

1 hr
Test Coverage
package net

import (
    gonet "net"



// Filter returns true if given message shall be processed by a
// Consumer. Returns two values:
// - matched: true if the message should be processed by the Consumer.
// - keep: true if the handler shall be kept in the dispatcher.
type Filter func(hdr *Header) (matched bool, keep bool)

// Consumer process a message which has been selected by a filter.
type Consumer func(msg *Message) error

// Closer informs the handler about a disconnection
type Closer func(err error)

// EndPoint reprensents a network socket capable of sending and
// receiving messages.
type EndPoint interface {

    // Send pushes the message into the network.
    Send(m Message) error

    // ReceiveAny returns a chanel to receive a single message.
    ReceiveAny() (chan *Message, error)

    // MakeHandler registers the associated Filter and queue to
    // the incomming traffic from the EndPoint. Writing to the
    // queue must not block otherwise messages are discarded. If
    // an error occurs, closer is called, the consumer is closed.
    // closer can be nil. Do not attempt to add another handler
    // from within a Filter. Filter must not block.
    MakeHandler(f Filter, queue chan<- *Message, cl Closer) int

    // AddHandler creates a queue of 10 messages and spawn a
    // goroutine to forward those events into the consumer, then
    // calls MakeHandler. Do not attempt to add another handler
    // from within a Filter. Filter must not block.
    AddHandler(f Filter, c Consumer, cl Closer) int

    // RemoveHandler removes the associated Filter and Consumer.
    // RemoveHandler must not be called from within the Filter: use
    // the Filter returned value keep for this purpose.
    RemoveHandler(id int) error

    // Close close the underlying connection
    Close() error

// Handler represents a client of a incomming message stream. It
// contains a filter used to decided if the message shall be sent to
// the handler, consumer will receive the messages in order of
// arrival. If an error occurs, closer is called, then the consumer
// is closed.
type Handler struct {
    filter   Filter
    consumer chan<- *Message
    closer   Closer

// NewHandler returns an Handler: f is call on each incomming message,
// c is called if f returns true. cl is always called when the handler
// is effectively closed.
func NewHandler(f Filter, ch chan<- *Message, cl Closer) *Handler {
    h := &Handler{
        filter:   f,
        consumer: ch,
        closer:   cl,
    return h

// closeWith call the closer callback and then close the consumer.
// TODO: update API to call closer only on error.
func (h *Handler) closeWith(err error) {
    if h.closer != nil {

type endPoint struct {
    stream        Stream
    handlers      []*Handler
    handlersMutex sync.Mutex

// EndPointFinalizer creates a new EndPoint and let you process it
// before it start handling messages. This allows you to add handler
// or/and avoid data races.
func EndPointFinalizer(stream Stream, finalizer func(EndPoint)) EndPoint {
    e := &endPoint{
        stream:   stream,
        handlers: make([]*Handler, 10),
    go e.process()
    return e

// NewEndPoint returns an EndPoint which already process incomming
// messages. Since no handler have been register at the time of the
// creation of the EndPoint, any message receive will be droped until
// and Handler is registered. Prefer EndPointFinalizer for a safe way
// to construct EndPoint.
func NewEndPoint(stream Stream) EndPoint {
    e := &endPoint{
        stream:   stream,
        handlers: make([]*Handler, 10),
    go e.process()
    return e

// ConnEndPoint returns an EndPoint using a go connection.
func ConnEndPoint(conn gonet.Conn) EndPoint {
    return NewEndPoint(ConnStream(conn))

func dialUNIX(name string) (EndPoint, error) {
    conn, err := gonet.Dial("unix", name)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to connect unix socket "%s": %s`,
            name, err)
    return ConnEndPoint(conn), nil

func dialTCP(addr string) (EndPoint, error) {
    conn, err := gonet.Dial("tcp", addr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("connect %s: %s", addr, err)
    return ConnEndPoint(conn), nil

// dialTLS connects regardless of the certificate.
func dialTLS(addr string) (EndPoint, error) {
    conf := &tls.Config{
        InsecureSkipVerify: true,
    conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", addr, conf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("connect %s: %s", addr, err)
    return ConnEndPoint(conn), nil

// dialPipe connects a unix socket and echange file descriptors to
// communiate.
func dialPipe(name string) (EndPoint, error) {

    addr := gonet.UnixAddr{
        Name: name,
        Net:  "unix",
    conn, err := gonet.DialUnix("unix", nil, &addr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to connect unix socket "%s": %s`,
            name, err)
    r, w, err := os.Pipe()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    err = fd.Put(conn, r)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    fds, err := fd.Get(conn, 1, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if len(fds) != 1 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing fd")
    return NewEndPoint(PipeStream(fds[0], w)), nil

// KeyNetContext represents an entry in the sream context.
type KeyNetContext uint32

const (
    // DialAddress is the addressed dialed.
    DialAddress KeyNetContext = iota
    // ListenAddress is the addressed listen.

