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package common

import (


const (
    DefaultConfigDir  = "~/.lncm/"
    DefaultConfigFile = DefaultConfigDir + "invoicer.conf"
    DefaultLogFile    = DefaultConfigDir + "invoicer.log"

    DefaultInvoiceExpiry = 3600
    MaxInvoiceDescLen    = 639

type (
    NewPayment struct {
        CreatedAt int64  `json:"created_at"`
        Expiry    int64  `json:"expiry"`
        Bolt11    string `json:"bolt11"`
        Hash      string `json:"hash"`
        Address   string `json:"address"`

    Payment struct {

        Description string `json:"description"`

        // The requested amount for the payment
        Amount int64 `json:"amount"`

        // General status of the payment
        Expired bool  `json:"is_expired"`
        Paid    bool  `json:"is_paid"`
        PaidAt  int64 `json:"paid_at,omitempty"`

        // LN specific
        LnPaid bool `json:"ln_paid"`

        // BTC specific
        BtcPaid       bool     `json:"btc_paid"` // only true if amount >= the requested one
        BtcAmount     int64    `json:"btc_amount"`
        Confirmations int64    `json:"confirmations"`
        TxIds         []string `json:"txids"`

    Invoice struct {

        Description string `json:"description"`

        // What was the requested amount for the payment
        Amount int64 `json:"amount"`

        // general status of the payment
        Expired bool  `json:"is_expired"`
        Paid    bool  `json:"is_paid"`
        PaidAt  int64 `json:"paid_at"`

    Invoices []Invoice

    Status struct {
        Ts      int64 `json:"created_at"`
        Settled bool  `json:"is_paid"`
        Expiry  int64 `json:"expiry"`
        Value   int64 `json:"amount"`

    Info struct {
        OnChain  bool     `json:"on-chain"`
        OffChain bool     `json:"off-chain"`
        Uris     []string `json:"uris"`

    AddrStatus struct {
        Address       string   `json:"address"`
        Amount        float64  `json:"amount"`
        Confirmations int64    `json:"confirmations"`
        Label         string   `json:"label,omitempty"`
        TxIds         []string `json:"txids"`

    AddrsStatus []AddrStatus

    StatusReply struct {
        Code    int         `json:"-"`
        Error   string      `json:"error,omitempty"`
        Ln      *Status     `json:"ln,omitempty"`
        Bitcoin *AddrStatus `json:"bitcoin,omitempty"`

func (s Status) IsExpired() bool {
    return time.Now().After(time.Unix(s.Ts+s.Expiry, 0))

func (p *Payment) ApplyLn(invoice Invoice) {
    p.NewPayment = invoice.NewPayment
    p.Description = invoice.Description
    p.Amount = invoice.Amount
    p.Expired = invoice.Expired
    p.Expiry = invoice.Expiry
    p.LnPaid = invoice.Paid

    p.Paid = p.Paid || invoice.Paid


func (p *Payment) ApplyBtc(s AddrStatus) {
    p.Address = s.Address
    p.BtcAmount = int64(s.Amount * 1e8)
    p.Confirmations = s.Confirmations
    p.TxIds = s.TxIds


// can only be done after amount is known
func (p *Payment) checkBtcPaid() {
    if p.Amount == 0 || p.BtcAmount == 0 {

    if p.BtcAmount >= p.Amount {
        p.BtcPaid = true
        p.Paid = true

// deprecatedConfigLocationCheck checks for a config file in a previously default location.  Checking there will be
//      removed in one of the next versions.
//      tl;dr: `mkdir ~/.lncm  &&  mv ~/.invoicer/* ~/.lncm/  &&  rmdir ~/.invoicer`
// OR, if you run in Docker, just change where your volume is mounted, ex:
//      `-v $(pwd)/:/root/.invoicer/`    ->    `-v $(pwd)/:/root/.lncm/`
func DeprecatedConfigLocationCheck(path string, err error) (*toml.Tree, error) {
    if path != DefaultConfigFile {
        return nil, err

    const deprecatedLocation = "~/.invoicer/invoicer.conf"

    tree, err2 := toml.LoadFile(CleanAndExpandPath(deprecatedLocation))
    if err2 != nil {
        return nil, err

    return tree, nil