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Test Coverage
 * This file is part of the doctrine spatial extension.
 * PHP          8.1 | 8.2 | 8.3
 * Doctrine ORM 2.19 | 3.1
 * Copyright Alexandre Tranchant <alexandre.tranchant@gmail.com> 2017-2024
 * Copyright Longitude One 2020-2024
 * Copyright 2015 Derek J. Lambert
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.


namespace LongitudeOne\Spatial\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\MySql;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQLPlatform;
use LongitudeOne\Spatial\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\AbstractSpatialDQLFunction;

 * Sp_MBRContains DQL function.
 * @author  Alexandre Tranchant <alexandre.tranchant@gmail.com>
 * @license https://alexandre-tranchant.mit-license.org
class SpMbrContains extends AbstractSpatialDQLFunction
     * Function SQL name getter.
     * @since 2.0 This function replace the protected property functionName.
    protected function getFunctionName(): string
        return 'MBRContains';

     * Maximum number of parameters for the spatial function.
     * @since 2.0 This function replace the protected property maxGeomExpr.
     * @return int the inherited methods shall NOT return null, but 0 when function has no parameter
    protected function getMaxParameter(): int
        return 2;

     * Minimum number of parameters for the spatial function.
     * @since 2.0 This function replace the protected property minGeomExpr.
     * @return int the inherited methods shall NOT return null, but 0 when function has no parameter
    protected function getMinParameter(): int
        return 2;

     * Get the platforms accepted.
     * @since 2.0 This function replace the protected property platforms.
     * @since 5.0 This function returns the class-string[] instead of string[]
     * @return class-string[] a non-empty array of accepted platforms
    protected function getPlatforms(): array
        return [MySQLPlatform::class];