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namespace Omnipay\Pesapal;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Omnipay\Common\AbstractGateway;
use Omnipay\Pesapal\OAuth\OAuthConsumer;
use Omnipay\Pesapal\OAuth\OAuthException;
use Omnipay\Pesapal\OAuth\OAuthRequest;
use Omnipay\Pesapal\OAuth\OAuthSignatureMethod_Hmac_Sha1;
use SimpleXMLElement;

 * @method authorize(array $options = array())
 * @method completeAuthorize(array $options = array())
 * @method capture(array $options = array())
 * @method purchase(array $options = array())
 * @method completePurchase(array $options = array())
 * @method refund(array $options = array())
 * @method void(array $options = array())
 * @method createCard(array $options = array())
 * @method updateCard(array $options = array())
 * @method deleteCard(array $options = array())
class Gateway extends AbstractGateway
    const XMLNS = '';
    const PROD_DOMAIN = '';
    const DEBUG_DOMAIN = '';

     * @return string
    public function getName()
        return 'Pesapal';

     * @param string $key
     * @param string $secret
     * @return Gateway
    public function setCredentials(
        string $key,
        string $secret
    ): self {
        return $this->setParameter('key', $key)
            ->setParameter('secret', $secret);

     * @return string
    public function getKey(): string
        return $this->getParameter('key');

     * @return string
    public function getSecret(): string
        return $this->getParameter('secret');

     * @return Gateway
    public function setDebug(): self
        return $this->setParameter('debug', true);

     * @return bool
    public function getDebug(): bool
        return $this->getParameter('debug') ?? false;

     * @param string $callbackUrl
     * @return Gateway
    public function setCallbackUrl(string $callbackUrl): self
        return $this->setParameter('callbackUrl', $callbackUrl);

     * @return string
    public function getCallbackUrl(): string
        return $this->getParameter('callbackUrl');

     * @param string      $email
     * @param string      $reference
     * @param string      $description
     * @param float       $amount
     * @param string|null $currency
     * @param string      $type
     * @param string|null $firstName
     * @param string|null $lastName
     * @param string|null $phoneNumber
     * @return string
    public function getIframeSrc(
        string $email,
        string $reference,
        string $description,
        float $amount,
        string $currency = null,
        string $type = 'MERCHANT',
        string $firstName = null,
        string $lastName = null,
        string $phoneNumber = null
    ): string {
        $xmlPayload = $this
                    'Email'       => $email,
                    'Reference'   => $reference,
                    'Description' => $description,
                    'Amount'      => $amount,
                    'Currency'    => $currency,
                    'Type'        => $type,
                    'FirstName'   => $firstName,
                    'LastName'    => $lastName,
                    'PhoneNumber' => $phoneNumber,
                    'xmlns'       => $this::XMLNS,
                new SimpleXMLElement('<PesapalDirectOrderInfo/>')

        return (string) $this->getIframeRequest($xmlPayload);

     * @return OAuthConsumer
    protected function getConsumer(): OAuthConsumer
        return new OAuthConsumer(

     * @param string $xmlPayload
     * @return OAuthRequest
    protected function getIframeRequest(
        string $xmlPayload
    ): OAuthRequest {
        $consumer = $this->getConsumer();
        //post transaction to pesapal
        $iframeRequest = OAuthRequest::getRequest(
        $iframeRequest->set_parameter('oauth_callback', $this->getCallbackUrl());
        $iframeRequest->set_parameter('pesapal_request_data', $xmlPayload);
        $iframeRequest->sign_request(new OAuthSignatureMethod_Hmac_Sha1(), $consumer);

        return $iframeRequest;

     * Process the pin message frmo pesapal,
     * this will query the pesapal api and
     * return a transaction status.
     * @param string $type
     * @param string $id
     * @param string $reference
     * @throws OAuthException
     * @return string
    public function getTransactionStatus(
        string $type,
        string $id,
        string $reference
    ): string {
        $response = null;
        if (
            $type == 'CHANGE'
            && !empty($id)
        ) {
            // get transaction status
            $statusRequest = OAuthRequest::getRequest(
            $statusRequest->set_parameter('pesapal_merchant_reference', $reference);
            $statusRequest->set_parameter('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id', $id);
            $statusRequest->sign_request(new OAuthSignatureMethod_Hmac_Sha1(), $this->getConsumer());

            $client = new Client();
            $response = $client
                    new Request(
                        (string) $statusRequest

            if (!$response) {
                throw new OAuthException($response);

        return $this->transformResponse($response);

     * @param array            $array
     * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
     * @return SimpleXMLElement
    private function arrayToXml(array $array, SimpleXMLElement $xml)
        foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
                ? $this->arrayToXml($value, $xml->addChild($key))
                : $xml->addChild($key, $value);

        return $xml;

     * @return string
    protected function getApiDomain(): string
        return $this->getDebug()
            ? $this::DEBUG_DOMAIN
            : $this::PROD_DOMAIN;

     * @param $response
     * @return string
    protected function transformResponse($response): string
        return 'COMPLETED';