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1 wk
Test Coverage
import contextlib
import copy
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import re
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict, Union
from urllib import parse as urlparse

from botocore.utils import InvalidArnException
from jsonpatch import apply_patch
from jsonpointer import JsonPointerException
from moto.apigateway.models import Integration, Resource, RestAPI, apigateway_backends
from moto.apigateway.utils import create_id as create_resource_id
from requests.models import Response

from localstack import config
from localstack.aws.api import RequestContext
from localstack.aws.api.apigateway import (
from localstack.aws.connect import connect_to
from localstack.constants import (
from localstack.services.apigateway.context import ApiInvocationContext
from localstack.services.apigateway.models import (
from localstack.utils import common
from localstack.utils.aws import queries
from localstack.utils.aws import resources as resource_utils
from localstack.utils.aws.arns import parse_arn
from localstack.utils.aws.aws_responses import requests_error_response_json, requests_response
from localstack.utils.aws.request_context import MARKER_APIGW_REQUEST_REGION, THREAD_LOCAL
from localstack.utils.json import try_json
from localstack.utils.numbers import is_number
from localstack.utils.strings import canonicalize_bool_to_str, long_uid, short_uid, to_bytes, to_str
from localstack.utils.urls import localstack_host

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# regex path pattern for user requests, handles stages like $default
    r"^/restapis/([A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+)(?:/([A-Za-z0-9\_($|%%24)\\-]+))?/%s/(.*)$" % PATH_USER_REQUEST
# URL pattern for invocations
HOST_REGEX_EXECUTE_API = r"(?:.*://)?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:(-vpce-[^.]+))?\.execute-api\.(.*)"

# regex path patterns
PATH_REGEX_MAIN = r"^/restapis/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/[a-z]+(\?.*)?"
PATH_REGEX_SUB = r"^/restapis/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/[a-z]+/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/.*"

# path regex patterns
PATH_REGEX_AUTHORIZERS = r"^/restapis/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/authorizers/?([^?/]+)?(\?.*)?"
PATH_REGEX_VALIDATORS = r"^/restapis/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/requestvalidators/?([^?/]+)?(\?.*)?"
PATH_REGEX_RESPONSES = r"^/restapis/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/gatewayresponses(/[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)?(\?.*)?"
PATH_REGEX_DOC_PARTS = r"^/restapis/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/documentation/parts/?([^?/]+)?(\?.*)?"
PATH_REGEX_PATH_MAPPINGS = r"/domainnames/([^/]+)/basepathmappings/?(.*)"
PATH_REGEX_CLIENT_CERTS = r"/clientcertificates/?([^/]+)?$"
PATH_REGEX_VPC_LINKS = r"/vpclinks/([^/]+)?(.*)"
PATH_REGEX_TEST_INVOKE_API = r"^\/restapis\/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\/resources\/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\/methods\/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)/?(\?.*)?"
INVOKE_TEST_LOG_TEMPLATE = """Execution log for request {request_id}
        {formatted_date} : Starting execution for request: {request_id}
        {formatted_date} : HTTP Method: {http_method}, Resource Path: {resource_path}
        {formatted_date} : Method request path: {request_path}
        {formatted_date} : Method request query string: {query_string}
        {formatted_date} : Method request headers: {request_headers}
        {formatted_date} : Method request body before transformations: {request_body}
        {formatted_date} : Method response body after transformations: {response_body}
        {formatted_date} : Method response headers: {response_headers}
        {formatted_date} : Successfully completed execution
        {formatted_date} : Method completed with status: {status_code}
# template for SQS inbound data

# special tag name to allow specifying a custom ID for new REST APIs
TAG_KEY_CUSTOM_ID = "_custom_id_"


# TODO: we could actually parse the schema to get TypedDicts with the proper schema/types for each properties
class OpenAPIExt:
    Represents the specific OpenAPI extensions for API Gateway

    ANY_METHOD = "x-amazon-apigateway-any-method"
    CORS = "x-amazon-apigateway-cors"
    API_KEY_SOURCE = "x-amazon-apigateway-api-key-source"
    AUTH = "x-amazon-apigateway-auth"
    AUTHORIZER = "x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer"
    AUTHTYPE = "x-amazon-apigateway-authtype"
    BINARY_MEDIA_TYPES = "x-amazon-apigateway-binary-media-types"
    DOCUMENTATION = "x-amazon-apigateway-documentation"
    ENDPOINT_CONFIGURATION = "x-amazon-apigateway-endpoint-configuration"
    GATEWAY_RESPONSES = "x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses"
    IMPORTEXPORT_VERSION = "x-amazon-apigateway-importexport-version"
    INTEGRATION = "x-amazon-apigateway-integration"
    INTEGRATIONS = "x-amazon-apigateway-integrations"  # used in components
    MINIMUM_COMPRESSION_SIZE = "x-amazon-apigateway-minimum-compression-size"
    POLICY = "x-amazon-apigateway-policy"
    REQUEST_VALIDATOR = "x-amazon-apigateway-request-validator"
    REQUEST_VALIDATORS = "x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators"
    TAG_VALUE = "x-amazon-apigateway-tag-value"

# TODO: make the CRUD operations in this file generic for the different model types (authorizes, validators, ...)

def get_apigateway_store(context: RequestContext) -> ApiGatewayStore:
    return apigateway_stores[context.account_id][context.region]

def get_apigateway_store_for_invocation(context: ApiInvocationContext) -> ApiGatewayStore:
    account_id = context.account_id or DEFAULT_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
    region_name = context.region_name or AWS_REGION_US_EAST_1
    return apigateway_stores[account_id][region_name]

class ApiGatewayIntegrationError(Exception):
    Base class for all ApiGateway Integration errors.
    Can be used as is or extended for common error types.
    These exceptions should be handled in one place, and bubble up from all others.

    message: str
    status_code: int

    def __init__(self, message: str, status_code: int):
        self.message = message
        self.status_code = status_code

    def to_response(self):
        return requests_response({"message": self.message}, status_code=self.status_code)

class OpenAPISpecificationResolver:
    def __init__(self, document: dict, rest_api_id: str, allow_recursive=True):
        self.document = document
        self.allow_recursive = allow_recursive
        # cache which maps known refs to part of the document
        self._cache = {}
        self._refpaths = ["#"]
        host_definition = localstack_host()
        self._base_url = f"{config.get_protocol()}://apigateway.{host_definition.host_and_port()}/restapis/{rest_api_id}/models/"

    def _is_ref(self, item) -> bool:
        return isinstance(item, dict) and "$ref" in item

    def _is_internal_ref(self, refpath) -> bool:
        return str(refpath).startswith("#/")

    def current_path(self):
        return self._refpaths[-1]

    def _pathctx(self, refpath: str):
        if not self._is_internal_ref(refpath):
            refpath = "/".join((self.current_path, refpath))


    def _resolve_refpath(self, refpath: str) -> dict:
        if refpath in self._refpaths and not self.allow_recursive:
            raise Exception("recursion detected with allow_recursive=False")

