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Test Coverage
# LocalStack project configuration
requires = ['setuptools', 'wheel', 'plux>=1.10']
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = "localstack-core"
authors = [
        { name = "LocalStack Contributors", email = "info@localstack.cloud" }
description = "The core library and runtime of LocalStack"
requires-python = ">=3.8"
dependencies = [
dynamic = ["version"]
classifiers = [
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
    "Topic :: Internet",
    "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing",
    "Topic :: System :: Emulators",

Homepage = "https://localstack.cloud"
Documentation = "https://docs.localstack.cloud"
Repository = "https://github.com/localstack/localstack.git"
Issues = "https://github.com/localstack/localstack/issues"

# minimal required to actually run localstack on the host for services natively implemented in python
base-runtime = [
    # pinned / updated by ASF update action
    # pinned / updated by ASF update action
    # explicitly set urllib3 to force its usage / ensure compatibility
    # TODO: to be removed when the last usages of Flask in API GW have been removed

# required to actually run localstack on the host
runtime = [
    # pinned / updated by ASF update action
    # antlr4-python3-runtime: exact pin because antlr4 runtime is tightly coupled to the generated parser code
    # allow Python programs full access to Java class libraries. Used for opt-in event ruler.

# for running tests and coverage analysis
test = [
    # runtime dependencies are required for running the tests

# for developing localstack
dev = [
    # test dependencies are required for developing localstack

# not strictly necessary for development, but provides type hint support for a better developer experience
typehint = [
    # typehint is an optional extension of the dev dependencies
    # pinned / updated by ASF update action

include-package-data = false
# TODO using this is discouraged by setuptools, `project.scripts` should be used instead
# However, `project.scripts` does not support non-python scripts.
script-files = [
package-dir = { "" = "localstack-core"}

readme = { file = ["README.md"], content-type = "text/markdown"}
version = { file = "VERSION" }

where = ["localstack-core/"]
include = ["localstack*"]
exclude = ["tests*"]

"*" = [
"localstack" = [

# Always generate Python 3.8-compatible code.
target-version = "py38"
line-length = 100
src = ["localstack-core", "tests"]
exclude = [

ignore = [
    "B007", # TODO Loop control variable x not used within loop body
    "B017", # TODO `pytest.raises(Exception)` should be considered evil
    "B019", # TODO Use of `functools.lru_cache` or `functools.cache` on methods can lead to memory leaks
    "B022", # TODO No arguments passed to `contextlib.suppress`. No exceptions will be suppressed and therefore this context manager is redundant
    "B023", # TODO Function definition does not bind loop variable `server`
    "B024", # TODO x is an abstract base class, but it has no abstract methods
    "B027", # TODO `Server.do_shutdown` is an empty method in an abstract base class, but has no abstract decorator
    "B904", # TODO Within an `except` clause, raise exceptions with `raise ... from err` or `raise ... from None` to distinguish them from errors in exception handling
    "C408", # TODO Unnecessary `list` call (rewrite as a literal)
    "C416", # TODO Unnecessary `set` comprehension
    "C901", # TODO function is too complex
    "E402", # TODO Module level import not at top of file
    "E501", # E501 Line too long - handled by black, see https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/faq/#is-ruff-compatible-with-black
    "E721", # TODO Do not compare types, use `isinstance()`
    "T201", # TODO `print` found
    "T203", # TODO `pprint` found
select = ["B", "C", "E", "F", "I", "W", "T", "B9"]

relative_files = true
source = [
omit = [
dynamic_context = "test_function"

exclude_lines = [
    "if __name__ == .__main__.:",
    "raise NotImplemented.",
    "return NotImplemented",
    "def __repr__",

log_cli = false
log_level = "DEBUG"
log_cli_format = "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)5s --- [%(threadName)12s] %(name)-26s : %(message)s"
log_cli_date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

# adding localstack-core itself here because it is referenced in the pyproject.toml for stacking the extras
# pip, setuptools, and distribute are pip-tools defaults which need to be set again here
unsafe-package = ["localstack-core", "pip", "setuptools", "distribute"] # packages that should not be pinned