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1 day
Test Coverage
 * LSX Health Plan Template Tags.
 * @package lsx-health-plan

 * Outputs the workout box on the single plan page.
* @return void
function lsx_health_plan_workout_box() {
    if ( ! post_type_exists( 'workout' ) ) {
    $intro_text = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'workout_intro', false );
    <div class="workout-instructions">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">
            if ( false !== $intro_text ) {
                <div class="excerpt">
                    <p><?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( $intro_text ) ); ?></p>
            } else {
                <div class="content-intro">
                    <h3><?php esc_html_e( "Don't forget your warm up!", 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></h3>
                    <p><?php esc_html_e( 'Be sure to do the warm-up before every workout session.', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></p>
            } ?>

 * Outputs the meal plan box on the single plan page.
* @return void
function lsx_health_plan_meal_box() {
    if ( ! post_type_exists( 'meal' ) ) {
    <div class="col-md-4" >
        <div class="lsx-health-plan-box">
            <h3 class="title meal-plan-title title-lined"><?php esc_html_e( 'Your Meal Plan', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?><?php lsx_get_svg_icon( 'meal.svg' ); ?></h3>
            <div class="spacer"></div>
            $intro_text = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'meal_plan_intro', false );
            if ( false !== $intro_text ) {
                <div class="excerpt">
                    <p><?php echo wp_kses_post( $intro_text ); ?></p>
            $meal = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'endpoint_meal', false );
            if ( false === $meal ) {
                $meal = 'meal';
            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?><?php echo esc_attr( $meal ); ?>/" class="btn"><?php esc_html_e( 'View your meal plan', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></a>

 * Outputs the recipe box on the single plan page.
* @return void
function lsx_health_plan_recipe_box() {
    if ( ! post_type_exists( 'recipe' ) ) {
    <div class="col-md-4" >
        <div class="lsx-health-plan-box">
            <h3 class="title recipes-title title-lined"><?php esc_html_e( 'Recipes', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?><?php lsx_get_svg_icon( 'recipes.svg' ); ?></h3>
            <div class="spacer"></div>
            $intro_text = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'recipes_intro', false );
            if ( false !== $intro_text ) {
                <div class="excerpt">
                    <p><?php echo wp_kses_post( $intro_text ); ?></p>
            $recipes = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'endpoint_recipe', false );
            if ( false === $recipes ) {
                $recipes = 'recipes';
            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?><?php echo esc_attr( $recipes ); ?>/" class="btn"><?php esc_html_e( 'View all recipes', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></a>

 * Outputs the downloads box on the single plan page.
* @return void
function lsx_health_plan_downloads_box() {
    global $current_user;
    <div class="col-md-4 day-download-box" >
        <div class="lsx-health-plan-box">
            <h3 class="title downloads-title title-lined"><?php esc_html_e( 'Downloads', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?><?php lsx_get_svg_icon( 'download.svg' ); ?></h3>
            <div class="spacer"></div>
            <div class="download-list">
                    $downloads = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_downloads();
                    if ( ! empty( $downloads ) ) {
                        foreach ( $downloads as $download ) {
                            echo wp_kses_post( '<li><a href=""><i class="fa fa-file-pdf"></i>' . do_shortcode( '[download id="' . $download . '"]' ) . '</a></li>' );

 * outputs the dynamic classes for the nav tabs.
 * @param string $tab
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_nav_class( $tab = '' ) {
    $nav_classes = array();
    if ( function_exists( 'is_wc_endpoint_url' ) && 'edit-account' === $tab && is_wc_endpoint_url( 'edit-account' ) ) {
        $nav_classes[] = 'active';
    } elseif ( lsx_health_plan_is_current_tab( $tab ) ) {
        $nav_classes[] = 'active';
    if ( ! empty( $nav_classes ) ) {
        echo wp_kses_post( implode( ' ', $nav_classes ) );