        # We don't resolve the Model definition, we will return a absolute reference to the model like AWS
        # When validating the schema, we will need to resolve the $ref there
        # Because if we resolved all $ref in schema, it can lead to circular references in complex schemas
        if self.current_path.startswith("#/definitions") or self.current_path.startswith(
            return {"$ref": f"{self._base_url}{refpath.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1)[-1]}"}

        # We should not resolve the Model either, because we need its name to set it to the Request/ResponseModels,
        # it just makes our job more difficult to retrieve the Model name
        # We still need to verify that the ref exists
        is_schema = self.current_path.endswith("schema")

        if refpath in self._cache and not is_schema:
            return self._cache.get(refpath)

        with self._pathctx(refpath):
            if self._is_internal_ref(self.current_path):
                cur = self.document
                raise NotImplementedError("External references not yet supported.")

            for step in self.current_path.split("/")[1:]:
                cur = cur.get(step)

            self._cache[self.current_path] = cur

            if is_schema:
                # If the $ref doesn't exist in our schema, return None, otherwise return the ref
                return {"$ref": refpath} if cur else None

            return cur

    def _namespaced_resolution(self, namespace: str, data: Union[dict, list]) -> Union[dict, list]:
        with self._pathctx(namespace):
            return self._resolve_references(data)

    def _resolve_references(self, data) -> Union[dict, list]:
        if self._is_ref(data):
            return self._resolve_refpath(data["$ref"])

        if isinstance(data, dict):
            for k, v in data.items():
                data[k] = self._namespaced_resolution(k, v)
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            for i, v in enumerate(data):
                data[i] = self._namespaced_resolution(str(i), v)

        return data

    def resolve_references(self) -> dict:
        return self._resolve_references(self.document)

class ModelResolver:
    This class allows a Model to use recursive and circular references to other Models.
    To be able to JSON dump Models, AWS will not resolve Models but will use their absolute $ref instead.
    When validating, we need to resolve those references, using JSON schema tricks to allow recursion.
    See: https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/structuring.html#recursion

    To allow a simpler structure, we're not replacing directly the reference with the schema, but instead create
    a map of all used schema in $defs, as advised on JSON schema:
    See: https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/structuring.html#defs

    This allows us to not render every sub schema/models, but instead keep a clean map of used schemas.

    def __init__(self, rest_api_container: RestApiContainer, model_name: str):
        self.rest_api_container = rest_api_container
        self.model_name = model_name
        self._deps = {}
        self._current_resolving_name = None

    def _resolving_ctx(self, current_resolving_name: str):
        self._current_resolving_name = current_resolving_name
        self._current_resolving_name = None

    def resolve_model(self, model: dict) -> dict | None:
        resolved_model = copy.deepcopy(model)
        model_names = set()

        def _look_for_ref(sub_model):
            for key, value in sub_model.items():
                if key == "$ref":
                    ref_name = value.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[-1]
                    if ref_name == self.model_name:
                        # if we reference our main Model, use the # for recursive access
                        sub_model[key] = "#"
                    # otherwise, this Model will be available in $defs
                    sub_model[key] = f"#/$defs/{ref_name}"

                    if ref_name != self._current_resolving_name:
                        # add the ref to the next ref to resolve and to $deps

                elif isinstance(value, dict):

        if isinstance(resolved_model, dict):

        if model_names:
            for ref_model_name in model_names:
                if ref_model_name in self._deps:

                def_resolved, was_resolved = self._get_resolved_submodel(model_name=ref_model_name)

                if not def_resolved:
                # if the ref was already resolved, we copy the result to not alter the already resolved schema
                if was_resolved:
                    def_resolved = copy.deepcopy(def_resolved)


                if "$deps" in def_resolved:
                    # this will happen only if the schema was already resolved, otherwise the deps would be in _deps
                    # remove own definition in case of recursive / circular Models
                    def_resolved["$defs"].pop(self.model_name, None)
                    # remove the $defs from the schema, we don't want nested $defs
                    def_resolved_defs = def_resolved.pop("$defs")
                    # merge the resolved sub model $defs to the main schema

                # add the dependencies to the global $deps
                self._deps[ref_model_name] = def_resolved

        return resolved_model

    def _remove_self_ref(self, resolved_schema: dict):
        for key, value in resolved_schema.items():
            if key == "$ref":
                ref_name = value.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[-1]
                if ref_name == self.model_name:
                    resolved_schema[key] = "#"

            elif isinstance(value, dict):

    def get_resolved_model(self) -> dict | None:
        if not (resolved_model := self.rest_api_container.resolved_models.get(self.model_name)):
            model = self.rest_api_container.models.get(self.model_name)
            if not model:
                return None
            schema = json.loads(model["schema"])
            resolved_model = self.resolve_model(schema)
            if not resolved_model:
                return None
            # attach the resolved dependencies of the schema
            if self._deps:
                resolved_model["$defs"] = self._deps
            self.rest_api_container.resolved_models[self.model_name] = resolved_model

        return resolved_model

    def _get_resolved_submodel(self, model_name: str) -> tuple[dict | None, bool | None]:
        was_resolved = True
        if not (resolved_model := self.rest_api_container.resolved_models.get(model_name)):
            was_resolved = False
            model = self.rest_api_container.models.get(model_name)
            if not model:
                    "Error while validating the request body, could not the find the Model: '%s'",
                return None, was_resolved
            schema = json.loads(model["schema"])

            with self._resolving_ctx(model_name):
                resolved_model = self.resolve_model(schema)

        return resolved_model, was_resolved

class IntegrationParameters(TypedDict):
    path: Dict[str, str]
    querystring: Dict[str, str]
    headers: Dict[str, str]

class RequestParametersResolver:
    Integration request data mapping expressions

    Note: Use on REST APIs only

    def resolve(self, context: ApiInvocationContext) -> IntegrationParameters:
        Resolve method request parameters into integration request parameters.
        Integration request parameters, in the form of path variables, query strings
        or headers, can be mapped from any defined method request parameters
        and the payload.

