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date: 2024-04-22
slug: release-0-10
title: Version 0.10 Release
authors: [lodev09]
tags: [release]

import sizing from './img/auto-sizing.gif'

## Version 0.10 🎉

True Sheet is getting better with every update! This latest version introduces some exciting new features to enhance your experience.

{/* truncate */}

### Global Static Methods

Many users have asked about presenting the sheet from anywhere within their applications. While there are multiple solutions, we've chosen the simplest approach.

Introducing [static methods](/reference/methods#global-methods)!

With this update, you can now present the sheet from any part of your code by providing a [`name`](/reference/props#name) to your sheet instance. This streamlines the process and makes it easier to manage your sheets across your application.

Here's an example:

```tsx {3}
const App = () => {
  return (
    <TrueSheet name="my-sheet">
      <View />

```tsx {5}
import { TrueSheet } from '@lodev09/react-native-true-sheet'

const SomeComponent = () => {
  const presentMySheet = () => {
    TrueSheet.present('my-sheet') // 🎉

  return (
    <Button onPress={presentMySheet} title="Present My Sheet" />

Check out our [guide](/guides/global-methods) on global static methods for examples and detailed usage instructions.

### Truly Automatic `auto` Sizing

True Sheet has long supported [`auto`](/reference/types#sheetsize) sizing, where the sheet's height adjusts dynamically based on its content. However, in previous versions, this feature had some limitations and required re-presenting the sheet to update the size after content changes.

With version `0.10`, `auto` sizing is now truly automatic. Whenever the content within the sheet changes, the sheet's height will adjust seamlessly without the need for re-presenting. 😎

<img alt="stacking" src={sizing} width="300"/>

This enhancement ensures a smooth and responsive experience, keeping your sheets sized appropriately at all times without any extra effort on your part.

Check out [this example](https://github.com/lodev09/react-native-true-sheet/blob/main/example/src/sheets/PromptSheet.tsx) to see it in action!

## That's All

We're constantly working to improve True Sheet and bring you the features you need. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future!