 * Outputs the my profile tabs
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_my_profile_tabs() {
    <div id="account-nav">
        <ul class="nav nav-pills">
            <li class="
            if ( ( function_exists( 'is_wc_endpoint_url' ) && ! is_wc_endpoint_url( 'edit-account' ) ) || ! function_exists( 'is_wc_endpoint_url' ) ) {
                echo esc_attr( 'active' );
            "><a class="my-plan-tab" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'My Plans', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></a></li>
            if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) ) {
                <li class="
                if ( function_exists( 'is_wc_endpoint_url' ) && is_wc_endpoint_url( 'edit-account' ) ) {
                    echo esc_attr( 'active' );
                "><a class="account-details-tab" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>edit-account/"><?php esc_html_e( 'Account Details', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></a></li>
            if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
                    <li class=""><a class="logout-tab" href="<?php echo esc_url( wp_logout_url( get_permalink() ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Logout', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></a></li>

 * Outputs the my profile box
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_my_profile_box() {
    <div class="lsx-health-plan my-profile-block wp-block-cover alignfull">
        <div class="wp-block-cover__inner-container">
            <h2><?php esc_html_e( 'My Dashboard', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></h2>
            <?php if ( ( function_exists( 'WC' ) || class_exists( 'WP_User_Avatar_Setup' ) ) && is_user_logged_in() ) { ?>
                <section id="dashboard-card">
                    <?php if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) || class_exists( 'WP_User_Avatar_Setup' ) ) { ?>
                        <div class="profile-navigation">
                            <div class="profile-photo">
                                global $current_user;
                                if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) ) {
                                if ( class_exists( 'WP_User_Avatar_Setup' ) ) {
                                    echo get_avatar( $current_user->ID, 240 );
                    <?php } ?>
                    <?php if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) ) { ?>
                        <div class="profile-details">
                            <h1 class="title-lined has-text-color"><?php echo esc_html( $current_user->display_name ); ?></h1>
                            $disable_stats = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'disable_all_stats', false );
                            if ( 'on' !== $disable_stats && function_exists( 'WC' ) ) {

                                $is_weight_disabled = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'disable_weight_checkbox', false );
                                $is_height_disabled = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'disable_height_checkbox', false );
                                $is_waist_disabled  = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'disable_waist_checkbox', false );
                                $is_bmi_disabled    = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'disable_bmi_checkbox', false );

                                $weight = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'weight', true );
                                $waist  = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'waist', true );
                                $height = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'height', true );

                                $height_m = 0;
                                if ( is_numeric( $height ) ) {
                                    $height_m = $height / 100;

                                if ( 1 < $weight && 1 < $height_m ) {
                                    $bmi = $weight / ( $height_m * $height_m );
                                    $bmi = number_format( $bmi, 1 );
                                } else {
                                    $bmi = __( 'Add more data', 'lsx-health-plan' );


                                    <?php if ( 'on' !== $is_weight_disabled ) { ?>
                                        <span><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Weight:', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></strong>
                                        if ( '' !== $weight ) {
                                            echo wp_kses_post( $weight . ' kg' );
                                        } else {
                                            echo '/';
                                    <?php }
                                    if ( 'on' !== $is_waist_disabled ) {
                                        <span><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Waist:', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></strong>
                                        if ( '' !== $waist ) {
                                            echo wp_kses_post( $waist . ' cm' );
                                        } else {
                                            echo '/';
                                    <?php }
                                    if ( 'on' !== $is_bmi_disabled ) {
                                        <span><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'BMI:', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></strong>
                                        if ( '' !== $bmi ) {
                                            echo wp_kses_post( $bmi );
                                        } else {
                                            echo '/';
                                    <?php } ?>

                            // Only display the edit account link if woocommerce is active.
                            if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) ) {
                                <div class="edit-profile">
                                    if ( function_exists( 'wc_get_page_id' ) ) {
                                        $url_id = wc_get_page_id( 'myaccount' );
                                    } else {
                                        $url_id = '';
                                    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $url_id ) ); ?>edit-account/"><?php esc_html_e( 'Edit', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></a>
                    <?php } ?>
            <?php } ?>

 * Outputs the my profile list of plans box
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_all_plans_block() {
    global $post, $product;

    // If this is the my plan page, and the user is logged out, show to WC login.
    $plan_slug = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'my_plan_slug', false );
    if ( function_exists( 'is_wc_endpoint_url' ) && false !== $plan_slug && is_page( $plan_slug ) && ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
        echo wp_kses_post( '<div id="edit-account-tab"><div class="edit-account-section">' );
        echo wp_kses_post( '<h2 class="title-lined my-plan"></h2>' );
        echo do_shortcode( '[woocommerce_my_account]' );
        echo wp_kses_post( '</div></div>' );