        :return: IntegrationParameters
        method_request_params: Dict[str, Any] = self.method_request_dict(context)

        # requestParameters: {
        #     "integration.request.path.pathParam": "method.request.header.Content-Type"
        #     "integration.request.querystring.who": "method.request.querystring.who",
        #     "integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/json'",
        # }
        request_params = context.integration.get("requestParameters", {})

        # resolve all integration request parameters with the already resolved method request parameters
        integrations_parameters = {}
        for k, v in request_params.items():
            if v.lower() in method_request_params:
                integrations_parameters[k] = method_request_params[v.lower()]
                # static values
                integrations_parameters[k] = v.replace("'", "")

        # build the integration parameters
        result: IntegrationParameters = IntegrationParameters(path={}, querystring={}, headers={})
        for k, v in integrations_parameters.items():
            # headers
            if k.startswith("integration.request.header."):
                header_name = k.split(".")[-1]
                result["headers"].update({header_name: v})

            # querystring
            if k.startswith("integration.request.querystring."):
                param_name = k.split(".")[-1]
                result["querystring"].update({param_name: v})

            # path
            if k.startswith("integration.request.path."):
                path_name = k.split(".")[-1]
                result["path"].update({path_name: v})

        return result

    def method_request_dict(self, context: ApiInvocationContext) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Build a dict with all method request parameters and their values.
        :return: dict with all method request parameters and their values,
        and all keys in lowercase
        params: Dict[str, str] = {}

        # TODO: add support for multi-values headers and multi-values querystring

        for k, v in context.query_params().items():
            params[f"method.request.querystring.{k}"] = v

        for k, v in context.headers.items():
            params[f"method.request.header.{k}"] = v

        for k, v in context.path_params.items():
            params[f"method.request.path.{k}"] = v

        for k, v in context.stage_variables.items():
            params[f"stagevariables.{k}"] = v

        # TODO: add support for missing context variables, use `context.context` which contains most of the variables
        #  see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-mapping-template-reference.html#context-variable-reference
        #  - all `context.identity` fields
        #  - protocol
        #  - requestId, extendedRequestId
        #  - all requestOverride, responseOverride
        #  - requestTime, requestTimeEpoch
        #  - resourcePath
        #  - wafResponseCode, webaclArn
        params["context.accountId"] = context.account_id
        params["context.apiId"] = context.api_id
        params["context.domainName"] = context.domain_name
        params["context.httpMethod"] = context.method
        params["context.path"] = context.path
        params["context.resourceId"] = context.resource_id
        params["context.stage"] = context.stage

        auth_context_authorizer = context.auth_context.get("authorizer") or {}
        for k, v in auth_context_authorizer.items():
            if isinstance(v, bool):
                v = canonicalize_bool_to_str(v)
            elif is_number(v):
                v = str(v)

            params[f"context.authorizer.{k.lower()}"] = v

        if context.data:
            params["method.request.body"] = context.data

        return {key.lower(): val for key, val in params.items()}

class ResponseParametersResolver:
    def resolve(self, context: ApiInvocationContext) -> Dict[str, str]:
        Resolve integration response parameters into method response parameters.
        Integration response parameters can map header, body,
        or static values to the header type of the method response.

        :return: dict with all method response parameters and their values
        integration_request_params: Dict[str, Any] = self.integration_request_dict(context)

        # "responseParameters" : {
        #     "method.response.header.Location" : "integration.response.body.redirect.url",
        #     "method.response.header.x-user-id" : "integration.response.header.x-userid"
        # }
        integration_responses = context.integration.get("integrationResponses", {})
        # XXX Fix for other status codes context.response contains a response status code, but response
        # can be a LambdaResponse or Response object and the field is not the same, normalize it or use introspection
        response_params = integration_responses.get("200", {}).get("responseParameters", {})

        # resolve all integration request parameters with the already resolved method
        # request parameters
        method_parameters = {}
        for k, v in response_params.items():
            if v.lower() in integration_request_params:
                method_parameters[k] = integration_request_params[v.lower()]
                # static values
                method_parameters[k] = v.replace("'", "")

        # build the integration parameters
        result: Dict[str, str] = {}
        for k, v in method_parameters.items():
            # headers
            if k.startswith("method.response.header."):
                header_name = k.split(".")[-1]
                result[header_name] = v

        return result

    def integration_request_dict(self, context: ApiInvocationContext) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        params: Dict[str, str] = {}

        for k, v in context.headers.items():
            params[f"integration.request.header.{k}"] = v

        if context.data:
            params["integration.request.body"] = try_json(context.data)

        return {key.lower(): val for key, val in params.items()}

def resolve_references(data: dict, rest_api_id, allow_recursive=True) -> dict:
    resolver = OpenAPISpecificationResolver(
        data, allow_recursive=allow_recursive, rest_api_id=rest_api_id
    return resolver.resolve_references()

def make_json_response(message):
    return requests_response(json.dumps(message), headers={"Content-Type": APPLICATION_JSON})

def make_error_response(message, code=400, error_type=None):
    if code == 404 and not error_type:
        error_type = "NotFoundException"
    error_type = error_type or "InvalidRequest"
    return requests_error_response_json(message, code=code, error_type=error_type)

def select_integration_response(matched_part: str, invocation_context: ApiInvocationContext):
    int_responses = invocation_context.integration.get("integrationResponses") or {}
    if select_by_pattern := [
        for response in int_responses.values()
        if response.get("selectionPattern")
        and re.match(response.get("selectionPattern"), matched_part)
        selected_response = select_by_pattern[0]
        if len(select_by_pattern) > 1:
                "Multiple integration responses matching '%s' statuscode. Choosing '%s' (first).",
        # choose default return code
        default_responses = [
            response for response in int_responses.values() if not response.get("selectionPattern")
        if not default_responses:
            raise ApiGatewayIntegrationError("Internal server error", 500)

        selected_response = default_responses[0]
        if len(default_responses) > 1:
                "Multiple default integration responses. Choosing %s (first).",
    return selected_response

def make_accepted_response():
    response = Response()
    response.status_code = 202
    return response

def get_api_id_from_path(path):
    if match := re.match(PATH_REGEX_SUB, path):
        return match.group(1)
    return re.match(PATH_REGEX_MAIN, path).group(1)

def is_test_invoke_method(method, path):
    return method == "POST" and bool(re.match(PATH_REGEX_TEST_INVOKE_API, path))

def get_stage_variables(context: ApiInvocationContext) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    if is_test_invoke_method(context.method, context.path):
        return None

    if not context.stage:
        return {}

    account_id, region_name = get_api_account_id_and_region(context.api_id)
    api_gateway_client = connect_to(
        aws_access_key_id=account_id, region_name=region_name
        response = api_gateway_client.get_stage(restApiId=context.api_id, stageName=context.stage)
        return response.get("variables", {})
    except Exception:
        LOG.info("Failed to get stage %s for API id %s", context.stage, context.api_id)
        return {}

