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Test Coverage
    author = {{L. D. Whalley}},
    year   = {2018},
    Publisher = {Zenodo},
    url = {},
    Title = {{effmass: An effective mass calculator}}

    author = {A. Fornari, C. Sutton},
    year = {2012},
    Title = {Effective Mass Calculator},
    Publisher = {GitHub},
    Url = {},

  author       = {{B. Morgan}},
  title        = {{vasppy: A Python suite for manipulating VASP input and output}},
  year         = 2018,
  url          = {},
  Publisher = {Zenodo}

author =   {N. W. Ashcroft, N. D. Mermin},
title =    {{Solid State Physics}},
publisher =    {Saunders College},
year =   {1976},
page = {227},

author    = {V. Ariel, A. Natan},
title     = {{Effective mass and the Energy-Mass relationship}},
year      = {2012},
url    = {},
publisher = {{arXiv}}

title = "Band structure of indium antimonide",
journal = "Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids",
volume = "1",
number = "4",
pages = "249 - 261",
year = "1957",
issn = "0022-3697",
url = "",
author = {{E. O. Kane}}

title = "Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen): A robust, open-source python library for materials analysis",
journal = "Computational Materials Science",
volume = "68",
pages = "314 - 319",
year = "2013",
issn = "0927-0256",
url = "",
author = "S. P. Ong and W. D. Richards and A. Jain and G. Hautier and M. Kocher and S. Cholia and D. Gunter and V. L. Chevrier and K. A. Persson and G. Ceder",
keywords = "Materials, Project, Design, Thermodynamics, High-throughput"