        em316o3c1       (134),
        em316o3csf      (135),
        nc316nw45       (136),
        nc316nw46       (137),
        em316wdm4f      (138),
        em316wdm4fc     (139),
        em316dpg        (140),
        em3162gsws      (141),
        ns142           (142),
        em316wgcs       (143),
        em316wgts       (144),
        em316wfccs      (145),
        em316wfcts      (146),
        em316wecs       (147),
        em316wets       (148),
        em316osw        (149),
        ns150           (150),
        ns151           (151),
        em316fe11l      (152),
        em316ft11l      (153),
        em316wdm81      (154),
        ns155           (155),
        wdm38           (156),
        ns157           (157),
        em316o3f1       (158),
        ns159           (159),
        em316wdm85      (160),
        em316wdmc3      (161),
        ns162           (162),
        em316fmsh       (163),
        ns164           (164),
        ns165           (165),
        ns166           (166),
        em316e31        (167),
        ns168           (168),
        em316fe12r      (169),
        ns170           (170),
        ns171           (171),
        ns172           (172),
        em316gc1        (173),
        em316gcsf       (174),
        ns175           (175),
        ns176           (176),
        em316ds3sh      (177),
        ns178           (178),
        em316nmhb1      (179),
        em316ds3r       (180),
        ns181           (181),
        em316fe11r      (182),
        em316ft11r      (183),
        ns184           (184),
        em316wdmc4      (185),
        em316adsl1      (186),
        ns187           (187),
        ns188           (188),
        ns189           (189),
        ns190           (190),
        ns191           (191),
        ns192           (192),
        ns193           (193),
        ns194           (194),
        em316gccsf      (195),
        em316gctsf      (196),
        em316osh        (197),
        ns198           (198),
        ns199           (199),
        ns200           (200),
        ns201           (201),
        ns202           (202),
        ns203           (203),
        ns204           (204),
        ns205           (205),
        ns206           (206),
        ns207           (207),
        ns208           (208),
        ns209           (209),
        em316sadm1      (210),
        ns211           (211),
        ns212           (212),
        em316flm1       (213),
        em316flm2       (214),
        ns215           (215),
        ns216           (216),
        ns217           (217),
        ns218           (218),
        wdm24ctr        (219),
        ns220           (220),
        wdm24ctl        (221),
        em316frm1       (222),
        em316frm2       (223),
        wdm44sf         (224),
        em316swrfhp     (225),
        ns226           (226),
        em316swhp       (227),
        ns228           (228),
        em316f2rm1      (229),
        em316f2rm2      (230),
        ns231           (231),
        ns232           (232),
        ns233           (233),
        ns234           (234),
        ns235           (235),
        ns236           (236),
        ns237           (237),
        ns238           (238),
        em316wfrmc      (239),
        em316wfrmt      (240),
        em316t1mux1     (241),
        em316t1mux2     (242),
        em316e1mux4j    (243),
        em316e1x4sfj    (244),
        ns245           (245),
        em316efrm1      (246),
        em316efrm2      (247),
        ns248           (248),
        ns249           (249),
        ns250           (250),
        ns251           (251),
        ns252           (252),
        ns253           (253),
        ns254           (254),
        ns255           (255),
        ns256           (256),
        ns257           (257),
        em316sc1021     (258),
        ns259           (259),
        ns260           (260),
        ns261           (261),
        em316edsc1      (262),
        em316edsc2      (263),
        em316wdmslot    (264),
        em316wdmc265    (265),
        empty266        (266),
        em316wp1        (267),
        em316wp2        (268),
        em316oa         (269),
        em316e1mux1     (270),
        em316e1mux2     (271),
        em3162tsfp      (272),
        em316dmr48      (273),
        ns3162sfpr      (274),
        ns316xp342r     (275),
        em316ef         (276),
        em316efsf       (277),
        em316padms      (278),
        ns279           (279),
        ns280           (280),
        ns281           (281),
        ns316f16csfp    (282),
