# linuxmuster-import-devices
# 20230112
import configparser
import constants
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import getopt
import shutil
import csv
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from pathlib import Path
from functions import getBootImage, getDevicesArray, getGrubOstype, getGrubPart
from functions import getStartconfOsValues, getStartconfOption
from functions import getStartconfPartnr, getStartconfPartlabel, getSubnetArray
from functions import isValidHostIpv4, getLinboVersion, printScript, readTextfile
from functions import setGlobalStartconfOption, subProc, writeTextfile
def usage():
print('Usage: linuxmuster-import-devices [options]')
print(' [options] may be:')
print(' -s <schoolname>, --school=<schoolname> : Select a school other than default-school.')
# read commandline arguments
# get cli args
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "s:", ["school="])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# print help information and exit:
print(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
# default valued
school = 'default-school'
# evaluate options
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-s", "--school"):
school = a
# default school's devices.csv
devices = constants.WIMPORTDATA
# read INIFILE
setup = configparser.ConfigParser(delimiters=(
'='), inline_comment_prefixes=('#', ';'))
serverip = setup.get('setup', 'serverip')
domainname = setup.get('setup', 'domainname')
# start message
printScript(os.path.basename(__file__), 'begin')
# do sophomorix-devices first
msg = 'Starting sophomorix-device syntax check:'
result = subProc('sophomorix-device --dry-run')
msg = 'sophomorix-device finished '
if not result:
printScript(msg + ' errors detected!')
printScript(msg + ' OK!')
subProc('sophomorix-device --sync')
# functions begin
# write grub cfgs
def doGrubCfg(startconf, group, kopts):
grubcfg = constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + '/' + group + '.cfg'
rc, content = readTextfile(grubcfg)
if rc and constants.MANAGEDSTR not in content:
return 'present'
# get grub partition name of cache
cache = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'Cache')
partnr = getStartconfPartnr(startconf, cache)
systemtype = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'SystemType')
cacheroot = getGrubPart(cache, systemtype)
cachelabel = getStartconfPartlabel(startconf, partnr)
# if cache is not defined provide a forced netboot cfg
if cacheroot is None:
netboottpl = constants.LINBOTPLDIR + '/grub.cfg.forced_netboot'
subProc('cp ' + netboottpl + ' ' + grubcfg)
return 'not yet configured!'
# create return message
if os.path.isfile(grubcfg):
msg = 'replaced'
msg = 'created'
# create gobal part for group cfg
globaltpl = constants.LINBOTPLDIR + '/'
rc, content = readTextfile(globaltpl)
if not rc:
return 'error!'
replace_list = [('@@group@@', group), ('@@cachelabel@@', cachelabel),
('@@cacheroot@@', cacheroot), ('@@kopts@@', kopts)]
for item in replace_list:
content = content.replace(item[0], item[1])
rc = writeTextfile(grubcfg, content, 'w')
# get os infos from group's start.conf
oslists = getStartconfOsValues(startconf)
if oslists is None:
return 'error!'
# write os parts to grub cfg
ostpl = constants.LINBOTPLDIR + '/grub.cfg.os'
for oslist in oslists:
osname, partition, kernel, initrd, kappend, osnr = oslist
osroot = getGrubPart(partition, systemtype)
ostype = getGrubOstype(osname)
partnr = getStartconfPartnr(startconf, partition)
oslabel = getStartconfPartlabel(startconf, partnr)
# add root to kernel append
if 'root=' not in kappend:
kappend = kappend + ' root=' + partition
rc, content = readTextfile(ostpl)
if not rc:
return 'error!'
replace_list = [('@@group@@', group), ('@@cachelabel@@', cachelabel),
('@@cacheroot@@', cacheroot), ('@@osname@@', osname),
('@@osnr@@', osnr), ('@@ostype@@',
ostype), ('@@oslabel@@', oslabel),
('@@osroot@@', osroot), ('@@partnr@@',
partnr), ('@@kernel@@', kernel),
('@@initrd@@', initrd), ('@@kopts@@', kopts), ('@@append@@', kappend)]
for item in replace_list:
content = content.replace(item[0], str(item[1]))
rc = writeTextfile(grubcfg, content, 'a')
if not rc:
return 'error!'
