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namespace Stats\Storage;

use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;

 *    ElasticSearch repository
 *    @author Roman Nehrulenko <> 
class ElasticSearch extends Base
    public function __construct($type = '')
        $hosts = config('database.connections.elasticsearch.http');
        $index = config('database.connections.elasticsearch.index');

        $this->client = ClientBuilder::create()
            ->setHosts(explode(';', $hosts))

        $this->addParam('index', $index);
        $this->addParam('type', $type);

     * Insert data
     * @param  string  $eventType
     * @param  array   $fields   
     * @return mixed
    public function insert($eventType, $timestamp, array $fields = [])
        $timestamp = $timestamp ?: time();

        $this->addParam('time', $timestamp, 'body');
        $this->addParam('type', $eventType);
        foreach ($fields as $k => $v) 
            $this->addParam($k, $v, 'body');

        $rs = $this->client->index($this->getParams());

        return $rs['_id'];

     * Get count
     * @param  string      $event         Event type / Measurement
     * @param  integer     $from         Period from in miliseconds  
     * @param  integer     $to            Period to in miliseconds
     * @param  array     $filters    
     * @return integer         
    public function count($event): int
        $this->addParam('type', $event);


        $this->params['body'] = [];
        $this->params['body']['size'] = 0;
        if ($this->from)
            $this->params['body']['query']['bool']['must'][]['range']['time']['from'] = $this->from;

        if ($this->to)
            $this->params['body']['query']['bool']['must'][]['range']['time']['to'] = $this->to;

        if ($this->filters)
            foreach ($this->filters as $field => $value) 
                $this->params['body']['query']['bool']['must'][] = ['term' => [$field => $value]];

        $result = $this->getClient()->count($this->getParams());

        return (int)$result['count'];

     * Get histogram by the given interval
     * @param  string  $event         Event type / Measurement
     * @param  string  $interval    Available expressions for interval: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second 
     * Check for extra intervals
     * @return integer         
    public function histogram($event, $interval): array
        $this->addParam('type', $event);

        $this->params['body'] = [];
        $this->params['body']['size'] = 0;
        if ($this->from)
            $this->params['body']['query']['bool']['must'][]['range']['time']['from'] = $this->from;

        if ($this->to)
            $this->params['body']['query']['bool']['must'][]['range']['time']['to'] = $this->to;

        if ($this->filters)
            foreach ($this->filters as $field => $value) 
                $this->params['body']['query']['bool']['must'][] = ['term' => [$field => $value]];

        $this->params['body']['aggs'][$interval]['date_histogram'] = ['field' => 'time', 'interval' => $interval];

        $result = $this->getClient()->search($this->getParams());

        if (empty($result['aggregations'][$interval]['buckets']))
            return [];

        return $result['aggregations'][$interval]['buckets'];

     * Refresh index
     * @return
    public function refresh()
                'index' => $this->getParams()['index']

     * Truncate index type
     * @param  string $type
     * @return bool      
    public function truncate($type)
        $this->addParam('type', $type);

        $this->params['body']['query']['match_all'] = [];

        $res = $this->getClient()->deleteByQuery($this->getParams());


        return $res;    