# ---------------
# ---------------

def path_based_url(api_id: str, stage_name: str, path: str) -> str:
    """Return URL for inbound API gateway for given API ID, stage name, and path"""
    pattern = "%s/restapis/{api_id}/{stage_name}/%s{path}" % (
    return pattern.format(api_id=api_id, stage_name=stage_name, path=path)

def host_based_url(rest_api_id: str, path: str, stage_name: str = None):
    """Return URL for inbound API gateway for given API ID, stage name, and path with custom dns
    pattern = "{endpoint}{stage}{path}"
    stage = stage_name and f"/{stage_name}" or ""
    return pattern.format(endpoint=get_execute_api_endpoint(rest_api_id), stage=stage, path=path)

def get_execute_api_endpoint(api_id: str, protocol: str | None = None) -> str:
    host = localstack_host()
    protocol = protocol or config.get_protocol()
    return f"{protocol}://{api_id}.execute-api.{host.host_and_port()}"

def tokenize_path(path):
    return path.lstrip("/").split("/")

def extract_path_params(path: str, extracted_path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
    tokenized_extracted_path = tokenize_path(extracted_path)
    # Looks for '{' in the tokenized extracted path
    path_params_list = [(i, v) for i, v in enumerate(tokenized_extracted_path) if "{" in v]
    tokenized_path = tokenize_path(path)
    path_params = {}
    for param in path_params_list:
        path_param_name = param[1][1:-1]
        path_param_position = param[0]
        if path_param_name.endswith("+"):
            path_params[path_param_name.rstrip("+")] = "/".join(
            path_params[path_param_name] = tokenized_path[path_param_position]
    path_params = common.json_safe(path_params)
    return path_params

def extract_query_string_params(path: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]:
    parsed_path = urlparse.urlparse(path)
    path = parsed_path.path
    parsed_query_string_params = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed_path.query)

    query_string_params = {}
    for query_param_name, query_param_values in parsed_query_string_params.items():
        if len(query_param_values) == 1:
            query_string_params[query_param_name] = query_param_values[0]
            query_string_params[query_param_name] = query_param_values

    path = path or "/"
    return path, query_string_params

def get_cors_response(headers):
    # TODO: for now we simply return "allow-all" CORS headers, but in the future
    # we should implement custom headers for CORS rules, as supported by API Gateway:
    # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/how-to-cors.html
    response = Response()
    response.status_code = 200
    response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
    response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH"
    response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "*"
    response._content = ""
    return response

def get_rest_api_paths(account_id: str, region_name: str, rest_api_id: str):
    apigateway = connect_to(aws_access_key_id=account_id, region_name=region_name).apigateway
    resources = apigateway.get_resources(restApiId=rest_api_id, limit=100)
    resource_map = {}
    for resource in resources["items"]:
        path = resource.get("path")
        # TODO: check if this is still required in the general case (can we rely on "path" being
        #  present?)
        path = path or queries.get_apigateway_path_for_resource(
            rest_api_id, resource["id"], region_name=region_name
        resource_map[path] = resource
    return resource_map

# TODO: Extract this to a set of rules that have precedence and easy to test individually.
#  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-method-settings
#  -method-request.html
#  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/http-api-develop-routes.html
def get_resource_for_path(
    path: str, method: str, path_map: Dict[str, Dict]
) -> tuple[Optional[str], Optional[dict]]:
    matches = []
    # creates a regex from the input path if there are parameters, e.g /foo/{bar}/baz -> /foo/[
    # ^\]+/baz, otherwise is a direct match.
    for api_path, details in path_map.items():
        api_path_regex = re.sub(r"{[^+]+\+}", r"[^\?#]+", api_path)
        api_path_regex = re.sub(r"{[^}]+}", r"[^/]+", api_path_regex)
        if re.match(r"^%s$" % api_path_regex, path):
            matches.append((api_path, details))

    # if there are no matches, it's not worth to proceed, bail here!
    if not matches:
        LOG.debug(f"No match found for path: '{path}' and method: '{method}'")
        return None, None

    if len(matches) == 1:
        LOG.debug(f"Match found for path: '{path}' and method: '{method}'")
        return matches[0]

    # so we have more than one match
    # /{proxy+} and /api/{proxy+} for inputs like /api/foo/bar
    # /foo/{param1}/baz and /foo/{param1}/{param2} for inputs like /for/bar/baz
    proxy_matches = []
    param_matches = []
    for match in matches:
        match_methods = list(match[1].get("resourceMethods", {}).keys())
        # only look for path matches if the request method is in the resource
        if method.upper() in match_methods or "ANY" in match_methods:
            # check if we have an exact match (exact matches take precedence) if the method is the same
            if match[0] == path:
                return match

            elif path_matches_pattern(path, match[0]):
                # parameters can fit in


    if param_matches:
        # count the amount of parameters, return the one with the least which is the most precise
        sorted_matches = sorted(param_matches, key=lambda x: x[0].count("{"))
        LOG.debug(f"Match found for path: '{path}' and method: '{method}'")
        return sorted_matches[0]

    if proxy_matches:
        # at this stage, we still have more than one match, but we have an eager example like
        # /{proxy+} or /api/{proxy+}, so we pick the best match by sorting by length, only if they have a method
        # that could match
        sorted_matches = sorted(proxy_matches, key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True)
        LOG.debug(f"Match found for path: '{path}' and method: '{method}'")
        return sorted_matches[0]

