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Test Coverage


    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Gauge32, Counter32, Counter64, IpAddress,
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    DisplayString, TruthValue, RowStatus, MacAddress
        FROM SNMPv2-TC
    InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero
        FROM IF-MIB
    rcMlt, rcStat, rcLinkFlapDetect, rcL2Redundancy,
    PortSet, IdList, EnableValue

       LAST-UPDATED     "200512060000Z"
       ORGANIZATION     "Bay Networks, Rapid-City Group"
       CONTACT-INFO     "Yu-Ten Lee
                         Postal:        Nortel Networks
             4655 Great America Parkway
                                               Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185

                         Tel:              408-495-2560
                         Fax:              408-495-6680

       DESCRIPTION      "Enterprise MIB for the Accelar product family."

       REVISION "200512060000Z" -- 06 Dec 2005
       DESCRIPTION "Version 13:  Changed range of rcMltSmltId to 0..256."

       REVISION "200509010000Z" -- 01 Sep 2005
       DESCRIPTION "Version 12:  Changed rcMltEnable from read-only to read-create.
                                 Changed all read-write objects in rcMltTable
                                 to read-create."

       REVISION "200508100000Z" -- 10 Aug 2005
       DESCRIPTION "Version 11:  Increased to rcMltId & rcMltSmltId from 32 to 256"

       REVISION "200507110000Z" -- 11 July 2005
       DESCRIPTION "Version 10:  Added enumerations to rcMltDistributionAlgorithm."

       REVISION "200505270000Z" -- 05 Apr 2005
       DESCRIPTION "Version 9:  Fixed range of rcMltVlanIds, allow rcMltIfIndex to be 0."

       REVISION "200502020000Z" -- 02 Feb 2005
       DESCRIPTION "Version 8:  Changed the SYNTAX for rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCInUtil &
                                rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCOutUtil  to Gauge32"
       REVISION "200501040000Z" -- 04 Jan 2005 
       DESCRIPTION "Version 7:  Made Index rcStatMltIfUtilMltId as not-accessible"
       REVISION "200412210000Z" -- 21 Dec 2004 
       DESCRIPTION "Version 6:  Added rcStatMltIfUtilTable"
       REVISION "200409300000Z" -- 30 Sept 2004 
       DESCRIPTION "Version 5:  Import MacAddress type"
       REVISION "200409230000Z" -- 23 Sept 2004 
       DESCRIPTION "Version 4:  Added  rcMltVlacpTable"
       REVISION "200407130000Z" -- 13 July 2004 
       DESCRIPTION "Version 3:  Added  rcMltVlacpTable"
       ::= { rcMlt 0 }

-- rcStatMlt Group

rcStatMlt      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rcStat 6 }
rcStatMltIfExtnTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF RcStatMltIfExtnEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A table used to store Mlt interface
        ::= { rcStatMlt 1 }
rcStatMltIfExtnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        RcStatMltIfExtnEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Mlt interface statistics"
        INDEX         { rcStatMltIfExtnMltId }
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnTable 1 }
RcStatMltIfExtnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                rcStatMltIfExtnMltId                  INTEGER,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfInMulticastPkts      Counter32,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfInBroadcastPkts      Counter32,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfOutMulticastPkts     Counter32,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfOutBroadcastPkts     Counter32,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInOctets           Counter64,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInUcastPkts        Counter64,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInMulticastPkt     Counter64,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInBroadcastPkt     Counter64,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutOctets          Counter64,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutUcastPkts       Counter64,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutMulticast       Counter64,
                rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutBroadcast       Counter64
rcStatMltIfExtnMltId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..32)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Mlt Id"
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 1 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "multi-pkts to upper"
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 2 }

rcStatMltIfExtnIfInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "broad-pkts to upper"
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 3 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "multi-pkts from upper"
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 4 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "broad-pkts from upper"
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 5 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The total number of octets received 
                       on the MLT interface, including framing 
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 6 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The number of packets delivered by this
                       MLT to a higher MLT that were not addressed
                       to a nulticast or broadcase address at this
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 7 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInMulticastPkt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The number of packets delivered to this MLT that
                       were addressed to a nulticast address at this
                       sublayer.  For a MAC layer protocol, this number
                       includes both Group and Functional addresses."
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 8 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCInBroadcastPkt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The number of packets delivered to this MLT that
                were addressed to a broadcast address at this
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 9 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The total number of octets transmitted 
                       out of the MLT interface, including 
                       framing characters."
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 10 }
rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The number of packets that hight-level protocols
                       requested be transmitted that were not addressed 
                       to a multicast address at this MLT.  This total
                       number includes those packets discarded or unsent."
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 11 }

rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutMulticast OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The total number of packets that hight-level
                       protocols requested be transmitted, and that 
                       were addressed to a multicast address at this
                       MLT, including those that were discarded or 
                       not sent.  For a MAC layer protocol, this
                       number includes both Group and Functional
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 12 }

rcStatMltIfExtnIfHCOutBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX        Counter64
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The total number of packets that hight-level
               protocols requested be transmitted, and that
               were addressed to a broadcase address at this    
               MLT, including those that were discarded or 
               not sent."
        ::= { rcStatMltIfExtnEntry 13 }

-- Mlt Ether table

rcStatMltEtherTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF RcStatMltEtherEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A table used to store Mlt Ethernet
        ::= { rcStatMlt 2 }
rcStatMltEtherEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        RcStatMltEtherEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Mlt enternet statistics"
        INDEX         { rcStatMltEtherMltId }
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherTable 1 }
RcStatMltEtherEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                rcStatMltEtherMltId              INTEGER,
                rcStatMltEtherAlignmentErrors    Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherFCSErrors          Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherSingleCollFrames   Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherMultipleCollFrames Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherSQETestError       Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherDeferredTransmiss  Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherLateCollisions     Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherExcessiveCollis    Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherIMacTransmitError  Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherCarrierSenseError  Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherFrameTooLong       Counter32,
                rcStatMltEtherIMacReceiveError   Counter32
rcStatMltEtherMltId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..32)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A value that uniquely identifies the Multi-Link 
                       Trunk associated with this entry."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 1 }
rcStatMltEtherAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of frames received on a particular MLT
                that are not an integral number of octets in
               length and do not pass the FCS check.  The count
               represented by an instance of this object is
               incremented when the alignmentError status is
               returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other
               MAC user).  Received frames for which multiple
                error conditions occur are, according to the 
               conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, 
               counted exclusively according to the error status
               presented to the LLC."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 2 }

rcStatMltEtherFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of frames received on an MLT that are an
                   integral number of octets in length but do not pass
                       the FCS check.  The count represented by an instance
                       of this object is incremented when the frameCheckError
                       status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC
                       (or other MAC user).  Received frames for which
               multiple error conditions occur are, according to 
                       the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, 
               counted exclusively according to the error status
               presented to the LLC."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 3 }
rcStatMltEtherSingleCollFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of successfully transmitted frames on 
                       a particular MLT for which transmission is 
                       inhibited by exactly one collision.  A frame 
                       that is counted by an instance of this objects 
                       is also counted by the corresponding instance 
                       of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, 
                       or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and it not counted by the 
                       corresponding instance of the MultipleCollisionFrames 
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 4 }
rcStatMltEtherMultipleCollFrames OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of successfully transmitted frames on 
                       a particular MLT for which transmission is 
                       inhibited by more than one collision.  A frame 
                       that is counted by an instance of this object 
                       is also counted by the corresponding instance 
                       of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, 
                       or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and is not counted by the 
                       corresponding instance of the SingleCollisionFrames 
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 5 }
rcStatMltEtherSQETestError OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message
               is generated by the PLS sublayer for a particular
                   MLT. SQE stands for Signal Quality Error."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 6 }
rcStatMltEtherDeferredTransmiss OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of frames for which the first transmission
                   attempt on a particular MLT is delayed because the
                       medium is busy.  The count represented by an 
                   instance of this object does not include frames
               involved in collisions."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 7 }
rcStatMltEtherLateCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The number of times that a collision is detected 
                       on a particular MLT later than 512 bit-times 
                       (64 octets) into the transmission of a packet. 
                       Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to 
                       51.2 microseconds on a 10 mb/s system.  A (late) 
                       collision included in a count represented by an 
                       instance of this object is also considered as a
                       (generic) collision for purposes of other 
                       collision-related statistics."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 8 }
rcStatMltEtherExcessiveCollis OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of frames for which transmission on a 
                   particular MLT fails due to excessive collisions."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 9 }
rcStatMltEtherIMacTransmitError OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of frames for which transmission on a 
                   particular MLT fails due to an internal MAC 
                       sublayer transmit error.  A frame is only counted 
                       by an instance of this object if it is not counted
                       by the corresponding instance of either the 
               LateCollisions object, the ExcessiveCollisions
               object, or the CarrierSenseError object."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 10 }
rcStatMltEtherCarrierSenseError OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The number of times that the carrier sense 
                       condition was lost or never asserted when 
                       attempting to transmit a frame on a particular
                       MLT.  The count represented by an instance of
                   this object is incremented at most once per
               transmission attempt, even if the carrier
               sense condition fluctuates during a 
               transmission attempt."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 11 }

