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7 hrs
Test Coverage
import csv
import os
from pathlib import Path

def print_usage():
    Helper script to an output report for the metrics coverage diff.

    Set the env `COVERAGE_DIR_ALL` which points to a folder containing metrics-raw-data reports for the initial tests.
    The env `COVERAGE_DIR_ACCEPTANCE` should point to the folder containing metrics-raw-data reports for the acceptance
    test suite (usually a subset of the initial tests).

    Use `OUTPUT_DIR` env to set the path where the report will be stored

def sort_dict_helper(d):
    if isinstance(d, dict):
        return {k: sort_dict_helper(v) for k, v in sorted(d.items())}
        return d

def create_initial_coverage(path_to_initial_metrics: str) -> dict:
    Iterates over all csv files in `path_to_initial_metrics` and creates a dict collecting all status_codes that have been
    triggered for each service-operation combination:

        { "service_name":
                "operation_name_1": { "status_code": False},
                "operation_name2": {"status_code_1": False, "status_code_2": False}
          "service_name_2": ....
    :param path_to_initial_metrics: path to the metrics
    :returns: Dict
    pathlist = Path(path_to_initial_metrics).rglob("*.csv")
    coverage = {}
    for path in pathlist:
        with open(path, "r") as csv_obj:
            print(f"Processing integration test coverage metrics: {path}")
            csv_dict_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_obj)
            for metric in csv_dict_reader:
                service = metric.get("service")
                operation = metric.get("operation")
                response_code = metric.get("response_code")

                service_details = coverage.setdefault(service, {})
                operation_details = service_details.setdefault(operation, {})
                if response_code not in operation_details:
                    operation_details[response_code] = False
    return coverage

def mark_coverage_acceptance_test(
    path_to_acceptance_metrics: str, coverage_collection: dict
) -> dict:
    Iterates over all csv files in `path_to_acceptance_metrics` and updates the information in the `coverage_collection`
    dict about which API call was covered by the acceptance metrics

        { "service_name":
                "operation_name_1": { "status_code": True},
                "operation_name2": {"status_code_1": False, "status_code_2": True}
          "service_name_2": ....

    If any API calls are identified, that have not been covered with the initial run, those will be collected separately.
    Normally, this should never happen, because acceptance tests should be a subset of integrations tests.
    Could, however, be useful to identify issues, or when comparing test runs locally.

    :param path_to_acceptance_metrics: path to the metrics
    :param coverage_collection: Dict with the coverage collection about the initial test integration run

    :returns:  dict with additional recorded coverage, only covered by the acceptance test suite
    pathlist = Path(path_to_acceptance_metrics).rglob("*.csv")
    additional_tested = {}
    add_to_additional = False
    for path in pathlist:
        with open(path, "r") as csv_obj:
            print(f"Processing acceptance test coverage metrics: {path}")
            csv_dict_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_obj)
            for metric in csv_dict_reader:
                service = metric.get("service")
                operation = metric.get("operation")
                response_code = metric.get("response_code")

                if service not in coverage_collection:
                    add_to_additional = True
                    service_details = coverage_collection[service]
                    if operation not in service_details:
                        add_to_additional = True
                        operation_details = service_details.setdefault(operation, {})
                        if response_code not in operation_details:
                            add_to_additional = True
                            operation_details[response_code] = True

                if add_to_additional:
                    service_details = additional_tested.setdefault(service, {})
                    operation_details = service_details.setdefault(operation, {})
                    if response_code not in operation_details:
                        operation_details[response_code] = True
                    add_to_additional = False

    return additional_tested

def create_readable_report(
    coverage_collection: dict, additional_tested_collection: dict, output_dir: str
) -> None:
    Helper function to create a very simple HTML view out of the collected metrics.
    The file will be named "report_metric_coverage.html"

