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# r-conomic

Ruby wrapper for the [e-conomic](https://www.e-conomic.com/) SOAP API, that aims at making working with the API bearable.

E-conomic is a web-based accounting system. For their marketing speak, see [https://www.e-conomic.com/](https://www.e-conomic.com/).
More details about their API at [http://www.e-conomic.com/developer](http://www.e-conomic.com/developer).

## Getting started info

* Sign up at: [https://www.e-conomic.com/developer](https://www.e-conomic.com/developer)
* About the SOAP API: [https://www.e-conomic.com/developer/about-the-soap-api](https://www.e-conomic.com/developer/about-the-soap-api)
* SOAP Docs: [https://api.e-conomic.com/secure/api1/EconomicWebService.asmx](https://api.e-conomic.com/secure/api1/EconomicWebService.asmx)
* e-conomic API Support: [https://economicapi.zendesk.com/hc/en-us](https://economicapi.zendesk.com/hc/en-us)

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## Usage example

economic = Economic::Session.new
economic.connect_with_credentials(agreement_number = 123456, user_name = 'API', password = 'passw0rd')

# Or connect using a Private app ID and an access ID provided by the "Grant Access"
# As described here: https://api.e-conomic.com/secure/api1/economicwebservice.asmx?op=ConnectWithToken
economic = Economic::Session.new
economic.connect_with_token 'the_private_app_id', 'the_access_id_you_got_from_the_grant'

# Find a debtor:
debtor = economic.debtors.find(101)

# Creating a debtor:
debtor = economic.debtors.build

debtor.number = economic.debtors.next_available_number
debtor.debtor_group_handle = { :number => 1 }
debtor.name = 'Bob'
debtor.vat_zone = 'HomeCountry' # HomeCountry, EU, Abroad
debtor.currency_handle = { :code => 'DKK' }
debtor.price_group_handle = { :number => 1 }
debtor.is_accessible = true
debtor.ci_number = '12345678'
debtor.term_of_payment_handle = { :id => 1 }
debtor.vat_number = 12345678
debtor.ean = 9780471117094
debtor.layout_handle = { :id => 16 }

# Create invoice for debtor:
current_invoice = economic.current_invoices.build
current_invoice.date = Time.now
current_invoice.due_date = Time.now + 15
current_invoice.exchange_rate = 100
current_invoice.is_vat_included = false

invoice_line = Economic::CurrentInvoiceLine.new
invoice_line.description = 'Line on invoice'
invoice_line.unit_handle = { :number => 1 }
invoice_line.product_handle = { :number => 101 }
invoice_line.quantity = 12
invoice_line.unit_net_price = 19.95
current_invoice.lines << invoice_line


# You can delete it by doing:
# current_invoice.destroy

invoice = current_invoice.book

# Create a debtor payment

cash_book = economic.cash_books.all.last # Or find it by its number

# The reason debtor payments are done this way is because we don't want to specify the voucher number. If we build the cash book entry ourselves,
# without specifying the voucher number, the API will complain. This way, E-Conomics will assign a voucher number for us.

cash_book_entry = cash_book.entries.create_debtor_payment(:debtor_handle => debtor.handle, :contra_account_handle => { :number => '1920' })
cash_book_entry.amount = -123.45
cash_book_entry.currency_handle = { "Code" => "DKK" }
cash_book_entry.debtor_invoice_number = invoice.number
cash_book_entry.text = "Payment, invoice #{ invoice.number }"



## It doesn't do everything

Not even remotely... For now, limited to a small subset of all the [available operations](https://www.e-conomic.com/secure/api1/EconomicWebService.asmx):

                       | Create | Read | Update | Delete
    CashBook           | X      | X    | X      | X
    CashBookEntry      | X      | X    | X      | X
    Creditor           | X      | X    | X      | X
    CreditorContact    | X      | X    | X      | X
    CreditorEntry      | X      | X    | X      | X
    CurrentInvoice     | X      | X    | X      | X
    CurrentInvoiceLine | X      | X    | X      | X
    Debtor             | X      | X    | X      | X
    DebtorContact      | X      | X    | X      | X
    DebtorEntry        | X      | X    | X      | X
    Entry              | X      | X    | X      | X
    Invoice            | X      | X    |        |

## Credits

Sponsored by [Lokalebasen.dk](http://lokalebasen.dk)

## License

R-conomic is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.