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Test Coverage
x Visitor Access
x   sign up from home page
x   log in from home page
x   access publicly viewable groups (databases) from home page
x   access private group if editor or admin
x   administer group with group admin privileges
x   edit group with group editor privileges
x   browse languages
x   browse properties

x Group Admins
x   set privacy status of group
x   give editor privileges
x   give admin privileges
x   create lings and properties
x   choose whether or not to add ling depth
x   set ling and property labels
x   add categories to properties
x   set labels for 1st and 2nd level lings
x   choose attributes for examples
x   import ling/prop/example data from file (e.g. CSV)
x     - CSV import provides explicit feedback on success/failure of individual items

x Group Editors
x   access search interface for private group
x   edit content ling prop values
x   edit examples
x   edit example ling props
x System Administration
x   Sys Admin can restore database from a nightly sql dump

x   CanCan Permission setup
x   Lings should be entirely split between depths and hidden if the group is single-depth-only
x   Group memberships should act like normal admin group data
x   Split nav into partial
x   ELPV should exist
x   add description field to property and category
x   seed data should include example creation
x   seed data should include ELPV creation
x   Examples should have a Text preference
x   Group admins can set arbitrary non-searchable Example attributes
x   LPV mass setting page for Lings
x   Site Admin notice bar
x   Group Admin notice bar
x   Check everywhere for attr_protected
x   Check everywhere for dependent_destroy
x   lpv mass setting page should sort properties by category like search does
x   Permissions violations should spit out to the homepage with an error flash
x   Crud controllers should all check permissions
x   Links should all check permissions before adding themselves to the page
x   Bulk upload
x   dump SSWL and then send through bulk uploader
x   styling
x   hook in RPM
x   remove XML responses everywhere
    check user flow (sign up, sign in, sign out, reset password) and make sure there is a link to the user self management page
    hand test permissions everywhere

    Cleanup  - indices on tables
    Feature  - map it! functionality automatically appears on a search result set with objects that have "latlong" preferences/attributes
    Cleanup  - Do not display depth selectors anywhere (reference type names), do not allow or show the option of depth change post record creation
    Chore    - upgrade to rails 3.1.0 (requires dealing with many deprecation warnings, likely)
    Refactor - extract stored_values into a module
    Refactor - Decide whether ExamplesValues deserve a mass setting page like Values have (select the example, it finds the ling and all LingsProperties for the ling and lets you select any) and potentially remove the whole ELP controller