    # if there are no matches with a method that would match, return
    LOG.debug(f"No match found for method: '{method}' for matched path: {path}")
    return None, None

def path_matches_pattern(path, api_path):
    api_paths = api_path.split("/")
    paths = path.split("/")
    reg_check = re.compile(r"{(.*)}")
    if len(api_paths) != len(paths):
        return False
    results = [
        part == paths[indx]
        for indx, part in enumerate(api_paths)
        if reg_check.match(part) is None and part

    return len(results) > 0 and all(results)

def connect_api_gateway_to_sqs(gateway_name, stage_name, queue_arn, path, account_id, region_name):
    resources = {}
    resource_path = path.replace("/", "")

        arn = parse_arn(queue_arn)
        queue_name = arn["resource"]
        sqs_account = arn["account"]
        sqs_region = arn["region"]
    except InvalidArnException:
        queue_name = queue_arn
        sqs_account = account_id
        sqs_region = region_name

    resources[resource_path] = [
            "httpMethod": "POST",
            "authorizationType": "NONE",
            "integrations": [
                    "type": "AWS",
                    "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:%s:sqs:path/%s/%s"
                    % (sqs_region, sqs_account, queue_name),
                    "requestTemplates": {"application/json": template},
    return resource_utils.create_api_gateway(
        client=connect_to(aws_access_key_id=sqs_account, region_name=sqs_region).apigateway,

def apply_json_patch_safe(subject, patch_operations, in_place=True, return_list=False):
    """Apply JSONPatch operations, using some customizations for compatibility with API GW

    results = []
    patch_operations = (
        [patch_operations] if isinstance(patch_operations, dict) else patch_operations
    for operation in patch_operations:
            # special case: for "replace" operations, assume "" as the default value
            if operation["op"] == "replace" and operation.get("value") is None:
                operation["value"] = ""

            if operation["op"] != "remove" and operation.get("value") is None:
                LOG.info('Missing "value" in JSONPatch operation for %s: %s', subject, operation)

            if operation["op"] == "add":
                path = operation["path"]
                target = subject.get(path.strip("/"))
                target = target or common.extract_from_jsonpointer_path(subject, path)
                if not isinstance(target, list):
                    # for `add` operation, if the target does not exist, set it to an empty dict (default behaviour)
                    # previous behaviour was an empty list. Revisit this if issues arise.
                    # TODO: we are assigning a value, even if not `in_place=True`
                    common.assign_to_path(subject, path, value={}, delimiter="/")

                target = common.extract_from_jsonpointer_path(subject, path)
                if isinstance(target, list) and not path.endswith("/-"):
                    # if "path" is an attribute name pointing to an array in "subject", and we're running
                    # an "add" operation, then we should use the standard-compliant notation "/path/-"
                    operation["path"] = f"{path}/-"

            if operation["op"] == "remove":
                path = operation["path"]
                common.assign_to_path(subject, path, value={}, delimiter="/")

            result = apply_patch(subject, [operation], in_place=in_place)
            if not in_place:
                subject = result
        except JsonPointerException:
            pass  # path cannot be found - ignore
        except Exception as e:
            if "non-existent object" in str(e):
                if operation["op"] == "replace":
                    # fall back to an ADD operation if the REPLACE fails
                    operation["op"] = "add"
                    result = apply_patch(subject, [operation], in_place=in_place)
                if operation["op"] == "remove" and isinstance(subject, dict):
                    result = subject.pop(operation["path"], None)
    if return_list:
        return results
    return (results or [subject])[-1]

def add_documentation_parts(rest_api_container, documentation):
    for doc_part in documentation.get("documentationParts", []):
        entity_id = short_uid()[:6]
        location = doc_part["location"]
        rest_api_container.documentation_parts[entity_id] = DocumentationPart(
                path=location.get("path", "/")
                if location.get("type") not in ["API", "MODEL"]
                else None,

def import_api_from_openapi_spec(
    rest_api: RestAPI, body: dict, context: RequestContext
) -> Optional[RestAPI]:
    """Import an API from an OpenAPI spec document"""

    query_params: dict = context.request.values.to_dict()
    resolved_schema = resolve_references(copy.deepcopy(body), rest_api_id=rest_api.id)

    # TODO:
    # 1. validate the "mode" property of the spec document, "merge" or "overwrite"
    # 2. validate the document type, "swagger" or "openapi"

    rest_api.version = (
        str(version) if (version := resolved_schema.get("info", {}).get("version")) else None
    # XXX for some reason this makes cf tests fail that's why is commented.
    # test_cfn_handle_serverless_api_resource
    # rest_api.name = resolved_schema.get("info", {}).get("title")
    rest_api.description = resolved_schema.get("info", {}).get("description")

    # authorizers map to avoid duplication
    authorizers = {}

    store = get_apigateway_store(context=context)
    rest_api_container = store.rest_apis[rest_api.id]

    def is_api_key_required(path_payload: dict) -> bool:
        # TODO: consolidate and refactor with `create_authorizer`, duplicate logic for now
        if not (security_schemes := path_payload.get("security")):
            return False

        for security_scheme in security_schemes:
            for security_scheme_name in security_scheme.keys():
                # $.securityDefinitions is Swagger 2.0
                # $.components.SecuritySchemes is OpenAPI 3.0
                security_definitions = resolved_schema.get(
                ) or resolved_schema.get("components", {}).get("securitySchemes", {})
                if security_scheme_name in security_definitions:
                    security_config = security_definitions.get(security_scheme_name)
                    if (
                        OpenAPIExt.AUTHORIZER not in security_config
                        and security_config.get("type") == "apiKey"
                        and security_config.get("name", "").lower() == "x-api-key"
                        return True
        return False

    def create_authorizers(security_schemes: dict) -> None:
        for security_scheme_name, security_config in security_schemes.items():
            aws_apigateway_authorizer = security_config.get(OpenAPIExt.AUTHORIZER, {})
            if not aws_apigateway_authorizer:

            if security_scheme_name in authorizers:

            authorizer_type = aws_apigateway_authorizer.get("type", "").upper()
            # TODO: do we need validation of resources here?
            authorizer = Authorizer(
                    "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds", 300
            if provider_arns := aws_apigateway_authorizer.get("providerARNs"):
                authorizer["providerARNs"] = provider_arns
            if auth_type := security_config.get(OpenAPIExt.AUTHTYPE):
                authorizer["authType"] = auth_type
            if authorizer_uri := aws_apigateway_authorizer.get("authorizerUri"):
                authorizer["authorizerUri"] = authorizer_uri
            if authorizer_credentials := aws_apigateway_authorizer.get("authorizerCredentials"):
                authorizer["authorizerCredentials"] = authorizer_credentials
            if authorizer_type == "TOKEN":
                header_name = security_config.get("name")
                authorizer["identitySource"] = f"method.request.header.{header_name}"
            elif identity_source := aws_apigateway_authorizer.get("identitySource"):
                # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-swagger-extensions-authorizer.html
                # Applicable for the authorizer of the request and jwt type only
                authorizer["identitySource"] = identity_source
            if identity_validation_expression := aws_apigateway_authorizer.get(
                authorizer["identityValidationExpression"] = identity_validation_expression

