

2 hrs
Test Coverage
package bus

import (


// ErrWrongObjectID is returned when a method argument is given the
// wrong object ID.
var ErrWrongObjectID = errors.New("Wrong object ID")

// ErrNotYetImplemented is returned when a feature is not yet
// implemented.
var ErrNotYetImplemented = errors.New("Not supported")

func (s *stubObject) UpdateSignal(signal uint32, data []byte) error {
    return s.signal.UpdateSignal(signal, data)

func (s *stubObject) UpdateProperty(id uint32, sig string, data []byte) error {
    objImpl, ok := (s.impl).(*objectImpl)
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("unexpected implementation")
    prop, ok := objImpl.meta.Properties[id]
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("missing property (%d), %#v", id,
    err := objImpl.onPropertyChange(prop.Name, data)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    newValue := value.Opaque(sig, data)
    err = objImpl.saveProperty(prop.Name, newValue)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return s.signal.UpdateProperty(id, sig, data)

type objectImpl struct {
    signalHandler    *signalHandler
    meta             object.MetaObject
    onPropertyChange func(string, []byte) error
    objectID         uint32
    signal           ObjectSignalHelper
    properties       map[string]value.Value
    propertiesMutex  sync.RWMutex
    terminate        func()
    stats            map[uint32]MethodStatistics
    statsMutex       sync.RWMutex
    statsEnabled     bool
    traceEnabled     bool
    nextTrace        uint32

// NewBasicObject returns an BasicObject which implements Actor. It
// handles all the generic methods and signals common to all objects.
// onPropertyChange is called each time a property is udpated.
func NewBasicObject(obj Actor, meta object.MetaObject,
    onPropertyChange func(string, []byte) error) BasicObject {

    impl := &objectImpl{
        meta:             object.FullMetaObject(meta),
        onPropertyChange: onPropertyChange,
        signalHandler:    newSignalHandler(),
        properties:       make(map[string]value.Value),
        stats:            make(map[uint32]MethodStatistics),

    for uid, _ := range impl.meta.Methods {
        var m MethodStatistics
        impl.stats[uid] = m

    return &stubObject{
        impl:   impl,
        obj:    obj,
        signal: impl.signalHandler,

func (o *objectImpl) Activate(activation Activation,
    signal ObjectSignalHelper) error {

    o.signal = signal
    o.objectID = activation.ObjectID
    o.terminate = activation.Terminate

    return nil

func (o *objectImpl) OnTerminate() {

func (o *objectImpl) RegisterEvent(msg *net.Message, from Channel) error {

    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(msg.Payload)
    _, err := basic.ReadUint32(buf)
    if err == nil {
        signalID, err := basic.ReadUint32(buf)
        if err == nil && signalID == 0x56 {

    return o.signalHandler.RegisterEvent(msg, from)

func (o *objectImpl) UnregisterEvent(msg *net.Message, from Channel) error {
    return o.signalHandler.UnregisterEvent(msg, from)

func (o *objectImpl) MetaObject(objectID uint32) (object.MetaObject, error) {
    // remote objects don't know their real object id.
    if objectID != 0 && o.objectID < (1<<31) && objectID != o.objectID {
        return o.meta, ErrWrongObjectID
    return o.meta, nil

func (o *objectImpl) Terminate(objectID uint32) error {
    // remote objects don't know their real object id.
    if objectID != 0 && o.objectID < (1<<31) && objectID != o.objectID {
        return ErrWrongObjectID
    return nil

func (o *objectImpl) Property(name value.Value) (value.Value, error) {
    stringValue, ok := name.(value.StringValue)
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("property name must be a string value")
    nameStr := stringValue.Value()
    defer o.propertiesMutex.RUnlock()
    val, ok := o.properties[nameStr]
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("property unknown: %s, %#v", nameStr,
    return val, nil