return msg
# write linbo start configuration file
def doLinboStartconf(group):
startconf = constants.LINBODIR + '/start.conf.' + group
# provide unconfigured start.conf if there is none for this group
if os.path.isfile(startconf):
if getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'Cache') is None:
msg1 = 'not yet configured!'
msg1 = 'present'
msg1 = 'not yet configured!'
subProc('cp ' + constants.LINBODIR + '/start.conf ' + startconf)
# read values from start.conf
group_s = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'Group')
serverip_s = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'Server')
kopts_s = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'KernelOptions')
# get alternative server ip from kernel options
serverip_k = re.findall(
r'server=[^ ]*', kopts_s, re.IGNORECASE)[0].split('=')[1]
except Exception:
serverip_k = None
# determine whether global values from start conf have to changed
if serverip_k is not None and isValidHostIpv4(serverip_k):
serverip_r = serverip_k
serverip_r = serverip
if kopts_s is None:
kopts_r = 'splash quiet'
kopts_r = kopts_s
if group_s != group:
group_r = group
group_r = group
# change global startconf options if necessary
if serverip_s != serverip_r:
rc = setGlobalStartconfOption(startconf, 'Server', serverip_r)
if not rc:
return rc
if kopts_s != kopts_r:
rc = setGlobalStartconfOption(startconf, 'KernelOptions', kopts_r)
if not rc:
return rc
if group_s != group_r:
rc = setGlobalStartconfOption(startconf, 'Group', group_r)
if not rc:
return rc
# process grub cfgs
msg2 = doGrubCfg(startconf, group, kopts_r)
# format row in columns for output
row = [group, msg1, msg2]
printScript(" {: <15} | {: <20} | {: <20}".format(*row))
# write dhcp subnet devices config
def writeDhcpDevicesConfig(school='default-school'):
printScript('', 'begin')
printScript('Working on dhcp configuration for devices')
host_decl_tpl = """host @@hostname@@ {
option host-name "@@hostname@@";
hardware ethernet @@mac@@;
baseConfigFilePath = constants.DHCPDEVCONF
devicesConfigBasedir = "/etc/dhcp/devices"
Path(devicesConfigBasedir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
cfgfile = devicesConfigBasedir + "/" + school + ".conf"
if os.path.isfile(cfgfile):
if os.path.isfile(baseConfigFilePath):
# open devices/<school>.conf for append
with open(cfgfile, 'a') as outfile:
# iterate over the defined subnets
subnets = getSubnetArray('0')
for item in subnets:
subnet = item[0]
# iterate over devices per subnet
headline = False
for device_array in getDevicesArray(fieldnrs='1,2,3,4,7,8,10', subnet=subnet, stype=True, school=school):
if not headline:
# write corresponding subnet as a comment
if subnet == 'DHCP':
outfile.write('# dynamic ip hosts\n')
printScript('* dynamic ip hosts:')
outfile.write('# subnet ' + subnet + '\n')
printScript('* in subnet ' + subnet + ':')
headline = True
hostname, group, mac, ip, dhcpopts, computertype, pxeflag, systemtype = device_array
if systemtype is None:
systemtype = ''
if len(computertype) > 15:
computertype = computertype[0:15]
# format row in columns for output
row = [hostname, ip, computertype, pxeflag, systemtype]
" {: <15} | {: <15} | {: <15} | {: <1} | {: <6}".format(*row))
# begin host declaration
host_decl = host_decl_tpl.replace(
'@@mac@@', mac).replace('@@hostname@@', hostname)
# fixed ip
if ip != 'DHCP':
host_decl = host_decl + ' fixed-address ' + ip + ';\n'
# only for pxe clients
if int(pxeflag) != 0:
# get grub bootimage dependend to group's systemtype in start.conf
bootimage = getBootImage(systemtype)
# linbo pxe boot
host_decl = host_decl + ' option extensions-path "' + group + '";\n option nis-domain "' + group + '";\n'
if 'filename' not in dhcpopts and bootimage is not None:
host_decl = host_decl + ' filename "boot/grub/' + bootimage + '";\n'