            rest_api_container.authorizers[authorizer["id"]] = authorizer

            authorizers[security_scheme_name] = authorizer

    def get_authorizer(path_payload: dict) -> Optional[Authorizer]:
        if not (security_schemes := path_payload.get("security")):
            return None

        for security_scheme in security_schemes:
            for security_scheme_name in security_scheme.keys():
                if authorizer := authorizers.get(security_scheme_name):
                    return authorizer

    def get_or_create_path(abs_path: str, base_path: str):
        parts = abs_path.rstrip("/").replace("//", "/").split("/")
        parent_id = ""
        if len(parts) > 1:
            parent_path = "/".join(parts[:-1])
            parent = get_or_create_path(parent_path, base_path=base_path)
            parent_id = parent.id
        if existing := [
            for r in rest_api.resources.values()
            if r.path_part == (parts[-1] or "/") and (r.parent_id or "") == (parent_id or "")
            return existing[0]

        # construct relative path (without base path), then add field resources for this path
        rel_path = abs_path.removeprefix(base_path)
        return add_path_methods(rel_path, parts, parent_id=parent_id)

    def add_path_methods(rel_path: str, parts: List[str], parent_id=""):
        child_id = create_resource_id()
        rel_path = rel_path or "/"

        # Create a `Resource` for the passed `rel_path`
        resource = Resource(
            path_part=parts[-1] or "/",

        paths_dict = resolved_schema["paths"]
        method_paths = paths_dict.get(rel_path, {})
        # Iterate over each field of the `path` to try to find the methods defined
        for field, field_schema in method_paths.items():
            if field in [
            ] or not isinstance(field_schema, dict):
                LOG.warning("Ignoring unsupported field %s in path %s", field, rel_path)
                # TODO: check if we should skip parameters, those are global parameters applied to every routes but
                #  can be overridden at the operation level

            method_name = field.upper()
            if method_name == OpenAPIExt.ANY_METHOD.upper():
                method_name = "ANY"

            # Create the `Method` resource for each method path
            method_resource = create_method_resource(resource, method_name, field_schema)

            # Get the `Method` requestParameters and requestModels
            request_parameters_schema = field_schema.get("parameters", [])
            request_parameters = {}
            request_models = {}
            if request_parameters_schema:
                for req_param_data in request_parameters_schema:
                    # For Swagger 2.0, possible values for `in` from the specs are "query", "header", "path",
                    # "formData" or "body".
                    # For OpenAPI 3.0, values are "query", "header", "path" or "cookie".
                    # Only "path", "header" and "query" are supported in API Gateway for requestParameters
                    # "body" is mapped to a requestModel
                    param_location = req_param_data.get("in")
                    param_name = req_param_data.get("name")
                    param_required = req_param_data.get("required", False)
                    if param_location in ("query", "header", "path"):
                        if param_location == "query":
                            param_location = "querystring"

                        request_parameters[f"method.request.{param_location}.{param_name}"] = (

                    elif param_location == "body":
                        request_models = {APPLICATION_JSON: param_name}

                            "Ignoring unsupported requestParameters/requestModels location value for %s: %s",

            # this replaces 'body' in Parameters for OpenAPI 3.0, a requestBody Object
            # https://swagger.io/specification/v3/#request-body-object
            if request_models_schema := field_schema.get("requestBody"):
                model_ref = None
                for content_type, media_type in request_models_schema.get("content", {}).items():
                    # we're iterating over the Media Type object:
                    # https://swagger.io/specification/v3/#media-type-object
                    if content_type == APPLICATION_JSON:
                        model_ref = media_type.get("schema", {}).get("$ref")
                        "Found '%s' content-type for the MethodResponse model for path '%s' and method '%s', not adding the model as currently not supported",
                if model_ref:
                    model_schema = model_ref.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[-1]
                    request_models = {APPLICATION_JSON: model_schema}

            method_resource.request_models = request_models or None

            # check if there's a request validator set in the method
            request_validator_name = field_schema.get(
                OpenAPIExt.REQUEST_VALIDATOR, default_req_validator_name
            if request_validator_name:
                if not (
                    req_validator_id := request_validator_name_id_map.get(request_validator_name)
                    # Might raise an exception here if we properly validate the template
                        "A validator ('%s') was referenced for %s.(%s), but is not defined",
                method_resource.request_validator_id = req_validator_id

            # we check if there's a path parameter, AWS adds the requestParameter automatically
            resource_path_part = parts[-1].strip("/")
            if is_variable_path(resource_path_part) and not is_greedy_path(resource_path_part):
                path_parameter = resource_path_part[1:-1]  # remove the curly braces
                request_parameters[f"method.request.path.{path_parameter}"] = True

            method_resource.request_parameters = request_parameters or None

            # Create the `MethodResponse` for the previously created `Method`
            method_responses = field_schema.get("responses", {})
            for method_status_code, method_response in method_responses.items():
                method_response_model = None
                model_ref = None
                # separating the two different versions, Swagger (2.0) and OpenAPI 3.0
                if "schema" in method_response:  # this is Swagger
                    model_ref = method_response["schema"].get("$ref")
                elif "content" in method_response:  # this is OpenAPI 3.0
                    for content_type, media_type in method_response["content"].items():
                        # we're iterating over the Media Type object:
                        # https://swagger.io/specification/v3/#media-type-object
                        if content_type == APPLICATION_JSON:
                            model_ref = media_type.get("schema", {}).get("$ref")
                            "Found '%s' content-type for the MethodResponse model for path '%s' and method '', not adding the model as currently not supported",

                if model_ref:
                    model_schema = model_ref.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[-1]

                    method_response_model = {APPLICATION_JSON: model_schema}

                method_response_parameters = {}
                if response_param_headers := method_response.get("headers"):
                    for header, header_info in response_param_headers.items():
                        # TODO: make use of `header_info`
                        method_response_parameters[f"method.response.header.{header}"] = False

                    method_response_parameters or None,

            # Create the `Integration` for the previously created `Method`
            method_integration = field_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.INTEGRATION, {})

            integration_type = (
                i_type.upper() if (i_type := method_integration.get("type")) else None

            match integration_type:
                case "AWS_PROXY":
                    # if the integration is AWS_PROXY with lambda, the only accepted integration method is POST
                    integration_method = "POST"
                case "AWS":
                    integration_method = (
                        method_integration.get("httpMethod") or method_name
                case _:
                    integration_method = method_name

            connection_type = (
                if integration_type in (IntegrationType.HTTP, IntegrationType.HTTP_PROXY)
                else None

            integration = Integration(
                    "passthroughBehavior", "WHEN_NO_MATCH"
                timeout_in_millis=method_integration.get("timeoutInMillis") or "29000",

