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This module provides tools to call moto using moto and botocore internals without going through the moto HTTP server.

import copy
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import moto.backends as moto_backends
from moto.core.base_backend import BackendDict
from moto.core.exceptions import RESTError
from moto.moto_server.utilities import RegexConverter
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule

from localstack import constants
from localstack.aws.api import (
from localstack.aws.forwarder import (
from localstack.aws.skeleton import DispatchTable
from localstack.constants import DEFAULT_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
from localstack.constants import VERSION as LOCALSTACK_VERSION
from localstack.http import Response
from localstack.http.request import get_full_raw_path, get_raw_current_url

MotoDispatcher = Callable[[HttpRequest, str, dict], Response]

user_agent = f"Localstack/{LOCALSTACK_VERSION} Python/{sys.version.split(' ')[0]}"

def call_moto(context: RequestContext, include_response_metadata=False) -> ServiceResponse:
    Call moto with the given request context and receive a parsed ServiceResponse.

    :param context: the request context
    :param include_response_metadata: whether to include botocore's "ResponseMetadata" attribute
    :return: a serialized AWS ServiceResponse (same as boto3 would return)
    return dispatch_to_backend(context, dispatch_to_moto, include_response_metadata)

def call_moto_with_request(
    context: RequestContext, service_request: ServiceRequest
) -> ServiceResponse:
    Like `call_moto`, but you can pass a modified version of the service request before calling moto. The caveat is
    that a new HTTP request has to be created. The service_request is serialized into a new RequestContext object,
    and headers from the old request are merged into the new one.

    :param context: the original request context
    :param service_request: the dictionary containing the service request parameters
    :return: an ASF ServiceResponse (same as a service provider would return)
    local_context = create_aws_request_context(
    # we keep the headers from the original request, but override them with the ones created from the `service_request`
    headers = copy.deepcopy(context.request.headers)
    local_context.request.headers = headers

    return call_moto(local_context)

def _proxy_moto(
    context: RequestContext, request: ServiceRequest
) -> Optional[Union[ServiceResponse, Response]]:
    Wraps `call_moto` such that the interface is compliant with a ServiceRequestHandler.

    :param context: the request context
    :param service_request: currently not being used, added to satisfy ServiceRequestHandler contract
    :return: the Response from moto
    return call_moto(context)

def MotoFallbackDispatcher(provider: object) -> DispatchTable:
    Wraps a provider with a moto fallthrough mechanism. It does by creating a new DispatchTable from the original
    provider, and wrapping each method with a fallthrough method that calls ``request`` if the original provider
    raises a ``NotImplementedError``.

    :param provider: the ASF provider
    :return: a modified DispatchTable
    return ForwardingFallbackDispatcher(provider, _proxy_moto)

def dispatch_to_moto(context: RequestContext) -> Response:
    Internal method to dispatch the request to moto without changing moto's dispatcher output.
    :param context: the request context
    :return: the response from moto
    service = context.service
    request = context.request

    # this is where we skip the HTTP roundtrip between the moto server and the boto client
    dispatch = get_dispatcher(service.service_name, request.path)
        # we use the full_raw_url as moto might do some path decoding (in S3 for example)
        raw_url = get_raw_current_url(
            request.scheme, request.host, request.root_path, get_full_raw_path(request)
        response = dispatch(request, raw_url, request.headers)
        if not response:
            # some operations are only partially implemented by moto
            # e.g. the request will be resolved, but then the request method is not handled
            # it will return None in that case, e.g. for: apigateway TestInvokeAuthorizer + UpdateGatewayResponse
            raise NotImplementedError
        status, headers, content = response
        if isinstance(content, str) and len(content) == 0:
            # moto often returns an empty string to indicate an empty body.
            # use None instead to ensure that body-related headers aren't overwritten when creating the response object.
            content = None
        return Response(content, status, headers)
    except RESTError as e:
        raise CommonServiceException(e.error_type, e.message, status_code=e.code) from e

def get_dispatcher(service: str, path: str) -> MotoDispatcher:
    url_map = get_moto_routing_table(service)

    if len(url_map._rules) == 1:
        # in most cases, there will only be one dispatch method in the list of urls, so no need to do matching
        rule = next(url_map.iter_rules())
        return rule.endpoint

    matcher = url_map.bind(constants.LOCALHOST)
        endpoint, _ = matcher.match(path_info=path)
    except NotFound as e:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"No moto route for service {service} on path {path} found."
        ) from e
    return endpoint

def get_moto_routing_table(service: str) -> Map:
    """Cached version of load_moto_routing_table."""
    return load_moto_routing_table(service)

def load_moto_routing_table(service: str) -> Map:
    Creates from moto service url_paths a werkzeug URL rule map that can be used to locate moto methods to dispatch
    requests to.

    :param service: the service to get the map for.
    :return: a new Map object
    # code from moto.moto_server.werkzeug_app.create_backend_app
    backend_dict = moto_backends.get_backend(service)
    # Get an instance of this backend.
    # We'll only use this backend to resolve the URL's, so the exact region/account_id is irrelevant
    if isinstance(backend_dict, BackendDict):
        if "us-east-1" in backend_dict[DEFAULT_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID]:
            backend = backend_dict[DEFAULT_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID]["us-east-1"]
            backend = backend_dict[DEFAULT_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID]["global"]
        backend = backend_dict["global"]

    url_map = Map()
    url_map.converters["regex"] = RegexConverter

    for url_path, handler in backend.flask_paths.items():
        # Some URL patterns in moto have optional trailing slashes, for example the route53 pattern:
        # r"{0}/(?P<api_version>[\d_-]+)/hostedzone/(?P<zone_id>[^/]+)/rrset/?$".
        # However, they don't actually seem to work. Routing only works because moto disables strict_slashes check
        # for the URL Map. So we also disable it here explicitly.
        strict_slashes = False

        # Rule endpoints are annotated as string types in werkzeug, but they don't have to be.
        endpoint = handler

        url_map.add(Rule(url_path, endpoint=endpoint, strict_slashes=strict_slashes))

    return url_map