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Test Coverage
package vaku

import (

    vault ""

var (
    // ErrNumWorkers when workers is not a supported number.
    ErrNumWorkers = errors.New("invalid workers")
    // ErrApplyOptions when options fails to apply.
    ErrApplyOptions = errors.New("applying options")

const (
    defaultWorkers = 10

// logical is functions from vault.Logical() used by Vaku. Helps with testing.
type logical interface {
    Delete(path string) (*vault.Secret, error)
    List(path string) (*vault.Secret, error)
    Read(path string) (*vault.Secret, error)
    Write(path string, data map[string]any) (*vault.Secret, error)

// Client has all Vaku functions and wraps Vault API clients.
type Client struct {
    // vc is the vault client.
    vc *vault.Client
    // vl wraps vc.Logical() for easy testing.
    vl logical

    // dc is a recursive Client for operations with a source and destination.
    dc *Client

    // workers is the max number of concurrent operations against vault.
    workers int

    // absolutePath if the absolute path is desired instead of the relative path.
    absolutePath bool

    // mountProvider provides a list of all mounts.
    mountProvider mountProvider

// ClientInterface exports the interface for the full Vaku client.
type ClientInterface interface {
    PathList(string) ([]string, error)
    PathRead(string) (map[string]any, error)
    PathWrite(string, map[string]any) error
    PathDelete(string) error
    PathDeleteMeta(string) error
    PathDestroy(string, []int) error
    PathUpdate(string, map[string]any) error
    PathSearch(string, string) (bool, error)
    PathCopy(string, string) error
    PathMove(string, string) error

    FolderList(context.Context, string) ([]string, error)
    FolderListChan(context.Context, string) (<-chan string, <-chan error)
    FolderRead(context.Context, string) (map[string]map[string]any, error)
    FolderReadChan(context.Context, string) (<-chan map[string]map[string]any, <-chan error)
    FolderWrite(context.Context, map[string]map[string]any) error
    FolderDelete(context.Context, string) error
    FolderDeleteMeta(context.Context, string) error
    FolderDestroy(context.Context, string, []int) error
    FolderSearch(context.Context, string, string) ([]string, error)
    FolderCopy(context.Context, string, string) error
    FolderMove(context.Context, string, string) error

// Verify Client compliance with the interface.
var _ ClientInterface = (*Client)(nil)

// Option configures a Client.
type Option interface {
    apply(c *Client) error

// WithVaultClient sets the Vault client to be used.
func WithVaultClient(c *vault.Client) Option {
    return withVaultClient{c}

// WithVaultSrcClient is an alias for WithVaultClient.
func WithVaultSrcClient(c *vault.Client) Option {
    return withVaultClient{c}

type withVaultClient struct {
    client *vault.Client

func (o withVaultClient) apply(c *Client) error { = o.client
    c.vl = o.client.Logical()
    return nil

// WithVaultDstClient sets a separate Vault client to be used only on operations that have a source
// and destination (copy, move, etc...). If unset the source client will be used.
func WithVaultDstClient(c *vault.Client) Option {
    return withVaultDstClient{c}

type withVaultDstClient struct {
    client *vault.Client

func (o withVaultDstClient) apply(c *Client) error {
    // By default the dest client is just a pointer to the source client. So make a copy of the
    // source, assign new vault client to the copy, and assign copy back to the dest.
    newDstClient := *c.dc = o.client
    newDstClient.vl = o.client.Logical()
    c.dc = &newDstClient
    return nil

// WithWorkers sets the maximum number of goroutines that access Vault at any given time. Does not
// cap the number of goroutines overall. Default value is 10. A stable and well-operated Vault
// server should be able to handle 100 or more without issue. Use with caution and tune specifically
// to your environment and storage backend.
func WithWorkers(n int) Option {
    return withWorkers(n)

type withWorkers int

func (o withWorkers) apply(c *Client) error {
    if o < 1 {
        return newWrapErr(fmt.Sprintf("workers must 1 or greater: %d", o), ErrNumWorkers, nil)
    c.workers = int(o)
    c.dc.workers = int(o)
    return nil

// WithAbsolutePath sets the output format for all returned paths. Default path output is a relative
// path, trimmed up to the path input. Pass WithAbsolutePath(true) to set path output to the entire
// path. Example: List(secret/foo) -> "bar" OR "secret/foo/bar".
func WithAbsolutePath(b bool) Option {
    return withAbsolutePath(b)

type withAbsolutePath bool

func (o withAbsolutePath) apply(c *Client) error {
    c.absolutePath = bool(o)
    c.dc.absolutePath = bool(o)
    return nil

// WithMountProvider makes it possible to inject a custom method for listing mounts.
// The default method uses the sys/mounts endpoint. This requires a level of privilege that
// not all users may have.
func WithMountProvider(p mountProvider) Option {
    return withMountProvider{provider: p}

type withMountProvider struct {
    provider mountProvider

func (o withMountProvider) apply(c *Client) error {
    c.mountProvider = o.provider
    return nil

// NewClient returns a new Vaku Client based on the Vault API config.
func NewClient(opts ...Option) (*Client, error) {
    // set defaults
    client := &Client{
        workers: defaultWorkers,
    client.dc = client
    client.mountProvider = defaultMountProvider{
        client: client,

    // apply options
    for _, opt := range opts {
        err := opt.apply(client)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, newWrapErr("", ErrApplyOptions, err)

    return client, nil

// swapPaths replaces source paths in data with dest paths for copy/move after FolderRead.
func (c *Client) swapPaths(data map[string]map[string]any, src, dst string) {
    if c.absolutePath {
        TrimPrefixMap(data, src)
    EnsurePrefixMap(data, dst)

// inputPath returns a path ready for input into a read/write/list/delete.
func (c *Client) inputPath(path, root string) string {
    if c.absolutePath {
        return path
    return AddPrefix(path, root)

// outputPath returns a path for the user, given their formatting preferences.
func (c *Client) outputPath(path, root string) string {
    if c.absolutePath {
        return EnsurePrefix(path, root)
    return PathJoin(strings.TrimPrefix(path, root))

// outputPaths prepares a list of paths for the user, given their formatting preferences.
func (c *Client) outputPaths(paths []string, root string) {
    if c.absolutePath {
        AddPrefixList(paths, root)