rcStatMltEtherFrameTooLong OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of frames received on a particular MLT
                       that exceed the maximum permitted size (1518 
                       octets).  The count represented by an instance
               os this object is incremented when the frame
                   TooLong status is returned by the MAC service
               to the LLC (or other MAC user).  Received frames
               for which multiple error conditions occur are, 
               according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 
                       Layer Management, counted exclusively according
               to the error status presented to the LLC."
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 12 }

rcStatMltEtherIMacReceiveError OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "A count of frames for which reception on a 
               particular MLT fails due to an internal MAC
               sublayer receive error.  A frame is only
               counted by an instance of this object if it 
               is not counted by the corresponding instance 
               of either the FrameTooLongs object, the
                   AlignmentErrors object, of the FCSErrors
                       The precise meaning of the count represented
               by an instance of this object is implementation
                   specific.  In particular, an instance of this
                   object may represent a count of receive errors
                       on a particular interface that are not otherwise
        ::= { rcStatMltEtherEntry 13 }

-- Mlt Ip table

rcStatMltIpTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF RcStatMltIpEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "A table used to store Mlt Ip statistics."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 3 }

rcStatMltIpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        RcStatMltIpEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "Mlt enternet statistics"
        INDEX         { rcStatMltIpMltId }
        ::= { rcStatMltIpTable 1 }

RcStatMltIpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                rcStatMltIpMltId            INTEGER,
                rcStatMltIpInReceives       Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpInHdrErrors      Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpInAddrErrors     Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpForwDatagrams    Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpInUnknownProtos  Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpInDiscards       Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpInDelivers       Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpOutRequest       Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpOutDiscards      Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpOutNoRoutes      Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpReasmReqds       Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpReasmOKs         Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpReasmFails       Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpFragOKs          Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpFragFails        Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpFragCreates      Counter32,
                rcStatMltIpRoutingDiscards  Counter32

        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..8)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "Mlt Id"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 1 }

rcStatMltIpInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "all incoming packets"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 2 }

rcStatMltIpInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "hdr errors detected"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 3 }

rcStatMltIpInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "bad dest. ip addr"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 4 }

rcStatMltIpForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "packets forwarded"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 5 }

rcStatMltIpInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "unsupported protocol"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 6 }

rcStatMltIpInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "good, but no buffer"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 7 }

rcStatMltIpInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "pkts delivered to upper"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 8 }

rcStatMltIpOutRequest OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "pkts received from upper"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 9 }

rcStatMltIpOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "good, but no buffer"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 10 }

rcStatMltIpOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "no route to destination"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 11 }

rcStatMltIpReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "fragments to reassem"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 12 }

        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "reassembled successfully"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 13 }

rcStatMltIpReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "reassembly failures"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 14 }