// DialEndPoint construct an endpoint by contacting a given address.
func DialEndPoint(addr string) (EndPoint, error) {
    u, err := url.Parse(addr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial: invalid address: %s", err)
    switch u.Scheme {
    case "tcp":
        return dialTCP(u.Host)
    case "tcps":
        return dialTLS(u.Host)
    case "unix":
        return dialUNIX(strings.TrimPrefix(addr, "unix://"))
    case "pipe":
        return dialPipe(strings.TrimPrefix(addr, "pipe://"))
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown URL scheme: %s", addr)

// Send post a message to the other side of the endpoint.
func (e *endPoint) Send(m Message) error {
    return m.Write(e.stream)

// closeWith close all handler
func (e *endPoint) closeWith(err error) error {

    ret := e.stream.Close()

    defer e.handlersMutex.Unlock()

    for id, handler := range e.handlers {
        if handler != nil {
            go handler.closeWith(err)
            e.handlers[id] = nil
    return ret

// Close wait for a message to be received.
func (e *endPoint) Close() error {
    return e.closeWith(nil)

// RemoveHandler unregister the associated Filter and Consumer.
// WARNING: RemoveHandler must not be called from within the Filter or
// the Consumer.
func (e *endPoint) RemoveHandler(id int) error {
    defer e.handlersMutex.Unlock()
    if id >= 0 && id < len(e.handlers) && e.handlers[id] != nil {
        e.handlers[id] = nil
        return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("invalid handler id: %d", id)

// AddDirectHandler register the associated Filter and Consumer to the
// EndPoint.
func (e *endPoint) MakeHandler(f Filter, queue chan<- *Message, cl Closer) int {
    newHandler := NewHandler(f, queue, cl)
    defer e.handlersMutex.Unlock()
    for i, handler := range e.handlers {
        if handler == nil {
            e.handlers[i] = newHandler
            return i
    e.handlers = append(e.handlers, newHandler)
    return len(e.handlers) - 1

// AddHandler register the associated Filter and Consumer to the
// EndPoint. A goroutine associated with a queue of 10 messages is
// created.
func (e *endPoint) AddHandler(f Filter, c Consumer, cl Closer) int {
    ch := make(chan *Message, 10)
    go func() {
        for msg := range ch {
            err := c(msg)
            if err != nil {
                log.Printf("consumer: %s", err)
    return e.MakeHandler(f, ch, cl)

// ErrNoMatch is returned when the message did not match any handler
var ErrNoMatch = errors.New("message dropped: no handler match")

// ErrConsumerBlocked is returned when the message cannot be sent to the
// consumer queue (the queue is full).
var ErrConsumerBlocked = errors.New("message dropped: consumer blocked")

// ErrNoHandler is returned when there is no handler registered.
var ErrNoHandler = errors.New("message dropped: no handler registered")

// dispatch requests each handler if it match the message, if so it
// sends it to the handler queue. If no handler is registered, it
// returns ErrNoHandler and if no handler match the message it returns
// ErrNoMatch.
func (e *endPoint) dispatch(msg *Message) error {
    defer e.handlersMutex.Unlock()
    if len(e.handlers) == 0 {
        return ErrNoHandler
    ret := ErrNoMatch
    for i, h := range e.handlers {
        if h == nil {
        matched, keep := h.filter(&msg.Header)
        if matched {
            select {
            case h.consumer <- msg:
                if ret == ErrNoMatch {
                    ret = nil
                ret = ErrConsumerBlocked
                if msg.Header.Type == Call {
                    hdr := NewHeader(Error,
                    var buf bytes.Buffer
                    val := value.String(ret.Error())
                    e.Send(NewMessage(hdr, buf.Bytes()))
        if !keep {
            e.handlers[i] = nil
    return ret

// process read all messages from the end point and dispatch them one
// by one.
func (e *endPoint) process() {
    var err error

    for {
        msg := new(Message)
        err = msg.Read(e.stream)
        if err != nil {
        err = e.dispatch(msg)
        if err != nil {
            if msg.Header.Type == Error {
                log.Printf("%s: %v, %s", err, msg.Header,
            } else {
                log.Printf("%s: %v", err, msg.Header)

// ReceiveAny returns a chanel to receive one message. If the
// connection close, the chanel is closed.
func (e *endPoint) ReceiveAny() (chan *Message, error) {
    filter := func(hdr *Header) (matched bool, keep bool) {
        return true, false
    consumer := make(chan *Message, 1)
    e.MakeHandler(filter, consumer, nil)
    return consumer, nil

func (e *endPoint) String() string {
    return e.stream.String()

// Pipe returns a set of EndPoint connected to each other.
func Pipe() (EndPoint, EndPoint) {
    a, b := gonet.Pipe()
    return ConnEndPoint(a), ConnEndPoint(b)