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# Auditor-v1 client-example-springboot

## Configurations
Refer `client-spring-boot-starter`'s README.md for detailed configuration list.

## Running locally
All the below commands are supposed to be executed inside `client-example-springboot` directory
This example uses containers behind the scene to spin up kafka and zookeeper containers.
You can run the containers by executing either of the following commands:
#### Using docker:
docker compose up -d
#### Using lima-vm:
lima nerdctl compose up -d
Once the containers are up you can run the Example applications.<br/>
For java, run: [PriceApplication.java](./src/main/java/fooprice/PriceApplication.java)<br/>
For kotlin, run: [ItemApplication.kt](./src/main/kotlin/foo/ItemApplication.kt)

Above examples, will publish both `audit` and `log` information to `auditTopic` in kafka. To view the results in kafka,
you can use any available kafka explorers tool. For purpose of this readme, we will rely on [kafka drop](https://github.com/obsidiandynamics/kafdrop).
Once you have the kafka drop ready and installed in your system, you can view the audit results by checking the `auditTopic` in kafka.