        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "fragment successfully"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 15 }

rcStatMltIpFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "fragment failure"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 16 }

rcStatMltIpFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "pkts due to fragmenting"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 17 }

rcStatMltIpRoutingDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        deprecated
        DESCRIPTION   "Route entries removed"
        ::= { rcStatMltIpEntry 18 }


rcStatSmltIstDownCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts how the session between the
                       two peering switches has done down since last boot."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 4 } 

rcStatSmltHelloTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx hello msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 5 } 

rcStatSmltHelloRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx hello msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 6 } 

rcStatSmltLearnMacAddrTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx learn Mac Address msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 7 } 

rcStatSmltLearnMacAddrRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx learn Mac Address msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 8 } 

rcStatSmltMacAddrAgeOutTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx Mac Address Aging Out msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 9 } 

rcStatSmltMacAddrAgeOutRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx Mac Address Aging Out msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 10 } 

rcStatSmltMacAddrAgeExpTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx Mac Address age expired msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 11 } 

rcStatSmltMacAddrAgeExpRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx Mac Address age expired msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 12 } 

rcStatSmltStgInfoTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx Stg information msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 13 } 

rcStatSmltStgInfoRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx Stg information msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 14 } 

rcStatSmltDelMacAddrTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx deleted MAC address msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 15 } 

rcStatSmltDelMacAddrRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx deleted MAC address msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 16 } 

rcStatSmltSmltDownTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx Smlt Down msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 17 } 

rcStatSmltSmltDownRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx Smlt Down msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 18 } 

rcStatSmltSmltUpTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx Smlt Up msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 19 }

rcStatSmltSmltUpRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx Smlt Up msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 20 }

rcStatSmltSendMacTblTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx Send Mac Table msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 21 } 

rcStatSmltSendMacTblRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx Send Mac Table msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 22 } 

rcStatSmltIgmpTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx Igmp msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 23 } 

rcStatSmltIgmpRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx Igmp msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 24 } 

rcStatSmltPortDownTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx port down msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 25 } 

rcStatSmltPortDownRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx port down msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 26 } 

rcStatSmltReqMacTblTxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the tx request Mac table msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 27 } 

rcStatSmltReqMacTblRxMsgCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx request Mac table msg."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 28 } 

rcStatSmltRxUnknownMsgTypeCnt OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Counters that counts the rx unknown msg type."
        ::= { rcStatMlt 29 } 

rcStatMltIfUtilTable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF RcStatMltIfUtilEntry
         MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
         STATUS        current
         DESCRIPTION   "A table used to store Mlt interface utilization."
         ::= { rcStatMlt 30 }
rcStatMltIfUtilEntry OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX        RcStatMltIfUtilEntry
         MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
         STATUS        current
         DESCRIPTION   "Mlt interface utilization"
         INDEX         { rcStatMltIfUtilMltId }
         ::= { rcStatMltIfUtilTable 1 }
RcStatMltIfUtilEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         rcStatMltIfUtilMltId           INTEGER,
         rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCInOctets    Counter64,
         rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCInUtil      Gauge32,
         rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCOutOctets   Counter64,
         rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCOutUtil     Gauge32
rcStatMltIfUtilMltId OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..32)
         MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
         STATUS        current
         DESCRIPTION   "To assign an Id within the range specified to the  
                        Mlt created "
         ::= { rcStatMltIfUtilEntry 1 }
rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX         Counter64
         MAX-ACCESS     read-only
         STATUS         current
         DESCRIPTION    "The total number of octets received
                         on the MLT interface, including framing characters."
        ::= { rcStatMltIfUtilEntry 2 }
         SYNTAX         Gauge32
         MAX-ACCESS     read-only
         STATUS         current
         DESCRIPTION    "The best estimate of the mean physical layer network
                        utilization on this interface during this interval, 
                        in percent."
        ::= { rcStatMltIfUtilEntry 3}
rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX          Counter64
         MAX-ACCESS      read-only
         STATUS          current
         DESCRIPTION     "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
                          MLT interface, including framing characters."
       ::= { rcStatMltIfUtilEntry 4 }
rcStatMltIfUtilIfHCOutUtil OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX           Gauge32
         MAX-ACCESS       read-only
         STATUS           current
         DESCRIPTION      "The best estimate of the mean physical layer network
                           utilization on this interface during this interval, 
                           in percent."
         ::= { rcStatMltIfUtilEntry 5 }

