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from configparser import ConfigParser
from pathlib import Path
from import Storage

_HOME_PATH = str(Path.home())
_BAKER_PATH = _HOME_PATH + '/.baker'
_BAKERC_PATH = _HOME_PATH + '/.bakerc'

_default_values = {
    # DEBUG mode is False as default, it can be change in config file.
    # Using option --verbose in command line DEBUG change to true.
    'DEBUG': False,

    # Encode of files and secrets
    'ENCODING': 'utf-8',

    # This method transforms option names on every read, get, or set operation.
    # The default config keys are case insensitive. E.g. True -> for case sensitive.

    # Repository url including protocol http/https and domain until the root folder.
    'REPOSITORY': None,

    # Type of repository to use some pattern that is know like: 'github' or 'bitbucket'.
    # Pattern can be customized setting it as 'custom' and filling REPOSITORY_CUSTOM_PATTERN config.

    # Authorization to read files from repository. This value is set as a header.
    # For basic the value must be encode in base 64. E.g.: 'Basic YmFrZXI6YmFrZXJjbQ=='

    # Customization of repository access the instructions with configurations.
    # To build pattern use variables to build url to access config in a remote repository.
    # E.g.: '%(repository)s/%(path)s.%(ext)s/%(version)s'

    # Absolute path to store instructions when downloaded via baker
    'STORAGE_RECIPE': _BAKER_PATH + '/recipes/',

    # Absolute path to store index of instructions when downloaded via baker

    # Absolute path to store meta of instructions when downloaded via baker

    # Absolute path to store baker key to use secret values
    'STORAGE_KEY_PATH': _BAKER_PATH + '/baker.key',

    # Absolute path to store templates when downloaded via baker
    'STORAGE_TEMPLATES': _BAKER_PATH + '/templates/',

    # Extension for template files. Set 'None' to disable replacement of template name.
    'TEMPLATE_EXT': 'tpl',

def get(key):
    Get setting value from kwy
    return values()[key]

def load(**kwargs):
    Initial load of settings for running
    BAKER_SETTINGS = _default_values


    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        values()[key] = value

def values(custom_only=False):
    List of settings custom and defaults
    if custom_only and Path(_BAKERC_PATH).is_file():
        lines = Storage.file(_BAKERC_PATH).split('\n')
        configs = {}

        for line in lines:
            if line:
                key, val = line.split('=')
                configs[key] = val
        return configs
    return globals()['BAKER_SETTINGS']

def _load_bakerc():
    Load settings from bakerc file
    def convert_if_bool(string):
        lower_str = string.lower()
        if lower_str in ('true', 'false'):
            return lower_str == 'true'
        return string

    if Path(_BAKERC_PATH).is_file():
        parser = ConfigParser()
        Storage.parser(_BAKERC_PATH, parser, chain_items=("[DEFAULT]",))

        for key, value in parser.defaults().items():
            upper_key = key.upper()
            if upper_key not in values():
                raise AttributeError(
                    "Setting '{0}' at '{1}' is not supported".format(upper_key, _BAKERC_PATH)
            values()[upper_key] = convert_if_bool(value)