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Ling(id, name, parentid, depth, groupid, creatorid, timestamps)
 -- parentid relates different level objects, e.g. the parent of
 -- sentence may be the speaker who speaks it.
 -- A ling that has no parent is at depth 0, a ling whose parent
 -- has no parent is at depth 1 etc. Ross doesn't think we need this, but
 -- it's convenient for query processing.

Property(id, name, depth, category, groupid, creatorid, timestamps)
 -- Type is something like linguistic/demographic/phone.
 -- Will be drop-down for known types of a group. Only admin can add new types.
 -- Renamed type to category

LingPropVal(lingid, propid, value, creatorid, timestamps)
 -- Value is just a string
 -- User will put in names for lingid/propid, not ids
 -- One constraint is that a propid can be associated only to lingids
  -- of a single depth (e.g. demographic properties can't be associated
 -- to a sentence of depth 1 and a speaker of depth 0)

Example(id, lingid, groupid, creatorid, timestamps)

ExampleLingPropVal(id, exampleid, LingPropValID, groupid, creatorid, timestamps)
 -- User chooses property-values from the LingPropVal table
 -- that pertain to this example. That will go into ExampleLingPropVal
 -- So a given lang, prop, val can be associated with many examples.
 -- Many examples can pertain to a lang-prop-val.

Attributes(foreignid,foreign_table, name, value, groupid, creatorid, timestamps)
 -- User fills in attributes of examples of a given
 -- ling or fills in attributes of a ling.
 -- Ross thinks the two should be separate. Alex is thinking about this.
 -- I'm going to separate these into LingAttributes and ExampleAttributes
 LingAttributes(foreignid, name, value, groupid, creatorid, timestamps)
 ExampAttributes(foreignid, name, value, groupid, creatorid, timestamps)

Group(id, name, privacy_level, ling0title, ling1title, timestamps)
 -- Privacy_level is public or private (or it can be a boolean called private that is true or false)

User(id, username, name, type, email, timestamps)
 -- Type is Admin or User

User_Group(user_id, group_id, access_level)
 -- Access_level is Admin or Editor