-- Multi-Link Trunking Table

        SYNTAX            Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS            read-only
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "The number of MLTs currently defined in the switch."
        ::= { rcMlt 1 }

rcMltPotentialMembers OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            PortSet
        MAX-ACCESS            read-only
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "The set of ports that are not members of any MLT."
        ::= { rcMlt 2 }

rcMltIstSessionEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        EnableValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Used to enable/disable mlt functionality."
        ::= { rcMlt 3 }

rcMltIstSessionStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Used to enable/disable mlt functionality."
        ::= { rcMlt 4 }

        SYNTAX        IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "IST mlt Peer Ip address."
        ::= { rcMlt 5 }

        SYNTAX          INTEGER (1..4095)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "IST mlt Vlan Id."
        ::= { rcMlt 6 }

        SYNTAX            SEQUENCE OF RcMltEntry
        MAX-ACCESS            not-accessible
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "A list of Multi-Link Trunk entries. The number of 
                          entries is given by rcMltNumMlts."
        ::= { rcMlt 10 }

        SYNTAX            RcMltEntry
        MAX-ACCESS            not-accessible
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Entry containing configuration information for a 
                          particular Multi-Link Trunk."
        INDEX             { rcMltId }
        ::= { rcMltTable 1 }

RcMltEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                rcMltId                        INTEGER,
                rcMltName                   DisplayString,
                rcMltPortMembers            PortSet,
        rcMltPortType               INTEGER,    
        rcMltNumVlanIds             Integer32,
        rcMltVlanIds                IdList,
                rcMltRowStatus              RowStatus,
        rcMltEnable                 TruthValue,
        rcMltLoadBalance            TruthValue,
        rcMltDistributionAlgorithm  INTEGER,
        rcMltIfIndex            InterfaceIndexOrZero,
        rcMltMltType               INTEGER,
        rcMltSmltId            INTEGER,
        rcMltRunningType            INTEGER,
        rcMltSvlanPortType          INTEGER,
        rcMltMulticastDistribution  EnableValue,
                rcMltLacp10gBackup          EnableValue,
        rcMltAggregatable           EnableValue,
        rcMltClearLinkAggregate     INTEGER,
                rcMltNtStgEnable            TruthValue,
                rcMltDesignatedPort         InterfaceIndex,
                rcMltAggOperState           EnableValue,
                rcMltAggTimeOfLastOperChange TimeTicks,
                rcMltVplsMgmtVlan           EnableValue

        SYNTAX            INTEGER (1..256)
        MAX-ACCESS            read-only
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "A value that uniquely identifies the Multi-Link 
                          Trunk associated with this entry."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX            DisplayString (SIZE (0..20))
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "An administratively-assigned name for this MLT."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 2 }

rcMltPortMembers OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            PortSet
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "The set of ports that are members of this MLT." 
        ::= { rcMltEntry 3 }

        SYNTAX            INTEGER {
                            access(1),     -- access port type
                             trunk(2)       -- trunk port type
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "The type of MLT port: access(1) or trunk(2)."
    DEFVAL         { access }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 4 }
        SYNTAX            Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS            read-only
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Used to indicate the number of VLAN IDs that
                          are stored in the rcMltVlanIds variable."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 5 }

        SYNTAX            IdList (SIZE (0..8192))
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "An array used to identify which VLANs this MLT 
                          is associated with.  Each VLAN ID is stored as a 
                  two octet value. The first octet in the pair holds
                          bits 15-8 of the VLAN ID, while the second octet
                          holds bits 7-0 of the VLAN ID."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 6 }

rcMltRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Used to create/delete entries in the rcMltTable."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 7 }

        SYNTAX            TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Enable the entry."
    DEFVAL         { true }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 8 }

rcMltLoadBalance OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Perform load balance?"
    DEFVAL    { false }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 9 }

rcMltDistributionAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS            read-create
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "The load balancing algorithm."
    DEFVAL        { none }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 10 }

        SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Used to indicate the 'logical' ifIndex assigned to
                      this MLT."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 11 }

        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "MLT type."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 12 }