    :params coverage_collection: the dict with the coverage collection
    :params additional_tested_collection: dict with coverage of APIs only for acceptance tests
    :params output_dir: the directory where the outcoming html file should be stored to.
    service_overview_coverage = """
        <th style="text-align: left">Service</th>
        <th style="text-align: right">Coverage of Acceptance Tests Suite</th>
    coverage_details = """
        <th style="text-align: left">Service</th>
        <th style="text-align: left">Operation</th>
        <th>Return Code</th>
        <th>Covered By Acceptance Test</th>
    additional_test_details = ""
    coverage_collection = sort_dict_helper(coverage_collection)
    additional_tested_collection = sort_dict_helper(additional_tested_collection)
    for service, operations in coverage_collection.items():
        # count tested operations vs operations that are somehow covered with acceptance
        amount_ops = len(operations)
        covered_ops = len([op for op, details in operations.items() if any(details.values())])
        percentage_covered = 100 * covered_ops / amount_ops
        service_overview_coverage += "    <tr>\n"
        service_overview_coverage += f"    <td>{service}</td>\n"
        service_overview_coverage += (
            f"""    <td style="text-align: right">{percentage_covered:.2f}%</td>\n"""
        service_overview_coverage += "    </tr>\n"

        for op_name, details in operations.items():
            for response_code, covered in details.items():
                coverage_details += "    <tr>\n"
                coverage_details += f"    <td>{service}</td>\n"
                coverage_details += f"    <td>{op_name}</td>\n"
                coverage_details += f"""    <td style="text-align: center">{response_code}</td>\n"""
                coverage_details += (
                    f"""    <td style="text-align: center">{'✅' if covered else '❌'}</td>\n"""
                coverage_details += "    </tr>\n"
    if additional_tested_collection:
        additional_test_details = """<table>
        <th>Return Code</th>
        <th>Covered By Acceptance Test</th>
        for service, operations in additional_tested_collection.items():
            for op_name, details in operations.items():
                for response_code, covered in details.items():
                    additional_test_details += "    <tr>\n"
                    additional_test_details += f"    <td>{service}</td>\n"
                    additional_test_details += f"    <td>{op_name}</td>\n"
                    additional_test_details += f"    <td>{response_code}</td>\n"
                    additional_test_details += f"    <td>{'✅' if covered else '❌'}</td>\n"
                    additional_test_details += "    </tr>\n"
        additional_test_details += "</table><br/>\n"
    service_overview_coverage += "</table><br/>\n"
    coverage_details += "</table><br/>\n"
    path = Path(output_dir)
    file_name = path.joinpath("report_metric_coverage.html")
    with open(file_name, "w") as fd:
            """<!doctype html>
    h1 {text-align: center;}
    h2 {text-align: center;}
    table {text-align: left;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}
    p {text-align: center;}
    div {text-align: center;}
        fd.write("  <h1>Diff Report Metrics Coverage</h1>\n")
        fd.write("   <h2>Service Coverage</h2>\n")
            "       <div><p>Assumption: the initial test suite is considered to have 100% coverage.</p>\n"
        fd.write("   <h2>Coverage Details</h2>\n")
        if additional_test_details:
            fd.write("    <h2>Additional Test Coverage</h2>\n")
                "<div>     Note: this is probalby wrong usage of the script. It includes operations that have been covered with the acceptance tests only"

def main():
    coverage_path_all = os.environ.get("COVERAGE_DIR_ALL")
    coverage_path_acceptance = os.environ.get("COVERAGE_DIR_ACCEPTANCE")
    output_dir = os.environ.get("OUTPUT_DIR")

    if not coverage_path_all or not coverage_path_acceptance or not output_dir:

        f"COVERAGE_DIR_ALL={coverage_path_all}, COVERAGE_DIR_ACCEPTANCE={coverage_path_acceptance}, OUTPUTDIR={output_dir}"
    coverage_collection = create_initial_coverage(coverage_path_all)
    additional_tested = mark_coverage_acceptance_test(coverage_path_acceptance, coverage_collection)

    if additional_tested:
            "WARN: Found tests that are covered by acceptance tests, but haven't been covered by the initial tests"

    create_readable_report(coverage_collection, additional_tested, output_dir)

if __name__ == "__main__":