func (o *objectImpl) SetProperty(name value.Value, newValue value.Value) error {
    var nameStr string
    stringValue, ok := name.(value.StringValue)
    if ok {
        nameStr = stringValue.Value()
    } else {
        idValue, ok := name.(value.UintValue)
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("incorrect name type")
        property, ok := o.meta.Properties[idValue.Value()]
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf(
                "incorrect property id value, got %d",
        nameStr = property.Name
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    err := newValue.Write(&buf)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot write value: %s", err)
    sig, err := basic.ReadString(&buf)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid signature: %s", err)
    data := buf.Bytes()
    err = o.onPropertyChange(nameStr, data)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = o.saveProperty(nameStr, newValue)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    id, err := o.meta.PropertyID(nameStr, newValue.Signature())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot set property: %s", err)
    return o.signalHandler.UpdateProperty(id, sig, data)

func (o *objectImpl) saveProperty(name string, newValue value.Value) error {
    defer o.propertiesMutex.Unlock()
    o.properties[name] = newValue
    return nil

func (o *objectImpl) Properties() ([]string, error) {
    properties := make([]string, 0)
    defer o.propertiesMutex.RUnlock()
    for property := range o.properties {
        properties = append(properties, property)
    return properties, nil

func (o *objectImpl) RegisterEventWithSignature(objectID uint32,
    actionID uint32, handler uint64, P3 string) (uint64, error) {
    return 0, fmt.Errorf("Not yet implemented")

func (o *objectImpl) IsStatsEnabled() (bool, error) {
    return o.statsEnabled, nil

func (m MethodStatistics) updateWith(t time.Duration) MethodStatistics {
    duration := float32(t.Seconds())
    m.Wall.CumulatedValue += duration
    if m.Wall.MinValue == 0 || duration < m.Wall.MinValue {
        m.Wall.MinValue = duration
    if duration > m.Wall.MaxValue {
        m.Wall.MaxValue = duration
    return m

func (o *objectImpl) EnableStats(enabled bool) error {
    o.statsEnabled = enabled
    return nil

func (o *objectImpl) Stats() (map[uint32]MethodStatistics, error) {
    defer o.statsMutex.Unlock()
    stats := make(map[uint32]MethodStatistics)
    for id, stat := range o.stats {
        stats[id] = stat
    return stats, nil

func (o *objectImpl) ClearStats() error {
    defer o.statsMutex.Unlock()
    o.stats = make(map[uint32]MethodStatistics)
    for uid, _ := range o.meta.Methods {
        var m MethodStatistics
        o.stats[uid] = m
    return nil

func (o *objectImpl) IsTraceEnabled() (bool, error) {
    return o.traceEnabled, nil

func (o *objectImpl) EnableTrace(enable bool) error {
    o.traceEnabled = enable
    return nil

// Tracer records the arrival or departure of the message.
type Tracer interface {
    Trace(msg *net.Message, id uint32)

func findSignature(msg *net.Message, meta *object.MetaObject) string {
    if msg.Header.Type == net.Call ||
        msg.Header.Type == net.Post ||
        msg.Header.Type == net.Reply {
        m, ok := meta.Methods[msg.Header.Action]
        if !ok {
            return "X"
        if msg.Header.Type == net.Reply {
            return m.ReturnSignature
        return m.ParametersSignature
    } else if msg.Header.Type == net.Event {
        s, ok := meta.Signals[msg.Header.Action]
        if ok {
            return s.Signature
        p, ok := meta.Properties[msg.Header.Action]
        if ok {
            return p.Signature
    return "X"

func (o *objectImpl) Trace(msg *net.Message, id uint32) {

    // do not trace traceObject signal
    if msg.Header.Action == 0x56 {

    now := time.Now()
    arguments := value.Opaque(findSignature(msg, &o.meta), msg.Payload)
    timeval := Timeval{
        Tv_sec:  int64(now.Second()),
        Tv_usec: int64(now.Nanosecond() / 1000),
    event := EventTrace{
        Id:        o.nextTrace,
        Kind:      int32(msg.Header.Type),
        SlotId:    msg.Header.Action,
        Arguments: arguments,
        Timestamp: timeval,
    err := o.signal.SignalTraceObject(event)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("trace error: %s", err)