        ns316sdi8       (283),
        ns284           (284),
        em316wdmpa4     (285),
        em316wdmpa4t    (286),
        ns287           (287),
        em3162gbicl     (288),
        em3162gbicr     (289),
        em316ge1sfl     (290),
        em316ge1sfr     (291),
        em316fchub      (292),
        em316fcr        (293),
        em316mr48       (294),
        ns295           (295),
        em316fe1xx      (296),
        em316ft1sf      (297),
        em316gbicsfp    (298),
        ns299           (299),
        ns300           (300),
        em316pamulc8n   (301),
        em316pamulc4n   (302),
        em316t1muxrrm   (303),
        em316e1muxrrm   (304),
        ns305           (305),
        em316wo3c       (306),
        ns307           (307),
        em316grmah      (308),
        em316grmahsf    (309),
        em316efrmah     (310),
        em316efrmahsf   (311),
        em316erm        (312),
        em316ermsf      (313),
        em316efan       (314),
        em316efansf     (315),
        ns316           (316),
        nc316Xp343r     (317),
        ns318           (318),
        em316pamulc8    (319),
        em316pamulc4    (320),
        cm316fFtth      (321),
        ns322           (322),
        ns323           (323),
        ns324           (324),
        ns325           (325),
        em316padm41mu   (326),
        ns327           (327),
        em316pamuscm4   (328),
        em316pamuscd4   (329),
        em316pamuscm8   (330),
        em316pamuscd8   (331),
        em316muxmusc16  (332),
        em316dmuxmusc16 (333),
        ns334           (334),
        em316dpadms     (335),
        ns336           (336),
        em316dwmux16    (337),
        em316dwdmx16    (338),
        ns339           (339),
        ns340           (340),
        em316fe1sf      (341),
        em316xt1        (342),
        em316fe1rj      (343),
        em316gt1sfv     (344),
        ns345           (345),
        ns346           (346),
        ns347           (347),
        ns348           (348),
        ns349           (349),
        nc316xp322      (350), -- nc316 xp32 2
        nc316xp323      (351), -- nc316 xp32 3
        em316wermc      (352),
        em316wermt      (353),
        ns354           (354),
        ns355           (355),
        ns356           (356),
        ns357           (357),
        em316ee1rmft    (358),
        em316xe1rmft    (359),
        em316lx2        (360),
        em316lxm        (361),
        em316dwmux32    (362),
        em316dwdmx32v   (363),
        em316dwmux32nv  (364),
        em316dwdmx32n   (365),
        ns366           (366),
        ns367           (367),
        em316fe1rmft    (368),
        em316efe1ah     (369),
        em316eft1ah     (370),
        em316efe1rj     (371),
        ns372           (372),
        ns373           (373),
        ns374           (374),
        em316grmahsh    (375),
        em316ermahsh    (376),
        ns377           (377),
        ns378           (378),
        em316ermah      (379),
        ns380           (380),
        em3162sfpx      (381),
        ns382           (382),
        pmcwdm8sfp      (383),
        ns384           (384),
        ns385           (385),
        mccSfp36        (386),
        mccGRj36        (387),
        em316osc        (388),
        em316gemx2r     (389),
        em316gemx6r     (390),
        mccSfp72        (391),
        mccGRj72        (392),
        em316gcl        (393),
        em316gclsf      (394),
        em316wgclc      (395),
        em316wgclt      (396),
        ns397           (397),
        ns398           (398),
        ns399           (399),
        ns400           (400),
        ns401           (401),
        ns402           (402),
        ns403           (403),
        ns404           (404),
        ns405           (405),
        ns406           (406),
        ns407           (407),
        ns408           (408),
        ns409           (409),
        ns410           (410),
        ns411           (411),
        ns412           (412),
        ns413           (413),
        ns414           (414),
        ns415           (415),
        ns416           (416),
        em316xfpr       (417),
        oemntgrmah      (418),
        oemntermah      (419),
        oemntnm         (420),
        em316wds3c      (421),
        em316wds3t      (422),
        em316we3c       (423),
        em316we3t       (424),
        ns425           (425),
        ns426           (426),
        em316eft1mua4v  (427),
        em316efx1mub4   (428),
        em316efe1muc4v  (429),