    $args = array(
        'orderby'        => 'menu_order',
        'order'          => 'ASC',
        'post_type'      => 'plan',
        'nopagin'        => true,
        'post_parent'    => 0,

    if ( function_exists( '\lsx_health_plan\functions\woocommerce\get_membership_products' ) ) {
        $product_ids = \lsx_health_plan\functions\woocommerce\get_membership_products();
        if ( ! empty( $product_ids ) ) {
            $args['meta_query'] = array(
                'relation' => 'OR',
                    'key'     => '_plan_product_id',
                    'value'   => $product_ids,
                    'compare' => 'IN',
                    'key'     => '_plan_product_id',
                    'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',

    $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    <div class="all-plans-block plan-grid block-all-plans-block">
        <div class="row">
            if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) :
                while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) :
                    $completed_class = '';
                    $linked_product  = false;
                    $restricted      = false;
                    $product         = null;
                    if ( function_exists( 'lsx_health_plan\functions\woocommerce\plan_has_products' ) && \lsx_health_plan\functions\woocommerce\plan_has_products() ) {
                        $products       = \lsx_health_plan\functions\woocommerce\get_plan_products();
                        $linked_product = wc_get_product( $products[0] );
                        $product        = $linked_product;
                    if ( function_exists( 'wc_memberships_is_post_content_restricted' ) ) {
                        $restricted = wc_memberships_is_post_content_restricted( get_the_ID() ) && ! current_user_can( 'wc_memberships_view_restricted_post_content', get_the_ID() );

                    if ( lsx_health_plan_is_plan_complete() ) {
                        $completed_class = 'completed';
                    $round_progress     = '';
                    $completed_progress = '100';
                    if ( false === $restricted ) {
                        $round_progress = round( \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_progress( get_the_ID() ), 0 );
                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4">
                        <article class="lsx-slot lsx-hp-shadow <?php echo esc_html( 'progress-') . $round_progress; ?>">
                            <div class="plan-feature-img">
                                <?php if ( (int)$completed_progress === (int)$round_progress ) { ?>
                                    <span class="featured-plan"><?php lsx_get_svg_icon( 'icon-completed.svg' ); ?></span>
                                <?php } ?>
                                <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink() ); ?>">
                                $featured_image = get_the_post_thumbnail();
                                if ( ! empty( $featured_image ) && '' !== $featured_image ) {
                                    the_post_thumbnail( 'lsx-thumbnail', array(
                                        'class' => 'aligncenter',
                                    ) );
                                } else {
                                    <img loading="lazy"  class="placeholder" src="<?php echo esc_attr( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '../assets/images/placeholder.jpg' ); ?>">
                            <div class="content-box plan-content-box">
                                <h3 class="plan id-<?php the_ID(); ?> <?php echo esc_attr( $completed_class ); ?>"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink() ); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
                                    echo wp_kses_post( \lsx_health_plan\functions\hp_get_plan_type_meta( $post ) );
                                if ( false !== $linked_product && false !== $restricted ) {
                                    echo wp_kses_post( $linked_product->get_price_html() );
                                <div class="excerpt">
                                    if ( ! has_excerpt() ) {
                                        $content = wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 20 );
                                        $content = '<p>' . $content . '</pre>';
                                    } else {
                                        $content = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', get_the_excerpt() );
                                    echo wp_kses_post( $content );
                                if ( false === $restricted ) {
                                    echo wp_kses_post( '<span class="progress"><progress class="bar" value="' . \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_progress( get_the_ID() ) . '" max="100"> ' . \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_progress( get_the_ID() ) . '% </progress><span>' . $round_progress . '%</span></span>' );
                <?php endwhile; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>


 * Outputs the my profile day view box
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_day_plan_block( $args = array() ) {
    $defaults = array(
        'plan' => '',
    $args     = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

    if ( isset( $args['plan'] ) && '' !== $args['plan'] && \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\has_sections( $args['plan'] ) ) {
        $sections = \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\get_sections();
        <div class="daily-plan-block day-grid">
            foreach ( $sections as $section_key => $section_values ) {
                $defaults    = array(
                    'title' => __( 'Day', 'lsx-health-plan' ) . ' ' . ( $section_key + 1 ),
                $section_args = wp_parse_args( $section_values, $defaults );