            # Create the `IntegrationResponse` for the previously created `Integration`
            if method_integration_responses := method_integration.get("responses"):
                for pattern, integration_responses in method_integration_responses.items():
                    integration_response_templates = integration_responses.get("responseTemplates")
                    integration_response_parameters = integration_responses.get(

                    integration_response = integration.create_integration_response(
                        status_code=integration_responses.get("statusCode", 200),
                        selection_pattern=pattern if pattern != "default" else None,
                    # moto set the responseTemplates to an empty dict when it should be None if not defined
                    if integration_response_templates is None:
                        integration_response.response_templates = None

            resource.resource_methods[method_name].method_integration = integration

        rest_api.resources[child_id] = resource
        rest_api_container.resource_children.setdefault(parent_id, []).append(child_id)
        return resource

    def create_method_resource(child, method, method_schema):
        authorization_type = "NONE"
        api_key_required = is_api_key_required(method_schema)
        kwargs = {}

        if authorizer := get_authorizer(method_schema) or default_authorizer:
            method_authorizer = authorizer or default_authorizer
            # override the authorizer_type if it's a TOKEN or REQUEST to CUSTOM
            if (authorizer_type := method_authorizer["type"]) in ("TOKEN", "REQUEST"):
                authorization_type = "CUSTOM"
                authorization_type = authorizer_type

            kwargs["authorizer_id"] = method_authorizer["id"]

        return child.add_method(

    models = resolved_schema.get("definitions") or resolved_schema.get("components", {}).get(
        "schemas", {}
    for name, model_data in models.items():
        model_id = short_uid()[:6]  # length 6 to make TF tests pass
        model = Model(
        store.rest_apis[rest_api.id].models[name] = model

    # create the RequestValidators defined at the top-level field `x-amazon-apigateway-request-validators`
    request_validators = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.REQUEST_VALIDATORS, {})
    request_validator_name_id_map = {}
    for validator_name, validator_schema in request_validators.items():
        validator_id = short_uid()[:6]

        validator = RequestValidator(
            validateRequestBody=validator_schema.get("validateRequestBody") or False,
            validateRequestParameters=validator_schema.get("validateRequestParameters") or False,

        store.rest_apis[rest_api.id].validators[validator_id] = validator
        request_validator_name_id_map[validator_name] = validator_id

    # get default requestValidator if present
    default_req_validator_name = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.REQUEST_VALIDATOR)

    # $.securityDefinitions is Swagger 2.0
    # $.components.SecuritySchemes is OpenAPI 3.0
    security_data = resolved_schema.get("securityDefinitions") or resolved_schema.get(
        "components", {}
    ).get("securitySchemes", {})
    # create the defined authorizers, even if they're not used by any routes
    if security_data:

    # create default authorizer if present
    default_authorizer = get_authorizer(resolved_schema)

    # determine base path
    # default basepath mode is "ignore"
    # see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-import-api-basePath.html
    basepath_mode = query_params.get("basepath") or "ignore"
    base_path = ""

    if basepath_mode != "ignore":
        # in Swagger 2.0, the basePath is a top-level property
        if "basePath" in resolved_schema:
            base_path = resolved_schema["basePath"]

        # in OpenAPI 3.0, the basePath is contained in the server object
        elif "servers" in resolved_schema:
            servers_property = resolved_schema.get("servers", [])
            for server in servers_property:
                # first, we check if there are a basePath variable (1st choice)
                if "basePath" in server.get("variables", {}):
                    base_path = server["variables"]["basePath"].get("default", "")
                # TODO: this allows both absolute and relative part, but AWS might not manage relative
                url_path = urlparse.urlparse(server.get("url", "")).path
                if url_path:
                    base_path = url_path if url_path != "/" else ""

    if basepath_mode == "split":
        base_path = base_path.strip("/").partition("/")[-1]
        base_path = f"/{base_path}" if base_path else ""

    api_paths = resolved_schema.get("paths", {})
    if api_paths:
        # Remove default root, then add paths from API spec
        # TODO: the default mode is now `merge`, not `overwrite` if using `PutRestApi`
        # TODO: quick hack for now, but do not remove the rootResource if the OpenAPI file is empty
        rest_api.resources = {}

    for path in api_paths:
        get_or_create_path(base_path + path, base_path=base_path)

    # binary types
    rest_api.binaryMediaTypes = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.BINARY_MEDIA_TYPES, [])

    policy = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.POLICY)
    if policy:
        policy = json.dumps(policy) if isinstance(policy, dict) else str(policy)
        rest_api.policy = policy
    minimum_compression_size = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.MINIMUM_COMPRESSION_SIZE)
    if minimum_compression_size is not None:
        rest_api.minimum_compression_size = int(minimum_compression_size)
    endpoint_config = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.ENDPOINT_CONFIGURATION)
    if endpoint_config:
        if endpoint_config.get("vpcEndpointIds"):
            endpoint_config.setdefault("types", ["PRIVATE"])
        rest_api.endpoint_configuration = endpoint_config

    api_key_source = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.API_KEY_SOURCE)
    if api_key_source is not None:
        rest_api.api_key_source = api_key_source.upper()

    documentation = resolved_schema.get(OpenAPIExt.DOCUMENTATION)
    if documentation:
        add_documentation_parts(rest_api_container, documentation)
    return rest_api

def get_target_resource_details(
    invocation_context: ApiInvocationContext,
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[dict]]:
    """Look up and return the API GW resource (path pattern + resource dict) for the given invocation context."""
    path_map = get_rest_api_paths(
    relative_path = invocation_context.invocation_path.rstrip("/") or "/"
        extracted_path, resource = get_resource_for_path(
            path=relative_path, method=invocation_context.method, path_map=path_map
        if not extracted_path:
            return None, None
        invocation_context.resource = resource
        invocation_context.resource_path = extracted_path
            invocation_context.path_params = extract_path_params(
                path=relative_path, extracted_path=extracted_path
        except Exception:
            invocation_context.path_params = {}

