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class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
    # Use project as a rolify resource

    # Associate projects their owners
    belongs_to :owner, class_name: 'User'

    # Associate projects to their members and tasks
    has_many :tasks, dependent: :destroy

    # Each project has some tasks
    # Each task is a small thing that should be done in the project and must belongs to one
    validates_associated :tasks
    # Enable nested_form gem to work well
    accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true

    # Attach image to a project
    has_attached_file :image_file, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/images/:style/missing.png"
    # Check if the image file's name is valid
    validates_attachment_content_type :image_file, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/

    # Impossible to create a task without a title
    validates(:title, presence:true)
    TITLE_MAX_LENGTH = 60 # Characters
    TITLE_MIN_LENGTH = 3  # Characters
    validates(:title, length: { in: TITLE_MIN_LENGTH...TITLE_MAX_LENGTH })

    # Impossible to create a task without a description
    validates(:description, presence: true)
    DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH = 10000 # Characters
    DESCRIPTION_MIN_LENGTH = 200 # Characters
    validates(:description, length: { in: DESCRIPTION_MIN_LENGTH...DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH })

    # Impossible to create a project without difficult setting
    validates(:percentage, presence: true)
    # Accept only numbers for difficult
    validates(:percentage, numericality: { only_integer: true })
    # Percentage values should not be out of range (0%,100%)
    validates_inclusion_of(:percentage, in: 0...100)

    # Impossible to create a project without a level
    validates(:level, presence: true)
    # Only 3 types of level are permitted
    PERMITTED_LEVELS = %w(Easy Medium Hard)
    validates(:level, inclusion: PERMITTED_LEVELS)

    # Impossible to create a project without a category
    validates(:category, presence: true)
    PERMITTED_CATEGORIES = %w(Art Tecnology Musical Education Toy)
    validates(:category, inclusion: PERMITTED_CATEGORIES)

    # Impossible to create a project without a status
    validates(:status, presence: true)
    # Only 3 types of level are permitted
    PERMITTED_STATUS = %w(Active Planning Stopped Finished)
    validates(:status, inclusion: PERMITTED_STATUS)

      where("title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR level LIKE ? OR category LIKE ? OR \
            status LIKE ?", "%#{search}%","%#{search}%","%#{search}%","%#{search}%", "%#{search}%") 