                $completed_class = '';
                if ( lsx_health_plan_is_day_complete() ) {
                    $completed_class = 'completed';
                <a href="<?php echo esc_attr( \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\get_permalink( $args['plan'], $section_args['title'] ) ); ?>" class="day id-<?php echo esc_attr( $section_key + 1 ); ?> <?php echo esc_attr( $completed_class ); ?>">
                    <div class="plan-content"><?php echo esc_attr( $section_args['title'] ); ?></div>

 * Outputs the my profile week view box
 * @param  array $args An array of arguments.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_week_plan_block( $args = array() ) {
    $defaults = array(
        'show_downloads' => false,
        'plan'           => '',
    $args     = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

    if ( isset( $args['plan'] ) && '' !== $args['plan'] && \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\has_sections( $args['plan'] ) ) {
        $groups = \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\get_sections( true );

        if ( ! empty( $groups ) ) {
            $counter    = 1;
            $group_open = false;

            foreach ( $groups as $group_key => $sections ) {
                $collapse_class = '';
                $group_title    = \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\get_group_title( $sections );

                // Determine if the current week is complete.
                $day_ids = wp_list_pluck( $sections, 'title' );
                if ( false === $group_open ) {
                    if ( 1 === $counter && ! \lsx_health_plan\functions\is_week_complete( false, $day_ids, $group_title ) ) {
                        $collapse_class = 'in';
                        $group_open   = true;
                    } elseif ( ! \lsx_health_plan\functions\is_week_complete( false, $day_ids, $group_title ) ) {
                        $collapse_class = 'in';
                        $group_open   = true;

                // Determine if there are any weekly downloads.
                $week_downloads_view = '';
                if ( isset( $args['show_downloads'] ) && false !== $args['show_downloads'] ) {
                    $weekly_downloads = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_weekly_downloads( $group_key );
                    if ( ! empty( $weekly_downloads ) ) {
                        $week_downloads_view = 'week-downloads-view-on';
                <div class="daily-plan-block week-grid">
                    <a href="#group-<?php echo esc_attr( $group_key ); ?>" data-toggle="collapse" class="week-title"><?php echo esc_attr( $group_title ); ?></a>
                    <div id="group-<?php echo esc_attr( $group_key ); ?>" class="week-row collapse <?php echo esc_attr( $collapse_class ); ?>">
                        <div class="week-row-inner <?php echo esc_html( $week_downloads_view ); ?>">
                            <div class="week-meals-recipes-box">

                                <?php if ( ! empty( $week_downloads_view ) ) { ?>
                                    <h3 class="title"><?php lsx_get_svg_icon( 'daily-plan.svg' ); ?><?php echo esc_html_e( 'Plan', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></h3>
                                <?php } ?>

                                <div class="week-meals-recipes-box-inner">

                                foreach ( $sections as $section_key => $section_values ) {

                                    $defaults    = array(
                                        'title' => __( 'Day', 'lsx-health-plan' ) . ' ' . ( $section_key + 1 ),
                                    $section_args = wp_parse_args( $section_values, $defaults );

                                    $completed_class = '';
                                    if ( lsx_health_plan_is_day_complete( $args['plan'], $section_args['title'] ) ) {
                                        $completed_class = 'completed';
                                    if ( $section_args['rest_day_enabled'] && ! $section_args['connected_meals'] ) {
                                        <span class="day id-<?php echo esc_attr( $section_key + 1 ); ?> <?php echo esc_attr( $completed_class ); ?>">
                                            <div class="plan-content"><?php echo esc_attr( $section_args['title'] ); ?></div>
                                    } else {
                                        <a href="<?php echo esc_attr( \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\get_permalink( $args['plan'], $section_args['title'] ) ); ?>" class="day id-<?php echo esc_attr( $section_key + 1 ); ?> <?php echo esc_attr( $completed_class ); ?>">
                                            <div class="plan-content"><?php echo esc_attr( $section_args['title'] ); ?></div>
                            if ( ! empty( $week_downloads_view ) ) {
                                lsx_health_plan_weekly_downloads( $weekly_downloads );

