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Test Coverage
@mixin text-crop($line-height: 1.3, $top-adjustment: 0, $bottom-adjustment: 0) {
  // Configured in Step 1
  $top-crop: 0;
  $bottom-crop: 3;
  $crop-font-size: 36;
  $crop-line-height: .8;

  // Apply values to calculate em-based margins that work with any font size
  $dynamic-top-crop: max(($top-crop + ($line-height - $crop-line-height) * ($crop-font-size / 2)), 0) / $crop-font-size;
  $dynamic-bottom-crop: max(($bottom-crop + ($line-height - $crop-line-height) * ($crop-font-size / 2)), 0) / $crop-font-size;

  // Mixin output
  line-height: $line-height;

  &:after {
    content: '';
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    width: 0;

  &:before {
    margin-bottom: calc(-#{$dynamic-top-crop}em + #{$top-adjustment});

  &:after {
    margin-top: calc(-#{$dynamic-bottom-crop}em + #{$bottom-adjustment});

// Mixin generated at: http://text-crop.eightshapes.com/?typeface-selection=google-font&typeface=Source%20Sans%20Pro&custom-typeface-name=Helvetica&custom-typeface-url=&custom-typeface-weight=400&custom-typeface-style=normal&weight-and-style=300&size=36&line-height=1.2&top-crop=11&bottom-crop=9

/* Usage Examples
    .my-level-1-heading-class {
        @include text-crop; // Will use default line height of 1.3
        font-size: 48px;
        margin: 0 0 0 16px;

    .my-level-2-heading-class {
        @include text-crop; // Will use default line height of 1.3
        font-size: 32px; // Don't need to change any settings, will work with any font size automatically
        margin: 0 0 0 16px;

    .my-body-copy-class {
        @include text-crop($line-height: 2); // Larger line height desired, set the line height via the mixin
        font-size: 16px;

    // Sometimes depending on the font-size, the rendering, the browser, etc. you may need to tweak the output.
    // You can adjust the top and bottom cropping when invoking the component using the $top-adjustment and $bottom-adjustment settings

    .slight-adjustment-needed {
        @include text-crop($top-adjustment: -0.5px, $bottom-adjustment: 2px);
        font-size: 17px;

    .dont-do-this {
        @include text-crop;
        font-size: 16px;
        line-height: 3; // DO NOT set line height outside of the mixin, the mixin needs the line height value to calculate the crop correctly