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namespace lsx_health_plan\classes\frontend;

 * Contains the gallery functionality.
 * @package lsx-health-plan
class Gallery {

     * Holds class instance
     * @var object \lsx_health_plan\classes\lib\Gallery()
    protected static $instance = null;

     * The current item ID.
     * @var boolean | int
    public $item_id = false;

     * The current item post_type used in the custom field retrival..
     * @var boolean | int
    public $post_type = false;

     * Holds the the default parameters for the gallery output.
     * @var array
    public $defaults = array();

     * If the current post has a gallery.
     * @var boolean
    public $has_gallery = false;

     * Holds the array of gallery images.
     * @var array
    public $gallery = array();

     * Holds the html for the current gallery being output.
     * @var array
    public $html = array();

     * Holds the parameters for the current gallery being output.
     * @var array
    public $args = array();

     * Constructor
    public function __construct() {

     * Return an instance of this class.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return    object \lsx_health_plan\classes\lib\Gallery()    A single instance of this class.
    public static function get_instance() {
        // If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now.
        if ( null === self::$instance ) {
            self::$instance = new self();
        return self::$instance;

     * Check if the item has a gallery of images returns true or false.
     * @param  string $item_id
     * @param  string $post_type
     * @return boolean
    public function has_gallery( $item_id = '', $post_type = '' ) {
        if ( '' === $item_id ) {
            $this->item_id = get_the_ID();
        } else {
            $this->item_id = $item_id;
        $this->has_gallery = false;
        if ( '' === $post_type ) {
            $this->post_type = get_post_type( $this->item_id );
        $gallery = get_post_meta( $this->item_id, $this->post_type . '_gallery', true );

        if ( ! empty( $gallery ) && ( '' !== $gallery ) ) {
            $this->gallery     = $gallery;
            $this->has_gallery = true;
            wp_enqueue_script( 'slick', LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_URL . 'assets/js/src/slick.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_VER, true );
            wp_enqueue_script( 'lsx-health-plan-slider', LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_URL . 'assets/js/src/lsx-health-plan-slider.js', array( 'slick' ), LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_VER, true );
        return $this->has_gallery;

     * Returns the defaults for the gallery, after grabbing the setting from the item.
     * @param  string $item_id
     * @param  string $post_type
     * @return array
    public function get_defaults( $item_id = '', $post_type = '' ) {
        if ( '' === $item_id ) {
            $item_id = $this->item_id;
        if ( '' === $post_type ) {
            $post_type = $this->post_type;
        $this->defaults = array(
            'columns'   => '3',
            'layout'    => 'slider',
            'interval'  => false,
            'css_class' => false,
        foreach ( $this->defaults as $key => $default ) {
            $override = get_post_meta( $item_id, $this->post_type . '_gallery_' . $key, true );
            if ( '' !== $override && false !== $override && ! empty( $override ) ) {
                $this->defaults[ $key ] = $override;
        return $this->defaults;

     * Gets and returns the gallery html.
     * @param string $item_id
     * @param string $post_type
     * @return void
    public function get_gallery( $item_id = '', $post_type = '', $args = array() ) {
        $return     = '';
        $this->html = array();
        $this->args = wp_parse_args( $args, $this->get_defaults( $item_id, $post_type ) );
        if ( ! empty( $this->gallery ) ) {
            $this->args['count'] = 1;
            if ( '' !== $post_type ) {
                $this->args['post_type'] = $post_type;
            } else {
                $this->args['post_type'] = $this->post_type;

            // output the opening boostrap row divs.

            foreach ( $this->gallery as $key => $gallery ) {


                if ( isset( $gallery['exercise_gallery_image_id'] ) && ! empty( $gallery['exercise_gallery_image_id'] ) ) {
                    $size         = apply_filters( 'lsx_hp_exercise_gallery_size', 'full' );
                    $thumbnail    = wp_get_attachment_image( $gallery['exercise_gallery_image_id'], $size );
                    $this->html[] = $thumbnail;
                } elseif ( isset( $gallery['exercise_gallery_external'] ) && ! empty( $gallery['exercise_gallery_external'] ) ) {
                    $this->html[] = $gallery['exercise_gallery_external']; // WPCS: XSS OK.
                } elseif ( isset( $gallery['exercise_gallery_embed'] ) && ! empty( $gallery['exercise_gallery_embed'] ) ) {
                    $embed_args = array(
                        'width' => '530',
                    $embed        = wp_oembed_get( $gallery['exercise_gallery_embed'], $embed_args );
                    $this->html[] = str_replace( 'width="530"', 'width="100%"', $embed ); // WPCS: XSS OK.



            // output the closing boostrap row divs.

        // Join the html output if its not empty.
        if ( ! empty( $this->html ) ) {
            $return = implode( '', $this->html );
        return $return;

     * Outputs the CSS class for the panels
     * @param string $columns
     * @return string
    public function column_class() {
        $cols  = 'col-xs-12 col-sm-';
        $cols .= '5' === $this->args['columns'] ? '15' : 12 / $this->args['columns'];
        return $cols;

     * Runs just after the if and before the while statement in $this->output()
    public function before_loop() {
        if ( 'slider' === $this->args['layout'] ) {
            $this->carousel_id = wp_rand( 20, 20000 );
            $this->html[]      = "<div class='lsx-hp-widget-items slick-slider slick-dotted slick-has-arrows {$this->args['css_class']} ' data-interval='{$this->args['interval']}' data-slick='{ \"slidesToShow\": 1, \"slidesToScroll\": 1'>";
        } else {
            $this->html[] = "<div class='lsx-hp-widget-items widget-item-grid-layout'>";

     * Runs at the very end of the loop before it runs again.
    public function loop_start() {
        // Get the call for the active slide.
        if ( 'slider' === $this->args['layout'] ) {
            $this->html[] = "<div class='lsx-hp-widget-item-wrap lsx-{$this->args['post_type']}'>";
        } else {
            if ( 1 === $this->args['count'] ) {
                $this->html[] = "<div class='row'>";
            $this->html[] = '<div class="' . $this->column_class() . '">';

     * Runs at the very end of the loop before it runs again.
    public function loop_end() {
        if ( 'slider' !== $this->args['layout'] ) {
            $this->html[] = '</div>';
        // Close the current slide panel.
        if ( 'slider' === $this->args['layout'] ) {
            $this->html[] = '</div>';
        } elseif ( 0 === $this->args['count'] % $this->args['columns'] || count( $this->gallery ) === $this->args['count'] ) {
            $this->html[] = '</div>';

            if ( $this->args['count'] < count( $this->gallery ) ) {
                $this->html[] = "<div class='row'>";

     * Runs just after the if and before the while statement in $this->output()
    public function after_loop() {
        // Slider output Closing.
        if ( 'slider' === $this->args['layout'] ) {
            $this->html[] = '</div>';
        } else {
            $this->html[] = '</div>';