 * Outputs the weekly downloads box.
 * @param array $weekly_downloads An array of the download ids.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_weekly_downloads( $weekly_downloads = array() ) {
    if ( ! empty( $weekly_downloads ) ) {
        <div class="week-download-box">
            <h3 class="title"><?php lsx_get_svg_icon( 'download.svg' ); ?><?php echo esc_html_e( 'Downloads', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></h3>
            <ul class="week-download-box-list">
                foreach ( $weekly_downloads as $weekly_download ) {
                    <li><?php echo wp_kses_post( do_shortcode( '[download id="' . $weekly_download . '"]' ) ); ?></li>

 * Outputs the featured items of any type shortcode (intended for exercises)
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_items( $args = array() ) {
    global $shortcode_args;
    $shortcode_args = $args;
    include LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/partials/shortcode-loop.php';

 * Outputs the featured video shortcode
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_featured_video_block() {
    if ( ! post_type_exists( 'video' ) ) {
    include LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/featured-videos.php';

 * Outputs the featured recipes shortcode
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_featured_recipes_block() {
    if ( ! post_type_exists( 'recipe' ) ) {
    include LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/featured-recipes.php';

 * Outputs the featured tips shortcode
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_featured_tips_block() {
    include LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/featured-tips.php';

 * Outputs the Health Plan Buttons
 * @param string $button
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_day_button() {
    if ( lsx_health_plan_is_day_complete() ) {
    } else {

 * Outputs the health plan complete button.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_complete_button() {
    <div class="single-plan-inner-buttons">
        <form action="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" method="post" class="form-complete-day complete-plan-btn">
            <?php wp_nonce_field( 'complete', 'lsx-health-plan-actions' ); ?>
            <input type="hidden" name="lsx-health-plan-id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\generate_section_id() ); ?>" />
            <button class="btn cta-btn" type="submit"><?php esc_html_e( 'Complete Day', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></button>
        <?php lsx_health_plan_back_to_plan_button(); ?>

 * Outputs the health plan unlock button.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_unlock_button() {
    <div class="single-plan-inner-buttons">
        <form action="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" method="post" class="form-complete-day complete-plan-btn">
            <?php wp_nonce_field( 'unlock', 'lsx-health-plan-actions' ); ?>
            <input type="hidden" name="lsx-health-plan-id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\generate_section_id() ); ?>" />
            <button class="btn secondary-btn" type="submit"><?php esc_html_e( 'Im not done!', 'lsx-health-plan' ); ?></button>
        <?php lsx_health_plan_back_to_plan_button(); ?>

 * Outputs the Single Plan Endpoint Tabs
 * @param string $button
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_single_nav() {
    $tab_template_path = apply_filters( 'lsx_health_plan_single_nav_path', LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/single-plan-tabs.php' );
    if ( '' !== $tab_template_path ) {
        require $tab_template_path;

 * Outputs the Single Plan Tab based on the endpoint
 * @param string $button
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_single_tabs() {
    $endpoint = get_query_var( 'endpoint' );
    switch ( $endpoint ) {
        case 'meal':
            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/tab-content-meal.php';

        case 'recipes':
            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/tab-content-recipes.php';

        case 'workout':
            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/tab-content-workout.php';

        case 'warm-up':
            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/tab-content-warm-up.php';

            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/tab-content-plan.php';
    $tab_template_path = apply_filters( 'lsx_health_plan_single_tab_path', $tab_template_path );
    if ( '' !== $tab_template_path ) {
        include $tab_template_path;

 * Outputs the recipe info on a table.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_recipe_data() {
    include LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . '/templates/table-recipe-data.php';

 * Outputs the recipe type.
 * @return recipe_type
function lsx_health_plan_recipe_type() {
    $term_obj_list = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'recipe-type' );
    $recipe_type   = $term_obj_list[0]->name;
    if ( ! empty( $recipe_type ) ) {
        return $recipe_type;

 * Outputs the modal button and registers the video modal to show.
 * @param int $m
 * @param array $group
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_workout_video_play_button( $m, $group, $echo = true ) {
    $workout_video = '';
    $giphy         = '';
    $youtube       = '';
    if ( isset( $group['connected_videos'] ) && '' !== $group['connected_videos'] ) {
        $workout_video = $group['connected_videos'];
        $giphy         = get_post_meta( $workout_video, 'video_giphy_source', true );
        $youtube       = esc_url( get_post_meta( $workout_video, 'video_youtube_source', 1 ) );
        $content       = get_post_field( 'post_content', $workout_video );
        $play_button   = '<button data-toggle="modal" data-target="#workout-video-modal-' . $workout_video . '"><span class="fa fa-play-circle"></span></button>';

