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# Vaku

[![Vaku](www/assets/images/logo-vaku-sm.png?raw=true)](www/assets/logo-vaku-sm.png "Vaku")


Vaku is a CLI and API for running path- and folder-based operations on the Vault Key/Value secrets engine. Vaku extends the existing Vault CLI and API by allowing you to run the same path-based list/read/write/delete functions on folders as well. Vaku also lets you search, copy, and move both secrets and folders.

## Installation

### Homebrew

brew install lingrino/tap/vaku

### Scoop

scoop bucket add vaku
scoop install vaku

### Docker

docker run --help

### Binary

Download the latest binary or deb/rpm for your os/arch from the [releases page](

## Usage

Vaku CLI documentation can be found on the command line using either `vaku help [cmd]` or `vaku [cmd] --help`. The same documentation is also available in markdown form in the [docs/cli](docs/cli/ folder.

## API

Documentation for the Vaku API is on [](

## Contributing

Suggestions and contributions of all kinds are welcome! If there is functionality you would like to see in Vaku please open an Issue or Pull Request and I will be sure to address it.

## Tests

Vaku is well tested and uses only the standard go testing tools.

$ go test -cover -race ./...
ok      0.095s coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok 12.065s coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok  0.168s coverage: 100.0% of statements