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# Upcoming Projects & Roadmap

_Complementary to [Version 2.0 Scope & Requirements](

This document outlines some of the features currently in development or being considered for the project. 

## Projects

- **Blocks** — Convert shortcodes into blocks.
- **Plan** — Add multi-plan functionality.
- **Workouts** — Add a single and archive templates. 
- **Exercises** — Improvements to all template designs.
- **Tips** — Integration of tips into plans, meals,recipes, workouts and exercises.
- **Settings** — Add tooltips to settings pages to improve usability.
- **Banners** — Add banner image settings for custom post type archives and custom taxonomies to the settings page.
- **Breadcrumbs** — Apply design improvements.
- **Mobile & Tablet Support** — Create mobile-first designs that optimise mobile & tablet interfaces
- **WooCommerce Templates** — Add integration with WooCommerce to allow creation "Plan Products" and restricting content.

## Timeline

The projects outlined above indicate areas of interest but not necessarily development priorities. 

- 2020 Q1: Version 1.2 of LSX Health Plan plugin released
- 2020 Q2: Version 1.3 of LSX Health Plan plugin released
- 2020 Q3: Version 1.4 of LSX Health Plan plugin released
- 2020 Q4: To be defined.