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# WebpayRails

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WebpayRails is an easy solution for integrate Transbank Webpay in Rails applications.

_This gem (including certificates used in tests) was originally based on the SDK for Ruby (distributed under the **open source license**) available in www.transbankdevelopers.cl_

### WebpayRails has been Deprecated

__Transbank no longer supports SOAP integration. This repository has been deprecated and will no longer be maintained.__

You should consider using the official gem [transbank-sdk-ruby](

## Getting started

__This README is only valid for the *master* branch, click [here]( for see the latest released version.__

You can add it to your `Gemfile`:

gem 'webpay_rails'

Run the bundle command to install it.

### Configuring models
After that, extend the model to `WebpayRails` and add `webpay_rails` to this, like below.

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend WebpayRails

    commerce_code: 123456789,
    private_key: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    public_cert: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    webpay_cert: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    environment: :integration,
    log: true

As you can see for `private_key`, `public_cert`, and `webpay_cert`, the content of the files is entered, without prejudice to the above you can also indicate the absolute path to these files.

The default `environment` is `:integration`, and the valid environments are `:integration`, `:certification` and `:production`. Depending on the environment is assigned the wsdl path.

The `log` is very useful when generating the evidence of integration, and is enabled by default. The log can be found both in the rails log and in a separate file (`log\webpay.log`).

Obviously all these values should not be defined directly in the model. It is strongly recommended to use environment variables for this ([dotenv](

### Using WebpayRails

#### Initializing a transaction

First we need to initialize an transaction, like below:

@transaction = Order.init_transaction(amount: amount, buy_order: buy_order, session_id: session_id, return_url: return_url, final_url: final_url)

Where `amount` is an __integer__ that define the amount of the transaction (_obviously_), `buy_order` is an __string__ that define the order number of the buy, `session_id` is an __string__ that define a local variable that will be returned as part of the result of the transaction, `return_url` and `final_url` are a __string__ for the redirections.

This method return a `Transaction` object, that contain a redirection `url` and `token` for redirect the customer through POST method, like below.

<% if @transaction.success? %>
  <%= form_tag(@transaction.url, method: :post, enforce_utf8: false, authenticity_token: false) do %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag(:token_ws, @transaction.token) %>
    <%= submit_tag("Pagar con Webpay") %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Once Webpay displays the form of payment and authorization of the bank, the customer will send back through __POST__ method to the `return_url` with a `token_ws`. (If the customer cancels the transaction is directly returned to the `final_url` in the same way).

#### Getting the result of a transaction

When Webpay send a __POST__ to `return_url` with `token_ws`, we need to ask for the transaction result, like below.

@result = Order.transaction_result(token: params[:token_ws])

This method return a `TransactionResult` object, that contain an `buy_order`, `session_id`, `accounting_date`, `transaction_date`, `vci`, `url_redirection`, `card_number`, `card_expiration_date`, `authorization_code`, `payment_type_code`, `response_code`, `amount`, `shares_number` and `commerce_code`.

At this point we have confirmed the transaction with Transbank, performing the operation `acknowledge_transaction` by means of `transaction_result`.

Now we need to send back the customer to `url_redirection` with `token_ws` through __GET__ method.

#### Ending a transaction

When Webpay send customer to `final_url`, we are done. Finally the transaction has ended. :clap:

#### Nullify a transaction

To cancel a transaction we must use the method described below.

@transaction = Order.nullify(authorization_code: authorization_code, authorized_amount: authorized_amount, buy_order: buy_order, nullify_amount: nullify_amount)

Where `authorization_code`, `authorized_amount`, `buy_order`, are known and corresponds to the transaction to be canceled, and `nullify_amount` it corresponds to the amount to be canceled.

This method return a `TransactionNullified` object, that contain an `token`, `authorization_code`, `authorization_date`, `balance` and

Note that you can only make a single cancellation, whether total or partial.

## Contributing
Any contribution is welcome. Personally I prefer to use English to do documentation and describe commits, however there is no problem if you make your comments and issues in Spanish.

### Reporting issues

Please try to answer the following questions in your bug report:

- What did you do?
- What did you expect to happen?
- What happened instead?

Make sure to include as much relevant information as possible. Ruby version,
WebpayRails version, OS version and any stack traces you have are very valuable.

### Pull Requests

- __Add tests!__ Your patch won't be accepted if it doesn't have tests.

- __Document any change in behaviour__. Make sure the README and any  relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.

- __Create topic branches__. Please don't ask us to pull from your master branch.

- __One pull request per feature__. If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.

- __Send coherent history__. Make sure each individual commit in your pull request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while developing, please squash them before sending them to us.