
Test Coverage
rant Changelog

Version 0.5
- Overhaul code to be be easier to test
- 100% test coverage
- Some CLI commands renamed (See docs)
- Added pypy2/3 and python 2.7 support
- Hashed dependencies now included for pip 8.1.2+
- Include a livereload development server: `rant serve`

Version 0.2.3
- Fix 'clever' magic that broke pip install

Version 0.2.2
- Start signing releases

Version 0.2.1
- Maintenance release to deal with some bit-rot

Version 0.2.0
- Works for Me™ release.
- Used to maintain real-world blog
- posting/commenting/templating all working
- Still some rough edges. Don't use this for anything important.

Version 0.1.0
- Initial release.