        return extracted_path, resource

    except Exception:
        return None, None

def get_target_resource_method(invocation_context: ApiInvocationContext) -> Optional[Dict]:
    """Look up and return the API GW resource method for the given invocation context."""
    _, resource = get_target_resource_details(invocation_context)
    if not resource:
        return None
    methods = resource.get("resourceMethods") or {}
    return methods.get(invocation_context.method.upper()) or methods.get("ANY")

def event_type_from_route_key(invocation_context):
    action = invocation_context.route["RouteKey"]
    return (
        if action == "$connect"
        else "DISCONNECT"
        if action == "$disconnect"
        else "MESSAGE"

def get_event_request_context(invocation_context: ApiInvocationContext):
    method = invocation_context.method
    path = invocation_context.path
    headers = invocation_context.headers
    integration_uri = invocation_context.integration_uri
    resource_path = invocation_context.resource_path
    resource_id = invocation_context.resource_id

    relative_path, query_string_params = extract_query_string_params(
    api_id = invocation_context.api_id
    stage = invocation_context.stage

    source_ip = invocation_context.auth_identity.get("sourceIp")
    integration_uri = integration_uri or ""
    account_id = integration_uri.split(":lambda:path")[-1].split(":function:")[0].split(":")[-1]
    account_id = account_id or DEFAULT_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
    request_context = {
        "accountId": account_id,
        "apiId": api_id,
        "resourcePath": resource_path or relative_path,
        "domainPrefix": invocation_context.domain_prefix,
        "domainName": invocation_context.domain_name,
        "resourceId": resource_id,
        "requestId": long_uid(),
        "identity": {
            "accountId": account_id,
            "sourceIp": source_ip,
            "userAgent": headers.get("User-Agent"),
        "httpMethod": method,
        "protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
        "requestTime": datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime(REQUEST_TIME_DATE_FORMAT),
        "requestTimeEpoch": int(time.time() * 1000),
        "authorizer": {},

    if invocation_context.is_websocket_request():
        request_context["connectionId"] = invocation_context.connection_id

    # set "authorizer" and "identity" event attributes from request context
    authorizer_result = invocation_context.authorizer_result
    if authorizer_result:
        request_context["authorizer"] = authorizer_result
    request_context["identity"].update(invocation_context.auth_identity or {})

    if not is_test_invoke_method(method, path):
        request_context["path"] = (f"/{stage}" if stage else "") + relative_path
        request_context["stage"] = stage
    return request_context

def set_api_id_stage_invocation_path(
    invocation_context: ApiInvocationContext,
) -> ApiInvocationContext:
    # skip if all details are already available
    values = (
    if all(values):
        return invocation_context

    # skip if this is a websocket request
    if invocation_context.is_websocket_request():
        return invocation_context

    path = invocation_context.path
    headers = invocation_context.headers

    path_match = re.search(PATH_REGEX_USER_REQUEST, path)
    host_header = headers.get(HEADER_LOCALSTACK_EDGE_URL, "") or headers.get("Host") or ""
    host_match = re.search(HOST_REGEX_EXECUTE_API, host_header)
    test_invoke_match = re.search(PATH_REGEX_TEST_INVOKE_API, path)
    if path_match:
        api_id = path_match.group(1)
        stage = path_match.group(2)
        relative_path_w_query_params = "/%s" % path_match.group(3)
    elif host_match:
        api_id = extract_api_id_from_hostname_in_url(host_header)
        stage = path.strip("/").split("/")[0]
        relative_path_w_query_params = "/%s" % path.lstrip("/").partition("/")[2]
    elif test_invoke_match:
        stage = invocation_context.stage
        api_id = invocation_context.api_id
        relative_path_w_query_params = invocation_context.path_with_query_string
        raise Exception(
            f"Unable to extract API Gateway details from request: {path} {dict(headers)}"
    if api_id:
        # set current region in request thread local, to ensure aws_stack.get_region() works properly
        # TODO: replace with RequestContextManager
        if getattr(THREAD_LOCAL, "request_context", None) is not None:
            _, api_region = get_api_account_id_and_region(api_id)
            THREAD_LOCAL.request_context.headers[MARKER_APIGW_REQUEST_REGION] = api_region

    # set details in invocation context
    invocation_context.api_id = api_id
    invocation_context.stage = stage
    invocation_context.path_with_query_string = relative_path_w_query_params
    return invocation_context

def get_api_account_id_and_region(api_id: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
    """Return the region name for the given REST API ID"""
    for account_id, account in apigateway_backends.items():
        for region_name, region in account.items():
            # compare low case keys to avoid case sensitivity issues
            for key in region.apis.keys():
                if key.lower() == api_id.lower():
                    return account_id, region_name
    return None, None

def extract_api_id_from_hostname_in_url(hostname: str) -> str:
    """Extract API ID 'id123' from URLs like https://id123.execute-api.localhost.localstack.cloud:4566"""
    match = re.match(HOST_REGEX_EXECUTE_API, hostname)
    return match.group(1)

def is_greedy_path(path_part: str) -> bool:
    return path_part.startswith("{") and path_part.endswith("+}")

def is_variable_path(path_part: str) -> bool:
    return path_part.startswith("{") and path_part.endswith("}")

def multi_value_dict_for_list(elements: Union[List, Dict]) -> Dict:
    temp_mv_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for key in elements:
        if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
            key, value = key
            value = elements[key]

        key = to_str(key)
    return {k: tuple(v) for k, v in temp_mv_dict.items()}

def log_template(
    request_id: str,
    date: datetime,
    http_method: str,
    resource_path: str,
    request_path: str,
    query_string: str,
    request_headers: str,
    request_body: str,
    response_body: str,
    response_headers: str,
    status_code: str,
    formatted_date = date.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y")
    return INVOKE_TEST_LOG_TEMPLATE.format(

def get_domain_name_hash(domain_name: str) -> str:
    Return a hash of the given domain name, which help construct regional domain names for APIs.
    TODO: use this in the future to dispatch API Gateway API invocations made to the regional domain name
    return hashlib.shake_128(to_bytes(domain_name)).hexdigest(4)

def get_regional_domain_name(domain_name: str) -> str:
    Return the regional domain name for the given domain name.
    In real AWS, this would look something like: "d-oplm2qchq0.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
    In LocalStack, we're returning this format: "d-<domain_hash>.execute-api.localhost.localstack.cloud"
    domain_name_hash = get_domain_name_hash(domain_name)
    host = localstack_host().host
    return f"d-{domain_name_hash}.execute-api.{host}"