func (o *objectImpl) updateMethodStatistics(uid uint32, d time.Duration) {
    defer o.statsMutex.Unlock()
    stat, ok := o.stats[uid]
    if ok {
        o.stats[uid] = stat.updateWith(d)

func (o *objectImpl) Tracer(msg *net.Message, from Channel) Channel {

    if o.statsEnabled {
        from = &statChannel{from, time.Now(), o}

    if !o.traceEnabled {
        return from

    traceID := o.nextTrace
    o.Trace(msg, traceID)

    return &tracedChannel{from, o, traceID}

// clientObject implements Actor. It is used to forward incomming
// messages to a remote client object.
type clientObject struct {
    serviceID uint32
    remoteID  uint32
    channel   Channel
    client    Client

// NewClientObject returns an Actor which forwards messages to a
// remote object.
// WARNING: Why this can't work correctly:
// - Pb 1: the client side does not know its public object id. this
// means for methods like MetaObject(id uint32), it can't correctly
// compare its object id with the one embedded in the payload. in
// other words: rewritting the header is not enougth for actions which
// includes the object id (ex: metaObject, terminate, register event,
// ...). Work around: do not check object id in such cases.
// - Pb 2: the client side does not know its public object id. this
// means it cannot share this id with different services. in other
// words: each time the object is shared with a service it must
// register again to this service using the 2^31 tricks.
// The obvious solution is to inform the remote object of its true
// identity. This can be done using a new method LendObjectID() uint32
// to the services: those services would dedicate an id on demand and
// route the traffic at this stage. The process would go like:
// 1. client side request the service to lend her an object id.
// 2. service allocate an id for the client and setup a route.
// 3. client side can share its "official" reference to anyone.
func NewClientObject(remoteID uint32, from Channel) Actor {
    return &clientObject{
        remoteID: remoteID,
        channel:  from,
        client:   NewClient(from),

func (c *clientObject) handleRegister(msg *net.Message, from Channel) error {
    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(msg.Payload)
    objectID, err := basic.ReadUint32(buf)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("cannot read object uid: %s", err)
        return from.SendError(msg, err)
    if objectID != c.remoteID {
        err = fmt.Errorf("invalid object ID: %d instead of %d",
            objectID, c.remoteID)
        return from.SendError(msg, err)
    signalID, err := basic.ReadUint32(buf)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("cannot read signal uid: %s", err)
        return from.SendError(msg, err)
    // FIXME: hook to the unregister message and call cancel.
    _, events, err := c.client.Subscribe(msg.Header.Service,
        c.remoteID, signalID)
    if err != nil {
        return from.SendError(msg, err)
    for event := range events {
        m := net.NewMessage(msg.Header, event)
        m.Header.Type = net.Event
        return from.Send(&m)
    return nil

func (c *clientObject) handleCall(msg *net.Message, from Channel) error {
    resp, err := c.client.Call(nil, msg.Header.Service, c.remoteID,
        msg.Header.Action, msg.Payload)
    if err != nil {
        return from.SendError(msg, err)
    return from.SendReply(msg, resp)

func (c *clientObject) Receive(msg *net.Message, from Channel) error {
    // call to RegisterEvent
    if msg.Header.Type == net.Call && msg.Header.Action == 0x0 {
        go c.handleRegister(msg, from)
        return nil
    } else if msg.Header.Type == net.Call {
        go c.handleCall(msg, from)
        return nil
    } else if msg.Header.Type == net.Post || msg.Header.Type == net.Cancel {
        msg.Header.Object = c.remoteID
        return c.channel.Send(msg)
    return from.SendError(msg, fmt.Errorf("unexpected message type: %#v", msg))
func (c *clientObject) Activate(activation Activation) error {
    c.serviceID = activation.ServiceID
    return nil

func (c *clientObject) OnTerminate() {