        $modal_body = '';
        if ( ! empty( $giphy ) ) {
            $giphy      = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_video_url( $giphy );
            $modal_body = $giphy; // WPCS: XSS OK.
        } elseif ( ! empty( $youtube ) ) {
            $modal_body = wp_oembed_get( $youtube, array( // WPCS: XSS OK.
                'width' => 480,
            ) );
        $modal_body .= '<h5 class="modal-title title-lined">' . $group['name'] . '</h5>';
        $modal_body .= $content;
        \lsx_health_plan\functions\register_modal( 'workout-video-modal-' . $workout_video, '', $modal_body );

        if ( true === $echo ) {
            echo wp_kses_post( $play_button );
        } else {
            return $play_button;

 * Outputs the recipe description if it is included.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_recipe_archive_description() {
    $description = '';
    if ( is_post_type_archive( 'recipe' ) ) {
        $description = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'recipe_archive_description', '' );
    } elseif ( is_post_type_archive( 'exercise' ) ) {
        $description = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'exercise_archive_description', '' );
    } elseif ( is_tax() ) {
        $description = get_the_archive_description();
    if ( '' !== $description ) {
        <div class="lsx-hp-archive-description row">
            <div class="col-xs-12 description-wrapper"><?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( $description ) ); ?></div>

 * Outputs the Single Plan Workout main content.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_workout_main_content() {
    // Getting translated endpoint.
    $workout = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'endpoint_workout', 'workout' );

    $connected_members = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ( $workout . '_connected_team_member' ), true );
    $small_description = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ( $workout . '_short_description' ), true );

    $content = '';
    if ( $small_description || $connected_members || lsx_health_plan_has_tips() ) {
        $content .= '<div class="short-desc set-box set content-box entry-content">';
        $content .= '<div class="the-content">';
        $content .= lsx_hp_member_connected( $connected_members, $workout );
        $content .= '<span>' . $small_description . '</span>';
        $content .= '</div>';
        $content .= do_shortcode( '[lsx_health_plan_featured_tips_block]' );
        $content .= '</div>';
    return $content;

 * Outputs the Single Plan Workout main content.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_meal_main_content() {
    // Getting translated endpoint.
    $meal = \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'endpoint_meal', 'meal' );

    $connected_members = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ( $meal . '_connected_team_member' ), true );
    $small_description = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ( $meal . '_short_description' ), true );

    $content_meal = '';
    if ( $small_description || $connected_members || lsx_health_plan_has_tips() ) {
        $content_meal .= '<div class="set-box set content-box entry-content">';
        $content_meal .= '<div class="the-content">';
        $content_meal .= lsx_hp_member_connected( $connected_members, $meal );
        $content_meal .= '<span>' . $small_description . '</span>';
        $content_meal .= '</div>';
        $content_meal .= do_shortcode( '[lsx_health_plan_featured_tips_block]' );
        $content_meal .= '</div>';
    return $content_meal;

 * Outputs the Single Plan Workout Tab based on the layout selected.
 * @param  string $index
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_workout_tab_content( $index = 1 ) {
    global $group_name,$shortcode_args;
    $group_name = 'workout_section_' . $index;
    if ( false !== \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'exercise_enabled', false ) ) {
        $layout = strtolower( \lsx_health_plan\functions\get_option( 'workout_tab_layout', 'table' ) );

        // Check for shortcode overrides.
        if ( null !== $shortcode_args && isset( $shortcode_args['layout'] ) ) {
            $layout = $shortcode_args['layout'];
    } else {
        $layout = 'table';

    switch ( $layout ) {
        case 'list':
            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . 'templates/partials/workout-list.php';

        case 'grid':
            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . 'templates/partials/workout-grid.php';

        case 'table':
            $tab_template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . 'templates/partials/workout-table.php';
    $tab_template_path = apply_filters( 'lsx_health_plan_workout_tab_content_path', $tab_template_path );
    if ( '' !== $tab_template_path ) {
        include $tab_template_path;

