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Test Coverage
package bus

import (


// ErrCancelled is returned when the call was cancelled.
var ErrCancelled = errors.New("Cancelled")

// Client represents a client connection to a service.
type Client interface {

    // Call initiates a remote procedure call. If cancel is
    // closed, the call is cancelled. cancel can be nil.
    // ErrCancelled is returned if the call was cancelled.
    Call(cancel <-chan struct{}, serviceID, objectID, methodID uint32, payload []byte) ([]byte, error)

    // Subscribe registers to a signal or a property. Returns a
    // cancel callback, a channel to receive the payload and an
    // error.
    Subscribe(serviceID, objectID, actionID uint32) (cancel func(), events chan []byte, err error)

    // OnDisconnect registers a callback which is called when the
    // network connection is closed. If the closure of the network
    // connection is initiated by the remote side, a non nil error
    // is passed to the call back. A nil callback returns nil.
    OnDisconnect(cb func(error)) error

    // Signal state machine: count the number of subscription to a
    // given signal in order to mutualize the calls to
    // RegisterEvent and UnregisterEvent.
    State(signal string, increment int) int

    // returns the underlying channel
    Channel() Channel

// Proxy represents a reference to a remote service. It allows to
// call methods and subscribe signals.
type Proxy interface {
    // CallID send a call message.
    // ErrCancelled is returned if the call was cancelled.
    CallID(action uint32, payload []byte) ([]byte, error)

    // Call is the remote procedure call primitive. It searches
    // for a method with a signature compatible with args and fill
    // resp with the response from the call.
    Call2(method string, args Params, resp Response) error

    // SubscribeID returns a channel with the values of a
    // signal. Subscribe calls RegisterEvent and UnregisterEvent on
    // behalf of the user.
    SubscribeID(action uint32) (cancel func(), events chan []byte, err error)

    // MetaObject can be used to introspect the proyx.
    MetaObject() *object.MetaObject

    // ServiceID returns the related service identifier
    ServiceID() uint32
    // ServiceID returns object identifier within the service
    // namespace.
    ObjectID() uint32

    // WithContext returns a Proxy with a lifespan associated with the
    // context. It can be used for deadline and canceallations.
    WithContext(ctx context.Context) Proxy

    // OnDisconnect registers a callback which is called when the
    // network connection is closed. If the closure of the network
    // connection is initiated by the remote side, a non nil error
    // is passed to the call back. A nil callback returns nil.
    OnDisconnect(cb func(error)) error

    // ProxyService returns a reference to a remote service which can be used
    // to create client side objects.
    ProxyService(s Session) Service

// Session represents a connection to a bus: it is used to instanciate
// proxies to services and create new services.
type Session interface {
    Proxy(name string, objectID uint32) (Proxy, error)
    Object(ref object.ObjectReference) (Proxy, error)
    Terminate() error

// Server represents a local server. A server can provide with clients
// already connected.
type Server interface {
    // NewService register a new service to the service directory.
    NewService(name string, object Actor) (Service, error)
    // Session returns a local session object which can be used to
    // access the server without authentication.
    Session() Session
    // Terminate stops the server.
    Terminate() error
    // Returns a channel to wait for the server terminaison.
    WaitTerminate() chan error

    // Client returns a direct Client.
    Client() Client

// Namespace is used by a server to register new services. It allows
// custom name resolution. An implementation connects to the
// servide directory. Custom implementation is possible to allow
// interroperability with various naming services.
type Namespace interface {
    Reserve(name string) (uint32, error)
    Remove(serviceID uint32) error
    Enable(serviceID uint32) error
    Resolve(name string) (uint32, error)
    Session(s Server) Session