        ns430           (430),
        ns431           (431),
        ns432           (432),
        em316t1mux4rm   (433),
        em316e1muxrjrm  (434),
        em316e1mux4rm   (435),
        em316dmr        (436),
        em316mr         (437),
        ns438           (438),
        ns439           (439),
        ns440           (440),
        em316ge1rjsf    (441),
        em316mr48q      (442),
        em316dmr48q     (443),
        em316mrmx2r     (444),
        ns445           (445),
        ns446           (446),
        ns447           (447),
        ns448           (448),
        ns449           (449),
        ns450           (450),
        mcc9xfp         (451),
        ns452           (452),
        em316cdadd2     (453),
        em316cdadd1     (454),
        ns455           (455),
        ns456           (456),
        em316nmlx12     (457),
        em316nmlx21     (458),
        em316nmlx       (459),
        ns460           (460),
        em316sw22       (461),
        em316sw12       (462),
        em316sw04       (463),
        em316sw13       (464),
        ns465           (465),
        ns466           (466),
        ns467           (467),
        ns468           (468),
        ns469           (469),
        ns470           (470),
        em3164swb       (471),
        ns472           (472),
        ns473           (473),
        ns474           (474),
        em316csadsxx    (475),
        em316csadsxxyy  (476),
        em316csaddxx    (477),
        em316csaddxxyy  (478),
        em3163swb       (479),
        em316ds3        (480),
        em316dt3e3      (481),
        ns482           (482),
        em316mux4xn     (483),
        em316dmx4xn     (484),
        em316mux4xbd    (485),
        em316dmx4xbd    (486),
        em316mux8nbd    (487),
        em316dmx8nbd    (488),
        em316mux8bd     (489),
        em316dmx8bd     (490),
        em316dpadxx     (491),
        em316dpadxxyy   (492),
        em316dpad4xx    (493),
        em316dpad8xx    (494),
        em316wt1c       (495),
        ns496           (496),
        em316gt1rm      (497),
        em316g6t1rm1    (498),
        em316g6t1rm2    (499),
        em316dsadsxx    (500),
        em316ddaddxx    (501),
        em316ddaddxxyy  (502),
        em316edfalv     (503),
        em316psc        (504),
        em316sos        (505),
        em316doscb      (506),
        em316padm8      (507),
        em316csads4     (508),
        ns509           (509),
        ns510           (510),
        ns511           (511),
        ns512           (512),
        em316plc        (513),
        ns514           (514),
        ns515           (515),
        ns516           (516),
        ns517           (517),
        ns518           (518),
        em316dwmx8      (519),
        ns520           (520),
        em316genpasv    (521),
        em316ge1rm      (522),
        ns523           (523),
        ns524           (524),
        em316g6e1rms2   (525),
        ns526           (526),
        ns527           (527),
        ns528           (528),
        ns529           (529),
        mcc18t1e1       (530),
        ns531           (531),
        ns532           (532),
        mcc18dt3e3      (533),
        em316edfar      (534),
        ns535           (535),
        ns536           (536),
        ns537           (537),
        em316ossh       (538),
        em316sc3        (539),
        ns540           (540),
        em316fc400      (541),
        ns542           (542),
        ns543           (543),
        ns544           (544),
        em316eusmv      (545),
        ns546           (546),
        ns547           (547),
        em316dcm100r    (548),
        em316dcm100l    (549),
        ns550           (550),
        em316twoxfpet   (551),
        em316dwmux16be  (552),
        ns553           (553),
        ns554           (554),
        empmc8xfp       (555),
        ns556           (556),
        em316dwmx16bem  (557),
        ns558           (558),
        em316e1t1xy     (559),
        dwmx32rbm       (560),
        ns561           (561),
        ns562           (562),
        ns563           (563),
        empmc36t1e1     (564),
        ns565           (565),
        em316palc8nl    (566),
        em316palc8nr    (567),
        em316gswxy      (568),
        em316dwd40m5713 (569),
        em316dwd40m5712 (570),
        em316dwd40m5711 (571),
        em316mux535531b (572),
        ns573           (573),
        em31610gxy      (574),
        ns575           (575),
        ns576           (576),
        ns577           (577),
        ns578           (578),
