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namespace lsx_health_plan\classes\frontend;

 * Holds the functionality to check and control your status with the current plan.
 * @package lsx-health-plan
class Plan_Status {

     * Holds class instance
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @var      object \lsx_health_plan\classes\frontend\Plan_Status()
    protected static $instance = null;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct() {
        add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'handle_day_action' ), 100 );

     * Return an instance of this class.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return    object \lsx_health_plan\classes\frontend\Plan_Status()    A single instance of this class.
    public static function get_instance() {
        // If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now.
        if ( null === self::$instance ) {
            self::$instance = new self();
        return self::$instance;

     * Registers the rewrites.
    public function handle_day_action() {
        if ( isset( $_POST['lsx-health-plan-actions'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['lsx-health-plan-actions'], 'complete' ) ) {
            update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'day_' . sanitize_key( $_POST['lsx-health-plan-id'] ) . '_complete', true );
            $plan_id     = sanitize_key( $_POST['lsx-health-plan-id'] );
            $plan_parent = wp_get_post_parent_id( $plan_id );
            if ( 0 !== $plan_parent ) {
                $plan_id = $plan_parent;
            wp_safe_redirect( get_permalink( $plan_id ) );

        if ( isset( $_POST['lsx-health-plan-actions'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['lsx-health-plan-actions'], 'unlock' ) ) {
            delete_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'day_' . sanitize_key( $_POST['lsx-health-plan-id'] ) . '_complete' );