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                        <span>VueJs Carousel</span>
                        <small><img src="" alt="VueJs Version"></small>
                        <small><img src="" alt="Part of Awesome VueJs"></small>
                    <h2 class="subtitle">Easy to use VueJS component for Photo galleries, built with VueJS and web standards in mind</h2>

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                    <h1>VueJs Carousel</h1>
                    <p>VueJs Carousel is a photo gallery system that has two main components a <code>Photos</code> components that fetches the photos from a json request
                    and renders them within a list and a <code>Theater</code> component used to display the full size of any selected photo from the gallery. The code is
                        developed by following <code>ECMA Script 2016</code> standards and is hosted on <strong>Github</strong>. Feel free to try this component and help me
                    improving it by submitting issues or pull requests.</p>

                    <h2>How to install</h2>
                        <li>Run <code>npm install vuejs-carousel --save</code></li>
                        <li>Include the Carousel component in your script</li>
                        <li>Use the two components <code>Photos</code> and <code>Theater</code> inside your page</li>
                        <li>Remember to attach a source to the <code>Photos</code> component</li>

                    <h2>Live Example</h2>
                    <p>This live example uses <strong>JSON array</strong> from <strong>Mockaroo</strong> all thumbnails are 150x150 pixels and all the
                        original images are 800x600 pixels. You can grab the current JSON schema of the example <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">on Mockaroo</a></p>
                    <photos source=""></photos>

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                        <strong>VueJs Carousel</strong> by <a href="">Ludo237</a>. The source code is licensed
                        <a href="">MIT</a>. The website content is powered by <strong>Bulma</strong>
                        and is licensed <a href="">CC ANS 4.0</a>.
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