

2 hrs
Test Coverage
package main

import (

    asciibot ""

// Set version with:
// % go build -ldflags='-X main.version=1.0'
var version = "0.7"

var (
    infoCommand   *flaggy.Subcommand
    logCommand    *flaggy.Subcommand
    scanCommand   *flaggy.Subcommand
    proxyCommand  *flaggy.Subcommand
    stubCommand   *flaggy.Subcommand
    serverCommand *flaggy.Subcommand
    traceCommand  *flaggy.Subcommand

    serverURL   = "tcp://localhost:9559"
    serviceName = ""
    objectID    = uint32(1)
    logLevel    = uint32(5) // LogLevelVerbose
    inputFile   = ""
    outputFile  = "-"
    packageName = ""

func init() {
    description := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s",
        "an utility to explore QiMessaging",

    authDescription := "file with user and token credentials"

    infoCommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("info")
    infoCommand.Description = "Connect a server and display services info"
    infoCommand.String(&serverURL, "r", "qi-url", "server URL")
    infoCommand.String(&serviceName, "s", "service", "optional service name")
    infoCommand.String(&token.AuthFile, "a", "auth-file", authDescription)

    logCommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("log")
    logCommand.Description = "Connect a server and prints logs"
    logCommand.String(&serverURL, "r", "qi-url", "server URL")
    logCommand.String(&token.AuthFile, "a", "auth-file", authDescription)
    levelInfo := "log level, 1:fatal, 2:error, 3:warning, 4:info, 5:verbose, 6:debug"
    logCommand.UInt32(&logLevel, "l", "level", levelInfo)

    scanCommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("scan")
    scanCommand.Description =
        "Connect a server and introspect a service to generate an IDL file"
    scanCommand.String(&serverURL, "r", "qi-url", "server URL")
    scanCommand.String(&serviceName, "s", "service", "optional service name")
    scanCommand.String(&packageName, "p", "package", "package name (default: unknown)")
    scanCommand.String(&outputFile, "i", "idl", "ouput IDL file")
    scanCommand.String(&token.AuthFile, "a", "auth-file", authDescription)

    proxyCommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("proxy")
    proxyCommand.Description =
        "Parse an IDL file and generate the specialized proxy code"
    proxyCommand.String(&inputFile, "i", "idl", "input IDL file")
    proxyCommand.String(&outputFile, "o", "output", "ouput proxy file")
    proxyCommand.String(&packageName, "p", "path", "optional package name")

    stubCommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("stub")
    stubCommand.Description =
        "Parse an IDL file and generate the specialized server code"
    stubCommand.String(&inputFile, "i", "idl", "input IDL file")
    stubCommand.String(&outputFile, "o", "output", "output server stub")
    stubCommand.String(&packageName, "p", "path", "optional package name")

    serverCommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("server")
    serverCommand.Description =
        "Start a service directory and a log manager"
    serverCommand.String(&serverURL, "l", "qi-listen-url", "Listening URL")
    serverCommand.String(&token.AuthFile, "a", "auth-file", authDescription)

    traceCommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("trace")
    traceCommand.Description = "Connect a server and traces services"
    traceCommand.String(&serverURL, "r", "qi-url", "server URL")
    traceCommand.String(&serviceName, "s", "service", "optional service name")
    traceCommand.UInt32(&objectID, "o", "object", "optional object id")
    traceCommand.String(&token.AuthFile, "a", "auth-file", authDescription)

    flaggy.AttachSubcommand(infoCommand, 1)
    flaggy.AttachSubcommand(logCommand, 1)
    flaggy.AttachSubcommand(scanCommand, 1)
    flaggy.AttachSubcommand(proxyCommand, 1)
    flaggy.AttachSubcommand(stubCommand, 1)
    flaggy.AttachSubcommand(serverCommand, 1)
    flaggy.AttachSubcommand(traceCommand, 1)

    flaggy.DefaultParser.ShowHelpOnUnexpected = true

func main() {

    if infoCommand.Used {
        info(serverURL, serviceName)
    } else if scanCommand.Used {
        scan(serverURL, packageName, serviceName, outputFile)
    } else if proxyCommand.Used {
        proxy(inputFile, outputFile, packageName)
    } else if stubCommand.Used {
        stub(inputFile, outputFile, packageName)
    } else if logCommand.Used {
        logger(serverURL, logLevel)
    } else if serverCommand.Used {
    } else if traceCommand.Used {
        trace(serverURL, serviceName, objectID)
    } else {
        flaggy.DefaultParser.ShowHelpAndExit("missing command")