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Test Coverage

  User Access

    Visitor can sign up from home page
    User can log in from home page
    User can access publicly viewable groups (databases) from home page
    User can access private group if editor or admin
    User can administer group with group admin privileges
    User can edit group with group editor privileges
    User can browse languages
    User can see percentage of ling prop values set
    User can browse properties

  Group Administration

    Group Admin can set privacy status of group
    Group Admin can give editor privileges
    Group Admin can give admin privileges
    Group Admin can create lings and properties
    Group Admin can choose whether or not to add ling depth
    Group Admin can set ling and property labels
    Group Admin can add categories to lings
    Group Admin can add categories to properties
    Group Admin can set labels for 1st and 2nd level lings
    Group Admin can choose attributes for examples
    Group Admin can specify depth of ling for examples
    Group Admin can import ling/prop/example data from file (e.g. CSV)
      - CSV import provides explicit feedback on success/failure of individual items

  Group Editing

    Group Editor can access search interface for private group
    Group Editor can edit content ling prop values
    Group Editor can edit examples
    Group Editor can edit example ling props

  User Search

    User can select lings by level
    User can select properties by level
    User can search on property categories (also, each category represented at a checkbox)

  User Mapping

    User can view lings from search results displayed on map
    User can see information for each ling (map markers, info window, key)

  System Administration

    Sys Admin can restore database from a nightly sql dump


    Render browse and search-result tables as javascript-enhanced data tables (


  Next steps

      For next week
        Finish WIP for examples and ling/prop CRUD
        Group CRUD
        Group selection/navigation
        Scope data to groups
        - session vs. routes to scope actions to group

      Multi-depth lings
      Adding categories to ling depths
      User authentication (log in/log out)
      Validate group viewing rights
      Validate groups admin/edit rights
      User registration
      Lings and Props with Any
      Add Ling Props Vals with Any
    Moving forward, Alex and Ross will use most of our time together to pair on current work. Dennis will be on hand for brief check-in before/during/after. Alex and Ross will come to next week's meeting with high level estimates (guesses) about when we can have each project completed.