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Test Coverage
# MongoBrowser

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Simple but powerful tool for managing mongodb databases

Install the gem:

    gem install mongo_browser

## Usage

Run the application

    mongo_browser start

Application will be available by default at http://localhost:5678
In order to run it on custom port number pass the `--port` option with selected port.

## Getting started with the development

bundle install
sudo npm install -g grunt grunt-cli karma

The main goal of this project is to achieve the highest testability with 100% code coverage. 

In order to execute rspec scenarios for backend just execute:

    rspec spec

### Running frontend specs

#### Inside the console

* `./script/ci_javascript` will execute jasmine specs
* `./script/ci_e2e` will execute angularjs e2e scenarios

#### Inside the browser

Run thin in the test environment:

     thin start -R -e test -p 3001

     foreman start

Navigate to the one of the following url:

* [http://localhost:3001/jasmine](http://localhost:3001/jasmine) will execute jasmine specs
* [http://localhost:3001/e2e](http://localhost:3001/e2e) will execute angularjs e2e scenarios

### Continuous integration

All specs (backend + frontend) could be executed with the following command `./script/ci_all`

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

This software is licensed under the MIT License.