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# React Native True Sheet

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The true native bottom sheet experience for your React Native Apps. 💩

<img alt="React Native True Sheet - IOS" src="docs/static/img/preview.gif" width="300" height="600" /><img alt="React Native True Sheet - Android" src="docs/static/img/preview-2.gif" width="300" height="600" />

## Features

* Implemented in the native realm.
* Clean, fast, and lightweight.
* Asynchronus `ref` [methods](https://sheet.lodev09.com/reference/methods#ref-methods).
* Bonus! [Blur](https://sheet.lodev09.com/reference/types#blurtint) support on IOS 😎

## Installation

You can install the package by using either `yarn` or `npm`.

yarn add @lodev09/react-native-true-sheet
npm i @lodev09/react-native-true-sheet

Next, run the following to install it on IOS.

cd ios && pod install

## Documentation

- [Example](example)
- [Guides](https://sheet.lodev09.com/category/guides)
- [Reference](https://sheet.lodev09.com/category/reference)
- [Troubleshooting](https://sheet.lodev09.com/troubleshooting)

## Usage

import { TrueSheet } from "@lodev09/react-native-true-sheet"

export const App = () => {
  const sheet = useRef<TrueSheet>(null)

  // Present the sheet ✅
  const present = async () => {
    await sheet.current?.present()
    console.log('horray! sheet has been presented 💩')

  // Dismiss the sheet ✅
  const dismiss = async () => {
    await sheet.current?.dismiss()
    console.log('Bye bye 👋')

  return (
      <Button onPress={present} title="Present" />
        sizes={['auto', 'large']}
        <Button onPress={dismiss} title="Dismiss" />

## Contributing

See the [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

## License



Made with ❤️ by [@lodev09](http://linkedin.com/in/lodev09/)