        ns579           (579),
        ns580           (580),
        ns581           (581),
        ns582           (582),
        ns583           (583),
        ns584           (584),
        em316os2        (585),
        em316osa        (586),
        ns587           (587),
        ns588           (588),
        ns589           (589),
        ns590           (590),
        ns591           (591),
        ns592           (592),
        em316ea         (593),
        ns594           (594),
        em316eusm10gr   (595),
        em316eusm10gl   (596),
        em316dmdxa16b1  (597),
        em316dmdxa16b2  (598),
        em316dmdxa16b3  (599),
        em316dmdxa16b4  (600),
        em316dmdxa16b5  (601),
        em316dmdxa40m01 (602),
        em316dmdxa40m02 (603),
        em316dmdxa40m03 (604),
        em316dmdxa40m04 (605),
        em316dmdxa40m05 (606),
        em316dmdxa40m06 (607),
        em316dmdxa40m07 (608),
        em316dmdxa40m08 (609),
        em316dmdxa40m09 (610),
        em316dmdxa40m10 (611),
        em316dmdxa40m11 (612),
        em316dmdxa16ra  (613),
        em316dmdxa16rb  (614),
        em31620g1       (615),
        em31620g2       (616),
        em31640g3       (617),
        em31640g4       (618),
        em31640g5       (619),
        em316rpon       (620),
        ns621           (621),
        empmc36sas      (622),
        em316osw8       (623),
        ns624           (624),
        ns625           (625),
        em31610g8swxyr  (626),
        em31610g8swxym  (627),
        em31610g8swxyl  (628),
        ns629           (629),
        em316cmux831b   (630),
        ns631           (631),
        em316mdx46ma001 (632),
        em316mdx46ma002 (633),
        em316mdx46ma003 (634),
        em316mdx46ma004 (635),
        em316mdx46ma005 (636),
        em316mdx46ma006 (637),
        em316mdx46ma007 (638),
        em316mdx46ma008 (639),
        em316mdx46ma009 (640),
        em316mdx46ma010 (641),
        em316mdx46ma011 (642),
        em316mdx46ma012 (643),
        em316osw128a    (644),
        em316osw128b    (645),
        em316osw128c    (646),
        em316osw128d    (647),
        em316osw128e    (648),
        em316osw128f    (649),
        em316osw128g    (650),
        em316osw128h    (651),
        em316osw128i    (652),
        em316osw128j    (653),
        em316osw128k    (654),
        em316osw128l    (655),
        em316osw128m    (656),
        ns657           (657),
        em316dcmxx      (658),
        em316osshlc     (659),
        em316eavg2217   (660),
        em316dmr10g3r   (661),
        em316fdt1e1rm   (662),
        em316sw8fxr     (663),
        em316sw8fxlv    (664),
        em316mdx46mx002 (665),
        em316mdx46mb003 (666),
        em316mdx46mb002 (667),
        em316mdx46mc002 (668),
        em316eamlp2017v (669),
        ns670           (670),
        em316gemx4rr    (671),
        em316gemx4rlv   (672),
        empmcqsfp36     (673),
        ns674           (674),
        ns675           (675),
        em3162qsfp40    (676),
        ns677           (677),
        ns678           (678),
        mcc36ic         (679),
        ns680           (680),
        em316voar       (681),
        em316voalv      (682),
        em316dvmdxa     (683),
        em316dvmdxbv    (684),
        em316cmdxm8al   (685),
        em316cmdxm8ar   (686),
        ns687           (687),
        ns688           (688),
        em316dvmdxav1   (689),
        em316dvmdxav2   (690),
        em316dvmdxav3   (691),
        em316dvmdxav4   (692),
        em316dvmdxav5   (693),
        em316dvmdxav6   (694),
        em316dvmdxav7   (695),
        em316dvmdxav8   (696),
        em316dvmdxav9   (697),
        ns698           (698),
        ns699           (699),
        ns700           (700),
        em316ra12r      (701),
        em316ra12lv     (702),
        ns703           (703),
        em316ra12mv     (704),
        ns705           (705),
        ns706           (706),
        em316dmr10gf    (707),
        ns708           (708),
        ns709           (709),
        ns710           (710),
        ns711           (711),
        ns712           (712),
        ns713           (713),
        ns714           (714),
        odnm            (715),
        ns716           (716),
        ns717           (717),
        ns718           (718),
        ns719           (719),
        oddmr10g3r      (720),
        oddmr10gf       (721),
        od2hwss4dws     (722),
        od2hmxp100g     (723),
        odtxp100gf2c    (724),
        ns725           (725),
        em316raf10      (726),
        ns727           (727),
