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## vaku

Vaku is a CLI for working with large Vault k/v secret engines

### Synopsis

Vaku is a CLI for working with large Vault k/v secret engines

The Vaku CLI provides path- and folder-based commands that work on
both Version 1 and Version 2 K/V secret engines. Vaku can help manage
large amounts of Vault data by updating secrets in place, moving
paths or folders, searching secrets, and more.

Vaku is not a replacement for the Vault CLI and requires that you are
already authenticated to Vault before running any commands. Vaku
commands should not be run on non-K/V engines.

CLI documentation - 'vaku help [cmd]'
API documentation -
Built by Sean Lingren <>

### Examples

vaku folder list secret/foo

### Options

      --format string        output format: text|json (default "text")
  -h, --help                 help for vaku
  -i, --indent-char string   string used for indents (default "    ")
  -s, --sort                 sort output text (default true)


* [vaku completion](     - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
* [vaku folder](     - Commands that act on Vault folders
* [vaku path](     - Commands that act on Vault paths
* [vaku version](     - Print vaku version