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Test Coverage
package vaku

import (

// Errors that are not specific to one file/function.
var (
    // ErrContext when ctx.Err() is not nil.
    ErrContext = errors.New("context")
    // ErrDecodeSecret when secret data cannot be extracted from a vault secret.
    ErrDecodeSecret = errors.New("decode secret")
    // ErrJSONMarshal when secret data cannot be marshaled into json.
    ErrJSONMarshal = errors.New("json marshal")
    // ErrNilData when passed data is nil.
    ErrNilData = errors.New("nil data")
    // ErrUnknownError when returning an error with no data.
    ErrUnknownError = errors.New("unknown error")

// wrapErr is a struct that implements the error interface and provides Is() and Unwrap() methods
// that allow go 1.13+ error features. The fmt.Errorf function does something similar but does not
// provide an Is() function which means you cannot use sentinel errors with added context and also
// wrap the returned error. Context -
type wrapErr struct {
    msg   string
    is    error
    wraps error

// verify compliance with error interface.
var _ error = (*wrapErr)(nil) //nolint:errcheck

// newWrapErr returns a wrapErr that merges defaults and input.
func newWrapErr(msg string, is, wraps error) *wrapErr {
    switch {
    case msg == "" && is == nil:
        is = ErrUnknownError
    case is == nil:
        is = errors.New(msg)

    switch {
    case msg == "" && wraps == nil || msg == is.Error():
        msg = is.Error()
    case msg == "":
        msg = fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", is, wraps)
    case wraps == nil:
        msg = fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", msg, is)
        msg = fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v: %v", msg, is, wraps)

    return &wrapErr{
        msg:   msg,
        is:    is,
        wraps: wraps,

// Is compares an error to
func (e *wrapErr) Is(target error) bool {
    return target == //nolint:errorlint

// Error() returns the error message.
func (e *wrapErr) Error() string {
    return e.msg

// Unwrap returns the wrapped error.
func (e *wrapErr) Unwrap() error {
    return e.wraps

// ctxErr returns a wrapped ErrContext if err != nil.
func ctxErr(err error) error {
    if err == nil {
        return nil

    return newWrapErr("", ErrContext, err)