        odtxp100g2c     (728),
        ns729           (729),
        od2hwss4dcw     (730),
        ns731           (731),
        ns732           (732),
        odugc           (733),
        ns734           (734),
        odgenpassive    (735),
        odfiller        (736),
        odtxp100g2cw1   (737),
        od2hwss4dww     (738),
        ns739           (739),
        ns740           (740),
        ns741           (741),
        ns742           (742),
        ns743           (743),
        ns744           (744),
        ns745           (745),
        ns746           (746),
        em316twoxfp16g  (747),
        od2hdwss4dws    (748),
        odedfa          (749),
        odedfam         (750),
        odraman         (751),
        ns752           (752),
        od2hdmx10g      (753),
        ns754           (754),
        ns755           (755),
        ns756           (756),
        odtxp100gf      (757),
        ns758           (758),
        ns759           (759),
        ns760           (760),
        odgswxy         (761),
        ns762           (762),
        odoscx1addxd    (763),
        ns764           (764),
        odeusm          (765),
        ns766           (766),
        ns767           (767),
        ns768           (768),
        ns769           (769),
        odctq           (780),
        ns781           (781),
        odceon226f      (782),
        ns783           (783),
        odtxp100gfq     (784),
        odtxp100gq      (785),
        ns786           (786),
        ns787           (787),
        ns788           (788),
        ns789           (789),
        ns790           (790),
        odedfavm        (791),
        odedfavmosc     (792),
        odedfa2xfp      (793),
        od2xfp          (794),
        odtundcm        (795),
        oduxg           (796),
        odedfavmosc2    (805)

-- *******************************************************************
-- NbsCmmcEnumPortConnector
-- *******************************************************************
NbsCmmcEnumPortConnector  ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
       "The Port Connector."
          unknown         (1), -- notSupported
          removed         (2), -- notPresent
          foDSC           (3),
          foSC            (4),
          cuRj45          (5),
          foLC            (6), -- dual-fiber LC
          coaxF           (7),
          coaxBNC         (8),
          coax2BNC        (9), -- Fibre Channel BNC/TNC
          cuRj45wLEDs    (10),
          cuRj11         (11),
          cuDb9          (12), -- Fibre Channel style 1 copper connector
          cuHssdc        (13), -- Fibre Channel style 2 copper connector
          coaxHeader     (14),
          foFiberJack    (15),
          foMtRj         (16),
          foMu           (17),
          sg             (18),
          foPigtail      (19),
          cuPigtail      (20),
          smb            (21),
          firewireA      (22),
          firewireB      (23),
          cuRj48         (24),
          fo1LC          (25), -- single-fiber LC
          fo2ST          (26),
          sataDevicePlug (27),
          sataHostPlug   (28),
          miniCoax       (29),
          mpo            (30),  -- Multifiber Push On
          miniSAS4x      (31),
          reserved       (32),
          cxpCuPassive   (33), -- Passive Copper Cable Assembly
          cxpCuActive    (34), -- Active Copper Cable Assembly
          cxpFoActive    (35), -- Active Optical Cable Assembly
          cxpFoConnect   (36),  -- Optical Transceiver w/ optical connector
          fc             (37),
          cuMicroUsbB    (38),
          rj45wUSBRJ45Active (39), -- Dual RJ45/uUsbB, RJ45 active
          rj45wUSBUSBActive  (40)  -- Dual RJ45/uUsbB, USB active

    STATUS      current
        "The ITU grid labels DWDM channels with a letter 'band' and a
         numeric channel.  Within this mib, the band is indicated by
         this object, and the channel number is shown in the object

         Frequencies of at least 180100 GHz but less than 190100 GHz
         are considered the L spectrum, and frequencies of at least
         190100 but less than 200100 GHz are considered the C spectrum.

         Frequencies evenly divisible by 100 GHz are designated with
         a 'C' or 'L' prepended to the channel number.  Frequencies
         that are offset by 50 GHz are designated 'H' within the C
         spectrum, and 'Q' within the L spectrum."
     notSupported  (0),
            cBand  (1),
            hBand  (2),
            lBand  (3),
            qBand  (4)