 * This will detect and include the Workout sets loop.
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_workout_sets() {
    if ( is_singular( 'workout' ) ) {
        global $connected_workouts;
        $connected_workouts = array( get_the_ID() );
    if ( is_singular( 'plan' ) ) {

        global $connected_workouts;

        $section_key  = get_query_var( 'section' );
        if ( '' !== $section && \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\has_sections() ) {
            $section_info = \lsx_health_plan\functions\plan\get_section_info( $section_key );
            if ( isset( $section_info['connected_workouts'] ) && '' !== $section_info['connected_workouts'] ) {

                $connected_workouts = \lsx_health_plan\functions\prep_array( $section_info['connected_workouts'] );
    $template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . 'templates/partials/workout-sets.php';
    $template_path = apply_filters( 'lsx_health_plan_workout_set_template_path', $template_path );
    if ( '' !== $template_path && ! empty( $template_path ) ) {
        include $template_path;

 * This will detect and include the Warmup sets loop.
 * @param [type] $connected_workouts
 * @return void
function lsx_health_plan_warmup_sets( $connected_workouts ) {
    $template_path = LSX_HEALTH_PLAN_PATH . 'templates/partials/workout-sets.php';
    $template_path = apply_filters( 'lsx_health_plan_workout_set_template_path', $template_path );
    if ( '' !== $template_path && ! empty( $template_path ) ) {
        include $template_path;

 * Outputs the recipes connected to the meal plan.
 * @param array $args
 * @return void
function lsx_hp_meal_plan_recipes( $args = array() ) {
    $defaults = array(
        'meal_id'   => false,
        'meal_time' => '',
        'modal'     => true,
    $args     = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    // Looking for recipes.
    $connected_recipes = get_post_meta( $args['meal_id'], $args['meal_time'] . '_recipes', true );
    if ( ! empty( $connected_recipes ) ) {
        $query_args    = array(
            'orderby'   => 'date',
            'order'     => 'DESC',
            'post_type' => 'recipe',
            'post__in'  => $connected_recipes,
        $recipes = new WP_Query( $query_args );
        <div class="recipes">
            <div class="row eating-row">
            if ( $recipes->have_posts() ) {
                while ( $recipes->have_posts() ) {
                    if ( false !== $args['modal'] ) {
                    <div class="recipe-column">
                        <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#recipe-modal-<?php echo esc_attr( get_the_ID() ); ?>" href="#recipe-modal-<?php echo esc_attr( get_the_ID() ); ?>" class="recipe-box box-shadow">
                            <div class="recipe-feature-img">
                                $featured_image = get_the_post_thumbnail();
                                if ( ! empty( $featured_image ) && '' !== $featured_image ) {
                                    the_post_thumbnail( 'lsx-thumbnail-square', array(
                                        'class' => 'aligncenter',
                                    ) );
                                } else {
                                    <img loading="lazy" class="placeholder" src="<?php echo esc_attr( plugin_dir_url( __DIR__ ) . 'assets/images/placeholder.jpg' ); ?>">
                            <div class="recipe-content">
                                <h3 class="recipe-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
                                <?php lsx_health_plan_recipe_data(); ?>


 * Output the connected.
function lsx_hp_recipe_plan_meta( $args = array() ) {
    $defaults = array();
    $top_level_plans = array();
    // Get meals this exercise is connected to.
    $plans = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'connected_plans', true );
    if ( ! empty( $plans ) ) {
        $plan       = end( $plans );
        $has_parent = wp_get_post_parent_id( $plan );
        if ( 0 === $has_parent ) {
            $top_level_plans[] = $plan;
        } elseif ( false !== $top_level_plans ) {
            $top_level_plans[] = $has_parent;
    if ( ! empty( $top_level_plans ) && ( '' !== $top_level_plans ) ) {
        $top_level_plans = array_unique( $top_level_plans );
        $top_level_plan  = end( $top_level_plans );
            <span class="recipe-type recipe-parent"><?php echo esc_html( get_the_title( $top_level_plan ) ); ?></span>

 * Output the connected.
function lsx_hp_exercise_plan_meta() {

    $top_level_plans = array();