        SYNTAX        INTEGER (0..256)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Split MLT id."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 13 }

rcMltRunningType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Split MLT running type."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 14 } 

rcMltSvlanPortType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Set MLT port type."
        DEFVAL   { normal }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 15 }

rcMltMulticastDistribution OBJECT-TYPE           
        SYNTAX        EnableValue
    MAX-ACCESS    read-create            
    STATUS        current             
    DESCRIPTION   "Enable/Disable multicast distribution per mlt."
    DEFVAL        { disable }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 16 }

rcMltLacp10gBackup OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        EnableValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Enable/Disable 10G Mlt reliance backup mode."
        DEFVAL        { disable }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 17 }

rcMltAggregatable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        EnableValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Enable/Disable link aggregation on a MLT."
        DEFVAL        { disable }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 18 }

rcMltClearLinkAggregate OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "clear link aggregate, equivalent to disable and 
                       re-enable aggregatable on the MLT."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 19 }

rcMltNtStgEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TruthValue
               MAX-ACCESS    read-create
               STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION     "Indicates whether this MLT is operating in
                         Nortel Mode or in Cisco Mode.
                         true = Nortel Mode
                         false = Cisco Mode."
        DEFVAL         { true }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 20 }

rcMltDesignatedPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        InterfaceIndex
               MAX-ACCESS    read-only
               STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION     "Indicates the Designated port for the MLT."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 21 }

rcMltAggOperState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        EnableValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Link aggregation state on a MLT."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 22 }

rcMltAggTimeOfLastOperChange OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TimeTicks
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The time value since the interface entered its
                       current operational state."
        ::= { rcMltEntry 23 }

rcMltVplsMgmtVlan      OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          EnableValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Management Vlan is configured on this mlt"
        DEFVAL          { disable }
        ::= { rcMltEntry 24 }

rcMltMcastDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER       ::= { rcMlt 11 }

rcMltMcastDistributionEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Used to enable/disable this feature to
                       distribute multicast traffic on MLT ports. All
                       the cards in the system must be E-Tickets.
                       Cannot perform distribution in a mixed mode."
        ::= { rcMltMcastDistribution 1 }

rcMltMcastDistributionGrpMask OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Group Mask. Create a MLT abstraction layer to
                       distribute traffic basd on (source, group) information
                       of the multicast packet. The algorithm to pick
                       the actual port nedds to generate a fairly random
                       number for different combinations but a lways generate
                       the same number for a given (source, group) pair. By
                       default, the number of active ports of the MLT is used
                       to MOD the pseudo-random number generated by the XOR
                       of each byte of the masked group address with the
                       masked source address."
        ::= { rcMltMcastDistribution 2 }

rcMltMcastDistributionSrcMask OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Source Mask."
        ::= { rcMltMcastDistribution 3 }

rcMltMcastDistributionRedistributionEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Enable redistribution."
        ::= { rcMltMcastDistribution 4 }

-- Single Link Trunk Port Table

rcSltPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF RcSltPortEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     ""
        ::= { rcMlt 12 }

rcSltPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          RcSltPortEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Entry containing configuration information for a 
                        particular Multi-Link Trunk."
        INDEX           { rcSltPortIfIndex }
        ::= { rcSltPortTable 1 }

RcSltPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        rcSltPortIfIndex               InterfaceIndex,
        rcSltPortSmltId                INTEGER,
        rcSltPortOperType              INTEGER,
        rcSltPortRowStatus             RowStatus

rcSltPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "An interface for this SLT."
        ::= { rcSltPortEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX          INTEGER (1..512)
        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "A uniquely identifies the Single-Link
                        Trunk associated with this entry."
        ::= { rcSltPortEntry 2 }

rcSltPortOperType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "The current operate type of the port normal
                       or smlt."
        ::= { rcSltPortEntry 3 }

rcSltPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Used to create/delete entries of the Table."
        ::= { rcSltPortEntry 4 }

-- rcMltVlacpTable

rcMltVlacpTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF RcMltVlacpEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Mlt Virtual LACP table"
        ::= { rcMlt 13 }

rcMltVlacpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        RcMltVlacpEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible         
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Entry containing info. for a particular port"
        INDEX         { rcMltId }
        ::= { rcMltVlacpTable 1 }

RcMltVlacpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        rcMltVlacpAdminEnable                  TruthValue,
        rcMltVlacpFastPeriodicTimer            Integer32,
        rcMltVlacpTimeoutScale                 Integer32,
        rcMltVlacpEtherMacAddress              MacAddress,
        rcMltVlacpDualHomingEnable             TruthValue

rcMltVlacpAdminEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Administratively enable/disable Virtual LACP on a MLT"
        DEFVAL        { false }
        ::= { rcMltVlacpEntry 1 }

rcMltVlacpFastPeriodicTimer OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current 
        DESCRIPTION   "The number of miliseconds between periodic transmissions
                       using Short Timeouts"
        DEFVAL        { 250 }                                               
        ::= { rcMltVlacpEntry 2 }

rcMltVlacpTimeoutScale OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
        DESCRIPTION   "Scalar value used to calculate timeout time from
                       periodic time. Timeout = PeriodicTime * TimeoutScale"
        DEFVAL        { 3 }
        ::= { rcMltVlacpEntry 3 }

rcMltVlacpEtherMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX         MacAddress
        MAX-ACCESS     read-write
        STATUS         current
        DESCRIPTION    "Multicast Mac Address exclusively used for VLACPDU's"
        ::= { rcMltVlacpEntry 4 }

rcMltVlacpDualHomingEnable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX        TruthValue
         MAX-ACCESS    read-write
         STATUS        current
         DESCRIPTION   "Enable/Disable Dual homing on Virtual LACP on a MLT"
         DEFVAL        { false }
         ::= { rcMltVlacpEntry 5 }

-- Link Flap Detect Group

rcLinkFlapDetectAutoPortDownEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Used to enable/disable the Link Flap Detect
            feature.  When enabled this feature will monitor
            the number of times a port goes down during a
            certain interval.  If the number exceeds a given
            bound the port will be forced out-of-service." 
        ::= { rcLinkFlapDetect 1 }

rcLinkFlapDetectSendTrap OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Used to configure whether a trap should be
            sent if the port is forced out-of-service."    
        ::= { rcLinkFlapDetect 2 }

rcLinkFlapDetectFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            INTEGER (1..9999)
        MAX-ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Used to configure the number of times the port
            can go down." 
        ::= { rcLinkFlapDetect 3 }

rcLinkFlapDetectInterval OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX            INTEGER (2..600)
        MAX-ACCESS         read-write
        STATUS            current
        DESCRIPTION       "Used to configure the interval (in minutes)."
        ::= { rcLinkFlapDetect 4 }

-- rcL2Redundancy Group

rcL2RedundancyHaCpuState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Indicate the Ha-CPU state. 
                         initialization - indicate the CPU is in this state. 
                         oneWayActive - Modules that need to be 
                         synchronized have registered with the framework (either 
                         locally or a message was received from remote CPU (1). 
                         twoWayActive - Modules that need to be synchronized have 
                         registered with the framework (either locally or a message 
                         was received from remote CPU (2). 
                         synchronized  - Table based synchroniztion was completed 
                         on the current CPU (3).  
                         remoteIncompatible - CPUs framework version is incompatible 
                         with the remote CPU (4). 
                         error  - If an invalid event is generated in a given state the 
                         CPU enters Error state (5). 
                         disabled - High Availability is not enabled (6).
                         peerNotConnected - no peer connection is established (7).
                         peerConnected - peer connection is established (8).
                         lostPeerConnection - lost connection to peer/Standby CPU (9).
                         notSynchronized - Table Sync is not complete (10)."
        ::= { rcL2Redundancy 1 }

rcL2RedundancyHaEvent OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Indicate the Ha event status. 
                         restart (0) - Causes the state machine to restart 
                         systemRegistrationDone (1)- Causes the CPU to transfer to 
                         One Way or Two Way Active state. Locally or message received 
                         from remote CPU.  
                         tableSynchronizationDone (2) - Causes the CPU to 
                         transfer to Synchronized state. 
                         versionIncompatible (3) - Causes the CPU to go to Remote 
                         Incompatible state 
                         noEvent (4) - Means no event has occured uptill now. "
        ::= { rcL2Redundancy 2 }

rcL2RedundancyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          EnableValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Indicate the feature enable/disable."
        ::= { rcL2Redundancy 3 }

rcL2RedundancyStandbyCpu OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
        DESCRIPTION     "Indicate if the L2 Redundancy is enabled on the standby CPU."
        ::= { rcL2Redundancy 4 }