# dhcp options have to be 5 chars minimum to get processed
if len(dhcpopts) > 4:
for opt in dhcpopts.split(','):
host_decl = host_decl + ' ' + opt + ';\n'
# finish host declaration
host_decl = host_decl + '}\n'
# finally write host declaration
# open devices.conf for append
with open(baseConfigFilePath, 'a') as outfile:
for devicesConf in listdir(devicesConfigBasedir):
"include \"{0}/{1}\";\n".format(devicesConfigBasedir, devicesConf))
except Exception as error:
return False
# Create necessary host-based symlinks
def doSchoolSpecificGroupLinksAndGetPxeGroups(school='default-school'):
pxe_groups = []
# clean up
linksFileBasepath = constants.LINBODIR + "/boot/links"
Path(linksFileBasepath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
linksFile = linksFileBasepath + "/" + school + ".csv"
if os.path.isfile(linksFile):
with open(linksFile, "w+") as csvfile:
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';',
quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for device_array in getDevicesArray(fieldnrs='1,2,3,4,10', subnet='all', pxeflag='1,2,3', school=school):
host, group, mac, ip, pxeflag = device_array
# collect groups with pxe for later use
if group not in pxe_groups:
# format row in columns for output
printScript(" {: <15} | {: <15}".format(host, group))
# start.conf
linkSource = 'start.conf.' + group
linkTarget = constants.LINBODIR + '/start.conf-'
if ip == 'DHCP':
linkTarget += mac.lower()
linkTarget += ip
csvWriter.writerow([linkSource, linkTarget])
# Grub.cfg
linkSource = '../' + group + '.cfg'
linkTarget = constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + '/hostcfg/' + host + '.cfg'
csvWriter.writerow([linkSource, linkTarget])
return pxe_groups
# look up all links for all schools and place them in the correct place
def doAllGroupLinks():
# delete old config links
subProc("find " + constants.LINBODIR + " -maxdepth 1 -name start.conf-\* -type l -exec rm '{}' \;")
subProc("find " + constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + "/hostcfg -maxdepth 1 -name \*.cfg -type l -exec rm '{}' \;")
linksConfBasedir = constants.LINBODIR + "/boot/links"
for schoolLinksConf in listdir(linksConfBasedir):
schoolLinksConfPath = linksConfBasedir + "/" + schoolLinksConf
if not os.path.isfile(schoolLinksConfPath) or not schoolLinksConf.endswith(".csv"):
with open(schoolLinksConfPath, newline='') as csvfile:
csvReader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';', quotechar='"')
for row in csvReader:
os.symlink(row[0], row[1])
# functions end
# write dhcp devices.conf
# linbo stuff
linbo_version = int(getLinboVersion().split('.')[0])
printScript('', 'begin')
printScript('Working on linbo/grub configuration for devices:')
pxe_groups = doSchoolSpecificGroupLinksAndGetPxeGroups(school=school)
# resolve all links and place them
# write pxe configs for collected groups
printScript('', 'begin')
printScript('Working on linbo/grub configuration for groups:')
printScript(" {: <15} | {: <20} | {: <20}".format(
*[' ', 'linbo start.conf', 'grub cfg']))
printScript(" {: <15}+{: <20}+{: <20}".format(*['-'*16, '-'*22, '-'*21]))
for group in pxe_groups:
# execute post hooks
hookpath = constants.POSTDEVIMPORT
hookscripts = [f for f in listdir(hookpath) if isfile(
join(hookpath, f)) and os.access(join(hookpath, f), os.X_OK)]
if len(hookscripts) > 0:
printScript('', 'begin')
printScript('Executing post hooks:')
for h in hookscripts:
hookscript = hookpath + '/' + h
msg = '* ' + h + ' '
printScript(msg, '', False, False, True)
output = subprocess.check_output(hookscript).decode('utf-8')
if output != '':
# restart services
printScript('', 'begin')
printScript('Finally restarting dhcp service.')
subProc('service isc-dhcp-server restart')
# end message
printScript(os.path.basename(__file__), 'end')