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Integrating Bootstrap-looking form controls with Simple Form.

## Installation

 1. Add to your application's Gemfile: `gem 'simple_form-bootstrap'`. The following types of
    input controls are supported, so long they are properly installed in your application. Ensure
    that the control is included in your `application.js` _before_ the Simple Form-Bootstrap

    1. If you want to use Date/Time pickers, install the `bootstrap3-datetimepicker-rails` gem.
    2. If you want to use the nicely styled Bootstrap Select picker, install the
       `bootstrap-select-rails` gem.
    3. If you want to use the Token picker, you need to
       1. Install the `bootstrap_tokenfield_rails` and `twitter-typeahead-rails` gems.
       2. Require `twitter/typeahead` and `bootstrap-tokenfield` in that order in `application.js`.
       3. Require `tokenfield-typeahead` and `bootstrap-tokenfield` in that order in
       4. These extra `@extend`s are needed for Typeahead.js 0.11:
          .tt-menu {
            @extend .tt-dropdown-menu;
          .tt-suggestion.tt-selectable:hover {
            @extend .tt-suggestion.tt-cursor;

 2. Add to your application's javascript: `//= require simple_form-bootstrap`
 3. Empty the Simple Form initializer:
    # config/initializers/simple_form.rb
    # Use this setup block to configure all options available in SimpleForm.
    SimpleForm.setup do |config|

    1. You can still put configuration settings in, but it should no longer be necessary.

 4. Restart your development server.

## Features

 1. It adds the appropriate button styling to all buttons. By default, the `btn` and `btn-default`
    styles are added to all buttons. Submit buttons get `btn-primary` instead of `btn-default`.
 2. It allows `submit` buttons to accept blocks. When a block is specified, the submit button will
    use a \<button> tag instead of an \<input> tag.