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package dbshiftcore

import (

type cmd struct {
    cfg configuration
    db  iDatabase

// NewCmd create a shell-commander object based on database interface and environmental configuration.
func NewCmd(db iDatabase) (*cmd, error) {

    // Check db implementation
    if db == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("missing db implementation")

    // Get configuration via environment
    cfg, err := getConfiguration()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad configuration: %s", err)

    return &cmd{cfg: *cfg, db: db}, nil

// Run is used to execute the shell-commander.
func (c *cmd) Run() {

    // Run shell
    shell := ishell.New()

    commands := c.getShellCommands()
    for k := range commands {

    if len(os.Args) > 1 {
        if err := shell.Process(os.Args[1:]...); err != nil {
    } else {

func (c *cmd) getShellCommands() []*ishell.Cmd {
    return []*ishell.Cmd{{
        Name:     "status",
        LongHelp: "It returns the current status of database along migrations.",
        Func:     c.handleStatus,
    }, {
        Name:     "create",
        Help:     "create <entity-name>",
        LongHelp: "It creates a entity with name.",
        Func:     c.handleCreate,
    }, {
        Name:     "upgrade",
        Help:     "upgrade [toInclusiveVersion]",
        LongHelp: "It upgrades all the migrations. If toInclusiveId is set, it upgrades all the migrations till that version.",
        Func:     c.handleUpgrade,
    }, {
        Name:     "downgrade",
        Help:     "downgrade [toInclusiveVersion]",
        LongHelp: "It downgrades all the migrations. If toInclusiveId is set, it downgrades all the migrations till that version.",
        Func:     c.handleDowngrade,

func (c *cmd) handleStatus(ctx *ishell.Context) {
    if err := c.status(); err != nil {

func (c *cmd) handleCreate(ctx *ishell.Context) {
    if len(ctx.Args) != 1 {
        PrintFailure("missing entity name")
    name := ctx.Args[0]
    if err := c.create(name); err != nil {

func (c *cmd) handleUpgrade(ctx *ishell.Context) {
    var endVersion string
    if len(ctx.Args) == 1 {
        endVersion = ctx.Args[0]
    if err := c.upgrade(endVersion); err != nil {

func (c *cmd) handleDowngrade(ctx *ishell.Context) {
    var endVersion string
    if len(ctx.Args) == 1 {
        endVersion = ctx.Args[0]
    if err := c.downgrade(endVersion); err != nil {

func (c *cmd) create(migrationName string) error {
    // Check option
    if c.cfg.Options.IsCreateDisabled {
        return errors.New("migration creating is disabled from options")

    // Ensure both downgrading and upgrading migrations share the same version
    version := time.Now().Format("20060102150405")
    dbExt := c.db.GetExtension()

    // Write downgrade file
    migrationDowngrade := newMigration(version, migrationName, migrationTypeDowngrade, dbExt)
    if err := ioutil.WriteFile(migrationDowngrade.getLocation(c.cfg.MigrationsPath), nil, 0664); err != nil {
        return err

    // Write upgrade file
    migrationUpgrade := newMigration(version, migrationName, migrationTypeUpgrade, dbExt)
    if err := ioutil.WriteFile(migrationUpgrade.getLocation(c.cfg.MigrationsPath), nil, 0664); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (c *cmd) upgrade(toInclusiveVersion string) error {
    // Check option
    if c.cfg.Options.IsUpgradeDisabled {
        return errors.New("migration upgrading is disabled from options")

    // Get current version
    status, err := c.db.GetStatus()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Get migrations eligible to upgrade
    migrationList, err := getMigrations(c.cfg.MigrationsPath, *status, toInclusiveVersion, isUpgradable)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Sort for execution

    // Execute migrations
    return c.execMigrations(migrationList)

func (c *cmd) downgrade(toInclusiveVersion string) error {
    // Check option
    if c.cfg.Options.IsDowngradeDisabled {
        return errors.New("migration downgrading is disabled from options")

    // Get current version
    status, err := c.db.GetStatus()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Get migrations eligible to downgrade
    migrationList, err := getMigrations(c.cfg.MigrationsPath, *status, toInclusiveVersion, isDowngradable)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Sort for execution

    // Execute migrations
    return c.execMigrations(migrationList)

func (c *cmd) execMigrations(migrationList []Migration) error {
    for _, m := range migrationList {

        // Read migration file
        data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(m.getLocation(c.cfg.MigrationsPath))
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Execute migration
        timeStart := time.Now()
        if err := c.db.ExecuteMigration(data); err != nil {
            return err

        execTimeInSeconds := time.Since(timeStart).Seconds()
        if err := c.db.SetStatus(m, execTimeInSeconds); err != nil {
            return err

        PrintSuccess("Migration %s has been executed in %v seconds", m.Name, execTimeInSeconds)

    return nil

func (c *cmd) status() error {

    // Get current version
    status, err := c.db.GetStatus()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Get migrations eligible to upgrade
    migrationUpgradeList, err := getMigrations(c.cfg.MigrationsPath, *status, "", isUpgradable)
    if err != nil {
        return err


    // Get migrations eligible to downgrade
    migrationDowngradeList, err := getMigrations(c.cfg.MigrationsPath, *status, "", isDowngradable)
    if err != nil {
        return err


    fmt.Println("Migrations to upgrade")
    for _, m := range migrationUpgradeList {

    fmt.Println("Migrations to downgrade")
    for _, m := range migrationDowngradeList {

    return nil