    // Get workouts this exercise is connected to.
    $workouts = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'connected_workouts', true );

    if ( '' !== $workouts && ! is_array( $workouts ) ) {
        $workouts = array( $workouts );
    if ( ! empty( $workouts ) ) {
        foreach ( $workouts as $workout ) {
            // Get the plans this workout is connected to.
            $plans = get_post_meta( $workout, 'connected_plans', true );

            if ( '' !== $plans && ! is_array( $plans ) ) {
                $plans = array( $plans );
            if ( ! empty( $plans ) ) {
                foreach ( $plans as $plan ) {
                    $has_parent = wp_get_post_parent_id( $plan );
                    if ( 0 === $has_parent ) {
                        $top_level_plans = $plan;
                    } else {
                        $top_level_plans = $has_parent;

    if ( ! empty( $top_level_plans ) && ( '' !== $top_level_plans ) ) {
        $top_level_plans = array_unique( $top_level_plans );
        $top_level_plan  = end( $top_level_plans );
            <span class="recipe-type recipe-parent"><?php echo esc_html( get_the_title( $top_level_plan ) ); ?></span>

 * Template for related content box for all singles.
 * @param [type] $related_content
 * @return void
function lsx_hp_single_related( $related_content, $post_type_text ) {
    <section id="lsx-hp-related">
        <div class="row lsx-related-posts lsx-related-posts-title">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
                <h2 class="lsx-related-posts-headline"><?php echo esc_html( $post_type_text ); ?></h2>
        <div class="row lsx-related-posts lsx-related-posts-content">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
                <div class="lsx-related-posts-wrapper">
                    $i = 0;
                    foreach ( $related_content as $article ) {
                        $post_title      = get_the_title( $article );
                        $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories( $article );
                        $post_link       = get_permalink( $article );

                        $cats = array();
                        <article id="post-<?php echo esc_html( $article ); ?>" class="lsx-slot post">
                            <div class="entry-layout lsx-hp-shadow">
                                <div class="entry-layout-content">
                                    <header class="entry-header">
                                        <div class="entry-image">
                                            <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $post_link ); ?>" class="thumbnail">
                                            $featured_image = get_the_post_thumbnail( $article, 'lsx-thumbnail-wide' );
                                            if ( ! empty( $featured_image ) && '' !== $featured_image ) {
                                                echo wp_kses_post( $featured_image );
                                            } else {
                                                <img loading="lazy" class="placeholder" src="<?php echo esc_attr( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '../assets/images/placeholder.jpg' ); ?>">
                                        <div class="entry-meta">
                                        foreach ( $post_categories as $c ) {
                                            $cat = get_category( $c );
                                            /* Translators: %s: category name */
                                            $cats[] = '<a href="' . esc_url( get_category_link( $cat->term_id ) ) . '" title="' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Posts in %s', 'lsx-blog-customizer' ), $cat->name ) . '">' . $cat->name . '</a>';
                                        if ( ! empty( $cats ) ) { ?>
                                            <div class="post-categories"><span></span><?php echo wp_kses_post( implode( ', ', $cats ) ); ?></div>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                        <h2 class="entry-title">
                                            <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $post_link ); ?>">
                                                <?php echo esc_html( $post_title ); ?>

                    if (++$i === 3) break;
                    } ?>

 * Template for connected members.
 * @param [type] $connected_members
 * @return void
function lsx_hp_member_connected( $connected_members, $post_type ) {
    if ( ! empty( $connected_members ) ) {
        $content = '<div id="hp-connected-members" class="hp-connected-members connected-' . $post_type . '">';
        foreach ( $connected_members as $member ) {
            $post_link   = get_permalink( $member );
            $member_name = get_the_title( $member );
            $member_name = '<span class="lsx-team-name">' . $member_name . '</span>';

            $member_link = '<a href="' . $post_link . '" >' . $member_name . '</a>';

            $roles = '';
            $terms = get_the_terms( $member, 'team_role' );

            if ( $terms && ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ) {
                $roles = array();

                foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
                    $roles[] = $term->name;

                $roles = join( ', ', $roles );
            $member_roles = '' !== $roles ? "<small class='lsx-team-roles'>$roles</small>" : '';

            $content .= '<p>' . $member_roles . ': ' . $member_link . '</p>';
        $content .= '</div>';
        return $content;